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Research Title: The efficiency of Powderized ceramic tiles as a fire resisting

component mixed in wall paint.

Grade and Section: 12 STEM 2

Leader: Gregorio Dioso

Members: Aguillana, Carlos Aleta, Reniel Jess Chavez, Jabez Factor, Jeremy

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study entitled "The efficiency of Powderized ceramic
tiles as a fire resisting component mixed in wall paint" is to test the efficiency of
powderized ceramic tiles as a thermal insulator.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

1. In what amount of powderized tiles, in grams, is needed for it to become an

effective thermal insulator?

2. Does the components of powderized ceramic tiles affect the composition of the
wall paint?

3. Does the concentration of Powderized ceramic tiles and wall paint affects the
fire resisting ability of the ceramic tile?

4. How much time is needed to extinguish the fire?

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