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Mazes & Perils


“The Wretch Mage”

Created by the primitive foul blood shamans. (goblins, hobgoblins, ratings, etc) the Wretch
embraces and celebrates that which others discard, the refuse others discard are their treasures.
Wretch Mage's tend to be dirty and lacking in the finer social graces surrounding themselves with
vermin and filth.
Wretch Mages will never wear new items, choosing to reuse that which others throw away or they
have scavenged from other sources. They see others who waste resources upon expensive gear
and fine clothing as ignorant and frivolous.
A wretch Mage has dedicated items used in the rituals and casting of its spells. They adore the use
of blades for ritual but prefer to rely on their spells and giving themselves time to escape. If
pressed into combat they will avoid me lee and if pressed into such interactions the wretch Mage
uses finger blades to slash and open wounds upon its opponent so they may again break away and
attack from afar.
They don't wear metal armour but tend to enjoy trinkets and baubles which have meaning to
Special Ability- Toxic Blood
a Wretch goes through a transformation causing the very lifeblood that travels through them to
turn foul and putrescent. The Wretch’s blood being a component in the casting of its foul magic is
forever altered and now flows greenish black.
The Wretched are someone immune to sickness both mundane and magical. They are highly
immune to all but the most powerful of poisons and toxins, being as they are walking containers of
vile toxin.

(Creatures with toxic bites, scorpions, serpents, spiders, frogs, carrion crawler) their bits still do
damage but their toxin is useless on the Wretched Mage, thus the Mage's surround themselves
with these creatures as familiars and pets to keep others at arms distance.
Animals and creatures with enhanced sense of smell will always react negatively to a Wretch
Mage due to the sick taint of their blood. A wretch Mage can cut themselves, coating their blade
with their blood. If they use that blade to cut another, it acts as a poison (save vs. poison) or the
victim begins sweating and grows ill -1 to St. -2 Con until healed.
Duration: permanent

Summon Filthy Familiar

Level 0
Duration: permanent
The Wretch Mage sings the songs of the Vermin and summons that which would most identify
with them. (Familiar rules apply)
1 Large Black Centipede
2 Rat
3 Large Crypt Beetle
4 Small Skull
5 Mangy Coyote
6 Giant Tick

Level 1
Duration- 1 hr

A large fluid filled sac forms on the caster. The caster pulls the sac from their body and girls it at
the target. The fluid within stains and burns the victim 1d4 acidic, while also marking them with a
horrible stinking odor, removable only thru bathing in milk.

Level 1
The Mage can taint 1 vessel of liquid, turning its content into a foul smelling ichor.
If ingested, save vs. poison or take 1d4. If not healed within 10 minutes 1d4+ 2 , another 10, 1d6+2
Level 1
Duration- till healed
Range- 20ft.
The wretch Mage can cause an existing wound on an opponent to bleed further (1d4+1) as well as
infect it until cured by having double the amount of the wounds points caster on it. (Example- 4
points of damage = 8 points of healing)

Nights Companion
Level 2
Duration- 10min per level
The Mage can see through any local nocturnal vermin wildlife( rat, bat, cockroach) within a mile.

Level 2
Duration- One use

The Mage’s skin sags and stretches from the sides of the Mage and takes the rudimentary form of
gliding wings, allowing the Mage to glide from one point to the next. (NOT FLY) the Mage cannot
fight or be weighted down with gear when gliding.

Acidic spew
Level 2
Duration- instant
Range- casters height in feet.(round down)
The Mage's stomach churns up the digestive juices and foul mood that travels throughout him
causing him to project a stream of searing, foul vomit at his victim. The spew does 1d6 damage +2
per level of the Mage
Foul Diet
Level 2
Duration- Instant
Range- self
In an emergency the main virtue of a Wretch Mage is to survive and multiply like the vermin it
takes after. The Wretched Mage can consume dirt, carrion, any sort of refuse to regain 1d4+1 hp.
Up to ½ it's original hit points.

Hideous Hide
Level 3
Duration- 1hour per level of caster
The Mage becomes covered in crusty warts and calcified growths in thick layers increasing their
armour class substantially. +3(-3)


Level 3
Duration- 10 minutes per level of caster
The Mage can be imbued with an appendage like tongue able to be used exactly like a whip.
(Damage, entangle, etc) they will take damage being that it is a biological extension of their body)

Level 3
Duration- 10 Minutes
The Mage's finger nails grow thick and wide and fingers melt together into thick, hard “mole’s
claws” enabling the Mage to dig at a speed of 2ft per turn. The Mage can also use the hardened
claws as rudimentary weapons doing 1d4 damage.

Living Death Doll

Level 4
Duration- 1 combat/5 min per level
When cast, the Wretch becomes a living, breathing voodoo doll. Any damage inflicted upon the
Wretch is sent directly dealt to the one who is dealing the damage. Dealing only 1 damage to the
If more damage is dealt than the wretch’s original total hp count, the wretch is dropped to zero
and rendered unconscious.

Wretched Form
Level 4
Duration- 1 hr.
The Wretch has become one with the vile magics and filth, causing his body to be formed from a
collective of vermin. The Wretch may not swing a weapon in this form but attacks as Small
Creature, Swarm.

Taking ½ of the Wretch’s full HP will cause the swarm to disband and the Mage revert to human
1- rats
2- beetles
3- Slugs
4- serpents

Scent of Fear
Level 4
Duration- 15 minutes
The Wretch’s scent weaves an aromatic web of fear and panic causing any within 20ft radius of the
Wretch Mage to see them as a predatory threat and flee in a pheromone induced panic. (Save Vs.

Vile Spike
Level 5
Duration- Instant/2 combat round
Range- 8 ft.
The Mage expels a calcified bone spike from his palm, hurling it at a target. Upon a successful hit,
the spike embeds itself in the victim, essentially tethering it to the Wretched Mage. Dealing 1d4+2

Spike Syphon
Level 5
Duration- *special
Range- 8 ft.

This allows the Mage to syphon life Fromm victim after a successful Vile Spike strike. Draining
them at a rate of 1d4 hp a round.
This lasts as long as the tether connection is kept between Mage and victim.
A victim may save vs. Strength to rip the spike from them or pull the Mage to them.

Song of Insanity
Level 5
Duration- until Victim saves
Range- 30ft. Radius

The Wretched Mage calls upon the twisted dark and speaks the language not meant to be heard
by mortal ears. A cacophony of vermin chirps, slurps, clicks and wails fill the air as the Mage sings
the melody of madness causing all within range to be driven into a stunned panic and eventually a
mind bending insanity.
Save vs. Will or be stunned. A successful save allows you to escape from earshot.

Scorpion’s Kiss
Level 6
Duration - 1 hour

The Wretch summons the powers of Chaos to meld with the Scorpion:
1 Left hand turns into a Pincer(d6 dmg)
2 Right hand turns into a Pincer (d6 dmg)
3 a Scorpions carapace covers the Mage's body +4 AC (-4)
4 a scorpions tail from the base of its own spine. (1d6 + poison)

Infectious Kiss
Duration- permanent (until cured)
Range- touch

The Wretch Mage spreads the vileness and with a successful grapple attack, puts its mouth to
somewhere on the victims body as if the Wretch Mage is feeding on them. Nothing is further from
the truth. The Mage has in fact sprouted an ovapositor (like a mosquito) and instead of drawing
blood, it is pumping a toxic brew and worse into the victim.
If the victim does not get a cure disease within 1d4-1 days, the victim’s skin gets red and they sweat
profusely. They cannot eat or drink without vomiting and healing does ½.
If after the victim still has not had a cure disease cast, they feel organs begin to burst and liquify
doing 1d10 +3 damage, eventually killing the victim causing them to liquify and become a
gelatinous puddle of skin, feces and ichor. The victim still maintaining somewhat of a
consciousness throughout, experiencing the excruciating pain but being unable to do anything
about their impending, inevitable doom.

Old Wounds
Level 7
The stronger version of Opportunist, the Mage can open an old wound on an opponent even if they
have been long healed. (1d8+2)
If the opponent has an open wound during the conflict with the Mage, the Wretched can cause
those wounds to fester and boil for each round (1d8+2) till healed.

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