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According to this study assessment is the foundation of effective nursing care, improved patient

outcomes may result from any strategy that enhances such activity. Student nurses we're taught on how
to properly assess the patient ideally when in comes ro hospital settings, while on the other hand,
registered nurses are practicing on ehancing their skills base on their gain knowledge also in hospital set
up. For the registered nurses who responded to this study, time pressures and role boundaries were
barriers to conducting detailed physical assessments, while specialty roles appear to facilitate use of
particular assessment skills. The results suggest that registered nurses are not utilizing a considerable
proportion of the physical assessment skills that are currently being taught to undergraduate nursing
students within their curriculum..

not all of skill taught in school to nurses might not be applied in real situation because of the factors
that we should be considered, for example, in a busy ward or department, a nurse may not have the
time to perform a thorough respiratory assessment and may only complete inspection of factors such as
a patient's respiratory rate, depth, effort, accessory muscle use. Considering that there are unexpected
events on hospital set-up just like emergency cases which needs an immediate care to give for the
patient that may also be one of the factor why some of physical assessment are not performed
compared on school set-up wherein there is a given situation to be solve by a student nurse with all the
time to practice and master what procedure is going to be applied on it.

We can't deny the fact about such issue that we future should practice our skils to develop it and only
contented to knowledge that we gain in school.

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