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(Economic and Chemistry School, Pre – Intermediate)

Points: 136 /

I. Complete the conversation using: Present Simple or Continuous. 20 points

Mark: Are you looking (you / look) for someone?
Alan: Yes, I need (I / need) to speak to Neil. He isn’t in his office.
Mark: (1) __________________________ (he / talk) to the boss at the moment.
(2) ____________________________ (I / think) _____________________________ (they / discuss)
Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? (4) _________________________ (you / look) for someone
Mark: Yes, Linda. (5) _____________________________ (you / know) where she is?
Alan: Oh, she isn’t here today. She only (6) ____________________ (work) 4 days a week. (7)
____________________________________ (she / not / work) on Fridays. She’ll be here on Monday.
Mark: Thank you. (8) _________________________ (you / know) a lot about Linda.
Alan: Well, most days (9) ______________________ (I / give) her a lift, or (10) _________________
(she / give) me one. (11) _______________________ (she / live) quite close to me. (12)
____________________ (it / save) petrol.
Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, (13) _______________________ (I / agree). Well, (14)
_________________________ (I / waste) my time here then. I’ll be back to my computer.
II. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Continuous. 10 points
Ex: When Martin arrived (arrive) home, Anna was talking (talk) to someone in the phone. Martin
started (start) to get the tea.

1. I ________________ (lie) in the bath when the phone _________________. (ring) It

__________________ (stop) after a few rings.
2. It ________________ (be) cold when we _________________ (leave) the house that day, and a
light snow _________________ (fall).
3. Your friend who ________________ (come) here the other day ___________________ (seem)
very nice. I _____________________ (enjoy) meeting her.
4. When I ________________ (see) the man, he _______________ (stand) outside the bank. He
___________________ (have) a black baseball cap on.
5. When I ________________ (open) the cupboard door, books _______________ (fall) out.
6. I __________________ (walk) along the street when I suddenly ________________ (fell),
something hit me in the back. I __________________ (not / know) what it was.
7. We ________________ (go) to London yesterday, but on the way we _________________ (hear)
about a bomb attack in Oxford Street. So we _________________ (drive) back home.
8. Something very strange ________________ (happen) to me on my way home from work
yesterday afternoon. I __________________ (drive) along the street at the time. Suddenly I
_____________ (see) my mother in the seat beside me. But she ______________ (die) three years
III. Write two sentences using: have or have got. 8 points

1. I / six cousins.
2. We / any milk?
3. He / not / a car.
4. My car / a CD player.
IV. Complete the sentences with: some or any. 10 points

a. I haven’t got ____________ paper.

b. I’ll buy ____________ paper when I go to the shops.
c. Is there ____________ petrol in the car?
d. Yes, I put _____________ in yesterday.
e. I bought ____________, but they didn’t have ____________ vegetables.
f. Do you have _____________ change? I need 50p.
g. I saw __________ change on the table a minute ago.
h. I need _________ help with my homework. Are you free?
i. I don’t have ___________ free time today. Sorry.
j. Did you have __________ problems with the exercise?
V. Ask questions about the given sentences below using: How much or How many. 16 points

1. She has a lot of children. ____________________________________________________?

2. Can you buy some butter? ___________________________________________________ want?
3. I went all over Europe last summer. ____________________________________________ visit?
4. I bought a new house last week. _______________________________________________?
5. The house has got a lot of bedrooms. ___________________________________________?
6. Some people are coming for meal today. ________________________________________?
7. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays. ______________________________________________?
8. She earns a fortune! ________________________________________________________?
VI. Complete the sentences using the articles: a / an or the. 16 points

1. I bought ________ hat and ________ pair of shoes at _________. Unfortunately ________ are _________
wrong size. I’ll take them back tomorrow.
2. ‘Where are ________ children?’ ‘They are in _________ g1arden.’
3. My sister’s ________ teacher in ________ school near Leicester. She has three children, two girls and
________ boy. _________ girls are in her class at school, but _______ boy isn’t old enough for school yet.
4. Jane and Bill are _________ very nice couple. She has _________ clothes shop, and he works in _______
in _________ centre of town.
5. ‘Where are my shoes?’ ‘On _________ floor in ________ kitchen.’
6. ‘How much are the driving lessons?’ ‘Fifty pounds ___________ hour.’
7. When you come to bed, can you put ________ cat out and turn off ________ lights?
8. I went to _________ restaurant last night. What’s _________ name of ________ restaurant we went to last
VII. Complete the following sentences using a form of would like (to do) or like (doing). Put the verbs in the brackets
in the correct form, too. 10 points

a. ‘What sort of books _________ you ______________ (read)?’ ‘I ____________ biographies and thrillers.’
b. ‘_________ you ____________________ (be) a teacher when you grow up?’ ‘No. They don’t earn very
much and they work very hard.’
c. ‘It’s Sophie’s birthday soon.’ ‘Is it? What _________ she ________ for a present? ‘Well, I know she
__________________ (cook). Why don’t you buy her a new cook book?’
d. My daughter has a lot of pens and pencils. She _______________ (draw).
e. My six-year-old daughter is a very fast runner. She says that one day she ___________________ (run) in
the Olympic Games.
VIII. Underline the correct verb form (going to or will) in the following sentences. 16 points

1. ‘Why are you working so hard these days?’ ‘Because I’ll buy / I am going to buy a car, so I’m saving as
much as I can.’
2. ‘What will you buy / are you going to buy Jill for her birthday?’ ‘A CD.’ ‘She hasn’t got a CD player.’ ‘Oh,
I’ll buy / I’m going to buy her a record, then.’
3. ‘Dad, can you sew on a button for me?’ ‘I can’t sew. Ask Mum. She’ll / She is going to do it for you.’
4. ‘Shall I tell her I love her? Where’s a coin? If it’s heads, I’ll / I’m going to tell her, and if it’s tails I won’t /
I’m not going to tell her.
5. ‘Why have you got so many eggs?’ ‘Because I’ll make / I’m going to make pancakes for tea.’
6. ‘What will you do / are you going to do today?’ ‘It’s John’s birthday, so I’ll make / I am going to make him
a cake.’
7. I have an appointment with the bank manager this morning.’ ‘Why will you see / are you going to see him?’
‘Because my husband and I will start / are going to start our own business, and we need some money.’
8. ‘I haven’t got enough money to get home.’ ‘I’ll lend / I am going to lend you some, if you like. How much
do you want?’ ‘Two pounds is enough. I’ll give / I am going to give it back tomorrow.’
IX. Choose the right adjective form: ‘-ing’ or ‘-ed’. 10 points

1. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.

2. It’s so (frustrating / frustrated)! No matter how much I study I can’t seem to remember this vocabulary.
3. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!
4. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with
a good book.
5. I thought her new idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating).
6. This maths problem is so (confusing / confused). Can you help me?
7. The teacher was really (amusing / amused) so the lesson passed quickly.
8. The journey was (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.
9. The plane began to move in a rather (alarming / alarmed) way.
10. He was (frightening / frightened) when he saw the spider.
X. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it. 10 points

1. I’d like that I go to Australia.

2. We took care with their cat for a week.
3. She wants go home early.
4. Don’t worry. I’ll buy some bread at the supermarket.
5. ‘Does he enjoy living in the city?’ ‘Yes, he enjoys.
6. Would you like coming to my birthday party?
7. They’re hopping to marry next year.
8. We got this postcard from Anna, sent it from Paris.
9. Japanese people eats a lot of fish.
10. They not want to stay in an expensive hotel.
XI. Read the text and answer the questions. 10 points

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