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Azure IoT Hands on Labs

Labs using Azure Services to build Azure IoT End to End Solutions connecting real &
simulated devices to Azure IoT Hub.


Module 1: Introduction to Azure IoT Hub and Connect MXChip

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Azure IoTHub Lab with MXChip

Module 2: Connect Pi Simulator to IoT Hub

Duration: 30 minutes

Azure IoTHub Pi Simulator Lab

Module 3: Create Azure Time Series Insights and Visualize Device

Duration: 60 minutes

Time Series Insights Lab

Module 4: Capture Device Events and Send Notifications

Duration: 30 minutes

Azure IoTHub with Event Grid Lab

Module 5: Cold Path Storage

Duration: 60-90 minutes
Azure Date Lake Store Lab

Module 6: Hot Path Analytics

Duration: 60 minutes

Cosmos DB Lab

Module 7: Batch Analytics

Duration: 60 minutes

Azure Date Lake Analytics Lab

Module 8: Load Test using Device Simulator

Duration: 30 minutes

Device Simulator

Module 9: Configure and monitor IoT devices at scale

Duration: 30 minutes

Automatic Device Configuration

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