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Documentary Essays

… To my mother,
Thaci Raisa Gherschovici
AMV Dessign / June 2011

Motto: ‚God is ONE; mankind made him many:

One Mosaic, one Christian, one Muslim’

This documentation is a set of essays about facts concerning Judeo - Christianity that we
have documented and commented. They are:
Includes commands of 'Deuteronomy' that regulated property and social behavior. They
explicitly condemn slavery: "Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and delivered you
Lord thy God."
Were started in 1992, a time when I tried to understand myself. Approach was a man who,
angry with his misunderstanding of everyday life, take a pen to write, as a peasant takes
digging and digging in the garden or go to the field to forget his troubles. Over the years,
the text was redocumentat, rewritten several times, and has enriched the area of ideas, a
process that was almost independent of the personal life, but brings me peace of mind now:
to be a Jewish-Christian.
It is a documentary in 2003, after reading the IN Library OF 'Youth Organization of
Romania Hebrew'. Remember is the understanding between two great prelates: a Christian
and Mosaic, which led to the saving about 700,000 Hebrew of Romania FROM
5. ‘POPE JOHN XXIII" PAPA BUONO’ was documented in 2010, following talks with
Roman Catholic priests from parish Popesti Leordeni. It is an exceptional destiny of the
man who saved the 100,000 Hebrew from Holocaust and contributed decisively to solve
the Missile Crisis "(October 1962), the imminent start of the third - World War III.
 From the documentation it appears that the Hebrew people example: cohesion in faith,
rules and Community rules: from the social to the food, provided logistical support
brethren from the global community, systematic training of three young Hebrew: from
religion, general knowledge tosport and self defense are all, keys' worthy to be followed,
not to be blamed, failing to follow them. Hebrew people, throughout the history has sent by
its rprophets THE 10 COMMANDMENTS. 'PEOPLE OF GOD' has become universal,
making the interaction spiritual engine of modern humanity.
 The spiritual heritage of mankind have a common origin: "THERE IS MORE LOVE
TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE" (the words of the Apostle Paul to his departure from
Ephesus to Jerusalem).
 Beyond this fact we tried to motivate a finding. HOW RIDICULOUS IS THE HUMAN

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RESPONSE TO GOD'S BENEVOLENCE. Or more specifically: how the people break
who is given to us by the prophets.

Ancient Moses Social Laws....................................................................................5
Hermes Trismegistus (-10.000 BCE)......................................................................6
Ancient Egypt (- 3150 , - 30 BCE) .......................................................................6
Social Laws of Moses (XIV-XIII BCE).....................................................................7
FACE FOR THOSE WHO TAKE BRIBE................................................................8
'FORGIVENESS' IN THE SEVENTH YEAR. (2)..................................................10
TO HELP HEBREW BROTHER .........................................................................11
USURY AND LENDING .......................................................................................12
PAYMENT OF WORKERS ..................................................................................13
TAXATION ('tithe')................................................................................................15
AUTHOR NOTES.................................................................................................16
CHRISTIAN AND HEBREW - FACTS (I)..............................................................17
INTRODUCTION - HISTORY AND LEGEND...................................................18

CHAPTER I – PENTATHEUT...........................................................................20
C.I.1 THE BEGINNING..................................................................................20
C.I.2. SAINT STEPHEN DEACON....................................................................26
CHAPTER II PERSECUTION BETWEEN BROTHERS......................................29

C.II.1. THROUGH HEBREW EVANGELISM....................................................29

C.II.2. WHO IS 'GOD'S PEOPLE'.....................................................................31

C.III.1. RABBI SAUL CONVERTING...............................................................35

C.III.2. CHRISTIAN EVANGHELISM IN ROME................................................37

C.III.5. CHRISTIAN INITIATION IN EFES SCHOOL........................................44
IN JERUSALEM....................................................................................................46
C.IV.1. ROAD TO JERUSALEM.......................................................................46
C.IV.2. THE SAINT PAUL TRIALS..................................................................49

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C.IV.3. ROAD TO ROME..................................................................................52
C.IV.4. THE ASH OF PHOENIX BIRD..............................................................53
CHRISTIAN AND HEBREW (II)............................................................................55
C.V.1 YEARS OF ROMANS OCCUPATION....................................................56
C.V.2. YEARS IN BYZANTINE OCCUPATION................................................63
C.V.3. YEARS IN ARAB CALIPHATE OCCUPATION.....................................65
C.V.4. YEARS IN CRUSADERS OCCUPATION.............................................66
C.V.5. YEARS OF MAMELUKE OCCUPATION...............................................67
GENESIS OF JEWS TO ERETZ ISRAEL........................................................67

C.V.7. YEARS IN BRITISH OCCUPATION......................................................70

C.V.8. YEARS IN ERETZ ISRAEL STATE.......................................................77
AFTERWORDS: AUTHOR’S OPINION................................................................79
A MIRACLE IN THE XX CENTURY REVELATION TIME...................................84
NOTES TO THE CHRISTIAN AND HEBREW (III)...............................................85
ANGELLO RONCALLI POPE XXIII - "POPE GOOD"..........................................85
MOMENTS OF LIFE.............................................................................................85
APPENDIX: JOHN XXIII AND ATHEISM MOVEMENT....................................93
AUTHOR NOTES ON CHRISTIANS AND HEBREW (III)................................94
AFTERWORD TO CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS (I,II,III,IV)..............................95
BIBLIOGRPHY for CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS (I), (II)..............................96
BIBLIOGRPHY for CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS (III)..................................97
BIBLIOGRPHY for CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS (IV)..................................97
VIDEO LINK BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................98
ABOUT AUTHOR ............................................................................................100

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Ancient Moses Social Laws

 Ancient laws, which regulated property and social

behavior evolves on a time interval of about ten thousand
years. Each of them have a point more or less just, more or
less favorable to the ruling class of that civilization. All
applicable laws distinguish between slaves and free people
applied1. As one possible scheme (non exhaustive) I
mention some essential moments of Ancient Social Codes
of Law:

Except 'Law of Moses' which explicitly denies slavery in 'Deuteronomy':
"Remember that you were a slave in Egypt and delivered you to the Lord your

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Hermes Trismegistus (-10.000 BCE)

Commented that the first Visionary and Ruler known,

10,000 years ago. In Egyptian mythology the god Thoth
"The Hermetic tradition was both moderate and flexible,
offering a tolerant philosophical religion, a religion
of the (omnipresent) mind, a purified
perception of God, the cosmos, and the self, and
much positive encouragement for the spiritual seeker,
all of which the student could take anywhere” Tobias
 Hermeticists commonly accept there to have been forty two books
to his credit. However, most of these books are reported to have
been destroyed when the Great Library of Alexandria was destroied1.

Ancient Egypt (- 3150 , - 30 BCE)

 Civilization Founded in North Africa by joining the Upper Egypt and

Lower Egypt
(-3150 BCE).
Save on 3,000 years of Egyptian culture is explained by three vectors
of action:
 The ability of technology - implemented as the Egyptian culture,
building irrigation technologies hydrotechnic (), which are controlled
and used for periodic flooding of the Nile River, providing a regular
surplus of food. This led to the development of the mining industry,
construction, military equipment. Distribution losses, the Egyptian
state government corruption for three hundred years before Christ,
had weakened the economic and military power, and eventually

Ptolemy I built in 288 BC, a palace, which housed a university, an academy and
a library. At first the library size amounted to 400,000 volumes (papyrus), as
Caesar's time to reach 700,000. Its destruction was done in four stages: civil war
between Caesar and Pompey (48 BC), conflict for power between pagans and
Christians (250 - 350); Teofilus's decree of 391, around the Arab conquest of

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crash - conquest of Egypt by the Romans, and decline to extinction of
the flourishing civilizations of Egypt.
 Egypt was a theocracy: Pharaoh should be authorized by the high
priests of Thebes. They were able to change the sequence, if the
Pharaoh did not define the best solution, with other survivors of the
Pharaoh's family. This is also why Moshe (Horshaship named by the
sister of Rameses II), initiated in Thebes, is called - "a great writer" by
Ramesses II - a choice not to endanger his son Merneptah election1.
 Moses achieve, in 40 years road of Jews in the desert, a people
on the faith in ONE GOD.
 Egypt Theology effect, by the expulsion of priests in Babylon
(Ashurbanipal, 669-627 BCE), Greek theology Roman theology
indirectly. Pythagoras, initiated in Egypt will, by reviving the cult of
Delphi (Greece) and his School in Island Crotone (Italy ) seeds of the
"golden four century " of Greek culture.
 Pyramidal organization of Egyptian society's codification of laws,
would inspire Moses social organization of Jews tribes. Zamolxe, his
envoy in Thrace will lead Dacic ritual.

Social Laws of Moses (XIV-XIII BCE)

 I start by mention a few quotes from - the Bible text. There are
commands (rules) that determine the relationship of "the people of
God" of Israel. Are the basis of what he later called "Social Laws of
Moses" No doubt, these are the highlights of the first laws respecting
the value of human life. Murder is a crime not only a person but
against God.

to be See work CHRISTIANS AND HEBREWS - Documentary Facts - June
2011at link:

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Chapter 10 Paragraph 17
'For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, great
and powerful and awesome God, at the front, nor take a bribe'.
Chapter 15 Paragraph 19
'Do not destroy the law, not to look at and not take bribes, the
bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and just because crooked'.
Chapter 26 Paragraph 25
'Cursed be he will take bribes, to kill the soul and to shed
innocent blood! And all the people shall say, Amen.'
 God tell us not to take bribes. What, many "masters" of People do
not obey.
 A more clearly expressed can not be! Clearly indicates the "bribes"
very serious sin - damned. Unfortunately the Bible to ask, people do
not obey ...


Chapter 10 Paragraph 18
'What do justice orphan and widow and loves the wanderer and
give him bread and food.’
Chapter 10 Paragraph 19
'Do you love and the fugitive, that ye wanderers in Egypt.’
Chapter 24 Paragraph 17
'Do not judge the stranger crooked, the orphans and widows,
and widowers should not get bail clothes.’
Chapter 24 Paragraph 19
’When you reap the the fruits of the earth you forget any knock
the dust, not to take him back, but let him remain the stranger,
the poor, orphans and widows, the Lord your God bless you all
things hands full Your.’
Chapter 24 Paragraph 20
’'When you shake your olive tree, do not go back to collect the
remains, but leaves them alien, the orphan and widow.’
Chapter 24 Paragraph 21

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’'When you gather the fruits of your vineyard, do not collect
debris, but leaves them alien, the orphan and widow.’
Comment: The text states explicitly that we must gives food to
'orphan’, ‘widow’, ‘wandering'.
 If only people, especially those leaderships states and local
communities should repeat this Command before taking decisions on
the budgets of states and communities.
 The Command was first observed by Essenes and Christian
communities. He was associated with a progressive community
engagement activity in order not to remain on life, a pariah.
Several times in 'Deuteronomy' is the text of Cap.10/19, a reminder -
do not forget where Jews left and deprivation that they have suffered.


Chapter 15 Paragraph 2
'Forgiveness, however, is this: all the lender who gives loan his
neighbor, to forgive debt and no longer ask of his neighbor or
his brother, to preach forgiveness in honor of the Lord thy God.
Chapter 15 Paragraph 3
'From the other people asking the debt, and what you have in
your brother to forgive. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 4
'But it will not be poor among you, that you will bless the Lord in
the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee possession, as it's
legacy. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 6
'For the Lord your God will bless you as you give credit has
spoken and other peoples, and you will not get credit, and thou
shalt reign over many nations, and those will reign over you. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 7
'And you will be poor any of your brothers in any of your cities
in your land which the Lord your God gives you, do not harden
your heart nor close your hand before your brother that you
poor. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 8

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'But to open your hand and give him loans suited to your needs
and lack of suffering. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 9
'Watch out do not come into your heart and mind wicked say
approaching the seventh year, the year of forgiveness, and not
make it because your eye to your brother nemilostiv the poor
and ignore it, that he shall cry unto the Lord against you and will
be on your great sin. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 10
'Give him, give him and how many loans you will require and
how it will be, and when you give them, not to grieve your heart,
because for the Lord your God will bless you in all your stuff
and all one will work for your hands. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 11
"For not deprive poor of your land, and therefore I command
you: Open your hand to your brother, your poor and the
deprived of your land."
governing the Hebrew loan and other people - how, after seven
years, dies DEBT.
 Command which require Hebrew to borrow other nations but
would not require the loan from other nations - as a condition of 'the
rule over other peoples' - not as a tool to DOMINATE and
SUBJUGATE them. To 'reign' in the Biblical sense means to drive -


Chapter 15 Paragraph 12
'It will sell to you and your brother, Jew or Hebrew, six years to
be a slave to you, and in the seventh to give him the road from
you, loose.’
Chapter 15 Paragraph 13
'And when you let them to be loose, not to cut loose with his
bare hands,'
Chapter 15 Paragraph 14
'But endow it from your flocks, from your area, from your

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presses, giving him and his with you in the blessed Lord your
God. "
Chapter 15 Paragraph 18
'Do not counted a weight for you when you should give him
journey from you to be loose, because in six years and has
worked twice as a foreign payment and you will bless the Lord
your God in all that you Make. "
Chapter 16 Paragraph 20
‘Search and justice and righteousness, to live and to conquer
the land which the LORD thy God giveth to you.’
Comment: 'FORGIVENESS' in seventh year. "(2) regulate 'sale'
(actually engaging work) during the seven years of a Jew or Hebrew.
 Indicates the special status of who served seven years. The
requirement is to not let him leave without equip it with goods to
remain a free man, living with their resources.
 Interesting note is the 15/18 - that poor Jew in the seven years he
worked twice as a stranger. Here we find the concept that Jews
should be able to use the first Jewish work. We respect this
Command has repeatedly harm Jews (and other nations where labor
practice foreigners / migrants 'cheaper' than the population of the
same people) in terms of numerical population growth of foreign /
migrant. The Law of Moses was not observed by small landowners in
Palestine in Early Hebrew Alia (XIX). It led to massive increases in
emerging Arab population in Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, Syria and
Lebanon at the expense of Hebrew immigrants. This phenomenon
was partly countered by the emergence of agricultural settlements
type Kibbutz, Moshav, after 1905. But he remained a long time - 30
years - a demographic advance the Arab population.1


Chapter 22 Paragraph 1
'When you see your brother's ox or his sheep stray field, do not

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get attached to them, but back to your brother. "
Chapter 22 Paragraph 2
'But if your brother is not near you or do not know, to go to your
house and sit on them until you find your brother and then to
give them. "
Chapter 22 Paragraph 3
'So to do with his ass, so to do with his clothes, so to do with
any lost thing of your brother that he will lose and you will find,
for this you can not sidestep . '
Chapter 22 Paragraph 4
'When you see your brother's ass or his ox fallen on the road,
not to leave, but to stand up with him. "
Commentary: Aid another Hebrew to preserve his property.
 Any object or animal found to be given the right holder. It is
sought to be behind the property.
 Given for the direct aid in difficulty to return home.
 Commands are firmly rooted in Hebrew - and now applied in most
practical situations in Mosaic Communities. In other nations as well,
the human communities of small and medium sized (up to ten
thousand) inhabitants. But in large communities they are inapplicable.


Chapter 23 Paragraph 19
'Do not give your brother or silver at interest, nor bread, nor
anything one can give at interest. "
Chapter 23 Paragraph 20
'That of another nation to give him at interest, and your brother
not to give in usury, that the Lord your God bless you all things
are full of hands in the earth are going to take him in possession
Chapter 24 Paragraph 6
'Nobody takes pawn stone above or below that of wheat mill ,
that would mean that the pledge itself get a life. ‘
Chapter 24 Paragraph 10
'It will give your neighbor some credit, do not go to his house to

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get bail for him.’
Chapter 24 Paragraph 11
'Stay in the lane, and one to whom you gave your loan to bail out
into the road. ‘
Chapter 24 Paragraph 12
'And if he shall be poor man does not sleep, having to pledge you. ‘
Chapter 24 Paragraph 13
'But to pawn back at sunset, to sleep in clothes you and bless
you, and it will be seen as a good deed before the Lord your
God. ‘
Chapter 25 Paragraph 13
'You shall have in your bag two kinds of weights for scales:
some higher and others lower. ‘
Chapter 25 Paragraph 14
'In your house does not have two kinds of measurement units:
one more and another less.‘
Chapter 25 Paragraph 15
'Weights for your turn to be true and straight and your
measurement unit is true and right to multiply your days in the
land which the Lord your God give you to inherit. ‘
Chapter 25 Paragraph 16
'That is abomination before the Lord your God is whoever
injustice. ‘
Comment: There are clearly exposed. I do not think I have anything
to add.
 Note to Cap.24 / 6: that relates directly to the resource not to take
someone there (take the pledge itself would mean that someone's
life). Unemployment, excessive taxation, bank interest excessive,
poor free health care, are some examples of direct deprivation of the
right to life.


Chapter 24 Paragraph 14
'Let no one who works injustice on pay, the poor and the needy
of thy brethren or of thy strangers that are in earth and in your
cities. "
Chapter 24 Paragraph 15

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'But you pay the same day and not the sun go down before it,
that he is poor and soul of the expected payment, as he does not
cry over you by God and not of sin. "
Comment: It regulates the payment which gives a Jew to be correctly


Chapter 23 Paragraph 15
'Do not give the prisoner in the hands of his master, when he
shall flee from his master to you. ‘
Chapter 23 Paragraph 16
'Let him live in you, let him live among you, instead of what he
would choose one of your cities where he would like, but do not
straits. ‘
Chapter 24 Paragraph 7
'It will be that someone has stolen any of his brothers, the sons
of Israel and making it a slave, sold to be killed and that thief to
eliminate evil from among you.’

Comment: This law is in conflict with applicable laws servants and

citizens (subjects of some totalitarian state or the missing
fundamental rights subject). But the essence is that Jews slaves in
Egypt, were freed by the will and power of God. Therefore any slave,
wherever it comes, is for a Jew, a free man.
 Seizure of Hebrew murderer must be punished with death ... really
hard for our times. Paradoxically or not this law to apply in some
Islamic communities - the law of retaliation. But in modern democratic
societies, where 'long' trial and the facts as they rarely convicted.


Chapter 17 Paragraph 17
'You do not multiply women, not to rebel's heart, and no silver or
gold and it's not growing out of proportion. ‘
Chapter 23 Paragraph 24
'It will come in via your neighbor, you can eat until you get tire

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rep, but in your basket to not chicken. ‘
Chapter 23 Paragraph 25
'And when you take your neighbor's wheat, broken ears with
your hands and no chicken in his field to mow your neighbor. ‘
Comment: Unfortunately we overlooked in many communities, from
the humble to the site managers, be they 'believers' or not.

TAXATION ('tithe')

Chapter 26 Paragraph 11
‘And to enjoy all the wealth the Lord your God gave you and
your home, but to rejoice and the Levite and the alien will be in
Chapter 26 Paragraph 12
’And when you gather all the thites of the fruits of your ground
in the third, since tithing is and you will give Levite, the alien, the
orphan and widow, as they eat into your slots and to be feed.”
Comment: Applies to local communities in the country. The problem
is more or less than the unfairness of those who give it (tax at source)
and take it (excessive taxation).
 The problem is really for those who do not redistribution of income
resulting from the "Ten" - the existence of adequate resources or
people, or, more often for the benefit of key local leaders or group of
 Note: The Zionist Jews made a systematic distribution of income,
embodied in the organization and functioning of contemporary
common site. Basically I think the problem is not about "how we
collect," but on "how to divide."
 Who is jealous of the Jews must, ordinary clothes, shoes and has
a roof that receive food aid will be over their heads in life such as
"copy" the model for a thousand years of Jewish tradition in their
communities. In the current level of media today, households Serbian
human community, for example, can communicate with members of
Kibbutz and Moshav in Israel, just as an example, the experience of
the distribution of 'ten'.

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These traditions are applied in Mosaic communities.

 Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Chief Rabbi of the British Comenwealt)
observed: "In time the priority was life community, the nation, the
Empire, Jews were put to the fore dignity" ...
 Regarding Ethics, mosaism was the first religion that stresses the
dignity and sanctity of human life. For the first time, the individual can
not be sacrificed for survival of a community without it voluntarily
assume this move. To kill a person
is not only a crime against a man, but a sin against God.
 'Torah' refers to the creation of man by saying "God created man
as His own image, to emphasize that every human is divine germ. If
each person has the spark of God in him, anyone should be treated
with respect and dignity.
 'Talmud' tells us that God created the first man to teach us that:
who saves a man save a world, who destroys a life destroy a world!
According to the Talmud concepts in Hebrew, the individual is a
microcosm of the world. The individual, in Hebrew law is important in
itself, manifested in a variety of situations.
 For example, an innocent man can never be sacrificed to save
someone else or a group of people. If there are more people in the
situation between life and death and we can only save one, for
example an earthquake or a shipwreck, who save a person, and
others may die, he have not directly caused their deaths but he fulfill
the command: he saved a micro universe. If you do so, and God
gives us more power we save perhaps even a human being... not the
number of counts in that time but your involvement, under the
commands of God.
 Another example is the abortion issue, Halaka and Mishna
accepted that only if the mother lives there directly amena fetus. We
see here Command stated above in respect of words quoted Rabbi
Jonathan Sacks. Ethics God sent us, through the prophets is the
Good Works.
'Human Rights' were more or less explicitly stated in the post-feudal
state constitutions. The last document that I mention is the

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"Declaration of Human Rights in San Francisco" (December 10,



It is a text that presents facts happened two thousand years ago. In year 5,
boiling between Judea revolt against Roman occupant, split between recipients
and outcasts of fortune, the moral degradation and mesianism. Among insiders
raises a Hebrew prophet: Jesus of Nazareth. He teach, by curing, miracles of
God's love for all people, in the spirit of Essenes communities: work, life and faith
together. Things practiced by the ancient Hebrew people, but unknown to other

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nations. It was the Hebrew apostles to lead our evangelism among Jews, to
transgression The Ten Commandments, Torah and the Laws of Moses in
adapted forms, accessible cultural level of the new non Jews followers.
In a hundred years, the Hebrew Christians Communities came as messianic
role, the stage of history, but the mission fulfilled. When Moses built A PEOPLE
FOR A FAITH, Apostless has generated A FAITH FOR ALL THE PEOPLES.


A three - the Gospel, called 'Luke’ with 'Acts of the Apostles', were originally one
book, reference document on the origins of Christianity. In the years around
1150, the two parties were separated. The first part was included in the organic
of the ‘New Testament’. It can be assumed that the reason that do not introduce
the text 'Acts of the Apostles' in the ‘New Testament’ of the eleventh century that
a theological motivation of the Crusades that were to be held was that Hebrew
people are Crucified Jesus. Or that text describes the Hebrew Christian struggle
for The Gospel of Jesus ... therefore was not included! This text will be integrated
into the 'New Testament' in the eighteenth century.
 Title: 'Acts of the Apostles' is given after the Greek fashion, which give reports
about ancient heroes: ' Acts of ... '(such as the campaigns of Alexander of
Macedonia or Hanibal). The fact that the two works have the same author
suggested the style and language used. Luke, belongingn to Hebrew Christian
apostolic generation, has a realistic vision the religious conflict between Mosaic
Jews and Hebrew Christians, generated by social and religious movement whose
leader was Jesus of Nazareth. Originated from a family of Hebrew richest of
Antioch (in Syria today). It was initiated in sacred medicine. Converted to
Christianism under conduct of Apostle Paul (Rabbi Saul, himself to Yeschiva
Rabbi1 Gamaliel the Elder, initiated in Mosaic Law). He will follow the missionary
Paul route to Greece and Rome.
 Amount key Lucanian text consists of the author's immediate participation in
the latter part of the Missionary apostolic Hebrew-Christians. The apostle Luke
isa fine analyst, able to identify the significance of key moments of the primary
expansion of Christianity.
 In the 'Acts of Apotres' there is a rich cargo information showing the daily life
and problems of large communities of Hebrew Christians in the Middle East and
in the Mediterranean region. About Hebrew Christians from Jerusalem, are
indirect reports on the activities Apostle Peter (p.9.32. - 11.18.) And Filip (p.8.4-
40). Another segment of the history of Hebrew Christians movement is about
Hellenistic Jews2. Override in Jerusalem after lapidary deacon Saint Stephen,
they will be put to the Greek colonies in the continent and the Islands, the

'Rabbi' was initiated in the mysteries of Mosaic Law, able to train others ‘to
observe’ Mosaic Law (Law text interpretation).

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territory of Palestine and Syria. Become missionaries of the Gospel of Jesus and
initiate the first expansion of the Christian Church. Thus, compact deacon Saint
Stephen by fanatics of Sanhedrin3.
 The establishment of the Christian Church of Antioch (Syria) (p.6.1.-8.; 11.19.-
30, 13.1.-3 ) opens the way to the Hebrew Christians Apostles to build
communities outside Jewish Communities of Iudeea. In this first period of twenty-
five years are receiving among the Hebrew Christians Communities members of
 Center of gravity of the story text is about Paulian Missionary. Overall the work
is a fresco of themes and arguments of first Christian approach. It also address:
to Jews by mosaic comments of sacred texts, to Greeks by philosophical
reflections of Hellenistic nature. For all, apostolic approach evokes the essence
of the Christian mystery: a crucified Messiah, witness his resurrection and the
call to conversion by Christian Baptism and the Eucharist mystery. The text was
attacked that an apology of the Paulian Missionary. The fact is that Luke plays
direct testimony about religious conflict between Mosaic Jews and the
Hebrew Christian rites; branches of the same monotheist religions. The
author relates the apostle Paul militancy, messages addressed to its mosaic co-
religionists and to 'pagans', Roman knights, Roman justice and to the Roman
Emperor (Cezar). Luke made a testimony, as a witness and participant in to
setup them.
 Key ideas in the Lucanian text could be:
 The Faith in Revival of Jesus and his quality of 'Son of God'.
 The main arguments of the apostles against mosaic Rabbi, that denied
Jesus as Messiah, the harbinger of the prophets.
 The Missionary Acts of Apostles by facts, sermons and personal
example, in the conversions to Christianity.
 Primary forms of Christian ritual practices.
 Issue of access to divine forgiveness; essentially common problem in all
dogmatical of esoteric religion.
 Luke made a testimony, writing some facts from the beginning of Christianity,
as a witness and participant in to setup them. In place of conclusion to this
introduction, can give the example of Rabbi Saul conversion to the Gospel of

The Hellenistic Jews (from strong Jewish community in Greek cities and
colonies, some of them, such as Rabbi Saul having Roman citizenship), that he
lay deacons (diakonein -- Acts 6.1., 6.3., 6.6.).
: The Rabbi leadership Group of the Great Temple in Jerusalem. Superior court
decision in Mosaic Temple of Jerusalem in what was regulations and court of civil
and religious life of the Jewish Communities in Jerusalem and indirectly more or
less of most communities of Palestinian territories and Small Asia; activity
tolerated by the Roman occupants.

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Jesus, became Apostle Paul. In this single decision of a human drama we find
the Jews convert to other religions, lasting two thousand years. The apostle
James the young will continue to respect the Mosaic Law, but they point to
Council of Jerusalem that ‘pagans’ will support the final request of a minimum
of restrictions on converts to Christianism. Martyrdom of Saint Stephen deacon
will break 'umbilical cord' that is tied to the Hebrew Christian its Mosaic Jews
fellows. The Council of Jerusalem (48 year, from other sources 50 CE) will
enshrine the principles of 'Divine Forgiveness' gospel through faith in Jesus. Will
break the hold converted to Christianity by 'cut around' ritual and respect 'ad in' a
severe Mosaic Law. But this was not true for devotees Hebrew Christians (they
fully respect the old Mosaic laws). The to be underlined fact is the moment of rip
between the two twigs of Hebrew Monotheism: the Mosaic and Christian. As a
drive away 'brothers to brothers'. The Christian Hebrew Apostles will convert
Christians among 'peoples idolatry', a phenomenon which will be continued after
first century from non Hebrew Christians along 2,000 years: in the Euro-Asian
borders, then the whole world. Initial divergence of theory and social in nature,
between Hebrew, crhristians and mosaic, will lead to rupture of the Hebrew
Christians and the Mosaic Community in reducing the share of Hebrew
 In approximately seven hundred years will appear Islamic monotheism.
Although Jesus, the prophet Muhammad did regarded Moses as a predecessor.
The ‘thrue followers’ have built HATE to prevent LOVE. Why ... in truth only God
knows! Maybe religious Ecumenism unity under the sign of a moral belief in the
existence of 'UNIQUE DIVINE' will give grace in the soul of those who are our
shepherds, to overcome the mirage that deliver at a time in seclusion TO HOLD

In the Prologue of 'Acts of the Apostles' Apostle Luke is addressed to a comrade,
Teofil (Jew in the Attic, switched to Christianity under Paul's conduct)
summarizing in a few paragraphs (Acts p.1.1-2.6) one of the essential prophecy
of Jesus Christ, after resurrection, and announcing the coming of the Holy Spirit
Baptism. In simple words we communicate the essence of the Gospel message
of Jesus. In the forty days that after Jesus resurrection. He communicate with the
apostles on the Mount Olive trees (which guards the old city of Jerusalem), with
the prophecies of what would happen, he asked his comrades to leave the city,
to receive over few days 'Baptism by Holy Spirit':
'John the Baptist baptism given water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit
light over a few days' (Acts p.1.5.).

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Apostles still did not think to rupture between faith following people whose
children were. They asked:
'The time has come to restore the Kingdom of Israel?’
The answer was:
' We can not to know when and when. But you will receive a Force: that the Holy
Spirit, which will down on your beings. Then you'll be my witness, in Jerusalem,
in all Judea and Samaria, just in all the world' (Acts p.1.7.).
There are many previous viewing state, envisaged by the prophets and magus,
every part of the earth. Viewing condition, known as 'the clear vision' is relative in
India vedas books, find text entered in stone or papyrus by insiders from
Memphis (Egypt), in his reports on Herodot predict polytheist cult and priests
Eleusian from Delphi. To mention and those of the first biblical text ('Old
Testament'). The explanation for the occurrence of clear-state vision is to briefly
in the intensive use of brain resources through training and a great way of life,
which take between four and fourteen years (depending on the stage reached by
the start). He was, keeping the proportions, somewhat like a gymnast training for
performance ... bewilderment that year watching Romanian Nadia Comaneci in
parallel or beam is also the outcome and equipping native and a large number of
hours of training done on devices. Years of deprivation compared to the life and
joys of children her age. Result are similar: the maximum possible individual
performance. I invite those willing to consult among each other and bibliography
of this text. Jesus, like Moses, Pythagoras and Mohammed, are the Prophets.
They have reached the ultimate maximum degree, by grace and training, and
were meant to use this power, genetic and acquired, in moral and religious
revival of the era in which they lived temporal destiny with a vision that will result
and foreboding.
 So Jesus explained in a few words that Jerusalem as the place of departure
and arrival, a mutation that will trigger a 'Gospel of Jesus'; major stages of history
and the Christian apostles. But equally true is that without faith and tenacity of
early Hebrew Christians missionaries, those who have followed the dedication,
the prophets would have remained in the wilderness ....
After fifty days crucifixion of Jesus, followers gathered in the precincts where
there has been 'The last Supper’. They were Peter, John, Jacob, Andrew, Philip,
Thomas, Bartomlomeu (Natanael), Matthew, Jacob (son of Alfei), The Zealot
Simon, Judas (other than Iscariot Judas, who handed Jesus to the Roman
troops, together with servants coming to Temple it captures). Together with them
was Mary, Jesus mother and a group of followers. Followed Resurrection facts,
well known, came news of Judas's suicide and replacement with Matthew.
Barnabe, although it was not elected, will continue to tenaciously disciple of
Jesus. Typical Hebrew Christians of the time was the absence of envy and pride.
None of the twelve are not considered at best only among the twelve TO BE.
At fifty days after Easter and Passion of Jesus Resurrection, a storm of noise that
surrounded the building where they were. Strange phenomena took place:
'streams of fire' which is down from top of each apostle. Divine grace (in fact the

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Saint Spirit Baptism) come. The effect was observed on days that followed by
city inhabitants. Not small it was surprising when each of them heard the words
of the apostles: 'Resurrection news of Jesus' on his tongue. It is known as the
apostles were simple people, not trained at schools near the synagogue. More:
they talked about Jesus in Elamite, Arabic, Part. Preached the coming of
Mesopotamia, Judea, Capadochia, Ponte Euxin, Libya, Rome. Temple higher
response is that Peter and eleven other apostles, was the result of ... drink. In the
crowd gathered in the courtyard of the Temple, recalls that nine coming to preach
morning. Either Jews practicing Mosaic Law, are prohibited before a pray this
morning beverages of any kind1. They explain the strange phenomenon with the
message transmitted by Jesus on the Mount Olive trees:
'I will do that Meisanics times, My spirit to descend on the bodies. Be will
prophesy, young people will have visions, old men will have thoughts. I will down
on the Holy Spirit committed. I conjure mysterious signs on the sky and down to
Earth. The sun will change the shadow and the Moon in the blood to come before
the day of God - the Great Day. And everyone will invoke God's name will be
saved'. (Acts 2.17.-21.)
Apostle Peter say: ‘Then you remember how those present that the Sent of God,
with grace of recover and true Mosaic faith was crucified by those same ethnic
group, children of Israel's. But Yehoshua (Jesus) of Nazareth Resurrection is
similarly as King David had his own vision of resurrection. In this approach was
presented with a revelation: RESURRECTION.’
 The first steps of Christianity, the apostles were referred to an ancient esoteric
concept: RESURRECTION SOUL as a result of its passage through a long line
of temporal existence, until one of the two possibilities: destruction in Hades –
(Hell) or passage in a higher plan (called the Kingdom of God, Olympus, Heaven,
Nirvana, etc.). A contemporary has a vague perception of the existence of this
ancient myth. Prophts Hebrew people, among them Moses, David and Isaiah, I
knew. History and presence of this myth in the esoteric texts now nine thousand
years: the vision of Hermes Trismegistus (about whose existence we talk
Shourée). His followers, priests of temples of Memphis (Egypt), and later Indian
Rama Krishna, shared the inside on the last steps of initiation, mystery
resurrection spirit into another biological body, throughout the existence of a
number of which degrade HIGH or towards life without death. Pythagora you
disclose eleuisan myth about goddess Psyhe. His disciples, took him in Greek
colonies. One of the disciples, Zamolxe (the ancient Lord of Dac People, in the
VII century before e.c.) has grown with death smile on the lips of those killed on
the battlefield, confident in the next life will be rewarded for the courage and
dignity. Moses, who was the first ‘Submitted’ (Mesaiah) of the ‘people of God’
was a Jew initiated in Teban temples (XIII century before the Christian era).
Moses reveal Resurrection Mystery to the Jewish people on the way from Egypt
to the banks of Jordan. The reason was to create a people for a religion. For
Jewish tribes that have been conducted in the wastes of Sinai forty years
What has been sent to Christians in the sacrament ritual.

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between Nil Delta and Erihon (distance that would be gone in a few months). The
aim being that the new born on this road to be educated and trained monotheist
religion – to trust in ONE GOD - and the new spirit of moral and social laws of
Moses, which in turn underlie the organization of human civilization for nearly
three thousand years. If thirsty and hungry Jews had certainly a life ahead would
be specifically waived in place at the present ... After Moses no Ahaaron (Aaron)
or Iehoshua (Joshua) have not revealed the esoteric resurrection mystery. But he
was perceived by some of the rabbi (Pharisee and Essenes) during the existence
of Jesus.
 Gospel of Jesus will be the first to disclose the mystery of the occult as
Resurrection mosaic pillar of faith. The prophet was crucified because that
means final death of soul for insiders mosaic. Reappearance before his disciples
was an acknowledgment of the mystery: 'The death of death to step on'. And
explains such tenacity and virtue with which the first Hebrew Christians
Resurrection filed testimony of Jesus, most often at the cost of life.
Apostle Peter in his first lectures (and later Paul kept preaching in synagogues
and in his letters) claimed between the unity and the Gospel of Jesus and the Old
Testament. It was an attempt to persuade priests to accept testimony
resurrection as proof of quality for Jesus to be Messiah. This was greeted with
intolerance disguised to us today. But 'Love Divine' and hope in 'Life After' will
force them to expand by followers of 'pagan world' throughout the hole mankind.
 In those difficult moments and that was not to be a possible consensus.
Judean Kingdom, occupied by the Romans, divided his inside, was not an
environment for theological 'cold' debate, with the objective of finding lines
emerging between Hebrew: Mosaic insiders and Christians, because of three
major conflicts:
 NATIONAL CONFLICT - Jew people opposed to a 'suicidal tenacity' (Emperor
Adrian statement) Roman domination by frequent riots led by zealots. Another
part of the Hebrew society, the richest, find a modus vivendi with the Roman
occupation force. That create an internal split between followers of the two
pathways. An example is the head of hostile, Jew Joseph Ben Matitahu, who
taught the Romans the name being removed from people's history (the irony is
that it becomes one of the historians cited for the Jewish life and Roman – Jew
wars of that age, then under Roman Jhosefus Flavius). The 135 year bring to
him the occupation of Jerusalem, Jews driving away from the city; Romans
destroying buildings, rarely land with oxen and build a Roman city called Aelia
Capitolina (century II c.e.).
 INTERNAL CONFLICT - It consists in the degradation of civil society and
atomisation Hebrew civil solidarity based on wealth. The result was a series of
riots against submitting an administrative nature that overlap tribute the Roman
authority. For simple man coming of the Messiah, the incarnate Jesus, was not
only echo the prophets Moses, David, or Isaiah, but a means to express rebellion
of the people against castes and tribal administrative Judea and Roman
authorities and bear money. It is almost superfluous to mention that then, as

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now, these conflicts have led to internal failures and a lack of unity, can be used
by the Romans to maintain possession and finally destroy Judean state.
 RELIGIOUS CONFLICT opinionated at that time were
three groups with different interpretations of the
theological and practical aspects of the doctrine of
religious mosaic.
Saducees (Tzadokim) - surviving conservative branch
of Leviticus, Tore requiring compliance with the letter,
without any deviation. They claimed Dogma existence of
a single (single life). Life Jew was driven by fear of breaking your mitzvot
(commandments sacred), the punishment of God. They had at that time control
Sanhedrin (religious decision-making forum of the Great Temple). Among them
are the Caiphas - High Priest in the time of Saint John the baptiser and then
Pharisees (Peruschim) were those who, in approaching the problems of 'Jew in
the street', Tore practice teaching in a spirit of flexibility and adapt them to
practical reality ( 'Oral use Torah'). They do not deny the Resurrection. Some of
them such as Rabbi Nicodemus, Gamaliel the Young, have expressed in
Sanhedrin to find a compromise with the Christian sect of Jews, both before and
immediately after the killing of Jesus.
Essenes (Hasidim) were the core of the esoteric body of Rabbinate Corpus.
Their centers were open in Ein Gheddi (Ein Gedi) and Qumram near Death Sea
and Nil Delta. Their egalitarian organization (life and property in common, mutual
brothers of faith wherever they are, banning the practice of speculative activities,
trade, military) will be taken over by the first Christian communities and Christian
later monastic orders, regardless of rite. Among them would be those who have
supported the material and logistic support missions preached of Jesus (the
assumption is based on the observation that the Gospels are not mentioned
many of those who have been hosts of the Apostles, which fits with the tradition
of protecting links between members of the Essenes congregation). Claimed that
their doctrine Resurrection myth and existence in time of several sent (Messiah).
They, in various moments of the 'War on the children of light sons of darkness'
come to the ' divine will '. Essenes, Saducees, Pharisees is constituted in the
past councilor of Judeea Kings.
Internal conflicts were not wiped out by now ...
 Internal fighting superpose to the final Israel State disintegration of the year
135. Making 'Spiritual State of Israel', by structuring its doctrinal and pragmatic, is
initiated by Iohanan Rabbi Ben Zakai, to IASMINA (70). This organizational
structure has enabled the survival of Spiritual disparate communities abroad
Eretz Israel (Galut). Congress in Basel in 1897 was the beginning of Coming
Back. Ended in 1948 with the founding of Eretz Israel State. In none of these
moments has not been accepted as a Jew to the Hebrew adherent of
Christianity. And to be fair ... for any other religion than Mosaic.

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 After the first lecture of Peter begins to convert the Jews by Christian 'baptism
with water' and Eucharist1. They were almost 'three thousand souls". The first
Christian community in Jerusalem arises. Followers to respect the ritual
Eucharistic; goods were made in common, mass and prayers were shared, and
training to Apostolic School.
They observe the tradition of organizing a type of Hebrew Essenes community.
Love God and fear not, good neighbor and made no mercy, joy to learn
alongside others in faith and not revel the 'elected' and made the first Christians
to sell their assets, bringing in new material goods by the Hebrew Christians
community. They continued to observe traditions, holidays and ritual
commemorating Mosaic (of they not feeling apart) and to go to the Great Temple.

The miraculous healing, realized by the Apostles, they reinforced the confidence
in the way chosen. For example he recovery in a lame way to morning prayers in
the Temple. In one day, when Peter and John go to the Temple morning prayer,
a cripple from birth they stretched hand to receive the dole. Peter and the fixed
intensity of his eyes while he told John: 'Look It's US!. Being unhappy and he
raises his head on, always hand stretched. Peter continues to view with intensity
when he says:
'Silver and Gold I have not, BUT WHAT AM I give you: In the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth GET UP AND GO! "(Acts p.3.6.)
Peter helped cripple stand up and feel that they are vigorous. Go through the
Temple courtyard thank God. I see the faithful present crippled begging going on.

That caused bewilderment among they are there. Peter and John going to the
front gate Esplanada Solomon and addresses crowd there. The recent recalls
how many of those close to death they asked Jesus. His Resurrection testimony
is that lame that recovery through faith in Jesus and the Apostles invoking his
name The words of Peter and John:
'People of Israel, why are amazed. Why we look like we have committed this
miracle with our own forces or by the power of our prayer. God of Abraham, of
Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers and the holy grace descended, glorifying
him his servant, Jesus Christ, which linked you and renegade before Pilate; him
when he wanted to liberate him. And you have accused the holy servant of God
asking for life in exchange for an assassin [Barabas]. While to kill the Prince of
Life. God resurrected from the dead. And through faith in His name, this man
who you know, the invocation of the name only has played one you see on full
health. ‘ (Acts p.3.12.-16.). He urges conversion among 'the People of God'
quoting from Moses and Abrahaam. Encouraging to convert was accompanied
by apostle with a quotation from Moses:

About CHRISTENING OR ADULT BAPTISM - 'Repent, and each of you will be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins' (Acts 2.38.). EUCHARIST - Hebrew, the first
Christians 'home break bread '(Acts 2.46).

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'God will send among you a prophet like me. Those he will not listen to this
prophet will be excluded from among the people of God '. (Acts p.3.22.). He
recalls Abraham prophets of globalization on people's faith in Hebrew Gospel of
'In the name of this prophet, Son of God will be blessed all the families of the
Earth'. (Acts p.3.25.).
Meanwhile the crowd closely approaching Rabbi and the Temple guard.
Apostles are arrested and brought before the Meeting Sanhedrin. They were
asked which try mock their faith. Peter's response was, in addition to the
arguments presented crowd, the motivation of faith in Jesus as the cornerstone
of human salvation of the Jew people. Also there was the lame healed, vivid
testimony to the words of Peter. Outside the world demanded their release.
Apostles are released ... Measures inconsistent due on one hand by fear of riots,
on the other speakers endorsed the Sanhedrin where Rabbi Gamaliel to urge
caution. In the next period increase massively the number of entering the Hebrew
Christians community. Increase its welfare. People brought the sick on the way
apostles to heal. Convinced of the reality of healing, with Hebrew as Barnaba
fortune selling their property, providing the money along with their reconversion.
For the daily distribution of goods within the community the twelve apostles
appointed seven deacons of the Jews from the Hellenistic space (diakonein -
Acts 6.1., 6.3., 6.6.). Organizational success made rabbis or potentate, to panic.
Grand Rabbi Caiphas asks to Apostles not to preach saying:
'Blood of Jesus will avenge all Israel'.
The apostle Paul replies:
'Who must obey, God or people? "
Rabbi response was:
'On God'
Then apostle answered:
'God of our fathers raised Jesus in order to give the people of Israel the
forgiveness of sins. We are witnesses' (Acts p.5.28. - 32.).
Before a meeting in which the roar and threaten in a confused state, Rabbi
Gamaliel requires that the prisoners be removed from the courtroom saying:
p.5.34.). Apostles were beaten and were forbidden to preach in the name of


The Jews from the Hellenistic space were Hebrew from Jewish strong
communities in Greek cities. Some of them, such as Rabbi Saul had Roman
citizenship. In their synagogues we read and observe Torah Commandaments in
Greek. They demanded that the Christian Gospel to be preached in Greek. When
the apostles chose seven deacons for the practice of ritual in the Hebrew

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language similar to other territories. Not only in aramaic as practice in the
synagogues. Were: Stephen, Philip, Prohor, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and
Nicholas of Antioch. Saint Stephen the deacon prove the most inspired people
and spread recovering deeds. Therefore extreme persecution mosaic focused on
him. First they tried to to combat him at meetings and theological debates that
took place in the Temple, the Sabbath1. The most aggressive were the so called
'release' : the surviving Jews from Cirene, Alexandria, Cilicia, and made slaves of
Pompei after occupation of Palestine (60 bce) and subsequently released by
In one of the debates began by commenting the Torah text, which appeared to
be contrary teachings of Jesus. Unable to prove the theological plane, they incite
the people of the meeting stone at it, because Stephen claimed prophets Temple
destruction and disappearance Judean state, thus a big injury to Moses and God.
Is brought before Sanhedrin. Rabbi Caiphas demand it to be justified. Before
meeting Rabbi Stephen pronounce an indictment of bigotry and hypocritical faith
in those (and any) time:
'Brothers and parents, listen up: glory of God our father appeared Abraham from
Mesopotamia, before being set in Canaan, and said: leave your country and go
back to the country that you will show. Then he left Caldeea to Haran; there after
the death of his father2. God called to the country you live now. Not given any
property on this place, even so far as to put your foot. But promised to take him
endow after death, even if it does not have children. God told his people that will
live in slavery on earth and will be oppressed for four hundred years. Iisac
transmitted the Convenant and ‘cut around’3 his son Jacob, and that on the
twelve Patriarchs, his sons. The twelve Patriarchs they have sold their brother
Joseph in Egypt, jealous on his grace. But God was with him, gave reprieve and
wisdom with which Pharaoh made it up to the rank of governor of Egypt. Hunger
included Hebrew home. Joseph had sent aid and recognized its origin before the
pharaoh, brought his father Jacob and his family made up of seventy-five
persons. After death the body was brought to Sihem plot. People has multiplied
in Egypt. The Pharaons taken it in captivity. When he was born Moses, the
beloved of God. He was trained in all of Egypt wisdom4. It was powerful in words
and deeds. When he reached the age of forty years, he went where the people
was his slave in Nil Delta. Here, seeing how one is mistreated5. Moses was a

Day of rest and glorified God, which begins Friday at sunset and ends Saturday at sunset.
Terah: Abraham father, in the city of Ur support their family making idol worship of Baal.
The Convenant by which God asked Abraham as a sign of the first Family of God, all men,
including family slaves to 'cut around' (ritual practiced in both Hebrew and other Semitic peoples
such as Arabs
As written by Schourée, Moses, as the adopted son of the sister of Ramses II, was sent to the
initiation of fourteen years to Theban initiation School to, as the Egyptian Horsasip alongside the
pharaoh's son, Merneptah. It proved the best. Fear of not being chosen by the Great theban priests
as heir to the throne of the pharaoh (Egyptian theocracy Pharaoh allowed the choice of another
family, if so decided priests) he was appointed Grand Scribe and sent to inspect the territory of the

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refugee from Madian1. Here's how they apostate Moses, who will save by using
the Force and the mysteries of God, the country of Egypt, on the Dead Sea and
the desert for forty years. WHO WAS AT THAT PARENTS refused our Home
Let's listen. Moreover, were the heart of slavery in Egypt when they celebrated
the cult idols, dissatisfied with the prophet of God gave his people. He had told
Aaron, his brother, the one who appointed Moses to lead the camp while he was
on Mount Sinai to receive 'Tables of Law' (Ten Commandments) from divinity.
'Make us some goods to lead us: for that Moses, who was removed from the
country of Egypt do not know what to do'. They made a golden calf and have
offered sacrifices of animals.(...) David asked for divine pardon to build a
residence for the God of Jacob. Solomon built it, but God lives in a housing made
man as the prophet says: 'Heaven is my body and the earth is at my feet, what
house you build, which will be the place of my rest? Is not my hand I did all this?
Souls, hearts ‘not cut around’ ears, yet you are contrary to the Holy Spirit. So
were the your parents, and so are you. What's your prophet was not persecuted
by your parents? They killed those who predict the coming of the law, that you
have betrayed and murdered. YOU, THE PEOPLE THAT RECEIVED THE LAW,
the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at God's right '. (Acts p.7.01. -
Assembly of the temple, angry, led him out of the temple and kill him with stones.
Rabbi Saul (the future apostle Paul) guarding killers clothes... It's hard to play
other than Luke does, the atmosphere in those days that starts persecution by
brothers to brothers. Recourse to the understanding of morality and Divine
approach is replicated by intolerance and hatred of those moments: speech
deacon Saint Stephen seem to a normal Jew today, coherent, even if no one
agrees christianism with its mosaic fiber education. Any bona fide thinker will
appreciate Dialectics form specific art in speculative discourse rabbi in general.
Deacon St. Stephen in the depth of the dispute around the prophecies of Jesus
concerning the disappearance of the Great Mosaic Temple and Judean state.
 It could be said some of the messages:
 St. Stephen finds past genesis and future Avatars of the people in Hebrew
itself. The internal divisions and disobedience of their own prophets.
Ritual acts are worthless as long as the believer is not the true faith.
Schourée reported that it was about killing a Jew by a satrap (Egyptian officer). Moses took
satrapy sword and killed him. From that moment he was liable to the death penalty, insiders as
having one of the sacred commandments - not kill !, killing the Egyptian satrap. He was sent by
God, BUT ITS BROTERS do not understood. Stop a two-day a quarrel between two of our, these
said: 'Who made you judge? You want to kill me, as you killed yesterday the Egyptian?. (...)
Concordant the Schourée, Moses (named Horsasip yet), killing the Egyptian satrap had to
undergo trial for murder divine. He is heading for a temple of Osiris, at the foot of the mountain
Sinai: Madian, led by a high priest of Ethiopian origin: Jetro (to whose daughter would later marry).
This will to accomplish the ritual of penitence. Then, back to life, will change its name to Moses =
Rescue. There, on Mount Sinai God will reveal that it will lead to to come back in Egypt to free his
people. God was revealed: 'I saw Suffering the slavery of MY PEOPLE THAT IS IN EGYPT. I
heard his crays AND I AM TO descend for his Redemption. Now go, I SEND YOU IN EGYPT.

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Whether you are Christian or Mosaic, or fear of Divine punishment, either
in the belief that God loves coming back to Him through love of others and
contrition. True devotee is pervaded by a spirit of faith. Otherwise, in vain
you pray, observe the ritual, charity acts doing, how you hook your faithful,
heart and soul remain in unbelief.
 Rabbi Saul was the one who led the persecution against Christians
followers. It will convert to the Gospel of Jesus became the one who will
teach and train new followers faith in the Middle East and Mediterranean
 The fact that the crucifixion of Jesus and compact deacon Saint Stephen
were two horrible crime came to Rome. Tiberius Emperor (14 - 37)
ordered him to Vitellius, of Syria, to remove the representative of Roman
Jerusalem (Pilate) and the High Priest Caiphas. Tiberius not see any
attempt to state security in the movement generated by 'a Jew prophet
Christus', which could not be more than a specific product environment
Judaic and tolerated as such. At 35 he even proposes a Senate bill that
Christian worship should be declared 'legal' (allowed), wishing to prevent
ambiguity that allowed the Jews as revenge against the Christians mosaic
to be put under the protection of Roman Law. But Senate gives verdict:
'non legal esse Christianos' ...




Christian community attract the attention and of insiders. Simon The Magician
offers a large sum of money for the apostles Peter and John to reveal the secrets
of apostle recovering acts. Peter anathema to threaten him because he wants to
buy what can be achieved only through faith. Simon is not blameful (and he has
asked forgiveness for this offer). As then and now life, trained or not, is oriented
towards tangible things; easier or more difficult to obtain. Common sense, that of
Simon is that anything can be achieved with money. Second sense, that of Peter
and John, is that Divine Grace is obtained by Faith. The three-century sense, the
concept is that God does not require the offering materials but compliance Divine
Spirit, the Ten Commandments, through faith and repentance. Sacrifice in the
Christian vision is to remove evil from the soul of every believer. Jesus (followed
by seven hundred years after Muhammad), ask God near by, and THE SOUL.
Simon The Magician shows that, being initiated in various Mystery spirit, with its
own powers, training and intelligence are not yet discerning enough to
understand the Christian esoterya, that to be assimilated by him own soul.

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 Override in Jerusalem, Helenist Christian Jews, way to the Greek colonies on
the continent and the Islands, the territory of Palestine and Syria. Become
missionaries of the Gospel of Jesus and initiate the first expansion of Christian
Church. Where is the apostle Philip baptise a high official of Queen Candace:
Ethiopian eunuch. St. Philip went in one morning on the road that connect Gaza
to Jerusalem. At noon, he came alongside a caravan glittering. It was led by the
great keeper of the Ethiopian Queen Candace. Moving towards Jerusalem.
Divine impulse leads him to ask officials to take with him. On the way, he says
that Ethiopian read prophecies of Isaiah and he asks them to explain something
about the Gospel of Jesus, who heard that it would be a 'sent', announced by the
prophet Isaiah. Philip it relates to the Miracles of Jesus curing made about it
Resurrection after being crucified and forces with which he and eleven other
apostles were giving after the Holy Spirit to descend on their during fifty days
after Resurrection, of Pentecost. Impressed Egyptian dignitary wants to become
a devotee of Jesus. Philip he realizes that the meeting is not held up. On
crossing the Jordan, he baptise with water, although he knew that the new emule
belonged to a people 'to idol worshiper’. Immediately after the ceremony,
Ethiopian finds that mysterious passenger was no longer beside him. In what
concerns Philip, seen it on the road leading to Azot. Philip will continue his
Missionary work in Samaria. It is followed by Peter and John, who will lay on us
Jews baptized by Philip. Missionary develops Cesareea, Lidda, Giaffa, Antioch.
Caiphas send most harsh Rabbis physically destroy these prolific Christian
communities. Among its Rabbi Saul, who converted to Christianity, and after a
dozen years after the episode on the Damascus road, Barnaba with, take the
road of converting Greeks of the cosmopolitan metropolis of Antioch. Here is the
first mention of name 'Christianus' (χρίστίαηοί)1. They opened numerous decisive
conversions for the ‘no cut around’ baptism. The 'visibility' of the contract
between Abraham family and God, in which the male part is 'cut around'.
Considered a mitzvot (basic commandment), they constituted an infringement for
many of the apostles new Christian Churche of Jerusalem. Apostle Peter calls
the message - faith in the Gospel of Jesus is addressed to all nations (Acts 1.7. -
 Hebrew Christians community in Jerusalem is going through a quiet period.
Miraculous recovery made by Peter at Lida (a paralytic recover) and Iope
(Bringing life to a moribund) reinforced faith followers. Start converting among
Roman army, once the transition to Christianity Roman centurion Cornelius
Family, Legion of 'Italy', in Cesareea. Centurion Cornelius was with his family a
fervent proponent of the Gospel of Jesus. But it was not baptized in mosaic rit
(cut around). So how to be baptized as Christian?!. In one morning, while he was
praying an inner voice tells him: 'Send some trust men now to the Iope, and calls
Simon, said Peter.' (Acts 10.15). Peter in turn two-day at noon is prayer for the
Cristianoi - Greek term appears in the' Acts' 11.26. , 11.28. Cristianus - Roman period, appears in
Acts 11.26. αγίοί = agioi (Saints) - a period that defined Christians, appears in Acts 9.32. Kratistos:
appellative given Teofil Luke's, which was part of the Roman knight class (in Latin egregius). In the
early years along the Roman knight class adopted Christianity in good part.

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vision: 'a large cloth, attached to the four corners, and descend the vent is down
to earth. In it were all kinds of animals and four-footed reptile on earth and birds
of heaven. Take a voice said to Peter get up and eat ... Not God, replied Peter.
Any time we ate something dirty or unclean. Voice has said: What God has
purged not call foul. This was repeated three times. '(Acts 10.15,16).
Peter meditate on the message of the Supreme Force, when the gate house
some Roman soldiers asked him. They say that centurion Cornelius invited to his
home with his attendants. A new opportunity for meditation and prayer to lighting
what was done: a Jew was not allowed to step threshold to a 'goy' (unbeliever).
Him decisions is to go and three-day start to Cesareea. Cornelius expected him
with his family, a group of intimate and its slaves. Before entering Peter says:
'You know that it is absolutely forbidden to be a Judean and to form a close
friendship with member of another tribe or to go to his house. But God called me
to not think about being can be dirty or impure. So I was hard to answer your call.
Now tell me why you called? "(Acts 10.28,29).
Cornelius tells them about the vision were to call him. Strengthen the related
belief that the apostle Peter to be baptized present. Assembly begins prayer
along with him. At one point, like the Pentecost in Jerusalem, a veil of light is
lower on the whole Assembly. Peter and his attendants, all Hebrew, notes that
God, before he baptize them with water, descend baptism by the Holy Spirit (as
done by the apostles of Pentecost) ON ALL IN enclosures: masters or slaves; cut
around or not. Then say:
'We can refuse baptism by water on those who have received baptism by the
Holy Spirit? "(Acts p.10.47.).
All those are there, regardless of ethnicity or social status have been baptized
with Water by apostle Peter.
Coming back to Jerusalem, Peter has faced opposition from Hebrew Christians
Apostles, to convert pagan people. They charged that it failed to comply strictly
observed the Mosaic Law. The new convert, must be ‘cut around’ in advance.
Always repeat the same slogan: 'We need them to be cut around and to impose
the law of Moses.' Were joined by Jews and Christians of Antioch who claimed
not to recognize the right to forgiveness of sins to those who were not cut
around. There Barnabe and Paul converted to Christianity on the pagans who
wanted to hug UNIC FAITH in God. It was the first conflict inside the Hebrew
Christians Church. Brew time to eliminate this ambiguity and to transfer outside
Jews strictly respect of rituals conversion to Christ: The Hebrew Christians
Council of Jerusalem (50).


 Cornelius, Roman centurion, with family, friends and intimate slaves were
baptized in the Cesareea by Peter, as I reported above. Baptism in the name of
God, for some not comply Mosaic rituals, seemed a sign of divine Hebrew, others

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something scandalous and unthinkable; outside Law. What will happen and: two
thousand years the belief that they are. The bid was actually another: Who is
God's people?. Tough question, which can not only deliver a working hypothesis,
to be taken into account or not. To motivate us back to about 3000 years ago.
Moses, the first great prophet of the faith in the spirit of Universal Single play in
'Genesis' ('Sepher Bereshit') the two concepts that define the ‘people chosen’.
 Who are they?
'God told Abraham: Let my promise keeping you and your seed after you all that
is male between part I (...) will be ‘cut around ' BOTH THE SLAVE BORN IN
 Where it first formed?
'People your family country give it the river of Egypt to the river Eufrat’.
So 'God's People' began with a family through promise concluded Abraham with
HEBREW, including the slaves. They were also baptized by circumcision. Moses
will bring tables Law (the Ten Commandments). Moses will develop the
'Leviticus' laws of social organization of this people. In 1300 years after Moses,
the apostles, will establish a new concept of belonging to 'the People of God', for
this to include nations ' to the edge of the earth ', as he asked Jesus into
communion on the Mountain of the olive trees in Jerusalem. Paul will develop in
the years of his missions, rules and hierarchy of the Christian communities. Over
700 years of, Mohammed will bring faith in God Single for Semite brothers
(stepfather) of the Jews: Arabs.
Review: 'Sarah, his wife born Abraham not place children (...). Then Sarah, his
wife took Abraham a woman slave: Agar.(…) Agar was born Abraham his son,
and son Abraham put on the Agar at birth, name Ishmael. (...) Sarah became
pregnant in old age (...) and said it drive avay Agar and her son. (...) God told
Abraham (...) do everything you ask Sara. (...) But the son Ishmael I will make a
People because seed is yours. God was with the child who grew up (...) lived in
the Paran and the kid take his mother took a wife from the Egyptians' (Genesis
p.16. 1,3,5, p 21. 2,10,12,20,21 ). Sara baby is named Ishruel (Israel). Ishmael
will be Patriarch Arab people. Gene is common to both peoples – Semitic gene.
Interesting is the fact, reported by the apostle Luke, about stopping Paul's (the
night vision) to preach Christianity in Small Asia area (where the Arabs lived),
about which we speak in a following chapter. Which confirm the assumption that
the people of God becomes universal once with the prophet Mohammed.
Abraham, Moses, Jesus are Jews, Timothy is the Greek, Cornelius is the
Roman, ... Muhammad is the Arab. Peoples are only THE SOURCE occurring
OF 'THE CANDIDATE': from the simple faithful man or woman to the initiate.
EVERYONE and their lives put under the sign of faith in God only. Whether his
name is spoken: 'Iahve' 'God' or 'Allah'; in fact every respect their own promise
concluded GOD. Once a year the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem pronounce this ' IE-
HO-VAU-HE '-' I am who I am Single ‘.

32 / 101
 Who uses this hypothesis? First it shows that people Judean twelve tribes is
first formed in the true faith. The Hebrew Christians missionary opens up to other
nations monotheist faith. Deep faith and not ethnicity, love of others, not suffering
and richness, giving spiritual and not sacrifice the objects, beings and money:
They are the sons of the 'people of God'. Baptism of the Apostles invalidated
sentence mosaic doctrine as the only owner of the mystery of faith in a single
God, but has not ruled it in any way! In a speech to the Apostles, in any text of
the Christian Gospel. Neither the 'Koran' Muhammad not blame the Hebrew 'in
corpore' but only those which have killed his own prophets ... It is true that, over
two thousand years, were servants of the three denominations have urged to
intolerance and hatred towards those among them who have deviated inland or
to other monotheist faiths. Millions of martyrs of the three religions are testimony.
But this is not 'the People of God' butonly… the people. Omar Kayam poet,
philosopher and initiated, an Arab, saying : 'God is one, people made several’.
Why? Indeed: God only knows ... Maybe the macrocosm of the millions of years,
the size of ten thousand years (in which people will drive by themselves in God
faith) is a small period.


Year 50 (from other sources 48) represented a peak moment in which the
dispute take place some time in the bosom of the Church of Jerusalem. Some
claimed that the new Hebrew followers we must comply strictly with the Mosaic
ritual, others choose for a minimum number of restrictions, given that the
population of new followers who came had no preparation or training of youth in
this respect.  Training start any Jew from the age of three years in various
forms, depending on the community that belongs to and not least the religious
requirements of their families of origin and the possibilities of materials for
parents. Participation in various forms of periodic Judaic education includes the
study of Torah passages tailored to the age, contests for children with issues
related to the assimilation of Jewish tradition. Sabbath meal is accompanied by
songs and Bible stories, ancient dances, participation in job Sabbath, holidays
and the celebration of the Temple, the choirs of different age, music bands, etc..
Adolescents participating in the job and are nominated alongside the adults, to
read and comment text in 'Tora'. At 13 years - Bar Mitzvah the young Jew are
confirmed, following an examination of learning in the presence of community
members, in the synagogue, in teaching 'Tore' study and compliance behavior of
worship in the Mosaic community. All this spiritual and community training create
a habit of respect 'for themselves' Mosaic ritual restrictions. For those from other
nations, obviously that was not on hand to observe strictly the ritual that has not
been instructed to participate. The risk is to lose devout followers.

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 They decided to assemble a council to Jerusalem for cutting dispute. Group
'traditional' formed of the rabbi who converted to Christianity, requiring strict
compliance to mosaic ritual by neophyte, was headed by James the Young. The
other group were part of Peter, John, Barnabe, Paul. Peter argued such a
minimum of restrictions: 'Brothers, you know that the days of Lord chose me
through you to get to pagans the Word and the Good News (Resurrection of
Jesus.) So that they hug faith. God, you know deep down, testified in their favor
because they have heart purified by faith. Why try to put against God, requiring
disciples a yoke that our parents and we do not I could go? In fact the pardon of
our Lord Jesus, we believe EXACTLY AS SAVE HER. (Acts p.15.10.)
They continued to advocate and Paul, Barnabe. Narrating convert people of
different nations and social conditions, of the true faith for which they gave
evidence, regardless of rank or religion considered old. Finally got the word at
Jacob the Young, as the leader of the Hebrew Christians Church in Jerusalem:
'Brothers, listen to me. Simon (the case of Simon Peter, apostle) speaks as of the
beginning God has making people GAVE US HIS NAME. The prophets said:
'When will they return, I will rebuild David's work will be destroyed, I will rebuild
the ruins and build, in order that all mankind to seek God, so that all nations
should be enshrined My Name is why I that should not be required of those who
converted pagans. Be required only to refrain from meat for sacrifices idol links
illegitimate, not to consume meat from animals and suppress the blood. For in
ancient times Moses has had in each town preacher they read in Synagogues
Sabbath '(Acts p.15.10.). Was prepared ‘Epístle of Hebrew Christians Church
from Jerusalem’ and were delegates who were to bring the knowledge
established Christian Churches. Because this document is crucial to further
development of Christians on the one hand and the relationship between Hebrew
Christians and mosaic Jews, on the other hand, we give it full:
 'Apostles, presbyter and brothers to brothers of people who are in Antioch,
Syria and Cilicia, say Hi! Because I heard that some of us go without a
commission from us, you have troubled souls through their speech, and you have
shaken souls saying to cut around and kept the Law, us, after we have gathered
all together with a plan, We found the way to choose some people and send
them to you too with our sweethearts and Paul Barnabe, these people who put
lives at stake, for our Lord Jesus Christ . For it seemed to him the Holy Spirit and
to us, not to put you over any other weight than to be, ie: that you spared
immolation idol things, blood, animal suppress, adultery, things that if you will
your guard will be good to you. Be healthy! ‘ (Acts p.15.23.-29.).
Are appointed to lead and explain Epístle: Silas, Barsabas, Barnabe, Paul.
In the above I would add that Epístle marked the beginning of the end of Jewish-

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Christian Church of Jerusalem. Already tetrarch Herod Agripa 1 decapitated
heads of Hebraic Christian church of Jerusalem moving through the arrest of
Jacob the Great and Peter in the year 42. Peter miraculously escaped and fled to
Jerusalem (Acts 12.17.). James the Great was beheaded. James the Young took
over as the community. Isolated and marginalized by mosaic Rabbi Hebrew
Christians are spread in the Jewish communities throughout the Roman empire
in the next hundred years. They will then bear mistrust and intolerance of
Christians, as the Hebrew, being of the people who killed Jesus. Hebrew
Christians, and their communities will disappear of the Messianic Christian way.
Dialectics of God we did not once acknowledge that any distance in the egg
contains a revival. HOW? IN WHAT CONTEXT? WHO? – I DON’T KNOW.


Rabbi Saul was born in Tarsus. Date of birth is located, after different sources,
between 5-10. The family was of noble rank, the tribe of Saul. His father was the
merchant who had received Roman citizenship as a sign of cooperation with the
imperial administration. Young Saul followed initiation school scholarship under
the guidance of Rabbi Gamaliel. Become a member of the first rank of the Grand
Temple Mosaic Sanhedrin. Take part aside from the reported persecution of 'sect
Gospel of Jesus'. After his testimony, when he held compact deacon Saint
Stephen, who was guarding the clothes of the killer. Request and receive
approval of the Grand Rabbi Caiphas to persecute the Christian community of
Damascus, where the leaves with a group of young rabbis: disciples and friends.
On the way to Damascus comprises a bright light group, focus on Rabbi Saul. He
falls face down in the road dust. A voice, that only he hears say:
'Saul, Saul ... Why persecute me? Who are you Lord? Ask the young rabbi
terrified. I am Jesus the of Nazareth, whom you persecute him. Get up, come into
town and tell you what to do '. (Acts p.9.6.). Saul go look skyward, but do not see
anything. His fellows its related to the fear that their mentor is like a blind. They
raised him from dust from the road and took him by the arms to Damascus.
Rabbi stayed three days in fast black and prayer. He was initiated into the
secrets that Law knew of vision loss is a sign of the Supreme Force. He knew
that he must pray, to rue, to find out why and what the punishment would be. In
the fourth day in, a Jew he is respected in the community of Damascus and
fervent proponent of Christian sects in the city: Ananias. Get penitent shoulders
Agripa I becomes King Philipia tetrarch of the region and Lisania in 37, 39 of the Galilee and
Pereea, in 41 of Iudeea and Samaria. At his death (44) the territory will pass (in addition to a small
territory around Cesareea attributed to Agripa II ) under the administration of a Roman procurator.
After the defeat of the Jews by the Roman legions in the Roman- Iudaic war since 71, Palestine
became Roman province.

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and wondering if this man deserves punishment saved. 'God, I heard many
people talking about the evil done by this man, your saints in Jerusalem. And
now he came here, invested with all powers to the faithful on your chain '(Acts
p.9.10.). Vision has a voice inside that says:
'Do it! For through it you spread the faith among pagan peoples, will convert the
kings and the children of Israel. I myself will tell him that his suffering is the way
in my name '. (Acts p.9.11.).
Ananias received the grace to give the eyesight to Saul. After receiving its
baptism with water. He stayed with him until he recover. It is assumed that in
those days there were between two long dialogues learn Hebrew Gospel of
Jesus. After he was able to walk, the first Sabbath, Saul enters in the Mosaic
Temple of Damascus. Before the assistance begin by preaching the Gospel of
Jesus and to submit testimony to the quality of the Messiah and crucified the
prophet resurrection it. People ask: how? it is the persecutor of followers of
Jesus! Everyone knew that the rabbi was talking to them now was the high priest
sent to Jerusalem to kill the followers of Jesus in Damascus. Soon ... the mosaic
bigots1 plan to killing him. Saul is saved by the disciples, remaining faithful. They
pass over the middle of the night in the fortress wall of Damascus. After the
return in Jerusalem Saul trying to get in touch with mentors Christian Community.
But everywhere is greeted with suspicion and hatred, having normal reactions to
his role with not much time before. It was his Barnabe to make bail for Saul,
saying to Christians what happened in Damascus. However, the override,
especially 'Christian hellenists' planned to kill him. The presbyters of Jerusalem
Christian Community decide to send for a time in your hometown - Tars.
 Apostolic role of the person will change once the orientation and the name of
Christianity (Rabbi Saul becoming the Apostle Paul), will be reported in what
follows. His missionary journey takes place in Jerusalem, Antioch, Greece, to
Rome and unverified on certain data in Spain. What happened in Damascus and
have another meaning. Whatever the nature or explainable spent the non
explainable Damascus moment of Paul life, we can not ignore that there has
been a deep change in personality of a rabbi, long trained in the secrets of
Mosaic Scriptures, Laws of the Torah. Saul's option to become a missionary of
the Gospel of Jesus, will have a crucial role in evanghelisation of the ‘pagan
peoples' of the Mediterranean area in the next thirty years. Strength of character
of the human tribe in Saul associated with esoteric energies invested, with the
Holy Spirit through Baptism to cure people; grace its speaker and organizer of
Christian forms of worship and ritual of the Christian communities to be set up,
will all become real weapons. With them will face on the disparagers of its own
tribe, the administrators of the Roman Empire, giving HOPE to those seeking a
seat in front doubts of their spiritual life. Therefore, the size of its singular destiny,
the way in which the 'bare hands' to face the best centers of religious power (in
Jerusalem, Atioch, Athens, Rome) and then civil deserve pursued not only in the

Term designating followers intolerance to various interpretations of doctrine different from theirs,
which they believe the only obvious and best. The equivalent term is 'fundamentalist'.

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apostolic, but as a example of forced TO THE GENERATE A HUMAN BEING


The impact of Christianity in, Rome, is reported by Judean Josefus Flavius
(Josefus Flavius in 'Jewish Antiques' - paragraphs 18, 89, 95). Tiberius
Imperator (14 - 37) gave the Vitelius linked Syria to remove the Chief Rabbi of
Sanhedrin, Caiphas, the murder of Jesus and Stephen, and Pilate's dismissal (as
I said). The latter will be replaced by one Senator Marcel1.
 Perception was the result of what happened in Jerusalem: the lack of legality
under Roman law, the process of 'Chrestus' and the actions to persecute the
followers, including compact deacon Saint Stephen. Tertulian (Roman
philosopher and historian, presents in 'Apologetico' paragraph 5.2.) Reported that
Emperor Tiberiu proposed in the Roman Senate, a law which prevent any action
against 'Christians'. He attributed this initiative first emperor of the recognition of
the Christian cult. Senators were opposed because it is a religious movement
'autonomous' (without having a single ethnic) could lead to conflict and social
unrest2. Decree of the Senate (Senate - consult) contains the words 'Non licit
esse Christianos’.
Emperor Tiberiu neutralize the consequences of the vote in the Senate arguing
that it makes no distinction between ethnic 'Jews' and 'Christians', all are
Hebrew. Tacit, senator and historian relates that in the year 42, at the beginning
of the reign of Claudius (41 - 54) the wife of General Aulo Plauzziu (Leader of the
legions who have undergone Brittany) Pomponia Grecina to convert to
Christianity (Tacit argues that the under apostle Peter conduct). The result is that
the General wants to withdraw from the family of corrupt Imperial Rome 3.
Clement the Alexandrin argues that many nobles and Romans knights were
converted to messianic work of Peter and asked Mark to write his teachings of
Apostle predicate. Have not missed the conversion from among the Jews of
Rome. This causes irritation of mosaic Jews. They obtained the expulsion of
Hebrew converting to Christianity from the Emperor Claudius (41 - 54), around
50. Aquila and Priscila , Hebrew Christians that Luke says they were expelled
from Rome (Acts p.18.2.). Will be those who will meet Paul in Corinth in the year

Senator Marcel is mentioned in a provenance apocryphal Asian document century II: 'The facts of
Vericelli' that it would be hosted on the Apostle Peter in Rome.
it is clear that the 'deep' formulation can only be the fruit of an editor with an instruction of the
Greek sophist or a Talmudic initiated. Incline to the opinion author of a two-variant.
A Christian inscription, in the ancient catacombs of St. CALIST name Pomponios Grekeinos;
testimony of conversion to Christianity of an illustrious aristocratic families of Rome. The arrival of
Peter in Rome is dated to year 42 by the Eusebiu 'Chronicle' : 'At the beginning of The Principality,
Providence took the hand led Peter to Rome.' (After the Latin translation of Ieronim

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Antioch, capital of the province of Syria, was the largest of the three great Roman
city of the empire. An excess of that number of inhabitants, only Rome and
Alexandria. Here, the first step of Paul's apostolic mission are to convert and lead
new followers. He was sent to twelve years after his conversion, by the Church of
the apostles in Jerusalem. Barnabe accompanying him in this difficult mission
among Greeks, convinced that the miracle of converting former Rabbi Saul will
bear fruit. In Antioch evanghelised were the Jews and the Greeks. Paul and
Barnabe switched to our evangelism of non Jews, with all opposition of the
Hebrew Christian presbyters who could not reconcile with exemptions from the
Law of Moses. Here is for the first time in use the 'Sect of Crestus' as a brand.
Here Paul will build a strong community of Christian. Salamina is to start by
preaching in the synagogue where the witness to tell the quality of the Messiah
and Resurrected Jesus. He used arguments quoting text of Torah. This approach
will be used by the apostle, among mosaics until the end of his days. In Paphos a
magician Jew (Bar Jesus) trying to discredit the group's Paul before Sergius
Paulus proconsul. Blindly to invocation of Paul: 'Man full of all guile and all
malice, son of the devil, enemy of righteousness any stainless; not stop you to to
defy ways of God?! Now here's the hand that God is against you: you will be
blind and not see you until the sun for a while' (Acts p.13.10.). Amazing power of
esoteric stream of what apostle of faith, many of the Roman officials entourage
asking to be baptized. Paul continues to preach in the towns on Cretan coast.
 In one morning entered the synagogue of Antioch of Pisida. Was placed
alongside the others, participating in prayer. At the end of the divine service,
when the rabbi said the phrase 'Brothers, if you have something to say to
encourage people, do it!' He stands with fist raised and little finger up1.refers to
an important and central prayer in the Jewish prayer service. The central theme
of the Kaddish is the magnification and sanctification of God's name) speaking:
'People of Israel and of those that you fear God listen! God of this people, the
God of Israel chose our fathers and made to grow during his exile in Egypt. Then,
using the Force was made to escape from slavery and forty years, he guided
through the desert. Then blasting seven nations of Canaan on earth, he put in
possession of their country, for four hundred years. After these things he gave to
judges Samuel prophet. Then he requested a king. We gave to Saul, the son of
Cis, of the Beniamin tribe. After he was removed, God gave David (...). Of the
progeny that Jesus was born as the Messiah. John (John the Baptist) was
prepared by the coming new administration Baptism. At the end of its mission, he
NOT WORTHY TO TOUCH SHOES. Brothers, your children of Abraham race
and you the present, is sent to you this message. Moreover, residents of

Marker of belonging advocates speaking at Mosaic faith. Sign that is done, for example, when
prayer said 'Kaddish'-

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Jerusalem and the heads have reached their mosaic words prophets which were
read every Sabbath. No reason to find (...), condemned him (Jesus) and asked
him to Pilate to kill him. And everything as written by the prophets, they have
descended from the cross and put him into the grave. But God has Resurrected
him. Price several days he appeared to those who came with him from Galilee.
They are his witnesses before the people. And we know to announce: the
promise made to our parents (coming to Messaiah) to support children of God
has reached a: the resurrection of Jesus. As is written in Psalms: You are my
son, myself today I was born and I will defend. And God gave us through
Resurrection and can not be questioned are those words: 'We will give you the
holy things of David, those who are trustworthy. So are brothers, that through
Him forgiveness of sins is announced. All the forgiveness that you can not get
through the Law of Moses, through Him you can have. Please note you do not
happen what is written in the prophets: 'Look people full of themselves. Be
surprised not understand why and died for since the time that you will do work
that you do not believe you any time, whether you would recite a somebody.
"(Acts p.13.16.-41.)
Impressed by the force of argument and how to support many of the meeting
requested to meet again. On the next Sabbath, those who felt violated Mosaic
faith, they have threatened and derision when again asked to speak.
Paul says:
'I wanted to let you know you first word of God. Because we reject and do not
consider worthy of eternal life, we will refer to pagans. For thus God said: 'I have
made light of peoples, for you to go off message to the earth'. (Acts p.13.46.-47.)
Paul continue evangelism pagan population out of the protests Hebrew
'fundamentalists'. They decide to kill him. Then one day you catch, you go to the
edge of town and beat him bloody. Believe him dead they leave the body there.
The news has spread and his attendants, who not scared went to see the body,
but prayed for the dead thought. Divine force he kept alive. Paul recovering and
one of its inter return during prayer for his soul. Attendants saw the sign in hand
protection of Jesus. Last visited city in the island was Derbe. Here a large
number of people, Hebrew or not, were converted to Christianity, forming a new
Christian communities.
Missionary group returns to Antioch, where Paul and Barnabe will organize and
lead Christian Church until his departure for Jerusalem. Conciliation Judeo-
Christian Church of Jerusalem took place, as different sources consulted, in 48
or 50. Here the two leaders of Hebrew Christians Evanghelism will establish a
series of laws and procedures fundamental for Christianity. The Christians of
Antioch: 'On the first day of the week were united to break the bread' (Acts
p.20.7.). As you will find Luke to Troas in 57. So Sunday, the day of the
Resurrection of Jesus, says that the Christian holiday while at Mosaic Jews feast
day is Saturday. It first established ecclesiastical hierarchy. Defined the concept
of a Christian prophet in the first rank as an apostle, with the mission to interpret
its spirit by lighting the old scripts and hidden meanings of words in the future,
and example facts of the Gospel of Jesus. 'Revelation by John' is one such

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example. The follower are presbytery who had intended to spread Christian
credo, to evanghelize and to ensure the community of believers.


After Hebrew Christians Council of Jerusalem and a short stay in Antioch, Paul
and Barnabe resume his missionary journey separately. Barnabe and John Mark
come back in Cyprus. Paul, accompanied by Silas, will start second missionary
route (50 - 52) who will be setting up community Filipium, Corinth, Athens. The
first route will pass through Syria and Cilicia. Here they to Christianize, train and
strengthen faith in those already Christians.
 Paul had intended to start a route missionary in Asia Minor. But in Misia town,
a vision that is the way it stops. Stopping Asia at the borders, over seven
hundred years will be the cradle of a new branch of trunk Faith in God Only, by
the prophet Mohammed. It will recognize, in 'Qur'an' (The Islamic Holy Book) as
a forerunner of its Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jesus. Arabs will call God 'Allah'.
There premise emerging diversity of the three branches of the same spiritual
‘People of God', wiped the shepherds 'fundamentalists' of the three religions,
associating them with the concurrence of interests POWER worldly.
Without taking into account the common esoteric vein: 'Old Testament', 'New
Testament' and 'Qur'an '.
 He come back at Troas. A new vision is revealed to be a Macedonian what's
his name on it. Embarking, with his attendants to Filipium, then the capital of
Macedonia. During this journey, in Listros has elected a new disciple to be
trained: Timothy. In order not to create dissension among its followers, the new
emule has baptized first mosaic rite by circumcision, then it establishes with
Christian baptism. It was a derogation from the Law of Moses that Paul, after a
deep meditation, he did. Another incident was the arrest and closure in jail
because they had released a young woman possessed of Shaman's trance. The
arrest was made in the complaint that exploit the fair, get money from her
ecstatic states. Prayers between two walls of the jail were accompanied by an
earthquake, which shed premises in the dead of night. Doors were opened and
the chains were broken. Scared that the inmates will run, prison guard he wanted
to kill not to be held responsible by the authorities. Paul has said: 'Do not kill, we

40 / 101
are all here’. Amazed, the man is to throw up, you take him home and care of
injuries caused him to collapse the walls. Ask to be baptized together with his
family ... A two-day strategist castle (Commander of the Roman city), impressed
by the prisoners send a courier to announce that they are free. But Paul and
Silas said that Roman citizens may not be released than a Roman. Then
strategist comes personal to make this decision... Also on this road at Troas,
joins a missionary group and Luke. That appears in the text, discreetly, by
crossing the three-person at a two-person plural of. It is yet another proof of the
parent Christian modesty. (Acts p.10.16.). After a brief stopover in Lida, arriving
in Thessaloniki. The first way was the apostle, as already known, the synagogue
in the city. Here again the Jews preach about the Good News of Jesus
Resurrection, calling to be christened. It received the Christian bapteme of Jew
Iason (Personality of the Jews in town). But the next day a group of Jews, in
hysteria estate, him crawl on Iason to Roman authority. The reason was that
some people who hosts'... have revolutionized an entire world (...) contrary of
Caesar edicts, saying that there is another king, Jesus.’ (Acts p.17.6.). This
‘argument' will be repeated permanently, the crucifixion of Christ and until the
Hebrew Christians as a distinct group in the Christian Church, before being
ground to any military or civilian Romans. THIS DEFAMATION, IT SEEMS,
reality the Jews, early Christians, NOT JESUS ARGUED THAT THE HUMAN
GOD! The leaders of Jewish Communityes exploited the confusion of terms: king
of the peoples (caesar) versus king of spirit (Jesus), the pride of the Roman ...
any, to oppress them or even make them go of them as quickly as those who
summon the Jews and others to a new form of spiritual existence and community
 In order not to cause more persecution against Christians, Paul determine
departure from Thessaloniki to Athens, taking with him a new follower: Aristarh.
The next stop was the Bere. He studied here in the synagogue, the Holy Books
together Hebrew Rabbis. They confirmed the accuracy of the texts cited by the
apostle of Torah, of which confirmed the crucifixion and the coming of 'Son of
Man'. Although those of Thessaloniki were sent to Hebrew like Jews enmity
towards the Christian missionary Paul around, the community of Bere remained
in decent limits. A number of Hebrew have asked to be baptized. Paul, Silas
leaves on them to continue their preaching. He, along with Timothy bound for
Athens. Spiritual center of Greek culture, Athens was established philosophical
schools remaining after the 'golden four centuries' of Ellada: a Epicurians and
Stoics. Athens was now a Roman province: in the Greek spirit which promoted
Pithagora or Plato was only a shadow. But pride esoteric vestige Delphi makes
cultivated Greeks 'enough ', unfathomable occult religious approach to the other
source, including Christian. Therefore, after some debate, the Greek
philosophers and were dragged around the Jews of Paul before Attic Areopag

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(The decision of the supreme Athenian democracy). Paul took the floor to defend
his group, the right to manifest freely through faith in Athens:
 'Athenian all conditions, we see as the most faithful of men. Going through
your town, seeing your sacred monuments, I found one which was the
inscription: 'Unknown God'. Well, that I love you without you know, I came to
have him notice. God who made the world with what is in it, God of Heaven and
Earth do not live in temples made by human hands, which he gave life to all
beings (...). If a UNIQUE PRINCIPLE, He created species human living on the
earth. If the fixed period and the area of human life, made it to makes people
seek divinity; YOU FOUND BY SEARCHING. It is close to all of us. For us WE
HAVE LIFE, MOVEMENT AND BEINGS. In fact some of you said: 'because we
are of His race’. If we are kind of God we must not think divinity like gold, silver or
stone processed through art or through the human genius. Here is that God
wishes to make known the people that came the moment to expiate sins, for he
has fixed a day for trial, giving the MAN we turn to for this and that gave
everybody a proof of the undeniable fact that he Resurrected from the dead
'(Acts p.17.22.-23.)1. This was the INITIATED MESSAGE, which the apostle Paul
sent to Athenians. But that was not too ... whose. Areopag Assembly not
considered him guilty for his beliefs and let them go. Only a few will follow the
missionary. Among them and Dionisie the Areopagit, a future missionary.
Misionary group go to Bere, take it and Silas going to Corinth, the capital of the
Roman province Ahaia. People of various ethnic origins, adopted in most Roman
citizenship. Business that bind port Corinth with all the Mediterranean, reaching
Africa and Asia, attracting traders from all nations, giving the city a cosmopolitan
character. Hebrew community in Corinth was very richest. And here, every
Sabbath the Hebrew Christians around Paul went to his synagogue. They
comment togheter of Torah texts, trying to persuade them through their discourse
is that Jesus 'Messaiah' prophesy and expected harbinger of Isaiah. In what
concerns them the Greeks and those of other races, Paul tech them acquainted
with the Law of Moses, giving them light and knowledge contained in the Gospel
of Jesus. Chief Rabbi of synagogue, Crispus, was baptized. Most Jews were
mistrustful2 The Greeks were such zealous foreign evangelize. Then one day, in
response to abuse in utter meeting synagogue, Paul tear the clothes torn off him
and said:
'Whether your blood to fall on your heads! In me are pure, and also will go to
pagans '(Acts p.18.6.).
Here Paul uses the same argument of 'Old Testament' how St. Stephen deacon in the last speech
before his death: 'Heaven is my body and the earth is at my feet, what house you build, which will
place My rest? Is not my hand I did all this? (Acts p.7.50.)
Without being mentioned by Luke, a major matter of Jewish mistrustful it was crossing the same
religion with “goimi” (‘pagans’). What the ordinary Jew, whether rich or poor, it meant to waive the
attribute 'son of the Chosen People', which was so proud. The natural conversion of the Jews and
non Jews in a place of Christian converting margin narrows among Hebrew. But ... he was ahead,
even if painful for Hebrew Christians. They were aware of the strength of the Jews repudiation of
the 'apostate'. So much admired for their sacrifice of personal and social major done to their faith to
the Lord Jesus).

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 Gesture disruption clothes are in the tradition of Hebrew esoteric role,
MARKING A BREAK. One of the deep discontent that does. The expression
'YOUR BLOOD TO FALL ON YOUR HEADS!' Is not a mere threat or an
invocation of revenge. Metaphor is divine punishment: TO PUNISH YOURSELF.
Moreover, by the end of his days, Paul will continue to evangelize the Hebrew
against psychosis created by cult fanatics mosaic, where everywhere he arrive.
The incident reported above plays the tragic side of Missionary Jews and
Christians in general of all the Paulian dimension of human datum regardless of
race or religion of the Jewish tribe which originated. Therefore the struggle
between officials and community and religious mosaic of Jews and the
Christians, closely around the apostles was irreconcilable. Once out of the 'sons
of Israel', Christianity no longer constituted a danger to mosaic Jews. Down
through the centuries that followed, scholars, doctors, treasurer, etc… were in an
infrastructure for cooperation with the church and Christian institutions. But not
with the Hebrew Christians. And now that concern them, without hatred of
ancient Jew. But now, the question pose by one Jew like: 'what does that
mean?'. A kind of ... stryta-camel, and not blameful as people, and faith. If and
when God wants you, our minds, of our survivors will to clarify otherwise. THE
if it is denied or sublimate.
 In the spring of 52 Jews hostile to Paul is going to face trial proconsul of
Ahaia, Galion, arguing that it would be preached in the synagogue against the
Mosaic Law. Paul has got to defend. Roman official issue saying:
'If it is a felony or a wrongdoing, I have received, Judea, as reasonable
complaint. But because it is challenging words and name in your own law, we still
see you! Let me be the judge in this case refuse! '(Acts p.18.14.).
All they could make them angry was to him a devotee of Paul, Sostene (a rabbi
turned to Christianity) and beat him before the court building. On completion of
the mission of Corinth, Paul's group moved toward the place of departure:
Antioch. On the way they stop at Ephesus. This is surrounded by the love of
Hebrew Christians, which he prays to remain. Paul promises that it will return.
 Thus the end of his two mission among the 'pagans'. It noted that the election
environment was beneficial Greek as a first step towards space outside Jewish.
Significant is the fact that this 'territorial conquest ' was done in about two years,
without arms, without the force of a religious oligarchies size of the mosaic in the
back, or how the military was the Roman Empire. That's SOMETHING that Paul
mobilize: belief strength, spiritual strength, the facts of its benefits. Numerical
size and quality of conversion, even among the Jews, led those who wanted the
killing missionary to be more careful in the practice of lynching in public. It was a
period of flourishing communities Hebrew Christians outside Judeea. Had
gained, for example, all Jewish communities receives aid sent Barnabe and Paul
in time of famine in Judea (46 - 48, where other sources 48-50). Actually the real
enemies of the faith we do not hysterical Jews who were kill on their Hebrew

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Christians outside the castle to stone him, BUT WHO, THEN AS NOW,
 I will illustrate with the phrase 'Believe and do not look'. The supporters of the
enlightenment treated as an engine ignorance. The Christian fundamentalists as
motivation without subjecting conditions. For me that means the spirit and human
destiny in the hands of God: Faith in him released from the stress you too many
questions and uncertainties related to your destiny. Three views: two generators
and emotional contradictions irretrievably. A three-to a 'simple' which anyway is
not no harm no Enlightenment fundamentalists. In this sense tell you the words
of a monk from Mount Athos, the cradle of Christian esoteric. He had the dream,
the vision of running his life like a movie on the background of the azure
Mediterranean Sea. Looking down the beach to see traces of steps: two pairs in
the good times right, a couple of steps in the difficult moments. He knew that a
pair of two-steps of Jesus was. Monk is addressed:
'God, in difficult moments that leave me? "
The answer comes immediately: 'In tough times I went in my arms!.


After a short stay in Antioch, Paul is returned at Ephesus. Here he will initiate
adepts in the Christian esoteric mysteries for three years. There will be initiated,
among others Apollo of Alexandria and Epafras. They will be sent to evangelize
and preach the Coloseens in Laodicium and Hieropolis.
 Training was intensive. It takes between eleven sixteen hours a day. Were
included in both the initiation mosaic sacred texts, and the Gospel of Jesus.
Disciples were ready to face a discussion of the Torah text, or to respond to
questions of priests or philosophers atheist or polytheist. At the end of the
training grant Paul elected by grace through faith and proved baptism by the Holy
Spirit, which invested on the one with the gift to recover. Others have tried to do
the same. Actually practice exorcism, the old traditions have people Jew. Those
who tried were seven sons of Rabbi Sceva. But their Miracles were not done,
although they have relied on Jesus. They were beaten and ousted those who
have called them. Strength apostles made many priests of cult god Apollo to go
along with the citizens whom they shepherd, to Christianity.
Paul writes in this period Epistles to Corenteens, to Galateens (two of) to
Departure from Corinth was marked by an incident. Jew Demetrius, a rich
Jeweler and builder pagan temple, incite the workers against Hebrew Christians
because they take the bread from their mouths. By converting pagans fallen
drastically request for statues of gods and temples of arranging for their
reverence. Immediate cause was ceasing construction of a temple for the
goddess Artemis. The daggers were caught Gaius and Aristarh and dragged him

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into the city before Roman county chief. He asked Demetrius to submit a
complaint to be based on criminal, according to Roman laws. Roman
administration gave signs of neutrality in the internal Jewish conflict. Paul
continues its way to first in Macedonia Filipium and then back to Ephesus to
Troas. From that period dates of the two-letter to Corinteens. Among his
attendants were Sopatros of Bere, Aristarh of Samos, Secundus of Thessaloniki,
dober of Gaius, Timothy, Ticinius and Trofin. He wanted to review the closest his
heart before taking the road to Jerusalem. Felt that there will ever see and he
wanted to strengthen the faith and those who were disciples. Arrived in their
middle and say:
'You know yourself and in what manner, the first day I walked in here I do not
have ceased to serve the Lord with humility, with tears in the middle and
evidence of hatred of Jews. You know how without rest we trained the public on
each side, convincing the Hebrew and Greek to proceed TO GOD AND believe
in Jesus our Lord. Now here is guided by the Holy Spirit, I'll refer to Jerusalem,
but I know what will happen, although he warned me that I expected CHAINS
and HATE. But I do not put a price on my life in front of goal to carry out my task
which I received from the Lord Jesus: to make known my testimony in the Gospel
and Divine Grace. I now know that my face may you see any time in the middle
of all of you who have been and we announced the Kingdom (it's about 'Kingdom
of God' where the 'People of God'). Therefore testify before you today: the blood
is purified because you did not hesitate when I passed all the divine will. Be
careful with yourself and all the flock which the Holy Spirit will mainly guards to
guard the Church that God incarnate in his own blood son. I know that after my
departure shall come among you afraid of wolves, which will not spare the flock
and from among you will rise even people taking perverse discourses in order to
make disciples to follow. Therefore be vigilant reminding you that for three years,
day and night did not hesitate to engage each of you .. Now you leave custody to
the Word of God and his grace which has the power to build and keep building
heritage among all those sanctified. Money or things we took from nobody, you
know that for my needs and my mates were sufficient these hands. At all times
we showed that we must intervene to help the weak and to remember the words
the Lord Jesus who said: 'IT IS MORE LUCKY TO GIVE THAN RECEIVED' (Acts
p.20.18 .- 35.).
He attended last prayer in common, then people will not ever see him with tears
in eyes to ship. I reproduced this true testament because it includes several
major meanings.
 The apostle Paul was a Rabbi initiated the teachings (as I mentioned at the
beginning of chapter). He was trained at a level difficult to achieve, by Rabbi
Gamaliel, because his native gifts, paved the Holy Spirit through Christian
baptism. This shows the strength to see through time and through people. He
was prophet of vision of what will happen to the Hebrew Christian Church,
namely its dissolution. The uttered when they were not simple advice. He knew
that power the Gospel of Jesus was no longer in Hebrew ethnicity, which began

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to preach, but in this simple phrase: 'IT IS MORE LUCKY TO GIVE THAN
 Second aspect is the period of 50 - 58: time to Ephesus where Paul actually
made first school of Christian Initiation in the esoteric. Its reputation has made
many scholars to go to Hebrew Christianity and come to train It shall keep the
balance between 'faith of parent' and the evanghelisation all those who by faith
are have shown that they are the followers of new religion, of any persuasion
would have been. Paul was not at all sure that this consensus will be kept after
his departure. They say this bluntly, and giving key: VIGILANCE IN FAITH, IN
 He knew how dangerous was the way to Jerusalem, BUT AS A SIMPLE
BUILT , AS A ‘SOLDIER OF THE LORD '. It was the quality of the first Christian
missionaries, the apostles from anonymous people, be they Hebrew or not!
 The four appearance, seemingly unbound by the words of Paul, is another
vagary of human thinking. In the nineteenth century, Karl Marx defines a doctrine
called ‘communist’. From an organizational point of view, the communist has a
structure similar to that Essenes or Hebrew Christian communities. They followed
the monastic communities and now Jewish kibutz of Eretz Israel State. Uttered
by the apostle Paul, was told almost entirely, as ideas of Marx, Enghels to
communist disciples. Living, working and property sharing, distribution as needed
(not seen how you can get, but you give according to the needs of normal life:
housing, food, training / education, healthcare, childcare and elderly) and the
contribution each after being as many opportunities benchmark organizational
types in the four communities mentioned. Why Marx and Enghels choice to
repudiate Christianity? A 'competitor' competed hard... or thinking how a Mosaic
Jew against the ancestral doctrine of Jesus, with all its roots in mosaic world …
but not mosaic?!


The group that accompanied the apostle passes Cesareea, Rhodes and Tyr to
go to Jerusalem, to celebrate Easter in the Temple (year 57, after other sources
58 ec). The signals received were not encouraging for. At Philip's house (one of
the seven Greeks), a learned Hebrew Christian, named Agabus take seat in
Paul's, its link with her hands and feet and said:
'Here's what he revealed the Holy Spirit: the man carrying the belt will be chained
by Jews, when he arrives in Jerusalem and will give pagan hands (must be the
Paul is asked to not continue their trip. His answer has:

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'Why cry to me Break my heart. I'm ready to die for the name of Jesus ... MAKE
THAT THE GOD WANT!' (Acts p.21.14).
In Jerusalem is hosted by James the Young. After the first manifestations of joy
to see again, the members of Christian community of town have a grudge that all
Jews must to obey to comply strictly observed mosaic. They were advised him to
undergo ritual purification, along with four other Hebrew that deviations from the
Law of Moses. Ritual kept by Christians confess in before Easter, but the Hebrew
meaning is the recognition of sin before the meeting in Temple. To show that is a
true believer in Mosaic Law, Paul follow the seven days purification.
 In the eight-day, on Easter morning, the door to a group of Temple, originally
from Asia Minor1 acused Paul. They cry: 'People of Israel's help! Here's the
individual who preach everywhere and against all our people, against the Law
and this place! And there was also brought Greeks into the temple to profane the
‘Holy Place' (Acts p.21.28). It was about Timothy. Paul, knowing the law, at first
confirmed him in the Mosaic rite, with the later Christian baptism and baptism by
the Holy Spirit. So it was a false reason, but for those who wanted public
condemnation and murder of Paul does not count ... Gates of Temple are closed.
Is preparing to stone Paul apostle, when a Roman military unit led by the Lisias
Claudius from Roman Antonia fortress, situated in close proximity to the Temple,
stop the execution. Asking what happened and getting confusing answers, the
Roman decided to arrest Paul. Fort on the way to lots of killers who feel that their
prey escape, heaven with rage 'death!'. Once inside the fortress, Paul is
addressed in Greek to Claudius: 'Can I say a word?’. 'You know Greek? ... so
you are not the egyptian who started riot with four thousand bandits in the desert'
was his reply Lisias, confused with what my bee the leader of a Jewish anti
Romans movement - Sikkim.
 Paul asked to speak people gathered in front before the Roman stronghold.
Paul raised his hand and he speaks in Aramaic. After relates what happened
along the Damascus way, his convert to Christianity, (C.III.1) he says:
'In a day when I pray in the temple, I fell into bliss. I saw that the Lord said: Get
up, get out of Jerusalem, and your testimony of Me. I replied: Oh, they know well
how we went from synagogue to synagogue, throwing and putting in prison to be
beaten by those who believed in you. And when was spilled blood of Stephen,
your witness, I was beside myself for them and guarding their clothes. He then
answered: GO, IS FAR THE WAY TO PAGANS TO SEND YOU' (Acts p.22.17.).
Speech is interrupted at this time of partisan call back to the killing of tearing their
clothes on2. The Tribune, to quiet the crowd, ordered that Paul to be beaten by
the verge. Paul is addressed to Lisias, this time, in Latin. He says that he is a

They were so called 'free': the surviving Jews from Cirene, Alexandria, Cilicia, made slaves of
Pompei after occupation of Palestine (60 b.c.e.) and subsequently released by Caesar. Of this
group were and what they have on the stone St. Stephen deacon. Now were used as 'murderous
hand' of leadings of Sanhedrin to kill the Apostle Paul.
Gesture disruption clothes are in the tradition of Hebrew esoteric role, marking a break between a
Jew and what is happening is against his faith. One of the deep discontent that does.

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Roman citizen. Amazed, the commander revoked the order and replaced with
heavy chains to prevent prisoner escape only ...
 We do not want to continue without providing the context and atmosphere of
those days: the conflict in the bosom of the Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem.
The apostle Paul, in the eight years he was away on his missions, to be aware
that all members of the Christian Church in the city were loyal to mosaic Law,
preserving ritual patriarch in his letter. Even if accepted by Epistole year 50 in
Jerusalem those exceptions to the Jewish Law, does not allow them to expand to
Hebrew Christian. The apostle Paul considered that the Gospel of Jesus is the
only advocates of Christianity, of any persuasion would be so Christian baptism
is sufficient that one of the primary principle of the convenant with God. More
specifically, Paul Missionary converted Jew grant freedom to comply or do not
see mosaic rules. So Paul has made penitence although it was outside the
Christian Dogma. He did it to keep the unit inner Hebrew Christian communityes,
those in Jerusalem and the 'outside'. Paul baptize Timothy him first in mosaic
rite, before the administration of Christian baptism. For those Jews
fundamentalists this 'detail' was not known. Ignorance to those who take part in a
mass psychosis of hate and it determines have no connection with the
arguments of common sense. For the simple reason that if it were so, these
states of collective stupidity would not exist! Saving live apostle depended not
only that the Roman garrison was in close proximity to the Temple. Roman
auxiliary cohort was composed of locals mercenaries, as all troops were
organized auxiliary empire. Lisias, as most of its soldiers was born in Judea. He
became tribune paying heavy money to become a Roman citizen (strange
custom of the past and our time). Hence astonishment when he learned that Paul
was Roman citizen by birth, which for him prisoner mark noblesse of his family,
not rebel sicar. He decided to protect it, to protect his rights as a Roman citizen -
to be judged only by a Roman tribunal.
 Jews, Christians or not, it was implanted mentality 'People of God'. Initially this
doctrine, training of Moses who followed him fourteen years in Sinai, and their
children, led them to resist, surrounded by polytheist people, you cleanse and
revive moral religion. This basic concept has remained attached to the Hebrew
people unconscious. This sentiment has been used in some historical moments
to justify religious intolerance by those who held power in the Jewish
Communities ... Nothing new under the sun: the ‘mercenary' of purity of ‘faith’, of
'racial' or ‘doctrinal’ are found throughout history to all peoples. From the
Christian inquisition to fascism, so called ‘communism’, and Islamic extremism in
our times, just as examples. They were those who fought pitilessly against those
who, like Apostle Paul, said:
Those not accept the 'competition' for FREE converted. Their reaction, so to
explain, sheds light on the sad fate of our fathers, and ours!
Tragic context of the early break in captivity of Paul is among the Hebrew
Christian communities two thousand years.

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 Division within the group of 'Christian Patriarchs', will lead to loss of major
role of Hebrew in Christian Missionary.
 Christian fundamentalism, after nine hundred years, the crucial period, will use
the argument that time reported to accredit the idea of 'Jewish people's enemy of
 Truth can be visible once the people at the time decided by God, but will be
useless for million dead victims of religious or racial intolerance, 'the one hand or
across the barricade’.


A two-day, in order to elucidate what Paul is accused, respecting Roman custom,
Claudius Lisias Tribune requires collecting Sanhedrin .. Apostle is brought, under
guard weary Romans in Temple. Try to speak to Rabbi presents, Rabbi Ananias
the Great slap Paul in the face. Worthy, Paul notes that the gesture does not
consecrate the head of this people. Then develops his thesis belonging to
religious Pharisees, which the majority of those present knew one. Immediately
start a dispute between members of two religious parties: Pharisees and
Saducees. The first said:
'We did not find anything wrong with this man. What does that take a spoken or
an Angel Spirit '(Acts p.23.8.).
How the dispute did not have lots to finish soon, tribune return in the fortress.
The night that followed the revelation Paul is Holy Spirit: 'Courage, as you took
my witness in Jerusalem, you go to Rome' (Acts p.23.11.). All while forty
conspirator covenant do not eat, not drink until kill the Apostle. The plan is
simple. To persuade the tribune to restore him before Sanhedrin and to kill in the
middle of the meeting. Warned by a nephew, Paul sends it to Lisias to say what
he has learned. Lisias decides to move Paul under strong escort in the capital of
the province, Cesareea to be put under the protection of Roman Legatus of
Judeea, Felix. Five days later, the great Rabbi Ananias, together with a
delegation of Sanhedrin, which was part and lawyer Tertulius, go to Felix.
Tertulius requires con be given to the court on the grounds because Paul caused
disarray among them, subject to the Roman empire. Artifice to seek punishment
of Hebrew by the site owners I've met those reported1. Comment:
 Paul is defending in front of Felix and the delegation of Sanhedrin. It shows
that strictly complied with the words of the prophets in the Holy Books
These prophets of Isaiah: a series of visionary premonitions. In it are the
quintessence of a future history of the people of Israel. Here are a few
paragraphs, which would be made the basis for a possible debate in Temple:

In time, another moment will be celebrated in the nineteenth century, when Rabbi of Lithuania,
Galicia, Germany and Russia will ask his followers arrest Bal Shem Tov (the initiator of the
movement to revive faith mosaic, the movement called 'Hasidic') by Russian Empire ... And in that
case the approach has not reached finality, the imperial view that we move as undermining the czar
but as a internal problem of Jewish communities.

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 Disappearance Judean state seen as a 'punishment of pride and vain
ornaments' is described as follows:
'The inhabitants of Zion will fall his sword and Valor in war. Gates daughter Zion
will creak and groan will and robbed, he sat naked on Earth '. (Isaiah C.3.25.,
 'The Leaders of this nation is going to mistake and lead them will die'. (Isaiah
p.9.15) .
'Without me will go with the slaves left forehead and fall among those killed ...'
(Isaiah p.10.4.)
And suffering of the coming Messiah:
'I will shoot out of his Iesel strain and a sprig from the root of his will'. (Isaiah
'Do not shout, nor will speak loudly and the market will not hear his voice. (Isaiah
p.42.2) .
'But he took on our pain and suffering and our burden. And we reckon punished,
beaten and tormented by God (...) was overdone, but its subject and has not
opened his mouth was, like a lamb to be kill (...) that he wore with the many laws
and the sinners gave life. (Isaiah p.53.4.-12.)
 Salvation of the people of Israel:
'Here you will call people you do not know and people that you did not have to
run to you, the Lord your God and the Holy of Israel. (...) And because foreigners
paste the Lord to love and name to serve the Lord and be His servants, all day
watching the rest not to be impure and dwelling in My Promise '. (Isaiah p.55.5.-
 Real Lent:
'Do not you know that I love the Lent - says the Lord. Break chains injustice, untie
jugulate links, please go on and break the jugulate them. Share with your bread
the hungry, shelters to house the indigent, the empty take it and not hide from
that of a tribe with you. '(Isaiah p.58.6.-8.)
Prophecy in Agora silence was violated when the Jesus overturning stalls of
merchants temple. Incidentally or not, this direct threat to the 'middle class' of
Judea will be followed a week of his arrest and sentencing to death.
Much more than a few examples would have been debated between devotees
traditional pride and emotion that intolerance should not be included on
opponents whenever you met ... or will meet.
 Paull accuse those who deny Resurrection of Jesus, 'sent' harbinger of Isaiah,
to be deaf and blind to the words of the prophets. It recalls the behavior under
mosaic Law of communities Hebrew Christians, to give material support to
Jewish Communities in the years of heavy drought in Judea.
As the Roman citizen Paul is saved it this time. Felix acting as a detention
prisoner in Cesareea. After two years, the province's new Legatus: Porcius
Festus, decide a new trial. Paul, in turn, ask to be sent to the imperial court.
Meeting attended, along with the Romans, his old enemies and tetrarch Agrippa
II with its sister Berenice. Festus brings him prisoner saying to send him to trial

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Caesar it must justify this gesture and does not know how to fit the crime
committed by Apostle, how the Roman law we violation. So he put his trial
Agrippa. Agrippa II is addressed to Paul: 'You are free to defend your cause’.
Apostle Paul addresses the assembly consisting of Roman officials and Jews:
'Although I am accused of Jews, I feel happy king Agrippa, to exculpate me
today in front of you. The more so as you're aware of all Jewish customs and
controversy. Also please listen to me patiently. All my life I spent in the bosom of
the people at Jerusalem; Jews know. They know me well and if they are to testify
that I have followed the party of religion more strictly our Pharisee on. Now they
are sued because of my hope in the promise made by God and our parents that
the twelve tribes of our perseverance through faith in God, day and night, I
expect fulfillment’.
Paul reported the event on the Damascus road (C.III.1) and conversion to the
Gospel of Jesus, then continues:
'That is so, King Agrippa, I am not rebellious in the divine vision. I on the
contrary, people first of Damascus, Jerusalem and all Judea, then pagans, can
testify. We grazing their souls to be forgiven of sins, bringing the way of the Lord,
I realized that miracles were convinced. That is why the Jews tried to kill me in
the Temple. Supported the protection of God, and I continued to this day to
submit my testimony (on the Lord Jesus Resurrection). I confessed in front of the
chip and the powerful, without saying anything beyond what the prophets and
Moses said would happen. That Christ will suffer and that of dead Resurrected
will announce LIGHT to pagan peoples' (Acts p.26.28.-32.).
Governor Festus, deeply impressed by the content and the courage with which
Paul sustained his plea, say him that attitude of dignity can lead to his
condemnation by the king Agrippa. Paul its replies:
'I am not crazy but TALK in the language of truth and common sense. King ask
me because he is also trained in Mosaic Mistery. I ask him to safety nothing that
is foreign. For those relating NOTHING IN NOT lie! King Agrippa, believe in
prophets? I know you belive. '(Acts p.26.25.-27.).
The retort of the King coming immediately:
'One minute your reasoning and I'll convert'
Paul its replies:
'What can be done, much or little, may God, not only you but all who hear me
here, what will be myself, except for these chains. ‘
Agrippa stands and addressing the Assembly gives the verdict:
'This man in front of us did nothing that would merit the death or chains' (Acts
The trial ends with the decision that the prisoner be sent to Rome to appear
before the court of Roman Emperor.
 A few words about Agrippa II - th, the last king of the Jews. Appointed by the
emperor Claudius. He tried to maintain a precarious balance decreasing
extremist movements and the national unrest caused by major persecution
against Christians. He suspend Hebrew Christians enforcement, practiced by his

51 / 101
father. In Paul trial he demonstrated that it is not only a king but a Judean
initiated without being Christian. He knew that choosing the path to true faith, to
be sustainable, may not be imposed by force. Will be removed from the Jewish
revolt in Jerusalem (66). The more light I'm the example of the wise and tolerant
leader, who tried to introduce EFFECTS IN PEACE SOCIAL CONDITIONS,
ETHNIC AND RELIGIOUS. Even if you do not succeed!
 Paul knew who speaks. He knew that their joint training Yeshiva to enable
them to understand despite the adversaries present. First words addressed to
the king were not courtesy but a recognition of the level of scholarship and
teaching in mysteries of Torah of Agrippa. And so the last phrase of the speech:
'I know you think'. It was an initiative of the Christian approach to a meeting of
'deaf' because there was at least an 'ear to hear'. The final decision of King (the
issue of chains of apostle Paul) was not implemented due to Sanhedrin
opposition. Paul himself asked to be tried in Rome, the imperial court. We take
the road of Rome and of the most prolific period of evanghelisation of non Jew
people, the last of his life. Judea religious leaders could be satisfied. The main
danger to their power over the people was removed from the Jewish. With the
same tenacity specific breed will fight to remove from the community all those
'heretical', whatever the future of people Jew avatars. Ok or bad? That was it!


Paul is shipped along with other prisoners on a ship, the Roman centurion Iustus
of military cohort Augusta guarding him. That, impressed by the reputation and
the wisdom that will allow faithful Jew that was shipped to sit next to him on a sea
with a ship of Alexandria in the difficult winter period. With all the tips apostle to
follow closely the line of coast, the captain is heading for Crete. Before you close
the port strong pull a storm off the ship. After fourteen days without being able to
orient by the sun, month, or stars, crew and people on the ship were frightened
and hungry. They threw the first load, then everything on the boat are not
necessary. Paul encouraged. They said that God sent a sign that none of those
are on the boat will not happen anything wrong. In the fourteenth day he made
bread miracle of Christ. He Shares Bread telling them to eat. There were two
hundred seven tens and six people, witnesses and receiving .... The following
day saw a landed. Master novice again, failed to ship a hook, before it dock. Cork
were not being lost during an attempted escape of seamen. Soldiers have
proposed that prisoners should be killed, not to escape once they arrived on
shore. Centurion has opposed. They all came swimming to shore. It was the
island of Malta. Locals welcomed him with kindness. Began to gather wood for a
fire to warm in the winter days. Paul add briar and scrap wood in a row with
them. A snake bit him. The natives who knew how poisonous these reptiles were
considered gods sent, and saw him dead. Paul throw the snake in the fire and
nothing is happen to him. When they believed to be a god ... For three months
have been hosted by Publius, Roman governor of the island. The father was
suffering from fever and dysentery, was dying. Asked the son, Paul is

52 / 101
approaching head dying, pray long after that put your hands on its face. Man
returns to his life and soon it made healthier. The news has spread to the island.
All those suffering from any disease came and were reestablishment of an
apostle. Respect for Paul does not have borders. As said on the ship during the
storm: prisoners, soldiers, sailors, have gone missing anything. In the coming
spring they went to Italy with a vessel that winters in Malta and arrived at
Pouzzoli (Puteoli). Here Paul was greeted in many Christians1. Hosted both the
guards and prisoners for seven days. Once in Rome, Paul was received with
great joy and warm community of Christians Transtavere (neighborhood
foreigners from the capital Roman Empire). Pending the imperial court, was left
free to live here, having to be guarded by a Roman soldier.
The apostle, as in other cases, first went to the synagogue, having contact with
representatives of Jewish Communities from the city. Three days afterwards
they come to its home. He tells what happened in Jerusalem and in Cesareea
court. Rabbis them say they have received no news, what you watched, in
Judea. They would like to hear in the synagogue has to say about Jesus and his
Gospel. On the next Sabbath, the temple mosaic were close a number of
scholars have Tore .. In front of them, Paul submitted testimony to the quality of
the Messiah of Jesus, the Passion were concluded by crucifixion and
Resurrection news. He spoke of the tasks realized what the apostles received
from God Holly Spirit to carry the Gospel of Jesus among Jews and non Jews.
Some have agreed with the assent of those reported in Tore light, others do not!
Start a debate with strong accents and emotional histerya. Then Paul says:
'Well Holy Spirit said through the prophet Isaiah to your parents: Search on this
SEE. For people my heart has been rocky. They hardly close their ears and
closed their eyes not to see, as no understand their spirit to convert. I will heal
AT LEAST WE WILL LISTEN TO ME!' (Acts p.28.26.-28.).


Paul remain in Rome. Released from Imperial Court (headed by the prefect of
Rome, Burro) will continue its mission in that city will become 'fortress eternal'
part of Christianity. He will continue, directly or through Letters across the area
where they were being or Christian communities in the Light of Jesus Gospel.
In turn the authorities and Mosaic Jews will use any means to extinguish this
Light. Nero, the Christian anti psychosis created step by step, which will
culminate during the fire in Rome causes Christians Holocaust of Rome (Hebrew
and non Hebrew). Occurred against the backdrop of a state of mind for
Christians in Rome, since 62, inspired by Pomponia, Nero's wife and what
obsequious entourage imperial deification clamp Imperator, spread into the
Roman Christian communities appeared in a two-half years of '30, many of the elite military
knights (see C.III.2 Evangelisation in Rome

53 / 101
people who do not understand those who do not run with them to the same
source of rank. When they take for true that the set of fire in Rome (64) is made
to the Christians, not by Nero.
 Peter and Paul are executed by order of Emperor (67). The place where is
believed to have been executed is today Peter and Paul Basilica from Rome –
Vatican State. Simeon, bishop of the Christian Church in Jerusalem will be killed
in the year 107. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch will be the martyred in Rome. The
last Hebrew Christian apostle, John, wil die in the year 117. Policarp will continue
to gather around his Christian, Hebrew or not until the year 156.
Between 130 - 135 Hebrew Christians are persecuted by Jews because of
confrere not join the rebellion and the last war against the Romans.
 Defeated after legendary resistance in Massada (73), Beter (135) Jews would
migrate in distinct communities, the whole world without a national homeland.
Disaster will gather around the mosaic faith: Torah. Yohanan Ben Zakkai (71)
established Yeshiva from Jasmina and The Council of Jasmina. Will develop a
doctrine of 'SPIRITUAL STATE OF ISRAEL’. One thousand eight hundred ten
years it will take until the issue of imposing their will by fighting: the Eretz Israel.
 Christianity will survive the fall of Rome and will grow as
scope and organization, moving from alternative periods of
tolerance and repression of the empire, until under Constantine
the Great (312). Constantine the Great, in battle with Maxentziu
(emperor of the Western Roman Empire) in 312 at Ponte Milvio,
bid to put on the shields of his soldiers engraved monogram of
Jesus (the cross in six parts). Win the victory although it was inferior in the
number of soldiers. Will declare Christianity the official religion, established the
Roman - Christian Empire (312 - 604). In those days in the West was pope
Silvestru I (306-312). Christianity became the state religion, in recognition of its
penetrate in all peoples of the dying empire and his organizational unit.
Christian Church will suffer first Big schism: the separation of the Church of
Constantinople to the Rome. Excesses of power acquired by clergy will not
cease to occur. Inquisition lead to excesses of intolerance Christian
fundamentalism on us Christians hundred years. Jew people, 'the killer of Jesus’,
having the first place in the list. Followed new splits of Christianity, as an
expression of empowerment of new national or Christian Doctrines. Intolerance
will have followed by death and horror in fundamentalism: fascist, communist and
SEVERANCE AND SPIRITUAL, though in an orchestrated mockery of what God
has given through his prophets people.
 Saint Luc led me often think of prophets words:
'Son of Man, you live in the middle of a case of willful, which eyes to see and not
see, ears to hear and not hear, because they are a rebellious house. (Ezechiel
All you urged me to enter and search, good and evil in the development of the
facts of ancient times, reaching almost to live with the eyes of mind, was hope

54 / 101
and belief that, once and once something is true of the prediction:
'Holy is the Lord God above me, because God anointed me to bring good news
to those bastards. He sent me to heal the broken-hearted to hear liberation of
slavery and to caught war prisoners forgiveness. (...) The smallest will be a
thousand and the insignificant a powerful tribe. I the Lord will hasten the time for
things' (Isaiah p.60.22).
Can tell any man, any time of life or before they die. I have modest joy of being
there in that humanity, good word of God, even if the people themselves. He
expected that by the prayers addressed to God to change the world itself is
useless. It takes effort everyone who truly believes in the miracle of its existence
under the sign of faith in God, to fight to transmit around its equilibrium by words
and good deeds as good. THEN ... AND PROPHETS COMING!



55 / 101
-63 Pompei consul, in an attempt to oppose Caesar establish its headquarters in
Damascus. To ensure its food resources occupy Jerusalem and the entire
kingdom Iehuda. Encouraged by that, Pharisees party call for the removal of the
monarchy and restore the Jewsh state by Rabbi Assembly (Sanhedrin of Grand
Mosaic Temple from Jerusalem). In agreement with these Pompei attacked
Jerusalem and after three months of resistance between the walls of the Temple,
Aristobul II is taken prisoner. Hirkan II (Horkonos) is called the autonomous
prince under suzerainty of Rome. The name is changed from the kingdom
Iehuda in Judea.
-54 - 49 Consul Crasus leads first Roman campaign against the Partes. Through
Jerusalem Temple rob him. Jews revolt. Is fighting for its long with asmoreen
insurgents, led by the son of Aristobul II, Alexander. He was killed and 30,000
Hebrews of Galilee are sold as slaves.
-51 -30 Consul Caesar conquers Egypt and declared the queen Cleopatra.
-48 Struggle between Caesar and Pompei in deciding battle of Pharsalos.
Pompei was killed. Nobles of the Jews that it supports the Caesar is remarkable
Hirkan Antipater (Antipatros Horkonos). Caesar called him Etnarh of Judea.
Hirkan with Roman legions made available defeat of the Jews close around
Ezechias and falls with its legions in Jerusalem. Appoint his son Herod (Horodos)
as governor of Galilee. He quell anti Roman Jewish revolts.
-44 Brutus kill Caesar is in the Senate. Antonius is Imperator. In Judea, his
opponents Hirkan revolting is poisoned (-43).
-40 PartI occupies Judea. King called on Antigonous. Struggle taking place
between officials Judea: it supports some of the Romans, on the other parties
until the year (-38) when the PartI is defeated by the Romans.
-37 Herod led Sosius 16 legions in Jerusalem and Judea unifies. He is appointed
by the Roman Senate 'amicus et Socius Populi' (friend and ally Roman people).
-31 Imperator Antonius is defeated by Octavianus Augustus in the battle of

56 / 101
-31 - 14 Octavianus Augustus Emperor in Rome. Ally with winners is Herod. He
is named new king of Judea. Kingdom is added, available to Octavian: Gaza and
Ierihon port Jafa (Iaffo). Herod take and the rank of High Priest of the Temple.
Follows a period of major construction of urban infrastructure and ports:
Antipatros towns are rebuilt, Sebastos, Cesareea (so named in honor of
Augustus Caesar). Ports are built in Cesareea and Antedon. It organized a
network of irrigation in agriculture. Great Temple of Jerusalem is rebuilt (-20,
-19). Herod revenge without mercy against those who oppose them. It will kill two
of their sons: one of them after a revolt anti Roman (-12), the other shortly before
death (4). The religious rivalry taking place in Sanhedrin between the three main
religious groups Saduceees , Pharisees, Essenes.
-27 Syria becomes imperial province headed by a Legatus. Judea under various
dignitaries Romans: Quirinus (-12 -9, -4 4), Varus (-6 -4). Censuses conducted
by the Romans, to know what we call now the tax base, have a strong resistance
to 'middle class' of Judea, and the poor. 6000 Pharisee Rabbis refusing the oath
of allegiance required by the Roman authority (supported by Saducees). The
country is facing a revolt that will explode after the death of Herod.
-7 John the Baptiser is born, son of Rabbi Zaharia and Elizabeth. Before Jesus,
he will applying to Jews a baptism in water purification Jordan.
-6 Birth of Jesus during a census in Bethleem. The Child is recognized as the
Messiah to the shepherds Misrael, Stephen, Chiriac; and 3 Magus: Gaspar,
Melchior, and Baltazar (leds by a 'star' to stall the born to Maria). At forty days it
is confirmed (according to the Mosaic Law) in the Great Temple in Jerusalem by
a priest (in the presence of the Orthodox faithful mosaic Simeon and Ana
viewing, both come to Temple 'at the call of the Holy Spirit'). Simeon made
prediction about future mission of the child and Baby pain her mother as it will in
the future from it. Then addressed osana God has fulfilled that promise to keep
alive until the coming of the Messiah, he now die happy to see that.
 Herod asked to be killed infants by two years, for fear that this child does not
become a new Judas the Maccabee1 (it seems that two days after the departure
of Joseph, Mary and Jesus of Bethleem). Comment: Family of Jesus refuge in
Egypt, in the Nil Delta.

During the reign of Antiohus Epifanes (≈ -200) Greeks came to Jerusalem to worship the gods
require. Resistance movement was initiated and led by Mathatias son John and his five sons, John
said Gaddis, Simon said Thasos; Judas said Macabee, Eleazar said Abaron; Ionathan sayd
Apphus. They freed the lands of Jerusalem and the Jews driving out of Judeea Greek and Hebrew
that those with occupant destroying altars and gods throughout his kingdom stretched Iehuda.
Follows years of heavy fighting against Jews being mobilized troops have reached hundreds of
thousands of soldiers. Takes place and a siege of Jerusalem. Because of rising report Greeks in
Antioch retire. Another general Nicanor is defeated in battle at Bethoron. Until the latter Maccabees
will initiate an alliance with the young Roman Republic. In -146, the Romans occupying Greece.
The state will benefit Judean independence between -142 and -63. Herod's fear was that the anti-
Roman movement not find a leader like Maccabees. ' makabim ' in Hebrew means' one who
strikes', in Greek 'one who fights’.

57 / 101
4 King Herod died. Arhelaus his son is appointed by Herod as a survivor. Roman
Senate decided dividing the Judeea kingdom into three provinces: Herod Antipas
received Galilee region and Perea; Arhelaus Judea and Samaria, Philip (son of
Cleopatra and Antonius) receives Bethany, Traconitida, Auranitida and Ituria
(Paneas). Philip expand Betsaida and Cesareea cities.
Is sent to Jerusalem Sabinus, as procurator of the imperial goods to make an
inventory of resources kingdom. Census done by the Romans and Jews servants
determined revolt of population, supported by part of a rabbis.
To configure a anti Roman resistance, to issue, under the leadership of Iehuda
galilean Rabbi and Pharisee Sadoc. Sabinus called legions to restore 'pax
Romana'. Thousands of Jews are crucified in the year 6.
5 Birth of Saul of Tarsus (located between the various sources 5 -10). From a
noble Judean family, which is granted Roman citizenship, he will be trained to
become rabbi at Yeshiva of Gamaliel the Elder of the Tarsus. As the youngest
member Sanhedrin will notice in the persecution against Hebrew Christian
communities. Will participate directly in the murder deacon Saint Stephen.
Converted to Christianity, under Paul name, will develop Missionary Gospel of
Jesus, between Hebrew and non Hebrew in area of Middle East and
Mediterranean zone.
6 Judea declared the province is headed by a Roman procurator. Arhelaus is in
exile in Galia. Quirrinus appointed procurator start inventory Arhelaus kingdom
goods. Continuous uprisings led Iehuda and Sadoc. They are appointed by the
Romans 'zealots'.
 Family of Jesus return from Egypt to Nazareth. Support by Joseph being a
carpenter handicraft, which we will learn and Jesus. In the Easter holidays, the
young Jesus will dazzle Temple Rabbis of deep penetration by the teachings
6 Ann (Hanan), is called Great Priest of the Temple.
14 Romans killed emperor Augustus. Was elected emperor Tiberius (14 - 37).
Will be contemporary with the birth of 'Sect of Crestus' and repression of Hebrew
Christians by Mosaic Jews. He treat the disputes as an internal Mosaic Law
problem. He only punish fact against Roman Law.
17 Due to the sharp opposition to the Romans in Sanhedrin, Valerius Gratus
replaces Ann Iosef with Ben Caiphas (17 - 37).
26 Pontius Pilate is appointed procurator of Judea. He will defend Rome politics
exploiting rivalries inside the oligarchies of Jews in Jerusalem; between Caiphas,
Herod Antipa, Philip. He will fight for annihilation of revolt movements led by
zealots. He gives verdict crucifixion of Jesus, at the request Sanhedrin (30).
27 John the Baptist is arrested (after he baptized Jesus in Jordan River water).
Will be beheaded at the insistence wife of Herod Antipa. In detention he
continue to condemn as immoral wanton morals of the royal circle. Subsequently,
all follower of Jesus will take the baptism with water AS FIRST FORM OF

58 / 101
RECOGNITION as a proponent of a community of Christians. John will be
sanctified by the Christian Church of Jerusalem as the name 'Forerunner'.
28 Prophet Jesus mission starts, first in Judea and Galilee. Evangelism is equally
address the needs of people through the miracle of curing the body, the spirit and
moral parables. It unlocks a Hebrew faithful God who loves man as man should
love sow. Also defined access to 'life then' and 'Doomsday' as criteria for
evaluating the behavior of each link with God is ending a life time. As a
reorganization of civil life he expected a community of Essenes manner (goods in
common, in helping community members, eliminating animals sacrifices; only
'gift' is daily repentance for mistakes and giving spirit to be judged by divine
kindness ). Its Mesianic works will generate a polarization of the poor and those
dissatisfied with the Roman - Jewish administration acquiring, in 29-30, the
movement bring accents of passive revolt.
30 Jesus is crucified on 14 Nissan, during the Easter holidays (as other springs
in the 33) being charged by the Roman Jewish oligarchs as a social reformer and
religious dangerous.
30 - 50
30 - 35 Formation of the first large community of Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem
and Judea. Confrontation with the Jews in the Grand Temple.
32 Compact deacon Saint Stephen. Departure 'Hebrew Hellenistic Christians' in
communities outside Judea (Antioch, Bere, Tarsus, etc.).
32 Converting Rabbi Saul on the Damascus road. Will be withdrawn in Tars
(approximately 12 years) to not be killed by fundamentalist Jews and the Hebrew
Greek Christians (for participation to compact of Stephen).
33 Emperor Tiberius related Syria Vitelius to remove the Great Rabbi Caiphas
and his representative of Rome Pilate, being replaced by Senator Marcel. About
Senator Marcel is said to have become a Christian follwer, after some
documentary sources it would be hosted Apostle Peter in Rome. The information
is provided by Francesco Paolo Rizzio, as contained in 'Facts of Peter', the end
of the century II, translated into Latin under the title 'Facts of Vericeli'.
33 - 43 Conversion of Roman citizens (especially among soldiers and Roman
knight) to Christianity, following Apostle Peter.
35 Roman Emperor Tiberius asked the Senate to issue a law that would declare
that to be Christian is legal. Senate decide by 'is no legal to be Christian’.
37 - 41 Imperator Caligula in Rome. Agrippa I becomes King of Judeea Philipia
and Lisana regions. In 39 of the Rome receives Galilee and Perea, in 41 Judea
and Samaria. Will obtain from the emperor Caligula to be repeated rituals mosaic
and wearing the sacerdotal togs of rabbi in the Grand Temple. It will make the
body with the Sanhedrin to behead the Christian Church of Jerusalem. He will
destroy the independence movements of the Jews against Roman domination.
41 - 54 Claudius Imperator to Rome. We confirm Agripa I to be the king of
Judeea. It will be hostile to Christianity, among both the Jews and especially the
Christian expansion of its military and political elite in Rome.
42 Claudius blame the transition to Christianity of aristocratic family Aulo Plauzio
and his wife Pomponia Graecina.

59 / 101
42 Agripa I arrest the leadership of the Church in Jerusalem for Easter. Peter
manages to miraculously come out of prison. James the Great is beheaded.
Jacob the Young leadership of the Christian community in Jerusalem.
Peter will continue to leave Jerusalem apostolic mission. The presence of Peter
in Rome is located in 42, where Eusebius say:
'At the beginning of The Principality, Providence took the hand and led Peter to
Rome’. (Chronicle 2,14,6). After other documentary sources in 48-49.
44 Agrippa I dead.
44 - 52 Judea led by Roman procurators: Cuspus Fadus (44-46), Alexandrus
Tiberius (46-48), Ventidus Cumanus (48-52).
48 - 50 Apostolic first mission of Saul (Apostle Paul) and Barnabe in Syria
(Antioch) and Cyprus (Pisida of Antioch, Listros and Derbe - where Saul will take
the name apostle Paul).
49 Street disorders caused by conflicts between Hebrew Christians and Mosaic
Jews in Rome. The emperor gives an edict that the Jews are Christians turn out
in Rome.
49 - 50 Starts developing Mark's Gospel, (with Peter preaching in Rome, at the
request of Roman Christian knights).
50 - 80
50 The Meeting Christian Church of Jerusalem. Church leaders discuss how to
meet our new followers Hebrew Christian Law. Epistle issued from Jerusalem
that the peoples of other rites than mosaic may convert to Christianity being
exempted from the strict observance of Mosaic Law. Among others they were not
obliged to cut around to be christian baptised or observe strict food rules
(prohibition to food 'dirty', defined in Judaic Laws). It is not forbidden to enter the
homes of another religion or to receive them as guests. The only requirements
were to receive baptism of water, not to sacrifice or sacrifices to gods, to respect
the Ten Commandments, to refrain from consumption of animal blood or
strangle. These exceptions were not applicable to Hebrew Christians. They must
also comply Mosaic Law.
50 - 53 A second apostolic mission of Paul in Macedonia (Filipium) and Greece
(Thessaloniki, Corinth, Athens, Ephesus). Here, the group receives a missionary
among insiders first disciple 'impure' ethnic. This is Timothy, from Listros. For not
violate the position of insiders Hebrew Christians, he is baptized in the Mosaic
rite. After that Christian water baptism and by the Holy Spirit. Activity intense of
missionary group do not experience serious difficulties from the Romans. The
opposition of mosaic Jews is directly or indirectly by inciting the local population.
52-60 Felix Antonius becomes procurator of Syria (and Iudeii). He bring Drusila
on the wife, sister of Agrippa II. We quell the revolt of zealots. He will condemn
to death in 58, the Grand Priest Ionathan (active participant in the movement for
independence of the Jews).
53-57 The third mission of Paul in Greece (Corinth and Ephesus). Establishment
of School of Christian Initiation of Ephesus. In 57, to the Tarsus, Luke mentions
first time eucharistic Sunday ritual in the Christian community.

60 / 101
54-68 Imperator Nero in Rome. He called on Agrippa II King in Galilee, Perea
and Inspector of the Great Temple.
57 Easter at Jerusalem, Paul tries to eliminate disputes in the community of
Hebrew Christians. Attacked in Temple of a group of Jews to be stone. Is saved
by the Roman garrison. Centurion Lisias send him in Cesareea to procuratore
Felix, to protect Paul of the intention of Sanhedrin to kill him. He remain in
detention two years.
59 Trial of Paul before King Agrippa II takes place in Cesareea. As is Roman
procuratore Festus and the delegation of Sanhedrin. Decision favorable to Paul
made by the King is not agreed by the Grand Rabbi Ann. Paul ask to get sent to
the trial court of Imperial Rome, which reaches 60.
62 Prefect of Rome, Burro declare no guilty the apostle Paul. Evangelical mision
of Paul in Rome (60 - 67).
62 Nero says deification compulsory throughout the empire. Track those who are
not complying (Greeks Stoics and Christians). Mosaic Jews in Rome use all
means (including goodwill of Jews Nero's wife, Pomponia) to generate an
atmosphere of suspicion and hatred against Christians in Rome.
64 To describe a fire that is recorded in his poetic, Nero organize arson Rome.
After declaring guilty on Christians. Procuratore Rome, Tigellinus organize the
mass arrest of Christians, killing them in the Amphitheatre of Rome. Nero
provides for massacres its own gardens.
66-73 Judean against Roman domination seven years revolts. Jews revolt is the
climax of rebellions were conducted since the beginning of the century, after
Herod's death (4). Jerusalem is released by the common people and a rabbis.
Cestius Gallus mobilize Legion XII and other cohorts to attack Jerusalem. Jews
defeated Romans in the Sucot day (the feast of tents). Judea is declared
independent. It forms a 'Insurrectional Government' composed of 70 members.
The Jews formed three armies: the Jerusalem is led by Iosef Gurion and the
Grand Rabbi Hanaan; of Edomits region led by Iehosuah Ben Tzefafa and
Eleazar Ben Hnani; of Galilee led by Josef Ben Matitahu. There were a total of
100,000 warriors. Nero designate on Titus and Vespasian, the head of 600,000
troops to attack Judeean troops. The Romans landed at Accra (Acco) that you
conquer. Galilee troops are defeated and Gen. Joseph Ben Matitahu is given (to
be considered Hebrew traitor and his name will be removed from the history of
the Jews, but will remain in history as Josefus Flavius on his 'War of the Jews').
In 70 Titus takes Jerusalem. Grand Temple is torched. It will remain only
'Complaints Wall' until today. Jews resist the various divisions. Struggle taking
place inside the camp followers of the Jews in peace with the Romans and
zealots of John Gishala. Simon Bar Giora manages to form an army and
attacked Jerusalem but internal divisions made the Jews to be again defeated.
Last fall retrenchment will be Massada, defended by Eleazar sikars. In year 73,
of Easter, all defenders with their families will be suicide. Jews are sold as slaves
or killed in the battles of gladiators in Syria. Some of the youngsters are enrolled
in the Roman Legion 'Macedonica' (which will go on land Oltenia - Romania).

61 / 101
Mosaic Temples are now Roman temple. Bar Giora was killed during celebrate
triumph of Vespasian and Titus in Rome.
The period is marked by the emergence of messianic texts in Hebrew.
'Revelation by John' for Christians (To Patros, in Greece); 'Mishna' and 'Zohar'
Jews for Mosaics. Mosaic Rabbis under the leadership of Rabbi Ben Zakai and
Gamaliel of Iavne (70) formed on Iavne (Iasmina) a yeshiva who are trained for
resistance by the concept of 'Spiritual Hebrew State’. People are not united by
the unity of territory but THROUGH IN THE UNIT. Hebrew Christians refuse to
join the Jew insurgents.
67 Apostles Peter and Paul martyred at Rome.
68 Nero to commit suicide, Galba Imperator.
69 - 79 Vespasian Imperator. Vespasian and Titus will cease persecution against
Christians, and in view of their refusal to join insurgents Jews. Crossings take
place to Christianity in imperial family (Flavius Sabinus, Vespasian's brother).
Fact mentioned in Flavius Josefus ‘Jews wars’. Propitious time for the
development of the Christian Church in Rome.
81 - 284
81 - 96 Domitian Imperator. Repression of the Christian church in Rome.
Domitian would seek to destroy the existence of Christianity among Roman
knights and Roman aristocracy for revival of the faith in Romans goods.
97 - 105 Papa Evarist in Rome.
96 - 98 Nerva Imperator;
98-117 Traian Imperator. Will complete the expansion of empire in South-Eastern
Europe and Asia Minor. Conquer Armenia, Assiria, Mesopotamia, Dacia.
Christians Roman policy is more relaxed. Jerusalem is partly repopulated with
Hebrew Christians, loyal to the empire. Place internal struggle and rebellion in
Judea. Following a rebellion of the Jews, Simeon (who replaced James the
Young at the head of the Church of Jerusalem) was killed in 107. His place is
taken by John of Ephesus (107-117). Ignatius of Antioch (presbyter of Antioch
Church) is taken to be torn by animals in Amphitheatre of Rome (110). Policarp
will lead Christian Communities, to 156, as bishop of Smirna.
105 -115 Pope Alexander in Rome.
117-138 Publius Aelius Hadrianus Imperator. Eufrat on boundary sets, make
peace with the Parti. A rebellion of the Jews of 117 is defeated by Roman troops
led by Lucius Quietus. As it becomes the Legatus of Judea. Hadrianus was a
great admirer of Greek culture. Expected to unify the empire by cultural synthesis
with the Greek. Wanted to build a cultural commercial and civic consensus
through the Roman Empire. Between 128-138 will establish residence in Athens.
115-125 Pope Sixt I in Rome,
125-136 Pope Telsefor in Rome.
127 The participation of Jews in a revolt in Egypt, Hadrianus decides liquidation
of Judaism, starting with the Mosaic baptism ban During 130 year visit Jerusalem
and decide to rebuild the city acted as a Roman city, called Aelia Capitolina. The
Mosaic Temple to be rebuilt and dedicated to Jupiter.

62 / 101
132 After two years of preparation, the Jews begin their last war against Rome.
Rabbi Akiva is called Ben Simon Koshiba 'Messiah' with name Bar Kohba (Son
of Star), and military leader of Judea. Garrison led by Tinus Rufus and
reinforcements from Syria are defeated; Jerusalem is liberated. The Jews punish
the Hebrew Christians who do not join the movement against Romans. Imperator
called legions of Brittany, led by Iulius Severus and leadership campaign. It first
conquered Galilee. In the year 134 is conquered Jerusalem. After a long
resistance and destroy fifty of fortified towns. The last citadel is Beter (135),
where he dies and Bar Kohba. The Jews will hold an in caves at the Dead Sea
(Ein Ghedi). Tinius Rufus will rebuild Jerusalem as a Roman city called Aelia
Capitolina. The temples of Jupiter, Junona, Minerva will be built on the ruins of
the Great Temple. The Aphrodita Temple is situated on Golgotha, and theTemple
of Zeus in Garizim, Temple of Adonis in Bethleem.
135-155 The last Hebrew Christian Community is dispersed in Cisiordania and
Syria. Will appoint Ebionites (The poors) and will adopt the 'Gospel of Jews'. Not
recognized Jesus as Messiah and texts contained in Paul epistles.
136 -140 Pope Igniu; 140 -155 Pope Pius I 155 - 166 Pope Ancient in Rome.
150 Iehuda Bar Ylai of Usha form a nine Yeshiva in Tver.
155 Policarp of Smirna martyred.
162-180 Marc Aureliu Imperator. Give “Kaima Dogma” (New Decrees) against
Christians because of the heretical Christian movement of Montanism. it was an
early Christian movement of the early 2nd century named after its founder
Montanus. Movement appears in Frigia (160). Called 'New Movement
Prophecies' (Tertulian was himself montanist), has a spirit of devotion, ascesis
recommends, intolerance against pagan practices and have a strong spirit
against the Roman state. They opposed, Christians: Melitone, Atenagora,
Apollinnare; who demand the loyalty of Christians to the Roman. Marc Aureliu
will respond by issuing ‘Kaima Dogma’: the pursuit and persecution of Christians
who do not comply with state laws. Peak is reached at Lyon, where thousands of
Christians are killed. The Christian Church, is due soon revive his Irineu priest.
193-211 Septimiu Sever Imperator. Relax anti-Jewish policy; also cancels
persecution against Christians. It advocates religious syncretism (the coexistence
of religions). Appoint a chairman (Nashi) to the Jews of Tver. Nashi will be
Iehuda Bar Ylai. In 212 the Jews will be given Roman citizenship (along with all
peoples under the empire.). In Jerusalem the Jews returned from other
territories. The most significant in number, is the back of Babylon from Persian
persecution (212-241). Is also deemed to mosaism the Tadmoreens, after its
defeat by the Romans (273).


284 - 638 Roman Empire is divided between Diocletzian (the West) and
Maxentziu (the East).

63 / 101
311 At the end of life, Galeriu Imperator establish religious tolerance for
306-337 Constantin Maximus Imperator.
312 Constantin Maximus beat Maxentziu in the Ponte Milvio (on Tibru) under the
sign of Jesus (the cross in six parts).
314-335 Silvestru Pope in Rome.
324 Constantin Maximus Beat Liciniu in the Orient. Legions of Christian soldiers
participating in the release of Anatolia. Constantine declares Christianity the
state religion. Start-Christian Roman empire. Empire capital is set to
Constantinople. Palestine and Jerusalem under Hebrew Christians. They
adopted Greek toponymies. Calvary Holy Church is built on tomb of Jesus.
Hebrew Christians repopulates Jerusalem. Wall Complaints remain under the
jurisdiction of the mosaic community.
325 First Ecumenical Council in Niceea. Define criteria for membership of
'Catholica Eclesia':
 Acceptance of fundamental thesis:
'Jesus is the Son of God, Light from Light, true God from true God, created not
generated, unitary with the Father '.
 Order Episcopal seat: Rome, Alexandria, Antioch
Area of jurisdiction of the three bishops worldwide, including patriarchates.
 Easter date determined by mutual agreement (not observed due to calendar
differences between East and West).
 Celibate cleric (which will not only live mothers and sisters).
351-353 Uprising of the Mosaic Jews from Jerusalem. Localities Tver, Tzipori
andi Bet Gallus are demolished. Jerusalem city remains open to both religions;
be visiting holy places. Christians missionaryes Ilarion and Hariton urges building
churches and monasteries throughout Palestine.
363 Starts the confrontation between Romans and Persia. Upsurge of Constantz
II defeated.
363 - 375 Valentzian Christian Imperator. Develops Christian Bishopric of Milan
under the leadership of Bishop Ambroziu (347-397). Reduces the influence of the
papacy in Rome. Up to 392 a troubled period in the West, after which became
Teodosiu Imperator. His intention is to keep his empire through Christian faith
and its institutions. An incident illustrates the degree of intolerance which had
Christian clergy to the people of first Christians. In the year 387, at Callinico town
on the bank of Eufrat, Christians are fanatic torched a synagogue. Emperor
Teodosiu I, although a Christian, asked the bishop of Milan, Ambrosiu, to rebuild
the synagogue with the money of episcopate. Bishop of Milan, Ambrosiu, he
'It will therefore be a temple of the witouth low Jews built at the expense of the
Church'. (Ambrosia Letter 74)
451 Great Christian schism. Separation church: Church of Rome (Catholic),
Church of Constantinople (Orthodox). Bishop Juvenal (in Jerusalem) joins the

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Church of Constantinople, but most Hebrew Christians join mosaic communities
of Samaria. Remain a minority Christians in Jerusalem.
476 Fall of West Roman Empire.
527-565 Emperor Justinian. Will restore dominance Orthodox Christians in
Jerusalem. The return of Mosaic Jews will be limited.
614 Mosaic Jews of Galilee and Nazareth joins Persia help them occupy
Jerusalem. Mosaic clergy will trigger a widespread persecution against the
Christian population. Will be demolished many churches. Zaharia priests and
Christians are fled from town.
627 Peace between Persans and Byzantines. Return Orthodox clergy is made by
a procession led by Emperor Heraclius. Orthodox clergy fleed the mosaics.
638 Arab Caliphate, takes Jerusalem and Palestine.


638 - 1099
625 Arab Expansion approaching Palestine. Army, organized Prophet
Mohammed, is regarded with fear by the population. Hebrew, Christian and
Pagans, also send their delegations with gifts for the "Protection Act" (firman).
Start fighting among Arab armies and legions Byzantine (632-638). The latter are
forced to leave Syria and Palestine after the battle to Bet Shen (635) And Iarmuk
Valley (636). In 638 Jerusalem is occupied by Muslim troops. Byzantine
commander of troops leaving the city apart from its leadership Christian bishop
Sofronie. It teaches city qualifying Omar. Provide compliance with the Treaty
concluded religious tolerance and a certain practice in three denominations:
Mosaic, Christian and Muslim. Territory would be conquered by the Arabs called
him 'Falastin'. Due to the lack of consonant 'P' in Arabic vocabulary.
661 The Caliph Muawaia it takes Jews allies in city. Will support their
colonization in Lebanon and gives the city leadership. It built the Great Mosque
of Omar Temple on the ruins of Great Mosaic Temple. Mosquees are built
throughout Palestine.
717 The Caliph Omar II established a regime of religious terror. He begins with
fiscal measures such as tax ‘per capita’ (of the Muslim infidel). Continue with
other restrictions. Were not Muslims were not allowed to build or repair church or
synagogue. Not allowing its formal procession or ritual to show signs of worship
(Cross, Star of David, flags, icons, etc.) in public places. Were not allowed to
prevent relatives to convert to Mohammedanism. Were not allowed to adopt
habits Muslim, to attend the Muslim holidays. Were not allowed to build houses
higher than the Muslims. Strangely similar to those applied in the history of other
regimes intolerant or xenophobic, religious based or not - inquisition, fascism,
communism, etc. The caliphs of Abas dynasty made distinctive clothes for non
Muslims. Jews required to wear yellow hats, the Christians blue hats, and other
godless red hats. Place campaigns forced to pass Mohammedanism. Due
determined opposition, both the Mosaic and Christians (which start a mass
exodus from Jerusalem, for not to renounce at your faith) the Muslim stop forced

65 / 101
conversion. Those who accept will be the first public office. It will make some
wealthy Jewish family members (and much less Christians). They will constitute
a factor in the support infrastructure of the Muslim. They practice they mosaic
religion in great secrecy. Holy Sepulcher Church is demolished. Christian
communities in Palestine are grouped in Jerusalem, Tver, Bethleeem, Nazareth
and marine localities. Communities Jews are divided into Galilee, Neghev and
998 Bedouins tribe of Tay are appointed to govern Palestine on behalf Caliphs.
They are declared independent. Follows a period of civil wars, the came of
crusaders. Phenomenon that will diminish the economic, local communities and
leading to a decrease in the number of people ousted Palestina. They wil be
fleed by Crusaders.


1099 - 1291
1096 The Christian Kingdoms, form an alliance (which will lead to the formation
of the Roman-German Empire), under the spiritual leadership of the papacy, its
expansive force channels under the banner of Holy Grave issue. Starting first
Crusade. Bands of mercenaries led by nobles Francs moving to Jerusalem. In
their practical extermination of non Christians. In the case of Jewish communities
 Religious argument (Hebrew people come to him be killed Jesus) was facing.
Jesus was killed, as we know, saw the oligarchs of Mosaic Sanhedrin and those
Jews in Jerusalem, exciting the great mosaic of clergy then. Mask the fact that
without the apostles Hebrew Christians, Christian peoples would not have been a
Christian .... It was the period in which, for example Lucanian text 'Acts' will be
'hidden' by the Christian clergy . It was naturally the argument as 'comes' Hebrew
people would not have had arguments.... Real reason was more prosaic: robbery
Jews who were riches. Method will apply to almost nine hundred years.
 Is the struggle for Jerusalem. Judea 30,000 fighters are defending desperately
and with heroism. Most are the siege. On July 15 the city is conquered. Those
caught are sold as slaves to nobles Christians. Others withdraw from Judea to
Aschkelon where resistance will continue until 1153. Communities Christians has
taught their area without a fight.
 Crusader period left many within the Palestinian Christian churches,
monasteries and forts, whose traces are found today. Many of them were turned
into the mosque. Communities in Judea were grouped in rural area because
crusaders here have not killed people with needed agricultural products for their
troops. Jews were treated like Christians. With few exceptions they forbade the
establishment in Jerusalem. Thus a group of 300 practicing rabbi fervent of
mosaic cult, in France and England, are entitled to live in Jerusalem (1210-1211).
Communities than are Hebrew are Aschkelon, Accra and in Galilee. Locals, be
they Christians or Jews, practice agriculture, small trades. Godefroy de Bouillon
is proclaimed King of Jerusalem. Franc noble Tancred become Prince of Galilee.

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Christian kingdom established is called 'David Regnum' and some acts 'Israel'.
He stretched from Mount Hermon and Damascus in the North to the South port
1177 Alliance between Egyptians, Syrian, Iraqi (led by Saladin - Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn
Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb), as opposed to two of the crusade, succeeded to occupy Gaza.
The two crusade stop face to Damascus.
1191 A thre crusade, led by Richard the Plantagenet ( 'the Lionheart') and Philip
August, succeeds to the Alliance to reconqer Arab port and fortress Accra.
Disagreements have arisen between leaders of the army that they are Christian
does not assert a foil escape the Arab troops. Peace is concluded with Saladin
that allowed free access to centers of worship in the Arab area.
1229 A six is a crusade led by King Friderich II. Reconquer Jerusalem is not
struggling, as cities Lud, Ramala, Tzipori, Nazareth. Following the Treaty of Iaffa
Temple Mount remains in possession Saracens (he was the Mosque of Omar).
Crusaders will resist until the arrival of Mameluke (1291).


1291 - 1516
1516 Mamelukes win crusaders at the battle of Accra. Restore the Muslim
organization on autarchically. Palestine is thus isolated from the Christian
kingdoms. It is forbidden to enter Christian monks, for fear that will come along
with their Christian faith. Mamelukes allow the return of the Jews. This
phenomenon will increase by Salv Conduct of the Vatican (1488) that the Jews
persecuted by the inquisition for faith can go to Palestine. Thus begins a
movement of human return of Jews in Palestine. It will take, with variations in
intensity, until the twentieth century. Instead Christian communities will diminish,
while more on the current Lebanon (Maronites Rite). Mameluke domination ends
once the Ottoman invasion.


1516 - 1917
1516 Ottoman Empire troops occupy Palestine and Egypt, following the Battle of
1481-1512 Baiazid Ilderim Sultan. Return large groups of Hebrew Rite Sefard
(after 1492, when they were cast out by decree of King Philip of Spain and
Isabela, pressure of Christian Jesuits led by Savonarola).
1700-1777 Becomes a wave of Hebrew askenazi come from Poland, following
antisemitic oppressions. Ottoman Power seeks to support Christian emigration
and implantation of communities composed of Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks.
The method was to pay toTurkish treasury important amounts of money for that
which has kept the Christian faith to become a 'obedient' of Austria, England or

67 / 101
France. Thus had the opportunity to practice the cult of Christian (Catholic,
Orthodox or Protestant) and to exercise a profession to ensure existence.
Christians living in settlements around the religious, who were.
1789 French Revolution gives equal rights to all citizens, including Jews from
communities under French jurisdiction. First Sanhedrin of the Jews in Modern
Times (1805) is held in Paris.
1830 – 1850 To start ALYA - Top Return movement in the realm of Jewish
people, following the call Rabbi Yehuda Solomon Alkalay (rabbi of a small
mosaic community Sefarde1 near Belgrade) and Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer
(Askenazy2 rabbi from Germany) to active organizational, logistic (financial) and
educational actions for the return to the 'promised Land' 3. Unlike the practice
rabbi to pray that Iahve (God) to give him back to the ‘Holly Land’, they advocate
for the Return of the Jews in Palestine, with the support of all Jewish
Communities of Galut (Hebrew Diaspora). The followers number increased. They
lead these ideas in the communities of origin. Among them is the grandfather of
Theodor Herzl, the Budapest Community Hebrew banker. This grandson will
dedicate his life and family fortune practical realization of this goal, achieving
clotting Movement of the Jewish Return around the World Zionist Congress in
Basel (1897).
1850-1914 Actions of individual Hebrew aristocrats for Return. Development
Zionist movements in European countries and the U.S. becomes the engine and
main sponsor (the organization of Joint) of various stages of Return. National
consciousness develops Jewish communities in Europe based on two social
1. Sequence of two states of mind in the communities in Europe: integrating the
majority of Jews, and to organize resistance to the manifestations of intolerance
and anti-Semitism from the Christian population. How this sequence have
different times in different European countries, including the Russian Empire,
Jewish communities were in a continuous search for solutions.
2. Formation of national consciousness. Jews rally around the Mosaic Faith and
willingness to Return in 'The Holly Land’ to rebuild his country: Eretz Israel.
Sephardic Jews are Jews rite Spanish. They were installed in Spain after having been driven out
of Judea: first deportation took place in 70 and after cancellation State Jew by Roman army (134-
135). Dispersal area was along the territories bordering the Mediterranean Sea. They were installed
in Spain along with installation Arab caliphate (eighth century). Were expelled from Spain in 1492
(Decree of the Alhambra, given by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, at the urging of Jesuit
Bishop of Francesco de Loyola ) and later from Portugal. They emigrated to North Africa, Italy, the
Middle East, the Balkan Peninsula and in southern Romania, then in England, Holland and America
(the first community established around ‘Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue’ the state of Pernambuco -
Brazil). They talked Ladino or Judeo-Spanish language (dialect based castilian).
Ashkenazi Jews having been driven out of Judea: first deportation took place in 70 and after
Israel's destruction by Roman army (134-135), have emigrated to western and central Europe,
especially in Germanic countries. Since the first centuries of first millennium AD. In the Middle
Ages, they migrated to Eastern Europe. Ashkenazi Jews using Yiddish (Germanic idiomatic) and
the Hebrew / Aramaic: the practice of religion, speech and rabbinical Everieşti more distant
relationship with communities.
to see video on the Adress :

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A large number of immigrants have taken the road to America (where, no more
than 70 years and will come before the main financial support of the Joint).
Another initiative was magni Jew Moritz de Hirsh (finance, among others the
construction of railways in the Balkans and East) to send 7,000 Russian Hebrew
poverty in Argentina. Banker Rotchschild funds directly (1870 -1910) the creation
of compact settlements in Palestine.
1897 Basel (Switzerland): the first World Zionist Congress, initiated by Theodor
 From a family of bankers in Budapest, graduated the faculty of law in Vienna,
will enter into journalism. As press correspondent in Paris, participating in the
disputations caused by ‘Dreyfuss Affaire’, during ten years in France. This makes
him see that the only solution is the active Return of Jews in Israel. Write a
document that will become first manifest of Zionism: 'Der Judenstaat' (Hebrew
State) advocating the establishment of a modern Hebrew State, with equally rigts
for all the people and religiously tolerant. Contact Hebrew bankers (Hirsh,
Rotchschild) without success due to his and their prides (Rotchschild said in
derision, not see how Israel would recover with 100,000 'Schnorrer'-bitter). Will
contact the Bismark and the German Emperor Wilhelm II, the Turkish Sultan (in
two trips, visiting Jewish settlements in Palestine). The Sultan propose unlimited
Return of Jews from their lands in exchange to cover the huge deficit of Ottoman
empire treasury. Great Hebrew bankers in Europe do not support him. Will be
put to youth movements (Chovevei Zion) to nationalist intellectuals Hebrew to
Jews of middle class in all European countries.
 Efforts are paved by the Jewish Zionist Congress in Basel - Switzerland
(1897). Defined direction of action (organizational, financial, religious, cultural)
for The Return. While the organization will take the name 'World Congress
The Return will continue both in Hebrew youth volunteering in Europe and the
emigration of families from areas subject to anti semitic movements (Russia,
Galicia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus), or the revolutionary movements in Russia
1917 - 1918 On entering English troops (led by general Allenby) in Palestine
people, comprising 560,000 of Arabic, Hebrew 55,000 lived in an area of arid
and impoverished Turkish administration, the war and blockade.
Hebrew and young families come to cultivate land in Israel. Alya of Jews extends
from urban to rural areas. New returned Jews resumed agricultural occupations
in very heavy conditions draining swamps, to making face to food lack and
diseases (malaria in particular). Note that the first Hebrew immigrants who have
established agricultural settlements in arid areas were those of Romania (led by
David Moshe Iancovici). Followed those in Yemen (1882), Russia (bilumilii, since
1903), Ukraine and Bessarabia (the ‘Har Halutz’ - pioneers, 1905-1925). The
latter will form the first community village, similar to the first Christian
communities, forms of organization with an obvious resemblance to the Essenes
to see video on the Adress :

69 / 101
model of Jesus. The first was Dgania kibutz (established at the initiative of
Joseph and Miriam Baratz).


1917 - 1948
On entering the English troops (led by General Allenby) in Palestine
from 1917 to 1918 the population consisted of 560,000 Arabs, 55,000
Hebrew lived in an area of arid and impoverished Turkish
administration, the war and blockade.
In January 1918, after the Balfour Declaration once the League of
Nations in Geneva, the contacts between the leaders of the Zionist
Movement 1 and the Pan Arab Movement 2.
1918-1919 Talks between President Chaim Weitzmann 3 of Hebrew
World Congress, Emir Faisal4 tended to an 'Semitic Alliance', but
the interests of Britain and France have blocked this unique moment
of possible cooperation, leading to a war "between the cousins' that
lasts until now.
In the summer of 1918, Chaim Weizmann have a meeting at
Akaba, Red Sea port in the Sinai peninsula, with Faisal (son of Emir
Hussein and leader of the Arab Revolt during the First World War).
He supports the idea of an alliance of the Paris peace talks.
Faisal hoped to gain the support of the Zionist struggle that went
backstage with the French diplomacy cotrolul Syria.
Climax (positive) occurs in December 1918, at a luncheon given by
Lord Rotchschild. Here Faisal says5:
Hebrew Nationalist Movement, status from Congress in Basel -1886: The aim
was returning Jews in the territory of ancient Israel, to restore their national
home, ending pilgrimage and persecution - the minority - in foreign countries.
Arab Nationalist Movement - which would have included the current territory of
Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Sinai, initiated by the Emir
Hussein in the early twentieth century, having mentored by Lord Lawrence and
English military advisers.
Leader of the World Zionist Congress, one of the first members of the youth
organization in Berlin Chovevei Zion (The Zion's what I love - years 1870 - 1880 -
Alya practical militating, main negotiator in Israel between 1918 -1948, the first
President of Israel after May 1948.
The future ruler of Saudi Arabia.
According to T.E. Lawrence's notes, his advisor.

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"No Arab can not be suspicious of nationalism Jewish Jew ... say
Welcome Home and we cooperate with them in the Arab State."
Signing a joint declaration of principle directions are plotted on the
relationship between Arab and the Zionist movement. Emirati
condition was that it remain secret until the Arab state's
independence, and further compliance with the articles and
agreements by both parties. Is interesting presentation at the
beginning of the Protocol:
'His Royal Highness the Emir Feisal, representing and acting from the
United Arab Hejaz, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, representing and
acting on behalf of the Zionist Organization, on behalf of common
racial origin and ancient bonds existing between Jew and Arab
people, and realizing that best way to achieve the national aspirations
on track for close collaboration in the development of Arab State and
Palestine, we want to confirm the understanding that exists between
the two parties, the following articles ...’
About what is happening now should not be thought that there was
such a statement ...
It provided a free emigration of Jewsand in their settlement in
Palestine. Mutual guarantee is offered to the Arabs possessions,
safety, and financial support, technological support, given the Hebrew
for the economic development of the Arab population in Palestine. A
week later the Zionist Arab agrees with the several requirements:
Haifa Port area will be free for both parties, Akaba will become a free
On February 6, 1919 the Emir Feisal, advocated in his speech
before the Paris Peace Conference, which requires independence of
Arabia, the agreement and a guarantee for Palestine: enclave of
Zionist Hebrew. His hope was that Weitzmann to support all the
Arabs in their dispute with France for the Syrian coast, forming a
‘Semitic Entente’.
Chaim Weitzmann was dependent on English policy to consider
only the Middle East division between England and France, which
provide power and control of oil resources. Both major powers did not
want a strong Arab State, the majority owner of the oil fields. In short
the 'Divide et impera'
was exceeded by Zionist movement leaders. Weitzmann advises
Arabs not to interfere with the French interests in the Syrian issue.

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In the summer of 1919 Feisal pause and take meetings with the
Zionist doctrine of Arab Palestine, Hebrew indicates envoys to hold
talks directly with the Palestinians and Arabs in the fall of 1919 cut off
all negotiations with the Zionist Jews. Treaty remains secret, we are
many years that the Arab leadership either, nor Hebrew.
1920 In these circumstances the Commission
to draw map of San Remo for British mandate
in Palestine (1920) establish a natural border
between Hebrew and Arabic: Jordan. Between
Jordan and the Mediterranean Jews, the
Arabian Peninsula from Jordan to the
Palestinians. So the problem was solved
between two conflicting parties in the territory
and the security of both parties, one side of the
Jordan river.
On 4 April is the first big Arab revolt during the Spring Festival
Nabi Musa1. After three days of clashes: 5 Hebrew dead, 211 injured,
4 dead Arabs, 7 wounded, 21 British soldiers killed. Three hundred
Hebrew are driven ('clear') in Old Town. Paradoxically, they were
attacked homes of Orthodox Jews - bitter enemies of the Zionist
movement ... during the commemoration of the Palestinian Arabs of
the Prophet Moses ...
One of the most important consequences of the uprising in 1920
was that the Jewish of Yishuv2 have realized that the defense from
the British occupation is uncertain in the face of Arab revolt. They
reacted by putting into practice the idea of self paramilitary units to
ensure a consistent response to attacks by Arab extremists
throughout Palestinian territory. So take birth in 1921 Haganah
paramilitary units ('Defence' in ivrid 'Ha'Haganah' '). These units will
be accepted willy nilly by the British Mandate. Will convert into
regular military units of the Israeli army after independence Eretz-
Israel (May 14, 1948), 28 May 1948.

In Arabic: "Prophet Moses" - Celebrating the Prophet in Muslim Palestinian
folklore for seven days - a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the tomb of the Prophet
(considered by Arabs to be in the town Jeriho). The pilgrimage was established
by Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin) in the years 1150 to counter the
Christian holidays of Easter in Jerusalem.
Hebrew communities in Palestine.

72 / 101
1921 In 1921 77% of Palestine, established in San Remo Map, is
assigned to a new state: Arab Emirate of Jordan. Thus the UK ensure
their control over a territory claimed by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia,
giving him a faithful, Emir Hussein, the future King of Jordan Jordan
(Hashemite family, led by faithful crown, which will support economic,
arm and train modern English under General Glubb). New state is
supported, financially and militarily by the British Empire. Basically it
was the part of Palestine to the right side of the Jordan river,
according to Map of San Remo was allocated to the Palestinian
Tacitly Britain imposed a further division of territory allocated by the
Hebrew community (Yishuv) ... between Hebrew and Arabic - without
the possibility of establishing a natural territorial boundary - the river
1922 United Nations granted the British Mandate government over
23% of the territory remained in Palestina. Thus the British Empire
makes the law. Where required, in view Map San Remo, to form a
single state: the Israeli (East side of the Jordan River to the
Mediterranean), Britain forced the Hebrew and Arabic to further
divide it among themselves. Thus, the so-called "Pax Britannica" was
a germ of fight mainly between Arab and Hebrew communities of
territory under the British Mandate. These details have been imposed
for a war in an area long enough for each of the two peoples and the
transformation of real social expectations in a bloody game 'of cat
and mouse' which is the almost one hundred years.
Jews face riots mix of Arab and British interests in the area. The
British wanted to maintain their sphere of influence in Saudi Arabia
new state, and privileged access to oil resources in Iraq, Saudi
Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Persian Gulf Emirates. The Arab riots in
Palestine that was a sign that the british 'special relationship' with the
Zionist movement had to be tempered.
As a result, since 1922, receiving Hebrew in Palestine is limited to
50,000 to 75,000 per year. Neither is not met, over the years until
1929 In 23 to 24 August Arabs attack occurs in Hebron settlements.
Located 30 km from Jerusalem. It's where are located the tombs of
the Patriarchs and the place where King David was invested. 67 dead

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Hebrew, Hebrew inhabitants of stolen property, the community of
Hebron broken (with some restoration attempts in 1931 - 160 people
back, but again evacuated during the Arab riots of 1936-1937) until
1967 war1 .
1939 - 1948
1939 - 1945 Jewish Holocaust in Europe (1939-1945). The ban of
Jewish emigration in Palestine, by the British2, will greatly increase
the number of victims among the Jews. Appear Hebrew organizations
that bring groups of Hebrew in Israel illegally and organize attacks
against the British army in Palestina.
Organizations Haganah, Irgun and Palmah direct support illegal
emigration, a few examples:
1937 - 164 illegal immigrants of Austria;
1938 - 1940 of Poland and Austria;
1939 - 1980 of Poland and Romania;
1940 - 2300 of Europe;
1940 - 1944 - 18,000 of Europe.
Jewish extremist organizations such as Irgun and Lehi, organized
attacks on personalities and British units at the ground, against Arab
extremists. A few examples:
6.11.1944 - Lehi kill Lord Moyne in Cairo. It was the highest-ranking
official with the British government in the area. Later, Yitzhak Shamir
said the assassination was led for his Arab leaders support and
preaching racial inferiority of Jews from Arab.
22/07/1946 - Irgun blow up hotel 'King David' in Jerusalem, British
Army Headquarters: 91 dead 46 wounded.
12.01.1947 - Lehi attacked with dynamite British police station in
Haifa. 4 dead and 140 wounded.
4.05.1947 - Irgun attacked the fortress prison Accra. 20 prisoners
Irgun and Lehi prisoners are released in July. 9 Irgun fighters were
killed. 182 Arab prisoners manage to escape.
29.02.1948 - Lehi undermine and blow up a British military train,
north of Rehovot: 28 soldiers killed, 35 wounded.

You can consult "JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN SELF DEFENSE Yishuv" at the Link:
Video Link Address:

74 / 101
09/04/1948 Irgun and Lehi attack the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
100-120 civilians are killed between.
09/17/1948 Lehi assassinated the UN mediator Folke Bernadotte in
1947 - 1948 Civil War between Arab and Hebrew. It started after
30.12.1947, the date on which the United Nations (UN General
Assembly Resolution 181) established on 14.05.1948 as the date of
termination of the British mandate in Palestine and approved.
Palestine-sharing plan after leaving office.

Palestinian State
Map Jewish State

 Each state would comprise three major sections, and an Arab

enclave Iaffa. Jews get 56% of the territory (499,000 and 438,000
Arabs Hebrew). Palestinians receive 44% of the territory (818,000
Arabs and 10,000 Hebrew). Jerusalem and Bethlehem were to be
administered by the UN. The UN has determined that this time the
British Mandate and British military units were designed to ensure
order in Palestine. The resolution has produced great joy among the
Jews of Yishuv and despair among Arabs. Neither the UK was not
Circumstances or deliberate strategy that had been applied by
british to demonstrate that the territory was ungovernable 'by itself' -
to provoke a civil war between Hebrew and Arab in Palestine ... using
the tense between the two communities. Population 2,000,000
(Arabic and Hebrew) has thousands of casualties, dead and wounded
in this fight between 'cousins'.
Were involved, the fighters of Palestine and beyond. Arab Liberation
Army has expanded its local area to attack Jews. Arab fighters from
Egypt came under the command of Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, a face

75 / 101
without any reaction from the British army recruited thousands of
Arab volunteers have achieved the blockade of 100,000 Hebrew in
Jerusalem. Haganah send food and break the blockade with
thousands of Hebrew warriors, dead and wounded, hundreds of
armored cars and buses destroyed. Arab attacks extend Northern
Negev and Galilee. Arab propaganda convinced that Jews would
soon be 'thrown into the sea' a hundred thousands of Palestinians
are refugees in camps outside of Palestine. British proposed Arab
annexation area in Transjordan byHashemite Kingdom of Jordan. ...
Ben Gurion asked that every man and woman to be trained and
incorporated into military units Haganah. Golda Meir obtain huge
funds from Jews in the Diaspora and the official support of Stalin, for
Zionist Movement. They are produced significant quantities of military
equipment through the raising of arms exporters and the agencies of
Haganah in Europe. They go to the theater of battle to March 1948.
Ygal Yadim made military response to the announced plan invasion
international Arab Palestine (Plan Dalet). Between 5-20 April 1918 is
to unlock the battle of Jerusalem, and killed Arab leader Abd al-Qadir
al-Husayni. Also in this time the Arab population of the Deir Yassin
massacre, combined with the death of the leader Arabic (Egyptian),
causes a new wave of Palestinian immigrants, 'caught in the middle'
and depressed by inefficiency of its leaders. Is the defeat of the Arab
Liberation Army from Mishmar HaEmek by units Palmah. Druze
fighters withdraw from the alliance with the Arabs. To provide liaison
between the Jewish settlements, troops Haganah and Irgun conquer
cities Tiberias, Haifa, Safed, Beisan, Jaffa, Acre. Another 250,000
Palestinians Arabs take exile.The Jordan's Arab Legion was well
equipped and trained by the British. It attacked Kfar Etzion on May
13, 1948.
 On 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared Israel's
independence. The same day, the invasion
of five Arab countries. First Arab-Israeli States War begins…
In 31.05.1948 Haganah and Palmah formally declared 'Israeli
Defence Force' - IDF, becoming a regular army of the State of Eretz

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1948 - 2005 On 15 May 1948, with the British withdrawal, Ben Gurion declared
the independence of the State of Eretz Israel. In the same night starting
confrontations; first Arab-Israeli War, ended by armistice on 20 July 1949.
Following the confrontation will continue until today.
In terms of the religious Jewish State is tolerant but reluctant to remember the
Jewish origins of Christianity. From the information I have (1994), in Jerusalem
there is a community of Hebrew Christians around 3,000 people from mixed
marriages. Is not good seen by the mosaic Rabinate. There is also the home of
Palestinian Christians (Maronite Church, like the Christians of Lebanon),
especially in Bethleem, Ramala in Cisiordania.
 At present there are few current pro Jewish origin of Christianity. Mention of
the Messianic Jews. Messianic Judaism is a religious movement whose
adherents claim that Jesus of Nazareth (the Hebrew name 'Yeshua') is, on the
one hand, the Jewish Messiah Revived, on the other hand, having a divine
origin. In 1993 there were 160,000 adherents in the United States and 350,000
worldwide. In 2003 there were about 150 messianic synagogues in the United
States and about 400 in the world. Messianic Jews are considered practicing
authentic notice of Tore and Culture band Judas. Messianic Judaism is
considered by Jews of Mosaic Rite, as all Christian rites, as a form of
Christianity. Messianic Judaism was formed in Sec. XIX. Hebrew congregation of
Christians were formed first in England. It was founded by 41 Christian Hebrew
as' Beni Abraham. It was a form of Christianity with 'background' Judaic. In 1866
take being 'Jewish Alliance – Christians’ in Britain, whose branches are found
today in Europe and the United States. Taken in 1915 being the International
Alliance of Jewish - Christian in America ( 'The Hebrew-Christian Alliance of
America' - HCAA). In 1925 to form the International Alliance of Jewish - Christian
('The International Hebrew-Christian Alliance' - IHCA). Messianic Judaism is
reviving by Martin Chernoff (Chairman HCAA). In 1975 HCAA becomes
Messianic Alliance of America ( 'Messianic Jewish Alliance of America' - MJAA),
which dissociates congregation is lower (such as the Messianic Israel Alliance,
First Fruits of Zion, and the Coalition of Torah Messianic Congregations
 Messianic Judaism is the theological study of God and Scripture from the
perspective of it. Are canonical Old Testament, New Testament as a text inspired
by God, St. Paul Epistolele considered fully congruent with Messianic Judaism
(rejected by some congregation as canonical). Canonical texts are: Torah,
Nevi'im, Ketuvim, the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Acts (Luke),
Epistolele John, Peter and Paul addressed the Jews, Revelation (book of the
New Testament).
 Fundamental Doctrine:
 God - Belief in God (Eloh) Bible omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal,¬ creative,
and infinitely benevolent.

77 / 101
 Yehshua (Jesus) Messiah – Judean – ‘Messiah as' YHVH '(YE Ho Vau He)
incarnate' the meat 'and spiritual savior.
 Written Torah - Torah (Pentateuth), The Five Books of Moses are considered
-for full convenantl with divinity. It is believed that Jesus preached and reaffirmed
faith in the Torah.
 'Be of Israel' have been, are and will remain a people of God, part of his
Divine Plan premature replacement of any kind by the Church of Divine Plan.
 Bible -Tanakh and apostolic Writings (B'rit Chadasa ') are of divine inspiration
to Messianic Jews.
 Eschatologia - Messianic Jews are followers of the following beliefs
eschatologice: Day End, Second Coming of Jesus as a triumphant Messiah, the
rebuilding of Israel, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, Revival of dead (and
Jesus Revived)-Shabat The millennial (Jesus reign over a world with the
 Law ORAL - Oral use Torah in the Talmud, observed Jewish Law and
traditions of Halaka.
 There are no many converting followers. These are rare and the result of
spiritual identification with Messianic Judaism, proved long and pursued the aim
at the target. They believe children of Israel coming back spread among 'nations'
as when Jesus come back.
 Maintain compliance with the 613 Mitzvot - links. We are against animal
sacrifice or Hebrew (are summoned Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon: 'if it was in
sanhedrin, nobody, no date can not be killed' (Mishnah Makot 1:10). It condemns
the indirect reference to his death Jesus, Stephen, and other Hebrew Christians,
over time by Sanhedrin.
 Practicing Torah laws lead to Sanctifify, not to save; attributed only to the
 Both Paul and Jesus have complied fully headquarters Torah.
'Do not think that I came to destroy the Law but to fulfill "(Matthew 5:17-19 17).
Paul (which I often call his name with the Jews: Sha'ul) remained a faithful
Pharisee Judean, disciple of Gamaliel the Elder, until his death, a continuously
observed the Jewish laws and traditions. Contained in the concept 'New
Perspective on Paul' have great significance in Messianic Judaism.
 A recommendation Conciliation Messianic Rabbi of the Jews is compliance of
Jewish holidays, the Sabbath, dietary rules.
 A main objection to Jews vs. Messianic Jews consists in that, even if it is
Messianic Judaism, Yehshua (Jesus) is not the Messiah. Messianic Jews are not
recognized as in Eretz Israel and can not use Jewis right to make alya in the
State of Israel.
Jews 'Orthodox' movement regarded as a betrayal, a subversive form of
apostasy, worse than any form of Christian rite expressed open. According to a
quote from the Central Conference of American Rabbis (2008) 'For us, the
Jewish community, anyone who claims that Jesus is his savior is no longer Jew
and an apostate. They are placed outside the Jews. Whether you are called

78 / 101
Christians or 'fulfilled Jew', 'Messianic Jew' or in any way is irrelevant. For us it is
clearly a Christian’.
 In this Compendium of Facts selectively hide an implicit question, as the
title made famous in a novel about the early Christians of Polish Senkievici


 This writing is intended to be a of documentary essay about two millennia ago
facts, focused on the role of Hebrew Christians Communities in the fight for the
Gospel of Jesus.
Approach has some targets:
 Role played by Hebrew Christians in the first hundred years of Christian
 Evolution and destruction of Hebrew Christians communities. Presenting a
summary of certain historical moments during the life of Hebrew Christian
Communities in Jerusalem.
I do it because Gospel of Jesus and The Hebrew Christians Apostles misionary
made a mutation of reference with the spiritual 'engine' THE HOPE. This time,
the message sent by the early Hebrew Christians (the apostles) were given to
people of 'Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the edge of the earth'.
(Acts p.1.8.). Exactly: A CREDO IN ONE GOD FOR ALL PEOPLES.
 Phenomenon is comparable to that made Moses, with a thousand two
hundred years before that time. Moses, the great Egyptian initiated in Teba
(under the name Horsasip) is completed outside Egypt intended to create 'A
 Pithagora, about seven hundred years after he brings light of the same truths
of initiation in the run Theban to Hellenistic area, to the Cult of Delphi. Ends its
existence burned in an uprising of the 'Democrats' Greek colony of Croton (the
island on the coasts of Italy). A disciple of his doctrine Zamolxe will mentor the
Dacian territories. Plato would be the doctrine that will implement the following
four Hellenistic 'golden ages' of space by Greek leaders as Pericle and
Alexander the Great.
 Jesus, formed in the same esoteric sources, preserved by the Essenes Jews
to the Death Sea on the coast and in the Nil Delta, extrapolated 'People of God'
from the Jewish people at ‘all nations'. It wiped out by crucifixion. Apostles will
go, and spread word Gospel outside his 'chosen people'.
 The desire to write started a few observations that I have seemed strange:
 A nation at Hebrew, in combat with an empire (Roman) and led by a tribal and
religious caste divided between the fight for its own sake or for national
independence, was awaiting a 'Messaiah’ a Sent who SAVE THE JEWISH

79 / 101
 People expect the Hebrew Messiah coming with forced supernatural, as
Moses, or as reported Ezechiel power of God came to help people in Judea 1.
There he believe that Jesus, endowed with the miracle of grace to recover ,
should escape from human punishment (to be crucified). Then when they saw
the arrest as any of them, after they received as a King in Jerusalem they have
left him.
 Beghin a millenary struggle between peoples who worship and believe in the
same vein esoteric FAIT TO ONE GOD: whether Christian or Mosaic, more than
seven hundred years followers Islam.
 Long line of Christian martyrs, from the Hebrew by ethnicity, were clean-
minded people in their everyday lives. As martyrs, Hebrew mosaics were
righteous in their faith in God, just as Palestinians believers in God - Allah is still
a people in exile of the times we live ... I WONDER: ONLY BECAUSE GOD HAS
 WHY the Unity through faith in a UNIQUE GOD is a single island in a sea of
 One possible answer is that the PRIDE OF POWER, of any origin would not
want to be a free and full understanding of this esoteric common vein. Why?
Because it still does not know HOW MANAGE IT! Oligarchies privileges of any
kind were off with no spiritual freedom through self of each man, because no one
can control, to govern its use. Therefore POWER may always used an effective
instrument of disunion: IGNORANCE, and FANATICISM.
 Being a Jew as a mother, a Christian by baptism, can not simply quote the
Hebrew historian Shlomo Laish about tumultuous destiny of the Hebrew people:
'We thank here to emphasize one fact that it seems to apply to all questions and
others that occur in our minds. An objective response which resisted all time,
which was set out with thousands of years before us by a non Jew. Response of
prophet Balls The Madianite2 gave to Balak king of Moabit, when invited to
curses tribes of Israel, out soon in slavery Egyptian: 'IS A PEOPLE ALONE,
WITHOUT NEGLECT OTHER TRIBES' (Numerii23.9.)’. I would only add:
sometimes not by its own sons.
 That said the prophet indeed was a formidable instrument for the conservation
of Jewish traditions: the ‘returned son’ is received with warmth and respect.
He who shall not return to traditional vein mosaic neither name is
mentioned. This is the core of intolerance, while the survival of Jewish

'I looked and behold it came from north a all of a sudden wind, a cloud thick, and a bundle of fire,
which spread around a bright light. (...) Everything is in the middle saw four living creature (...) Each
of them had four faces, and each had four wings (...) their wings were attached to one another. And
when they are not back in any part, but each went straight. ‘(Ezechiel p.1, 5,6,9).
Priest of the Temple of Madian, at the foot of the mountain of Sinai, where Moses and retired
three thousand years, to atone for murder have killed an Egyptian satrap subsequently developing
here 'Sepher Bereshit' - 'great book', getting his message God to free the Hebrew people from
Egypt and it leads to the river Jordan to put him in possession of 'Holy Country'

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 Beyond this fact we tried to establish a reason. How ridiculous is the human
response to God's kindness. Or more specifically: HOW PEOPLE SUCCESS TO
JESUS' (Romanian Version) was started in 1992 in a time when trying to
understand myself. He was doing a man who, angry at their own
misunderstanding of life, take the pen to write, as a peasant and his digging is
going to dig in the garden or field as to forget the troubles of day.
 For years, the text was rewritten several times, has enriched the area of ideas,
A process which was almost independent of the personal life, but that brought
me and now an inner peace and happiness: to be a Hebrew Christian.
 May be for an Jew mosaic ... almost certainly, this concept is a strange thing.
From their point of view it means: that people never accepted, through its
representatives, deviations from the fundamentals of religious mosaic. And it is
normal: this way of thinking has maintained for almost two millennia cohesion in
 With all respect for this tradition, and success in 1948 by establishing the
Eretz Israel State, yet still have a duty: to recognize Jehosuah - Jesus as the
Christians say, a man who truly honor, honor and kindness to the Jewish People.
Processing we used the text versions of the Bible and various historical sources.
It was not my interest or to discuss differences. I followed the sequence of facts
which would justify the request text.


Diaspora - dispersion throughout the mankind of the tribes of Israel.

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 What seemed to be impossible, debt of the two high priests,

one Christian and one Mosaic, become a reality! Because two
knights of the true faith, of different nations, were found in a
single sentence, as children of the same people: 'People of God'
and saving the lives of 700,000 Jewish souls.

 Nicolae Balan - Orthodox Christian priest, participating actively in the

Unification Act of 1918. In 1942 Bishop of Sibiu is intimate of Marshal Ion
Antonescu leader of Romania in the second World War.
 Alexander Schafran - The youngest Grand Rabbi of Romania in the most
difficult period: The Schoah1 of years '30 -'40 of the twentieth century.
 In the spring of 1942 word spread that would prepare the application of 'final
solution to the Jewish problem' for Jewish Communities of Moldova, Wallachia
and part of Transylvania under Romanian jurisdiction2

 Schoah terms is used in Jewish tradition, which means murder without guilt of the Jews in
ancient times (the Egyptian, Assirian, Roman, etc.) throughout the world during galut (diaspora of
Jews outside the holy land - the country Eretz Israel). It refers to any aggression, plunder, murder,
rape against a community of Hebrew regardless of its size. Each time Şhoah map has a place and
time, commemorate and separately (eg the Chisinau pogrom of 1904, with the sinking ship Struma
migrants in the Mediterranean, after the English Palestina banned from their land in 1942).
Holocaust years '30 -'40 in Europe is the last on the list of countless moments Schoah.
 In the 'Old Romanian Kingdom', following ability of Jewish Romanian community leaders
(Schafran, Filderman), Jews were discos, put to work in community or labor camps, but survived
mostly to Shoah years '30 -'40, around 700,000. What has not happened, for example with the
Jews of Hungary and Transylvania Hungarians surrendered in the year '40, when about 400.000
was kiled by nazi in concentration camp, in 11 month (1944-1945).

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 The extermination tactics comes from the SS extermination system applied
across Europe. To focus gradually Hebrew people of the territory in some centers
(see Geto Warsaw) and a gradual extermination (by appointment of 'Hebrew
authorities agreed', obliged to do dirty work for the selection of those who were to
be sent to the camps). Bessarabia and Transnistria have excelled in the areas
where Jews from south-eastern Europe were sent to die 'disorganized': hungry
and cold. In the rest of Europe, by implementing massive extermination camps
organized as 'factories of death'.
 In the territory of Bessarabia and Transnistria (Soviet Union occupied
teritory by Romanian Army at the beginning of war – 1940-and under the
Romanian state authorities jurisdiction) Shoah began much earlier. It was
generated by a complex conjuncture, amid state-Semitism (Goga government
introduced in 1940) but also the mood of anti-Jewish Romanian population.
 This manner mood was maintained by Legionary Movement 1 led by Horia
Sima as a diversion in the struggle for seizure of state power. The origin of this
phenomenon is the adhesion of several ethnic Hebrew to Romanian Communist
Party, at that time underground. Among them were recruited by KGB spies and
saboteurs (Soviet secret service) and the Comintern (Communist International
Moscow affiliate). The incidents began with gunfire Romanian soldiers are drawn
on the withdrawal from Bessarabia (Dorohoi summer of '40) and culminated with
the explosion of the Romanian army headquarters in Odessa, (autumn '41).
Reaction of Romanian occupation authorities was immediate, harsh and
disproportionate to the all Hebrew population level in the two regions. Hundreds
of thousands of Hebrew were exterminated by burning alive, starvation and cold,
removed from their homes and forced to take a bejenii go from place to place in
this "boiler of hell 'until death (Hebrew researcher Jean Ancel estimated between
400,000 to 500,000 the number of Jews killed).

 Legionary Movement in Romania has come (how other movements of this kind in Europe) in
First World War (1914 -1918). Young intellectuals of the time they want to revive the national spirit
and to raise moral and education of Romanians. Promoted by the beginning of intellectuals, such
as Nicolae Iorga, Vasile Conta, C. Radulescu Motru, Parvan Vasile Ion Eliade Radulescu, Nae
 Movement is under the leadership of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, becoming a real threat against
the political class that is' in functions' in that time. The reaction is the measure. Legionnaires are
followed, outlawed. Capital movements are killed. A two-lining the leadership of Sima, deliver
legionary movement 'fifth column' of German espionage and sabotage. In '40, after the the transfer
of Transylvania country to Hungary and the abdication of King Carol II, Legionary Movement bring
the Romanian state power. After a short political marriage with Marshal Ion Antonescu, in January
'41 seeks to overturn organizing a putsch. Supported by the Romanian army and the Germans,
marshal Antonescu them deleted from the political scene (Sima and part of his receiving asylum in
 Between '20 -'40 Legionary Movement organized numerous robberies, vandalism, pogroms
against Jews, to draw of their part the lumpen workers, the poor peasantry and people without a
roof (which have arrived in '35 -'40 in the driving of the movement ).

83 / 101
 Great Rabbi of Romania, Alexandru Schafran, hear that would take place a
'technical' meeting between German and Romanian specialists for logistics
transport by rail to concentration camps in northern Europe. This meant the
beginning of the deportation of about 700,000 Hebrew of Romanian 'Old
Kingdom' (Wallachia and Moldova) to complex extermination camps of Poland
(Auscwitz, Birkenau, Monowitz, Treblinka and other camps satellite 45).
Phenomenon already ongoing in the territories occupied by German army and its
 Knocking on doors leading politicians of the time (and Queen Mary) to stop
the phenomenon, but without success. In desperation the question decides to
contact the Orthodox Christian Bishop Nicolae Balan. He knew that he is a
proponent of Legionary Movement ideas in Romania1. But he knew it could be
the only person who could influence Marshal Antonescu to stop the ongoing
preparations. Because there was not allowed to move to another place in
Romania without the authority he decide to send an emissary to ask Balan (in
Bishop in Sibiu town) to receive when coming to Bucharest. He not have too high
expectations ... but, after several days it is called. As described in the
autobiography, ( 'A flame coal Off'), the meeting with Romanian priest has been
tense. Bishop listened motionless on the chair plea Jew. It seemed no use. Rabbi
then tells him that came before God will testify that the priest has made the debt
to all those leads by him. This call, we would seem to many desperate and
without any sense was actually a spiritual message made by a knight of faith to
the other knight. The Christian priest is suddenly on the school seat, a move up
and down across the room, but none speak any word. He Stop, get phone to
make phone number to the Head of State Cabinet. It requires an audience.
Marshal Antonescu invites him to lunch. On the way to the car Nicolae Balan tells
to Rabbi that afternoon will receive a phone call. Before closing the door tells him
not to forget any time this day ...
 Here's how the madness of intolerance that govern Europe, from the XX
centuries, two men find in a single phrase that refers to that they serve the same
God and have the same obligations from all those shepherd who, preparing a
miracle. This occurs several hours after the meeting. Alexander Safran at home
phone rings. Nicolae Balan tells him that the preparation for logistics transport by
rail of Romanian Jews to concentration camps in northern Europe was halted

 Nicolae Bălan was proponent of ideas that promote Legion alien removal (non Romanian
ethnic) to hold the levers in the economy, science and education of Romanians. How Hebrew
ethnics had a good part of the leverage (both at the macroeconomic level - banks, factories, trade,
culture, health, education, media) and micro (various shops, retail, etc.), it was not sympathy for
them. He militated for the idea of sending them to Palestine (thing passed, with all the other
reasons for the Zionist movement called 'Alya' - Return on earth father, who at that time was 'choke'
by the British mandate of Palestine until the establishment of Eretz Israel state, in May 1948).

84 / 101
shipments of Marshal Ion Antonescu ordered. Stopping was final until the end of
 For its part, Grand Rabbi of Romania returns chivalrous gesture to Nicolae
Balan Patriarch in 1946. Russians occupants wanted to condemn to death the
Patriarch. Alexandru Safran made intervention to the authorities of that time and
obtain the cancellation order. Nicolae Balan will recognize in September '46, at a
ceremony of Romania unification from Cluj after service of thanksgiving to God
for this, that if it had not been Alexander Safran he had to take this job (being
 What seemed to be impossible, has become a reality! Because the
two knights of the true faith, of different nations, were found in a single sentence
as children the same people: 'people of God'.


Walter Johannes Stein1 characterize Hitler sought to initiate the acquisition of
transcendental conscious 'Luciferian forces' using the 'vehicle' hallucinogenic
substances (peyotl or mescaline). The 'lone wolf' knew: by opportunism, cunning,
brutality, blackmail of the weaknesses of others to dominate, but also having a
strong sense of organization to form a gang2 which came to power over 'German
flock' (1933): humiliated in 1918, desperate and starved by the global economic
crisis of 1929 -1933. In seven years transformed the German people into a horde
that invaded Europe by applying the selection race, dividing people into 'Aryans'
and 'second hand peoples' (untermensch) and organizing the extermination of
the latter.



He met Adolph Hitler in repeated conversations in the period 1909-1913. He was personal adviser
to British Prime Minister Sir Winston Chuchill regarding Hitler manner of think and behavior, during
the two World War
German Workers Party - September 1919

85 / 101
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, was born in Sotto il Monte (Bergamo - Italy) on
December 25 1881. He was elected pope (with the name John XXIII) on October
28, 1958 and ruled the destinies Curia until her death - June 3, 1963.
Some existential coordinates:
 He was appointed holder Areópolis bishop and apostolic visitor to Bulgaria
 Nuncio in Turkey and Greece with the rank of archbishop (from 1935 to
 Nuncio in Paris, France (1944 to 1951).
 Observer of the Holy See to UNESCO (1951-1952).
 Cardinal-Patriarch of Venice (1953 to 1958).
 Pope with the name Pope John XXIII (1958 to 1963).
 Has an active mediation role in defusing "the Cuban missile crisis” (October-
November 1962).
 Convene and organize preliminary Vatican II (1962 - 1965) and participates to
death at work.
 Public its Encyclical:
"Mater et Magistra", was published on 15/05/1961.
"Pacem in Terris", was published on 11/04/1963.
 Was beatified (declared "happy") of the Roman Catholic Curia (2000).
 Is proposed (the "Wallenberg Foundation” and the "Roncalli Committee” - in
2009) to be awarded the title of "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem
(the Israeli national study Institute of the Holocaust - the mass murder of the
Hebrew people from 1933 to 1945).
Who is this man, with a fate similar to hundreds of thousands who remained
anonymous, which during the twentieth century history fighting against
intolerance, pride and hatred With my resources, I will try a documentary on
significant moments in the work of this pontiff called by many 'Good Pope' and
Russians 'Peasant Pope'.
His parents of his large familiy: (thirteen brothers and sisters) were agricultural
workers - wineyards. Angello will note at maturity his social condition that came
with the metaphor: "There are only three ways in which a man may ruin:
women, gambling and ... to be farmers. My father chose the most boring of
the three”. Primary school is in Bergamo. Is trained in first mysteries of Christian
faith and, in twelve years (1903) becomes a follower of Catholic seminary in
Bergamo. Then in 1904, received a scholarship Cerasoli Foundation, which

86 / 101
allows him to pursue studies to "Apollinaris"1 in Rome.
With a extraordinary desire for knowledge Angelo Roncalli opened the modern
trends of spiritual initiation, studying the work of German philosopher Rudolf
Steiner on the steps of spiritual initiation (see Appendix, John XXIII and the
Masonic Movement). Complete studies and a doctorate in Canon Law is
ordained in 1904. Bishop of Bergamo, Giacomo Radin-Tedeschi responsible for
social problems, assess the priest and his organizational spirit. Is named his
secretary. For nine years Roncalli will do hard work to help the poor in the region
and mediates disputes between employers and employees, to achieve decent
work and life conditions. Contact with the problems of the working class, and its
origin of poor farmers give him a special competence in further understanding the
situation of the many and oppressed, regardless of what nations are they, the
black times to come. In The his ecclesiastical way he continued his studies in
Canon Law and take Patrology, Apologetics and Church History courses (which
he studied with maestro Umberto Benigni to Rome) in seminary in Bergamo.
During World War is chaplain in Italian Army (1914 -1918). It is called by Pope
Benedict XV to Rome where are recived in the Congregation "Propaganda
Fide". In 1925 is professor at the Lateran University in Rome. His vision of the
unity of Christianity to find a still of that period. In 1926, in a letter to the Orthodox
clergy in Ukraine:
"Catholics and Orthodox are not enemies but brothers. We have the same
faith, we share the same sacraments, and especially the Eucharist. We
divided those who were due to these disagreements are dead for centuries.
To give up old disputes, and each community, to work to better our
brothers, giving a good example. Later, while traveling on different paths,
we achieve unity between the churches, to form together the true and only
Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. "
 Is called Apostolic Visitor in Bulgaria, in 1934, it involves both the preservation
of the Catholic minority and the development of good ties with representatives of
the Orthodox Church (the majority) through concrete gestures such as food and
clothing to support the local population after a earthquake. Bulgarian Orthodox
Christians responded with sympathy and affection opening papal envoy.
 Is called, in 1935 Papal Nuncio in Turkey and Greece, based in Istanbul.
Here, in the spirit of Christian charity to support the Armenians and the Greeks
are in need under the Turkish and Muslim population. He urge them to remove
the ancestral religious hatred and the recent disasters (slaughter of Armenians in
the Ottoman Empire - in 1915) to build, through interreligious effort and
eliminating bigotry, the modern Turkey State lead by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,
founded in 1923. As an important detail he learn Turkish to say mesa Christmas
in that language continuing Greek, Italian, French, Armenian. Contact with the
Pontificia lateranense Universitaria, called by Pope John Paul II as "Pope University”, was
founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773. It includes theology and philosophy sections of Sciences of
the Roman College. In 1824 receives the head Apollinaris palace. In 1853 it set up sections of
Canon Law and Civil Law. John Paul II in 1981 added the Pontifical Institute for Studies on
Marriage and Family issues which have the right to confer academic degrees

87 / 101
clergy of the Orthodox rite and the Greek Orthodox tradition the reasoned steps
after the reunification of the two sister Churches in Vatican II Council (1962 to
1965). His great contribution to human solidarity and support will be supporting
Hebrew people, was in focus of long-term policy of extermination of the Nazi
regime after 1933. Phenomenon that has spread like a flame from Germany
across Europe, with the expansion of armies and intelligence German services to
Turkish Republic. Angello Roncalli will seize at time 'signs of the beast' in a place
seemingly removed from 'Hitler's lair', the period when Jews themselves don’t
refer immensity and organizational strength of the mechanism of mass murder
that was. Thus: this Christian leader started to set in a seemingly insignificant
signs of the years '35 - '40, not taken into account the great political Chancellors
time, and take preventive measures accordingly. It is recognized that it was the
first warned in official documents the existence of Nazi death camps from
January 1941. Hebrew to help people in a variety of forms:
- 21 official documents to the competent authorities of the Holy See, in the period
January 1941 - March 1945 on various aspects and situations of groups of
Hebrew, which require support Curia.
- Provide the Agency for Jewish Emigration in Istanbul (led by Haim Barlas),
logistics network of order 'daughters of Zion'.
- Using the relations with the Turkish government (in particular Foreign Minister
Memencioglu) and cooperation in its efforts to bring in Turkey 'Turkish Jews of
citizenship' (granted citizenship to save them from extermination) of France
remained under the government of the Vichy.
- Appeal to the German ambassador in Turkey (Franz von Pappen) to allow
trains 'Hebrew Turkish subjects' transit countries occupied by the Reich, to
- Alerting the Turkish authorities and the intervention to German Ambassador
Frantz von Pappen to block sea transport of Hebrew children to Germany. To
note that, to the Trial of war criminals at Nuremberg in 1945, Angelo Roncalli
contributed decisively for the exemption Franz von Pappen of crimes against
- Steps to save Jews from Greece
- Approach the next Tsar Boris of Bulgaria to protect the Jews of Bulgaria.
- Steps to rescue Jews in Slovakia and Croatia.
- Steps to rescue Jews in Hungary, including via Romania.
- Issue 'Certificates of Immigration' and the approach they reach the Papal
Nuncio in Budapest (Archbishop Angelo Rotta) and the Papal Nuncio in
Bucharest (Cardinal Casullo) to save the lives of Jews deported to Transnistria
and their targeting by sea to Istanbul .
- Issue 'Certificates of Baptism' to save children by sending in Hebrew
extermination camps. Such a child he said: 'Becoming Catholic, you Hebrew
are not less'.
- Logistical support provided paramilitary units Hebrew (Palmah, Haganah,
Iirgun) for transferring Hebrew immigrants from Turkey to Palestine, despite

88 / 101
military opposition, land and naval British authorities in Palestine (see also:
Hebrew Self Defense Organizations Yisuv – Moments of Zionism (IV)).
- Warning American diplomats in Ankara on various information on the European
Holocaust, yet in its early stages, and work with them to coordinate rescue
actions (through personal relationship with the U.S. ambassador - Ira Hirshman).
- It should be noted that the initiative was not only Catholic prelate. He knew how
to fall in huge human chain, to mobilize and organize multiple and disparate
resources into an orchestra of good against evil. Shall be valued as such were
saved 19,000 'Hebrew Turkish' Hebrew and 100,000 in Europe under German
 In 1944, appointed Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, the newly liberated France's
Charles de Gaulle. It was a difficult job, Roncalli's predecessor worked with the
German occupiers. Because his links in the French capital have their cultural and
political personalities, Angelo Roncalli succeeds quickly eliminate "collaborators"
anathema of and French Catholic priests and made good relations between the
French and Vatican States. I remained in my mind his words in his speech in
1946, when 100 years come true the appearance of Our Lady in front of two
children Salette (France):
"It works much peace, but peace will not be between people while will not
make peace with God, and it can not be achieved without prayer and
 The result of its concerted action with UNESCO officials (based in Paris)
creates a climate of cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and this
international instrument to promote the values of "Declaration of Human Rights in
San Francisco" (December 10, 1948). Because it is created close links with the
UN, UNESCO and related organizations. Angelo Roncalli is the first ‘Vatican
Observatory’ in 1951 designated by the Holy See to UNESCO. Beyond the
brilliant maneuver of papal policy the Roncalli contribution is based on conviction
that freedom and human rights must have alongside the with power and papal
authority. The fact that you find also in the text of his Encyclical "Pacem in
Terris", in the last moments of his earthly life. Result: in long terms are the
periodicals meetings pontiffs and directors of UNESCO, cooperation between
educational entities, legal, cultural organizations with the specialized Papal State
organizations and the participation of high level of UNESCO staff at all important
ceremonies in the Vatican. Actually, Roncalli opening it to all azimuths of
contemporary human existence, by building on the positive, regardless of their
Catholic position in our human rainbow. From the Orthodox Christians and
Protestants and Anglicans, to the Mozaics to Muslims, from the Socialists
(Edouard Herriot) and Communists (Giacomo Manzu Nobel laureate), to the
Masonic movement (Baron Yves Marsaudon) and Atheists. He often surprised
those who led the Roman Curia destiny; generated adversaries in the long run '.
Angelo Roncalli will see the humor in the twilight of its existence "I am the Pope
has kept his foot pressed the accelerator". Natural is the question of what did
not suffer a reprimand from Pope Pius XII - th (be aware that in 1925 there was a

89 / 101
file Holy Office that was "suspected of Modernism"). Without claiming of exegesis
(for which I have not qualified) reasons should be a balance between spiritual
initiation and true faith in the power of Catholic Christianity, the ability to
penetrate with kindness. Understanding and organize a march to benefit
common with almost any kind of partner. It was his tact to circumvent no
common convictions, retaining only what could bring people together, no matter
how little it is, without actually no compromise to the Gospel of Jesus and his
On January 12, 1953 is named Cardinal Patriarch of Venice. Assumes the quality
of spiritual shepherd "required to carry out its mission to the children as was
instructed by God." I have few data about this period about which I think was
the most prolific in the synthesis of his spiritual experience. It said that actively
participated in the life of the Church, social and cultural parishes subordinated. It
has set up thirty new parishes. We also witness the constructive position taken in
the Italian Socialist Party Congress in February 1957, held in Venice: "Is a
significant to the future of our country. I would think that the main reason
for your meeting is to understand the contemporary conditions and you
wish to devote to do anything possible to raise the living conditions and
social welfare”. Far from being a socialist advocate, Cardinal Roncalli was
experience of his family farm worker, the claims experience of workers in the
years 1910 - 1925 which has mediated in conflicts with employers, and loom as a
working class Italian utility have resulted in a socialist party and effectively. Thing
that happened in the years that followed.
 In October 28,1958, 51 cardinals participating in the election of Angelo
Giuseppe Roncalli as Pope John XXIII. His choice name are in memory of John
the Baptist and the Apostle John. It was pervasive idea that the high-priest
Catholic, aged 76 years was the result of a compromise, after the twelve rounds
that preceded his election and that his presence will not bring anything new. A
Baptist editor wrote to commemorate 77 years of the new pope: "Only ashes
vision remains a man of 76 years" ... Few knew what dowry spiritual faith, the will
was gained in this, "servus servorum Dei"- servant of the servants of God. In a
surprise hit of compressed time. In any three months of installation, after
participating in the "Week of Prayer for Christian Unity" (promoted in the' 50
years by Fr. Paul Couturier , called "The Unity Apostle", hoping that God Himself
knows the time and form in which it will achieve full unity of the Church on earth),
on January 25, 1959, when the famous conversion of St. Paul in front of eighteen
cardinals gathered near the place where, by tradition, was beheaded St. Paul
tomb, Pope John XXIII, successor of Saint Peter says:
"Venerable and dear colleagues sons: Trembling a bit of emotion, but with
humility and firmness of purpose while, I will say now about the two
meetings. I propose to call a diocesan synod and an Ecumenical Council
for the Universal Church".
 In fact there were three themes:
1. Convening a Roman Diocesan Synod.

90 / 101
2. Meeting an Ecumenical Council.
3. Review and a new codification of Canon Law.
The cardinal said that no word had a response to this announcement, at that
Pope's Ioan XXIII proposal related to three existential and axiological 'concentric
- Unity Christian faith with the hope of combining between Catholicism and
Orthodoxy. Or as Pope John XXIII said, "No we want to look for who is right or
wrong: the responsibility is shared. We want only to say: Come and be
together, to end division".
- Ecumenism: the main way for religious coexistence and peace.
- Update ( 'Agiornamento') and reform the Church of Rome, from the
Roman Curia itself.
Cardinal Domenico Tardini secretary is appointed Chairman of the Preparatory
Commission. Meanwhile Clement objective problems in specific pastoral and
treats them in encyclicals.
 15/12/1958 Increases the number of Cardinals at 75, in 1959 will be 79, in
1962 will be 87. Pope John XXIII used from pontificate instrument of collective
leadership with a double objective: to streamline operations and create a team
sense in the College of Cardinals.
 29/06/1959 Encyclical "Ad Petri Cathedram” - announced goal which was to
be projected the Vatican Council: for promoting Christian concepts of truth, love
to build a world closer to peace.
 18/07/1959 Remove from "Catholic Canon" reference to Islam associated
with idolatry. Then it will receive the Iran Shahinschah visit Reza Pahlevi
 1.08.1959 Encyclical "John Maria Vianney" - priest of Ars consolidates the
status commemorating of priest called herd and young believers towards the
 26/09/1959 Encyclical "Grata Recordatio". It underlines the strength of the
Holy Rosary Prayer in the practice of faith and bring to God Catholic Christian
hopes for success of the Catholic Council.
 Encyclical "On Catholic missions” throughout the world that emphasizes role
missionary priests and laity involved in Christian education and training among
local people a "ecclesial corpus”.
 8.05.1960 - 14 Consecration of bishops from among the peoples of Africa,
Asia and America.
 15/05/1960 Encyclical "Mater et Magistra" - Treat relations between peoples
in new social order that foreshadowed. The author says, in the beginning of a
nearly 19,917 words text (English version): "Universal Church was founded by
Jesus Christ so that everyone throughout the centuries come to her to be
embraced with love to find fullness of life upper and guarantee salvation”.
Encyclical is an analysis of contemporary issues in the life of humanity, in all

91 / 101
major plans: the family in society and science. Recommend ways to rebuild the
social relations based on trust, justice and love.
 In June 1960 it established ten committees, a Secretariat for Promoting
Christian Unity to take, process proposals and to summarize the 'schemes' that
were to be debated. He announced on February, the Council open on 11
October, 1962.
 November 1960 - Get the Bishop of Canteburry Geofrey Fisher. Besides the
short period of four years Roncalli recive will official visits of representatives of
the main non-Catholic religions: Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox, Protestant, Baptist.
Campaigning to help Catholic priests persecuted in Hungary, Yugoslavia, China.
On the basis of good relations with N.S. Khrushchev, in 1962, would trigger the
gradual release of Ukrainian and Romanian Greek Catholic priests from the
detention camps.
 22/02/1962 "Apostolic Constitution" - an expression of preserving traditions of
Latin in liturgical and pastoral work of priests, brothers.
 11/10/1962 Open Work Second Vatican Council.
His word is a step in the establishment of faith in harmony religious diversity,
"with the goal of life and the full triumph of the Christian idea and a true
religious freedom ... Divine Providence will guide us towards a new order of
human relations".
 20/10/1962 'Cuban Missile Crisis'. U.S. intelligence services detected the
missile base located the USSR in Cuba. They could launch nuclear warheads
would have hit any U.S. territory, within a radius of 2000 km. in 10-30 minutes.
U.S. naval and air blockade out of Cuba. Soviets directs strategic fleet to Cuba.
Nuclear conflict seemed to stop us. (I remember being a teenager waiting state
apocalypse, my parents and those around you - nobody made plans, even for the
weekend). People and people were waiting in a cataleptic state - like the lamb
the shepherd his knife near the neck. Pope John XXIII, along with Secretary-
General, General U. Thant immediately start a real peace crusade 'using all the
tools: from the media to mobilize his friends and those who respected him.
Supports non-aligned countries call (40) to the American and Soviet leaders. The
combative atmosphere that creates the two great powers understand that they
can not justify the prosecution of the other starting nuclear war. Thus in 28.10.
1962 N.S. Khrushchev announces early release and repatriation ramps
dismantling weapons in the U.S.S.R. In 1962 JFKennedy raises noimbrie naval
blockade of Cuba and later withdraws its nuclear missiles from Turkey. The two
leaders will meet in Vienna where they will lay the foundation to continue
negotiations for nuclear disarmament and arms limitation (these with not much
success, since when were nuclear powers and now 4 are 9). At that time, the
family receives visiting personalities N.S. Khrushchev daughter (who tells him
that in Russia is called the ‘Pope peasant '), wife of President Kennedy and other
guests, religious and laity, as they were never at the Vatican .
 11/04/1963 issue Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" Peace on Earth, - Pope say
that any man, any time he wanted a equality can indeed be established only if

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the lawful order of God on Earth will be observed and followed - that is the
- The first section sets out the nature and form of relations between individual
and society, human rights and moral duties. Listing the human person the right to
life, respect, freedom, education, employment.
- A two-section refers to the relationship between man and the state insisting on
the need to respect and implementation of collective authority of the State, in
exercise of power.
- A three section establishes requirements for the establishment of equality
between nations and state requirements to determine the rights and duties of
- The fourth section discusses the development of relations between states,
to assist towards collective and mutual.
Encyclical ends with the command sent to assist Catholics and non Catholic
Christians in addressing various aspects of social and political life.
03/06/1963 Dies, not before he dedicated his life to the success of
He Dies, not before he dedicated his life to the success of
Council and for cohabitation between people, nations, religions followed by grace
and divine love.
 Council will continue under the watch of Pope Paul VI, beginning from


Atheism as a movement has been:
- A lack of systematic religious instruction, from the earliest age - to develop
harmonious relationship between God and soul of the child, young person,
you will become mature.
- A reaction to the trend displayed by the clergy, after leaving Christianity
underground (the time of Constantine the Great), to accumulate wealth at
the expense of those in pastoral, not redistribute a reasonable part,
directly or indirectly, members of the community and the poor .
- A restrictive and punitive response made by the representatives of
worship to people in the community, perceived by those affected as a
restriction of freedom of thought and personal dignity.
This form of spiritual existence has its moments of maximum impact in many
religious communities. For example the Jewish Enlightenment (, Haskalla'- sec.
XIX), or enlightenment in Catholic countries (sec. XIV-XX).
Angello Roncalli, understood that the previous policy of the church to issue forms
of penalty on atheists was an error. He opted to make 'parallel roads' and the
collaboration for mutual benefit and those around him, convinced that in time, the
grace of faith will come down on them and their survivors. Thing that happens.

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Mary Ball Martinez writes that Angelo Roncalli was known in his youth as a
disciple of Rudolf Steiner was initiated in the Grand? Orient Lodge in 1935, in
Paris in order Rosacrucian, the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge.
Participate in the work Masonic Lodge in Istanbul during the period when he was
papal nuncio in Turkey (1935 -1944).
From when he was papal nuncio in Paris (1947-1952) has been dubbed in 33
rosacrucian Masonic branch of the Knights of Malta (Grand Master Baron Yves
Marsaudon). Time when many Catholic clergy and laity (Father Joseph Berteloot
Jesuit priest Heim, Marsaudon Albert Lantoine, Herriot, Auriol, etc.) participated
in the Masonic movement.
Angello Roncalli stop, as Pope, string of convictions and excommunications of
Catholic clergy who were belonging to the Masonic Movement. Initiate a process
of relaxation of the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the
Masonic Movement, by clarifying methodological principles of coexistence.
This activity fell outside the initiate Angello Roncalli vision of a rational approach,
tolerant (and ultimately human common sense) between different ideologies.
This message is reflected in its Enciclicals "Mater et Magistra" and "Pacem in
Father Esposito metaphorically remarked that during the preparation of the
Council of the Vatican (1962-1965), Angello Roncalli mobilized ecclesial
community in meticulous 'construction' of the "Cathedral of Future".


 Some records on the personality of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli - Pope John
"Faith in Christ and His Church was the secrecy which led the Pope John
XXIII a worldwide promoter of peace .... was a prelude and a prophecy of
the experience of fatherhood that God was to us to provide in abundance
through words, gestures and ecclesial ministry of Good Pope ... The grace
of God has provided a promising season for the Church and society and
found in obedience to the Holy Spirit, which characterized the whole life of
Pope John XXIII, good soil to make germination harmony, hope, unity and
peace for the good of all mankind,"said Pope Benedict XVI in celebration
related to the fulfillment of 50 years to choose" Good Pope ". (October 28, 2008).
Beyond these words is CONTINUITY reforms that three Popes that followed:
Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI assured a way to "update", in
doctrine, structures and action, the Roman Catholic Church, the themes of
existential and axiological times today.

94 / 101
 "John XXIII was a natural and? supernatural at the same time. Nature and
grace formed a single whole that were in a completely charisma and a
diversity vision around him. ... He lived in the presence of God with the
simplicity of one walking in his hometown." (J. Robert Nelson Director of the
Institute of Religion at the Texas Medical Center in Houston, USA, 1982).
 I conclude with a quote from a spiritual testament of Pope John XXIII.
"I was born poor, but as a? child of some honest and modest and are
happy to die poor, when we divided the poor and the holy Church that fed
me, which I stood, moreover, a very modest measure available in my role
as priest and bishop, to the satisfaction of my life simple and modest.
Thank God for the grace of poverty, that since my youth I praise: the priest
of Sacred Heart, a real poverty. It gave me strength to not ever ask
anything, no job, no money, no favors, neither for me nor for my family or
friends" is confessed to God, Angelo Roncalli in the true tradition of Saint
Francisc of Assisi, whom he revered.

 The motivation to achieve this documentary started from the desire to put a
'pebble' to build a vision of harmony, based on the belief in one God given to us
by its Prophets.
All Creeds are of a SINGLE CREDO, which includes:
> Laws of Moses to Social Justice
> Love for others give us by the Lord Jesus Christ.
> Moral laws in the Koran give us by the Prophet Muhammad.
Human community has the premise to self rebuild on these three pillars.
On the other I have in my mind the view of the string of murders made by people
on their fellows.
I hope you will browse the text will feel, like in a Cathedral, Mosque or
Synagogue, inner build a vision of harmony, based on the belief in ONE
UNIQUE GOD given to us three thousand years since.
 Christian peoples to realize among the Hebrew people that are the first
'People of God' – and the first prophets of monotheism in human civilization, the
early apostles of Christianity were Hebrew. Because of their Christianity
'expanded' in a hundred years to scale the Roman Empire, then by their
descendants from all nations.
 Jewish people, through his Hebrew Cristians expand Mosaic monotheism in a
hundred years to scale the Roman Empire, then by their descendants from all

95 / 101
nations1, and thus 'People of God' has become universal, becoming the modern
human spiritual interaction engine.
 Spiritual heritage rightly, no people are opposed, ontological and axiological,
to other peoples, swing a common origin: "It's more love to give than to receive"
(the words of the Apostle Paul to his departure from Ephesus to Jerusalem).
 I tried also to motivate a fact. How ridiculous is the human response to God's
benevolence. Or more specifically: HOW PEOPLE managed to destroy what is
sent by His Prophets.
 I have made this text respecting accessed documentation issued 37 years ago
an Indian manager: "short enough to arouse interest, long enough to cover the
essentials". Let those who will read to decide if I succeeded or not.

Mesaroş - Anghel Vasile May 2010

1. 'Acts of Apotres' - Apostle Luke
2. 'Old Testament' ***
Apostles asked Jesus: 'It's time to be restored kingdom of Israel? "The answer was: ' Do not you
know time is given and when. But we will receive a force: the Holy Spirit, who will descend upon
your beings. You will be my witnesses, to Jerusalem in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of
the earth’ (Acts p.1.7.)

96 / 101
3. Plato Works' vol II, Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing House Bucharest,
4. 'Golden words' Fabre d'Olivet Publisher Typograf de la Ville, Paris, 1873
'Big Ezoterya initiates of Ancient' Edward Schourée, Gallimard Publishing House
5. 'Initiation Steps' Rudolph Steiner Princeps Science Publishing, 1993
6. 'History of Israel' Mose Maur Tel Aviv 'in 1975
7. 'Church in the early centuries' Fracesco Paolo Roman Seraphim Rizzio
Publishing, 2002


1. ‘A brand plucked flames' Alexander Safran Hasefer Bucharest
2. Auschwitz – Wikipedia
3. ‚The Spear of Destiny’ Trevor Ravenscroft Londra 1973


1. *** Wikipedia - ' Pope John XXIII’
2. Pope John XXIII Enciclica "Ad Petri Cathedram” 29.06.1959
3. Pope John XXIII Enciclica "Mater et Magistra” 15.05.1961
4. Pope John XXIII Enciclica "Pacem in Terris” 11.04.1963
5.‘John XXIII: His Council and Achievement Remembered’ by J. Robert Nelson.-
1982. Copyright by the Christian Century Foundation and used by permission.
Prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock.
6. *** Wikipedia ‘Biserica Greco-Catolică Ucraineană’
7. 'History of the Popes' - August Franzer, Remigius Baumer Publishing Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest in 1996.
8. *** Wikipedia ‘Missing in Action: Raoul Wallenberg’ - Marion Marrache
9. *** Wikipedia Notes and telegrams exchanged between the Vatican's State
Secretary and the Nunciatures of the different relevant countries during the
Second world War - are published in 11 volumes edited by the Holy See under
the title: "Actes et documents du Saint-Siège relatifs a la Seconde Guerre
10. 'Themes of History of Religions' - Emil Dumea Sapientia Publishing Roman
Catholic Theological Institute in 2002
11. Hebrew Christians fight Beginings for the Gospel of Jesus - Jehosuah 2009
Essay Documentary – Mesaroş Anghel Vasile
12. Hebrews, Christians, Muslims in Jerusalem Compendium of Historical Facts
Essay Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile

97 / 101
Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile


1. Angelo Roncalli: the first years of Iohannes XXIII - part 1 - Angelo Roncalli
activity until World War II
2. Angelo Roncalli: the first years of Iohannes XXIII - part 2 - Angelo Roncalli
work from World War II until end pontificate - Documentary Film Part II -
Darsham YouTube
3. Pope Iohannes XXIII: pontificate and council - Dialogul Cu Lumea; Conciliului
II Vatican (1962-1965) - Film Documentar Partea II –
Darsham You Tube
4. ‘Il Papa Buono’ Film Partea I Darsham You Tube
 Student period toCatholic seminary at Bergamo;
Secretary of Giacomo Tedeschi, responsible for social problems. For nine
years Roncalli will make hard work to help the poor in the region and mediates
disputes between employers and employees to obtain decent work and life.
 Work in Turkey and Greece with the rank of archbishop (1935 - 1944) living in
5. ‘Il Papa Buono’ Movie Part II - the Darsham YouTube
 Approaches to the German Ambassador Franz von Pappen to save a lot of
Hebrew children that were to be sent by ship to extermination camps in Europe.
 His election as pope - Pope John XXIII (October 28, 1958)
6. ‘Il Papa Buono’ Film Partea a III - a Darsham You Tube
Visit Rome prison inmates
Announcement of the Second Vatican Council
Visit to a children's hospital on Christmas 1962
7. ‘Il Papa Buono’ Film Partea a IV – a Darsham You Tube
Preparation and opening of Vatican II (10/11/1962)
Cuban Missile Crisis (October, November 1962)
8. ‘Il Papa Buono’ Movie Part V - the Darsham YouTube
Publication Enciclicei "Pacem in Terris" 11/04/1963
Last moments of his life

98 / 101
9. Hebrew Organization for Self Defence in PalestineYishuv v1 Moments of
Zionism IV Essay Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile You Tube
10 Hebrew Christians fight Beginings for the Gospel of Jesus Jehosuah
Essay Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile You Tube
11 Hebrews, Christians, Muslims in Jerusalem Compendium of Historical Facts
Documentary Text - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile You Tube
12 Hebrew Fight For The Return In Eretz Israel-
Moment of Zionism II Essay Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile You Tube
13 Angelo Roncalli - Pope John al XXIII Life Moments
Essay Documentary - Mesaroş Anghel Vasile You Tube
Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul I
Adresa Video Text Audio Integral:
Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul II
Adresa Video Text Audio Integral:
Mesaros Anghel Vasile Volumul III
Adresa Video Text Audio Integral:

99 / 101
‚God is ONE; mankind made him many:
One Mosaic, one Christian, one Muslim’.


Name: Vasile Mesaroş – Anghel
Proffesion: IT Trainer
 University of Bucharest - Faculty of Mathematics and
Mechanics (1971)

100 / 101
 System Analyst – Postgraduate - C.E.P.E.C.A. (1975)
Work Motivation:
 Documentation of issues that concerned me in recent years.

 For Links to other works : In GOOGLE insert text :

mesaros anghel on net
Select site:

101 / 101
AMV Dessign/2011

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