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Man's Activity Covers The Whole Realm of Being.


Nothing exist in pure isolation. The greatest of the metaphysical poets, John Doone originated and
popularized the prase, "NO MAN IS AN ISLAND" similarly to Teilhard de Chardin, "MAN IS NOT AN
ISOLATED UNIT LOST IN THE COSMIC SOLITUDES". The same view expressed or implied in the
Tennyson's poem FLOWER IN THE CRANNIED WALL. In the transcendal perspective of metaphysics,
man is viewed as a participant in the boundless realm of BEING. From the over-all point of view of
methaphysics we see the first and foremost relation: the being- BEING, finite - Infinite, man - and the -
Absolute relation , the I - THOU, the human - Divine partnership and communion, which we call
RELIGION. Intimately related to the first relation is morality, next comes the so called social relation, then
there is political aspects, then we come to economic dimension of life, and economics.

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