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Princes Jale Utlang July 25, 2019


Reaction Paper: The Devil’s Advocate

The 1997 movie “The Devils Advocate” is one of the finest movies I’ve ever seen. The
movie has some deep theology above the doctrine of God and philosophical issue of evil. Basically,
the movie is approximately regulations company run by John Milton who presents or act as a
Satan. The movie shows different types of conditions that all humans from various areas of the
world have difficulty. The movie makes me believe what is really destroying the world. This movie
proves how sin leads to slipping and destroys individual. In the movie you will realized that a lot
of people are obsessed in pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth and aside from that
they also violated the ten commandments written in the old testament or we can also say they
violated the God’s law. People are very sinful that they chose the power and exchange the biblical
moral values, and it seems like every step of eliminating or forgetting our moral beliefs is also a
one step closer to become a bad person.

There’s a lot more we can learned about this movie but the most important part that always
comes into my mind is that, after all of this sins that humans committed or we can that even we
are sinners God almighty will always be there and give us chances for redemption, his
unconditional love and unselfish desire for us for our sake. Even though God created us as good
beings in his image. However, we have a free will, and we make options and choices that will
identify our life. We should start from the choices we make every day. We must do our part, live
our faith, and submit ourselves and letting Jesus Christ knocks and enter in our hearts.

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