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Arabic text © Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi 1993 CE/1414 AH Dar al-Bashaiir al-Islamiyyah, Beirut English text © 1997 CE/ 1417 AH, International Islamic Publishing House All rights reserved First edition published 1997 CE/ 1417 AH by: ISBN 9960 - 672-35 -2 geetlnlt ylacall apeSLell fall Mere A008 oe aL YT ETI SU EUYTYT1N0eAVA le TEAMEBATY BN) TO SAVIVEY Bae V ENTAPEY ity AS INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC PUBLISHING HOUSE. LLP. Putsahing And Ditrbueg Ilamic Books And Tapes In 70 Languages HEAD OFFICE: POBox 55106. Riyadh 11534. Sau Arabia Tei: (066-1) 4880818-4647215- Fax 4033400 [BOOK SHOPS: Riya 1-4820047/Jecdan2-0073752/Khebar® 8045821 CONTENTS TRANSLATOR’S FOREWORD INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 THE MUSLIM AND HIS LORD The believer is alert Obedient to the commands of his Lord He has a sense of responsibility for those under his authority He accepts the will and decree of Allah The one who turns to Allah in repentance His main concer is the pleasure of his Lord He regularly performs the duties and good deeds required by Islam. He is a true servant of Allah He reads Qur’an often CHAPTER 2 THE MUSLIM AND HIS OWN SELF Introduction iti 1-HIS BODY Moderation in food and drink He exercises regularly His body and clothes are clean Good appearance 2-HIS MIND Knowledge is an obligation and an honour for the Muslim. Continually seeking knowledge until death What Muslims need to know He should be proficient in his specialty He exposes himself to information about other fields He is proficient in a foreign language 3-HIS SOUL. He polishes his soul through worship He keeps company with righteous people and joins religious gatherings He frequently repeats du ‘a's and supplications described in ahadith CHAPTER 3 THE MUSLIM AND HIS PARENTS Treating them with kindness and respect (birr) He recognizes their status and knows his duties towards them He is kind and respectful towards them even if they are not Muslim He is extremely reluctant to disobey them His mother comes first, then his father He treats his parents’ friends well How does he show kindness and respect towards them? iv 33 33 35 45 24ssaeG & ¥ BSB SQasge® 2 BB CHAPTER 4 THE MUSLIM AND HIS WIFE Islamic view of marsiage and woman The ideal Muslim wife He follows the guidance of Islam in his married life The true Muslim is an ideal husband One of the most successful husbands He understands his wife and respects her feelings He helps her to make up for her failings and weaknesses He knows how to strike a balance between pleasing his wife and treating his mother with due kindness and respect He fully understands his role as a protector and maintainer (gawwam) of women CHAPTER 5 THE MUSLIM AND HIS CHILDREN Introduction He understands his great responsibility towards his children He uses the best methods in bringing them up He demonstrates his love and affection for them He spends on them, willingly and generously He does not discriminate between sons and daughters in his affection and spending He is alert to everything that may have an influence on them He treats all his children equally He instils good behaviour and attitudes in them 10 il 113 4 CHAPTER 6 THE MUSLIM AND HIS RELATIVES Arhim Islamic view of kinship ties The Muslim upholds the ties of kinship according to the teachings of Islam He maintains the ties of kinship even if his relatives are not Muslim He fully understands the meaning of upholding the ties of kinship He maintains the ties of kinship even if his relatives fail to do so CHAPTER7 THE MUSLIM AND HIS NEIGHBOURS He is the best of people in his dealings with his neighbours He is aware of the Islamic teachings concerning good treatment of neighbours The true Muslim is tolerant towards his neighbour He likes for his neighbour what he likes for himself The misery that befalls humanity because of the lack of true Islamic morals and manners The Muslim treats his neighbour in the best way he can His generosity is directed towards both Muslim and non-Muslim neighbours He starts with the neighbour whose home is closest to his own The true Muslim is is the best neighbour Bad neighbours The bad neighbour is a person who is deprived of the blessing of faith vi 116 6 16 BI BI 131 133 14 The bad neighbour is a person whose good deeds are not accepted The true Muslim is careful to avoid falling into sin where his neighbour is concerned His good treatment of his neighbour is not lacking He puts up with his neighbour’s mistakes and bad treatment He does not give tit-for-tat He knows his neighbour’s rights over him CHAPTER 8 THE MUSLIM AND HIS FRIENDS AND BROTHERS IN FAITH He loves them for the sake of Allah The status of two who love one another for the sake of Allah The effect of love for the sake of Allah on the life of the Muslims He does not forsake or abandon his brother He is tolerant and forgiving towards them He meets them with a smiling face He is sincere towards them He has a natural inclination towards kindness and faithfulness He is kind to his brothers He does not gossip about them He avoids arguing with them, making hurtful jokes and breaking promises He is generous and prefers his brothers over himself He prays for his brothers in their absence vii 145 199 49 CHAPTER 9 THE MUSLIM IN HIS COMMUNITY/SOCIETY Introduction He is truthful He does not cheat, deceive or stab in the back He is not envious He is sincere He keeps his promises He has a good attitude towards others and treats them well He is characterized by shyness (haya') He is gentle towards people He is compassionate and merciful He is tolerant and forgiving He is easy-going in his business dealings He is of cheerful countenance He has a sense of humour He is patient He avoids cursing and foul language He does not falsely accuse anyone of fisq or kufr He is modest and discreet He does not interfere in that which does not concern him He refrains from backbiting and slander He avoids giving false statements He avoids suspicion He keeps secrets He does not converse privately with another person when there is a third person present He is not arrogant or proud Vii SYR BREESE £8 He prefers others to himself He helps to alleviate the burden of the debtor He is proud and does not beg. He is friendly and likeable He checks his customs and habits against Islamic standards He follows Islamic manners in the way he eats and drinks Spreading the greeting of salam He does not enter a house other than his own without permission He sits wherever he finds room in a gathering He avoids yawning in a gathering as much as he can He follows the Islamic etiquette when he sneezes He does not look into other people’s houses He does not imitate women. CONCLUSION GLOSSARY

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