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- Lacross ball to feet

- ankle rotations 10 each way (20 ea ft)
- Ankle flicks 10 ea foot
- Calf release
- Calf stick roller (side,inside,middle 10 ea)
- Hammie stick roller (side middle inside 10ea)
-quad stick roller ("")
- Glute release (left leg cross left Glute)
- IT band release
- shoulder pec release
- lat release (stomach breath)
- lacrosse ball to Glute (curl up)
- pretzel stretch

BAND WORK (thick just above knee, thin on ankles)

- walkouts forward (shoulder with starting opposite arm and leg)
-walkouts side
- Bounding

-worlds greatest stretch (lunge, elbow in leg, punch up, down, calf stretch , posture up, hurdle
stretch) x2 ea side
- inch worm (core activate) x3
- skips
- fast feet slow hands

- Hurdles 5
- side hurdles 5ea side
- single leg hurdles 5
- side single leg inside hurdles 5ea
- side single leg outside hurdles 5ea
- medicine ball throws

-wall knees (toe up) 6x ea leg
-later wall knees (toe up) 6x ea leg
- jog (5yards) sprint 6 steps x4
- karyoka 10 yard to sprint 4 step x4 ea side


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