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Brown 1

Zoila Brown


Professor Moore

13 August 2019

Discussion Reflection: Stress Resources

This discussion about stress resources was very helpful because it helped to get us

thinking about our final project and give ourselves some information we may not have known

already. For this discussion I chose to research topics on test anxiety, stress, and later on after

this discussion I also looked into self-efficacy in college/university students. The information I

came across actually ended up being very helpful for myself because I suffer from self-efficacy

issues and test anxiety. I place a lot of pressure on myself to be the best because I feel like I need

to succeed and I still feel as if I am no where near that in my academic career. The resources I

sought out ended up showing me that the only way to reduce my own stress and anxiety when it

comes to test anxiety and my self-efficacy issues is that I need to engage in positive self-talk,

breathing exercises, and accept my own flaws/mistakes. Overall, I believe this discussion will

help me to become a better student because I know that it is okay to make mistakes and being a

good student does not mean being perfect.

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