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Brown 1

Zoila Brown


Professor Moore

13 August 2019

Discussion Reflection: Substance Abuse

In this discussion it was a little bit harder than others to participate in because I did not

want to make others feel uncomfortable with my own personal viewpoints and it is also a very

touchy subject. I feel that a lot of people make the assumption that when someone engages in

frequent drug use or whether recreational or prescribed, they are addicts. Although, that may be

the case for some, it is not always the fact of the matter. In my discussion post I wanted to share

that I do not necessarily encourage going out and doing drugs no matter what the age may be, but

I do understand that some may need dugs like marijuana (medically prescribed) to help them

with pain management, anxiety, etc. Overall, I am glad I pushed myself to fully engage in this

discussion because it pushed me to share my thoughts even though it would maybe not be

everyone’s cup of tea.

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