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Classification of Hindu Scriptures

Hindu religious literature, the most ancient writing in the

world, is of two types:

 primary scriptures (Shruti)

 are of divine origin

 these truths were directly revealed to ancient

rishis (sages) in their deep meditations

 the highest religious authority in Hindu


 include the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sãma

and Atharva) and the Bhagavad-Gîtã

 All Hindus accept that the Vedas, a set of

sacred verses or hymns written in the Sanskrit
language around 1500 BCE, contain the truths of
their religion

 Not many Hindus have read the Vedas, so they

have their effect through their influence on other
Hindu scriptures.

 Most Hindus revere the Bhagavad-Gîtã (Song

of the Bhagava), written around 200 BCE -- this
book sets out, in story form, the proper way to
behave and think

 secondary scriptures (Smriti)

 are of human origin

 were written to explain the Shruti writings

and make them understandable and meaningful to
the general population
 include five distinct groups of writings:

 Itihãsas (History)

 Purãnas (Mythology)

 Dharma Shãstras (Law)

 Ãgamas & Tantras (Sectarian


 Darshanas (Philosophy)

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