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Conversation Lesson 4

Mr. Smith – Hello Karla, How are you? It´s great to finally meet you.

Karla – I´m great, it´s a pleasure to meet you too.

Mr. Smith – Can you tell me a little bit about your background in marketing?

Karla – Of course! Well, I graduated from Brown University where I majored in Marketing.
I´ve been working for the last 3 years at Intel Marketing. I´ve learned a lot within a short
period of time, and I´ve taken on many roles and responsibilities within the company.

Mr. Smith – Great, can you tell me about your strengths?

Karla – Well, I´m a great team player, and I have a strong attention to detail. I´d have to say,
my strongest trait is my communication skills.

Mr. Smith – Excellent! Karla, I´m going to cut right to the chase. You come highly
recommended, and your references were impeccable. You seem like a perfect fit for our

Karla – Thank you. I´m so happy to hear that because it has been a goal of mine to work
here. This company is a leader in the industry and it would be an honor to work here.

Mr. Smith – Karla, I have good news for you. I want to offer you the position. It would be a
pleasure to have you join our team.

Karla – Oh that is so wonderful. Thank you for this great opportunity.

Mr. Smith – Welcome aboard!

The Interview

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