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25 Important Cases in EAR, NOSE & THROAT following manifestations Targe tender swelling in the right nasal vestibule) the furuncle on the tenth day is complicated by cavernous sinus thrombosis (rigors, severely il, edema of the right eye lids, chemosis of the conjunctive, proptasis of the right eyeball) Rigors: is an indication that infection has reached the blood stream "= Chemosis of the conjunctiva: congestion and edema of the canjunctiva due to obstruction af the orbital veins that drain inta the cavemous sinus = Proptosis of the right eyeball: due ta obstruction of the venous drainage of the eye via the retrorbital veins that drain into the cavernous sinus Further examination & for investigations = Ciscan = Blood culture = Leucooytic count "= Fundus examination will show engorged retinal veins Treatment = Hospitalization "Intravenous antibiotics "Anticoagulants "Local antibiotic ointment to help furuncle to drain = Treatment of frantal sin Case 13: An 18 year old male patient complained of dull-aching pain over the forehead for the last 3 years. This pain increased in the moming and decreased in the aftemoons, together with intermittent nasal discharge. 10 days ago the pain became very severe with complete nasal ‘obstruction and fever 38 Cthe patient cid not receivethe proper treatment and by the tenth day became drowsy with some mental behavioral changes, also there was vomiting and blurred vision, CASE 13 Diagnosis: & | Chronic frontal sinusitis (3 years duration, typical vacuum morning headaches) reasons complicated recently (10 days ago, complete nasal obstruction, fever 38) the latest complication is a frontal lobe abscess (drowsy, mental behavioral changes, vomiting and blurred vision) ZLSIMPORTANT CASES IN EAR, NOSE& THROAT

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