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Republic of the Philippines

Regional Trial Court

Branch ___


versus CIVIL CASE NO. _________


This Judicial Affidavit / Testimony of the petitioner MR. LAKAY A.

BACNANG is being offered to prove that the respondent MRS.
be my wife.

JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT OF ______________________ Page __ of __ pages


I, MR. LAKAY A. BACNANG, of legal age, married, Filipino, a resident

of #1 Siruc Iti Manga, Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi, under oath, hereby
depose and state:


The person examining me is Atty. Carra Pangabac with address at #1

Siruc Iti Manga, Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi. The examination is being
held at the same address. I am answering his questions fully
conscious that I do so under oath and may face criminal liability for
false testimony and/or perjury.

Q1: Mr. Bacnang, do you know respondent Mrs. Bakket N. Bacnang

A1: Yes, she is my wife.

Q2: How did you first meet?

A2: We met sometime in or around 2000. We were introduced by
my sister Adingco.

Q3: What happened after you were introduced?

A3: She showed a lot of interest in me, so eventually I began to
develop feelings for her and court her.

Q4: How would you describe your courtship?

A4: It was somewhat superficial and we didn't really get to know
each other well since we didn't spend that much quality time
with each other. It didn't help that she eventually left to take
graduate studies in the Europe.

Q5: How did your relation go when she went to the Europe?
A5: I would visit her occasionally. She seemed to reciprocate my
feelings for her. We kept up our relationship until she finished
her studies.

Q6: What happened after she finished?

A6: She was hired to work in Paris, France. Sometime after that I
proposed that we should marry. She accepted.

Q7: How did you prepare for the wedding?

A7: I actually suggested that we have a pre-nuptial agreement with
complete separation of properties. I was traumatized by what

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happened in my first marriage to Umuna Ayat, when we fought
over properties. I didn't want it to happen again with Bakket.

Q8: How did Bakket respond to your suggestion?

A8: She was really against it. I didn't want to force the issue so I just
let it go after a while.

Q9. Did anything else unusual happen before you get married?
A9: Yes, Bakket and I kept quarrelling over our wedding
preparations. In fact I almost backed out of the wedding, but
Bakket confronted me and said it would humiliate her and her
family too much if I cancelled. In hindsight, I know I should have
known better, but I gave in.

Q10: Where was Bakket at this time?

A10: She was still based in Paris, France at the time. She came to
Manila just for the wedding.

Q11: And when and where were you and Bakket married?
A11: (yr/mo/day), at Siruc Iti Manga Church, Turtle Islands, Tawi,

Q12: How did things go right after the wedding?

A12: Bakket left for Paris again shortly after the wedding. I tried to
make her stay longer here but she wanted to go back to work
right away.

Q13: How did your marriage go after that?

A13: She stopped working in Paris, France and for a while we lived
at the house my parents provided for us in Saluyut, Turtle
Islands, Tawi-Tawi. But eventually we built a house at Alatiris,
Turtle Islands, Tawi-Tawi, on land that my parents gave me.

Q14: Describe your marriage relations please.

A14: She was often unreasonably jealous of whomever I happened
to be with at almost anytime, whether they were friends or
business associates or even relatives or family members. When
she lost her temper it wouldn't matter that we would be in
public, she would still get angry with me and shout at me.
Sometimes she would really make a scene. In private she
would sometimes get so mad she would hit me, and painfully

Q15: Did you have any children?

A15: Our daughter Napintas was born on _____(yr/mo/day)______. I
was actually hopeful and glad when Napintas came. I thought
maybe when Bakket became a mother, things would improve in
our family.

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Q16: So did your marriage improve after Napintas was born?
A16: No. Sadly Bakket's behavior just got worse. She was still
always wildly jealous of practically anyone I spent any time with
and always kept nagging me about his or that. She just wouldn't
leave me alone I got the feeling she never really trusted me.

Q17: What would she nag you about, for example?

A17: Just about everything. She would nag me even about my
personal life, like my friends and even about my family. For
example, just because I started to meet up sister Maganda, the
former First Lady more often than usual, since we had to
discuss business or other matters, Bakket started accusing me
of being up to something. Which I considered ironic,
considering she also made sure to benefit from being related to
the First Family after my brother-in-law became President in

Q18: How would you say that?

A18: Bakket started to throw her weight around in public, trying to get
perks, telling everyone she was related to the president of the
country. She got to be President of the Huge Company
Corporation mainly because of that.

Q19: How did these affect you, if they did?

A19: Well, of course it was already embarrassing sometimes. And
not just for me but for my brother and his wife, so it also
damaged my relationship with them to some extent. I couldn't
even do business or maintain even casual friendships with
other women without her constantly accusing me of cheating on
her and generally making my life miserable.

Q20: What happened in your marriage then?

A20: Things just really got worse as time went on. Eventually I could
tell that Bakket was deliberately acting even less warm and
affectionate than before.

Q21: How would you describe her behavior toward you at that point?
A21: Sometimes it felt like I didn't even exist in her world except
when she thought I was doing something wrong or bad, again.
Even when I was really felling down because of work or
whatever, and I would have appreciated some wifely comfort or
reassurance, at best she'd just dismiss my concerns. At worst,
she'd blame it on me, as if whatever was going wrong was
automatically my fault and I just needed to step up. She kept
calling me "agkakapsut", or that I shouldn't be so "tuta ni
Maganda," or that I should be more assertive with Maganda

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and Malakas. At first thought, I tried to tell myself she was just
carrying over stress from work.

Q22: Why did you think so?

A22: I heard that she was having problems at the Huge Company
Corporation. Eventually she lost the presidency, because of her
unprofessional behavior or so I heard. So for the longest time,
whenever she would come home, she would always be irritable
and she'd say she was tired. She hated it when I even tried to
comfort her. Her nagging just got worse.

Q23: And meanwhile, how were things going with you and your
A23: Napintas was in fact just about the only comforting thing about
my family at that point. Sometimes I would get to watch
television with her at night and I was happy to get at least that
time with her.

Q24: So what did you do, if any, about the situation with Bakket?
A24: For years, I just tried to put up with it. I gave in practically to
whatever she wanted. Even she wanted to emigrate and live
abroad permanently. I didn't want to, but she kept insisting on it
so I let her study the option as long as she liked.

Q25: What kind of professional help, if any, did you seek to repair
your relationship?
A25: Well, I agreed at one point to marriage counseling. But then the
Pastor-Counselor himself concluded that our marriage couldn't
be saved. I was told it was simply useless to go.

Q26: So how did your marriage go after that?

A26: It certainly didn't seem to improve. In fact we fought more and
more often. It got to the point where finally I suggested maybe
we should take some time to cool off, because we had been
fighting so much. This was around (year).

Q27: How did she react?

A27: She agreed - but first I ha to give in to her demand for a FIFTY
MILLION PESOS (Php 50,000,000.00) cash settlement. At that
time I had to go to Europe for some time. Only later did I find
out she had gone to the Europe and taken out about THREE
HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (USD 300,000.00) that had
been in our joint bank account. And the she came back to
Manila and tried to sell the stock we had in some local
companies here, to keep the money for herself of course. I
came back just in time before she got rid of all of it.

Q28: When you came back, how were your relations with her?

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A28: They totally deteriorated. She wouldn't even let me into the
house. She told me she was taking everything for herself. I
barely got to pack any clothes before she kicked me out.

Q29: What did you do after that?

A29: I was still trying to save the marriage. I tried to set up a meeting
with her so that we could talk like adults but then she
demanded at least TWO BILLION PESOS (Php
2,000,000,000.00) just so she would show up. I can't even
imagine where she expected me to find that kind of money.

Q30: And where was your daughter Napintas in all of this?

A30: Bakket basically used Napintas to get whatever she wanted
from me. The few times I was allowed to se her, Bakket
imposed a lot strict conditions that really didn't give Napintas
and me any quality time together. I wasn't even invited to
Napintas 's First Holy Communion. Bakket didn't let me come to
Napintas 's birthday in (year), or even visit at some
Christmases. When I gave Napintas a cellphone just so we
could keep in touch, Bakket confiscated it. I'm so estranged
from my daughter that I don't even really know how she's doing
in school; I have to find out about it from other people. The
situation got so unbearable that I finally filed a case just to try to
get custody of Napintas. It's still pending now.

Q31: So after all of that, what did you do about your marriage?
A31: I finally decided that it was time to file a case to have our
marriage declared null.

Q32: On what ground?

A32: Bakket's psychological incapacity.

Q33: What does that mean to you?

A33: As I understand it, it means that Bakket is incapable of giving
me the minimum love, trust, and fidelity required to nurture our
marriage. She obviously can't accept me for who I am and is
just much too selfish and domineering precisely because she
was to change me into someone I am not. It is clear to me now
that she loves money more than our marriage. That doesn't
sound like that's how a marriage should be.

Q34: Kindly explain these matters. Why do you say she can't give
you the minimum love, trust, and fidelity required to nurture your
A34. She is so paranoid. Too controlling and mistrustful. To make it
worse, she had no reason to be. How can you have a marriage
like that? I couldn't even have friends because she was jealous
of them too. She was even jealous of my family! Yet when I was

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with her, she gave me hell. She had no respect for me at all.
And precisely because she was so paranoid, she could no
longer handle the ordinary stressed of our marriage because
she was always over-reacting. It just deteriorated completely.

Q35: Why do you say she's selfish and domineering?

A35: It has always been about her, what she wants, how she feels
and how I'm not treating her the way she wants to be treated.
Even now she's using our child to get what she wants from me,
knowing I would give or do almost everything to spend time with
Napintas. Even though I know it isn't good for Napintas to grow
up like this, almost without a father, and with a mother who
imposes so many impossible conditions. It's harming Napintas.

Q36: And why do you say she cares more about money than about
your marriage?
A36: She never tried to save our marriage. In fact, as soon as she
decided to kick me out she just went to get whatever money we
had for herself. If I hadn't intervened, she would even have sold
all the stocks we owned, just so she could keep the cash. If she
had really cared about keeping our marriage, she wouldn't have
acted like a robber the moment my back was turned. And then,
when I came back, she even kicked me out of the house. We
never even really got to talk things over because she was just
asking for money from me yet again.

Q37: How do you say she can't understand what marriage means?
A37: From everything I've already mentioned, she obviously doesn't
have it in her to be either a good wife or a good mother. She
has publicly humiliated me and privately she's been violent
toward me. She literally broke my hip and that required surgery.
But more than the physical pain, she hurt me emotionally. She's
so deluded by who she is. It is impossible to be married to
someone who does not live in this planet. She even uses an
innocent child to control my behavior. Can you imagine that?

Q38: What kind of help have you gotten with your marriage, if any?
A38: I've been shopping around for psychologist or psychiatrist.
From what I've learned from my private consultations, I am told
that Bakket shows symptoms of narcissism, histrionics and
passive-aggressive personality disorders. That means that she
is psychologically incapacitated for marriage.

Q39: Since when would you say Bakket has suffered from this?
A39: Since before the marriage, but as far as I know it only
manifested itself after the wedding.

Q40: Looking back, do you think Bakket really loved you?

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A41: No. She was always too self-centered and materialistic. She
virtually never showed remorse or even seemed as though she
knew she was hurting me or Napintas. She never tried to save
the marriage. In fact she put the last nail in the coffin by kicking
me out. It just wasn't her priority, unlike getting rich or having

Q41: What do you think about the prospects of your marriage to

A41: She hasn't changed, at least not for the better. I don't think it's
still possible for us to ever reconcile.

Q42: Is that all?

A42: Yes, that's all for now.

Q43: May we request that this Affidavit be permanently marked as

Exhibit "A".

No further questions for the witness.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

_____ day of ___________ 2013 at ___________.



in and for _________(City/Province)____________ this ____th day of
____________ 20___. Affiant personally came and appeared with
_____________(Competent Evidence of Identity)______ issued by
the _________(Government Agency)______ on ___(date)__ at
________(place)_________, bearing his photograph and signature,
known to me as the same person who personally signed the
foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law to
the whole truth of the contents of said instrument.

Atty _________________________________
Notary Public
Doc. No. ____ Commission Serial No. _____________
Page No. ____ Notary Public for ___(Province/City)___
Book No. ____ Until December 31, 20__
Series of 20__ Office: ________(address)___________
Roll No. __________
IBP Lifetime Roll No. _________;
__/__/__ ; _(Province)_
PTR No. ______ ; __/__/__ ; (Province)
MCLE Compliance Cert. No. _____;

JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT OF ______________________ Page __ of __ pages


I, Atty. ___________________, of legal age, Filipino, with postal

address ______________________ after being duly sworn depose
and say:

1. I was the one who conducted the examination of witness

_______(name of witness)_____ at my aforementioned
office in _________(lawyer’s office address)__________;

2. I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the

questions I asked and the corresponding answers that the
witness gave;

3. Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting

him/her coached the witness regarding his/her answers;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

____ day of ____ 2013 at ___________.

ATTY. _________________


in and for _________(City/Province)____________ this ____th day of
____________ 20___. Affiant personally came and appeared with
_____________(Competent Evidence of Identity)______ issued by
the _________(Government Agency)______ on ___(date)__ at
________(place)_________, bearing his photograph and signature,
known to me as the same person who personally signed the
foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law to
the whole truth of the contents of said instrument.

Atty _________________________________
Notary Public
Doc. No. ____ Commission Serial No. _____________
Page No. ____ Notary Public for ___(Province/City)___
Book No. ____ Until December 31, 20__
Series of 20__ Office: ________(address)___________
Roll No. __________
IBP Lifetime Roll No. _________;
__/__/__ ; _(Province)_
PTR No. ______ ; __/__/__ ; (Province)
MCLE Compliance Cert. No. _____; __/__/__

JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT OF ______________________ Page __ of __ pages

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