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1- Reckoner

2- There There
3- Fake plastic trees
4- Exit music
5- Street Spirit
6- How to disappear completely
7- Nude
8- Jigsaw
9- High and dry
10- No surprises
11- All I need
12- Weird Fishes
13- Climbing up the walls
14- Motion picture soundtrack
15- Burn the witch
16- True love waits
17- Let down
18- You and whose army
19- Identikit
20- House of cards
21- Lotus flower
22- Man of war
23- Scatterbrain
24- Stop whisppering
25- Karma police
26- I cant
27- Desert Island Disk
28- last flowers
29- Give up the ghost
30- paranoid android
31- optmistic
32- just
33- creep
34- 2+2=5
35- everything in its right place
36- idioteque
37- lucky
38- pyramid song
39- planet telex
40- codex

kid A
the national anthem
the tourist
talk show host
harry patch
subterranean homesick alien
life in a glasshouse

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