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8/12/2019 ACTS Prayer Sample

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ACTS Prayer Sample

Uploaded by irish x on Jul 22, 2011 
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Theory of… Prayer Sample2

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A.C.T.S. Prayer 
Heavenly Father, I just come to you with a humble heart. Lord you are Holy and you are t
of my salvation. I give you praise honor and glory. I love you. I trust you and you are my
shepherd and king. I know that you are all loving and all caring. You are my salvation.Y
glorious in Your Being and yet still approachable. Your great love and mercy, Your tende
compassionate heart toward all You have made, shines out of Your eyes. I sit here quietly
 place where I choose to worship you -- and I am in awe at the privilege. I look up at Your
and the radiance of Your Presence is beyond description. You are real and You are in this
accepting my worship.
Almighty Father; we enter your presence confessing the things we try to conceal from you
the things we try to conceal from others. We confess the heartbreak, worry, and sorrow w
caused, that make it difficult for others to forgive us, the times we have made it easy for o
do wrong, the harm we have done that makes it hard for us to forgive ourselves. I have bet
you by following my own way. I have denied you by fearing to follow yours. And I have
you by not taking your death seriously. Lord, I am lost. Let your forgiveness find me. Hol
your strong arms and give me your new life.

Thank you for your mercy; thank you for your grace; thank you for forgiveness; thank you
the salvation, which you so freely give through Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, for all that
for me. Thank you for dying on the cross to save me from my sins. Thank you for my fam
and my friends I thank You for the people in my life who are easy to love I thank You 1/4
8/12/2019 ACTS Prayer Sample
and my friends. I thank You for the people in my life who are easy to love. I thank You
my family and friends who understand my actions, who support me in my decisions, and
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 presence can lift the burden of a thorny day. Thank you for the chance to learn and to get
education. Thank you for giving me clothes to wear and food to eat. Thank you for ever

Right now I just ask that you watch over me and my family, continue to direct our paths, k
out of harm. Help us to know your will. Send forth your Holy Spirit to comfort us and to g
discernment and wisdom. Father I pray for our country, our leaders and my community. P
Lord, help me to be a better person. Help me to be more loving and caring. Live in me an
me day by day, that together we may make a world that is new. Please keep a watch over u
 be our advocate in the times of trouble. In Jesus name I pray amen.

ACTS Method of Acts Prayer Acts Prayer Prayers of Worship Ministry Sacred Moments
Prayer Sample2 Sample Supplication Guidelines in Worship

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