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“ A f a mily is not an important thing, it’s everything” ( M i chael

J. Fox). This quote confirms that people’s whole lives are about
family, and they help each other no matter what. A family is group of
people who depend on each other during stressful and fortunate times.

Family is about being supportive of one another. Family is there

to help one another with problems. For instance, a family member may
help another through a difficult time like the death of a loved one;
likewise, they may help each other with everyday tasks like homework.

The importance of family is seen in a group of people who stay

loyal to each other and help each other along the way. According to
the article Families are Changing, But Still Key to Happiness, it
states spending time with family can create a bonding experience:
“ B e y o nd the time and emotional bonding between individual family
members, relatives also form a powerful support and approval network ”
(Moeller 1). Relatives such as cousins can provide support by
comforting a family member with a tough situation. In addition,
cousins can also provide a support system in extracurricular
activities by assisting with practicing or planning.

Family is not always about unity. Family is supposed to

acknowledge each other by involving everyone. Family is not supposed
to hold grudges against each other, but instead, come together in

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