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1 W = Woman, M1 = Man 1 W: = Hello, TicketShop. M1: Hello. I'd like to make a booking for The High Life. W: When would you like to see the show? M1: At the end of September. Have you got any tickets on Saturday the 29th of September? W: _ I'm afraid that show is sold out in September. There are tickets in October. M1: OK. Have you got any tickets on Saturday 6th October? W: Yes, we have. How many tickets would you like? M1: Two, please. W: Would you like an afternoon or evening performance? M1: Afternoon, please. W: OK. Tickets are £42.50 each, so that's £85 altogether. M1: OK. What time does the performance start? W: Doors open at seven o'clock and the performance starts at quarter to eight. Can | take your credit card number, please? M1: Yes, it's 4308 32. W = Woman, M2 = Man 2 W: Good morning. TicketShop. M2: Good morning. I'd like to make a booking for The 51st State concert. W: OK. When would you like to see the show? M2: On the 9th of June. W: That's fine. How many tickets would you like? M2: Four. Ww: OK. Tickets are £21.50 each and there's a two pounds booking fee. So that's £88 altogether. M2: OK. W: Doors open at six thirty and the concert starts at half past seven. Would you like to pay by credit card or debit card? M2: Credit card please. W: OK. What's the credit card number?

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