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Brown 1

Zoila Brown


Professor Moore

13 August 2019

Overall Reflection

At the very beginning of the semester I saw this class as an opportunity to learn some

new things and be refreshed on some information I had not been associated with. I was not really

sure whether this class was going to be hard or easy, but after the first week I realized it was

neither. This class will give you what you put into it and for me I saw it as an opportunity to be

challenged. I wanted to not only learn new things and teach them to others, but to challenge my

ability to do more with this information by actually placing myself in situations where I could

use the information. This was demonstrated by the many goals we had to set for ourselves

pertaining to our health. I learned plenty about the different dimensions of health and how you

cannot just focus on one because that will throw off the bodies balance. This course presented

me with the opportunity to set goals that were going to be realistic enough for me to achieve

them or at least try. That is where the challenge arose for me and I was able to start growing as a

person and lift my physical and mental health into a direction I wanted. With the many

discussions we had to participate it, I was able to engage and communicate with my peers in the

class and see where they were struggling and slowly being able to persevere and overcome some

of the challenges they were going through as well. This class pushed me to become a stronger

person and better myself and allowed me to take steps I have always been fearful to take. My

most challenging and rewarding goal this class encouraged me to take was to improve my mental
Brown 2

health. This enabled me to start my journey in consistently going to therapy, which has helped

me in more ways than one. Overall, this class has truly made me a better student and person that

now knows how to be smarter about my decisions when the consequences can not only affect

myself, but the people and environment around me.

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