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The construction of urban theory in the field of urbanism
and urban architecture calls for a refined conceptual
formulation and a socially valid practice; above all,
it needs the time to develop. In this process, the
emergence of figures capable of generating “new visions”
is commendable: Manuel de Solà-Morales, Barcelona
architect, was one such. He was one of the first Spanish
students of Josep Lluís Sert at Harvard, he founded the
Laboratori d’Urbanisme de Barcelona, and he created
new concepts and introduced innovative practices for
transforming urban design in Europe.
The symposium taking place at the GSD on 10 October
tables a critical discussion of his theoretical and practical
legacy with a view to understanding the roots of today’s
urbanistic discipline as one of the pillars for addressing the
major challenges facing the city and urbanized territories in
the 21st century.
10 OCTOBER 2013

1. Introduction / 6:30 pm

2. Presentations to the Symposium / 6:30 pm

2.1. Rafael Moneo (pg.4)
From Ideas to Urban Projects
2.2. Joan Busquets (pg.11)
Building an Urban Theory
2.3. Marcel Smets (pg.19)
Insights I gained from Manuel
3. Building Creative Realities / 7:30 pm

Moderated by Alex Krieger

Lorena Bello
Jean Louis Cohen
Felipe Correa
Alexander D’Hooghe
Marion Weiss
Mirko Zardini

4. Reception in the Portico Rooms / 8:00 pm

Manuel de Solà Morales - Life’s Work (pg.27)

“Plan for the transformation of Porto Vecchio, Trieste, 1998-99” in “A Matter of Things”. An effort to
introduce a new language into the interpretation of the city.
Manuel de Solà-Morales

From Ideas to Urban Projects,

Rafael Moneo

I have never met anyone with better way Catalan society – was engaged.
personal attributes and academic In architectural terms, the debate in
training for a professional urban planning Barcelona of the late 1950s centered
practice than Manuel de Solà-Morales on city-building and the principles and
i Rubió, and what I would like to do ideals of the modern movement. So
today is explain this. For the benefit of it’s no surprise that MSM chose Rome
those not fortunate to have known him as a place for further training, and the
personally, I will talk about who MSM office he joined – the studio of Ludovico
was, and for those of us who did have Quaroni – was probably ideal for the
the good fortune of having him as a purpose, given that a young Manfredo
friend, let this be yet another opportunity Tafuri was still working there at the time,
to reminisce on his person and his fruitful and that the master, in talking about
career. Being here at the GSD – a school his career, was using the city of Rome
always keen, and in a very special way as inevitable referential framework.
today, on the question of the education This immersion in history which Rome
of professionals who are to act on represented would soon be balanced by
cities – warrants paying special attention a stint in America that would bring him
to MSM’s training and dedication to a master’s degree in city planning at this
teaching before turning to the part he school, the GSD, then with Josep Lluís
played in the development of urban Sert at the helm. The very young MSM
theory, and his actual contributions as a returned to Barcelona with an academic
professional of the architecture of cities. baggage provided to him by Rome
and Cambridge, and his intellectual
restlessness led him, attracted to
A son and grandson of architects, MSM
sociology, to enroll at the Faculty of
began his architectural studies in 1956
Economics, graduating in 1966. And
and graduated in 1963. A brilliant student
eventually he demonstrated his capacity
in secondary school, MSM arrived at
as an architect in the housing project on
architecture school with a solid education
Calle Muntaner, a valuable contribution
in the humanities, reinforced by his broad
to residential architecture on the
reading – fruit of his intellectual curiosity –
Ensanche which today must be seen as
and an inborn knack for languages. And
perfectly representing the discussion on
since we focus on his training, it’s good
architecture and city that so interested
to remember that architectural studies
architects of the ‘Barcelona school’.
included two years of Exact Sciences.
Math was therefore very much a part
of his architectural education. So was Society was quick to recognize his
music; during his school years, MSM merits: he won competitive examinations
attended the Conservatory of Music for a chair in urban planning at the
and became a more than skilled pianist. Barcelona school in 1969, when he
During the troubled years that MSM had just turned 30. In making teaching
was at university, he was active in the the foundation of his future career he
intellectual and ideological debate in was showing a serious commitment
which Spanish society – and in a special with knowledge. In the conviction that
Manuel de Solà-Morales

the territory of architecture was the city, Soon MSM was involved in a series of
MSM would put the best of himself into projects and competitions that enabled
studying the city. And considering the him to see with greater precision what
school the ideal place from which to he intuited from his vantage point as a
explore how cities grow and how we university professor. The Comprehensive
can take part in that growth, he set up Plan for Tolosa showed him – with
the Laboratory of Urban Planning, which a close insider’s view not usual in
must be seen as the armed wing of his commissions of this kind – how growth
chair. I believe that his years of working had happened and anchored itself on
in the LUB were crucial. In the view of the territory of a middle-sized city. MSM
MSM, who was fully aware of his worth, it was interested in the time continuity
was no time to prolong the authoritarian of the city, in its history, not only for
structure of chairs, and so he decided documentation purposes, not only to
to surround his own chair with a lay down rules upon which to place
group of new graduates with shared his work, but to identify those critical
interests. And instead of sticking to the moments during which – whether
idea of urbanism as an instrumental thanks to causes we are unaware of, or
pseudoscience willing to collaborate with to contingencies bordering on chance
the administration in the bureaucratized – the city changes and the concept of
authoritarian management of the city, evolution is of no use in explaining its
the LUB concentrated on finding a more growth. We have to look for reasons of
satisfactory and reality-based explanation a different order. The continuity of the
of urban growth. The LUB addressed a city does not mean a strict evolution. We
whole series of objectives that implied have to allow for the leaps, the slashes,
a possible new urban science, such as the unique urban circumstances that
to inject meaning into terms like urban interventions inevitable involve. To identify
and territorial morphology, to understand these moments and the conditions that
the complexity of the metropolis in the together led to the ‘urbanistic invention’
process of learning how the outskirts taking place, is what MSM sought to do
come about, to explore grids and when auscultating the city.
patterns with Barcelona’s Plan Cerdà as
reference… All this puts to question the
In this run-through of his work, it may not
guidelines set by the masterplans, which
be necessary to mention other specific
are judged as mere successions of static
projects of those years – Aranjuez,
models that the city does not respect.
Zaragoza, Granada. But we do have
From the LUB, MSM assumed leadership
to mention how studying other cities
in the teaching of urban planning in Spain
allowed him to verify his observations.
by accepting the publisher Gustavo Gili’s
The form of the city does not go by the
offer to take him in as an advisor; a role
unitary organic vision of the Renaissance
through which he would put in the hands
theorists. Nor by the radical ideas of
of students and professionals all the texts
utopian thinkers and the avant-gardes.
by colleagues of his abroad that drew his
Nor was the form of the city dictated
attention, and naturally also the work of
by the abstract mosaics into which the
the LUB, well documented by books like
standardizing plans tried to reduce it.
The Forms of Urban Growth.
Cities result from the concatenation of
isolated urban episodes dictated by very
Manuel de Solà-Morales

specific circumstances that have been fabric with its seafronts and riverfronts.
addressed by urban design interventions. The projects for Genoa, Thessalonnica,
Hence the urban planner must be alert to Trieste, Antwerp, or Almere, and even the
the new demands of the contemporary later ones for Saint Nazare, Groningen,
city, and act on them, give direct answers Porto, or Arnheim on the Rhine, must
through urban design. We could talk be seen as coming from the experience
about an entire methodological proposal he acquired in the previously mentioned
that is an alternative to conventional projects. In all of them, the city tries to
comprehensive plans, and that has restore its connection with geography,
been materialized in projects like Barrio without forgetting how it got engaged
del Poble Nou-La Ribera in Barcelona. with and linked to the urban fabric in the
But though attracted to isolated first place.
actions, MSM did not forget about the
importance of congruence between
But the project for the Moll de la Fusta
roadways and urban form, as illustrated
was also the beginning of MSM’s close
by his interest in urban schemes, his
rapport with his city, Barcelona. It
studies of grids as structures shaping the
was with laudable devotion that MSM
city. The maximum aspiration of an urban
responded to Barcelona’s confidence in
planner was to resolve the architecture
his professional competence. Nothing
of the city through the urban plan. And
gave MSM more satisfaction than
the project in Lakua, Vitoria, can illustrate
recognition coming from his own, from
what this attitude can lead to when the
Catalonia, which he had fond feelings
contemporary city comes face to face
for and served energetically. This is why
with housing. Unfortunately, it was never
we must look at Moll de la Fusta, in
carried out.
retrospect, as the fuse of what has been
Barcelona’s urban planning program in
All these studies and works of MSM the past twenty years, specifically with
in the1960s had a strong impact on regard to its efforts to engage with and
Spanish architecture. He who had been bring the sea back into its fold. And
welcomed as a brilliant and precocious though MSM was not directly involved
master at the start of the decade was, at in these projects, his opinion and advice
the end of it, not only a renowned scholar were much taken into account by
of urban planning but also a veteran those responsible for urban planning
professional. And while Spanish society in the city. This love for and interest in
was having its transition from dictatorship Barcelona comes to the fore in the book
to democracy, MSM received Ten Lessons on Barcelona, where MSM
commissions as important as the Moll de introduces us to the urban history of
la Fusta in Barcelona and the Plaza de the city by explaining its surprising and
la Marina in Málaga. Both these projects discontinuous development through
gave him the opportunity to show the time. His method here is not simply a
extent to which an understanding of the chronological account, but rather the
city, when a result of addressing specific identification of those singular moments
urban problems, corresponded with where the city, through specific urban
reality. In this he anticipated what was interventions, resolves particular
in future to be one of his most frequent problems arising from its growth. In this
areas of work: contact of the urban book MSM shows us ten urban episodes
Manuel de Solà-Morales

with a vividness and immediacy that an urban masterplan can. In L’Illa, MSM
makes us feel like spectators, if not the showed how his reflections on Barcelona
actual authors, of the development of empowered him to address a large plot
projects so specific that they seem to where the Cerdà grid was still present,
be more in the architect’s than in the but with the Diagonal prevailing to the
urban planner’s hands. And maybe now’s point of becoming the project’s spinal
the right time to go back to what I said column. In La Sang, replacing an urban
at the start about his training. Nobody residential fabric with another one of a
without his training – so broad, with such different typology gave rise to a complex
capacity to take so many different factors structure that is incorporated into the
into account, and identify such specific city with admirable discreetness. This
moments of urban history – would have also happened in the Intermodal Station
been able to dissect the city the way he of Leuven, where MSM confronted
did. And so MSM makes it stark clear one of the issues that most obsessed
to us that the content, the agenda, the him: reconciling transport systems with
purpose behind those episodes we have the new scale that the presence of the
contemplated in the ungraspable magma station in the city warranted. Projects
of the city, rest not only in the hands of of medium scale have an important
urban planners and architects. MSM impact on the city, and are proof that the
shows us that behind them – clamoring city is built as much by architecture as
for, demanding, wanting a given urban it is by urban design and the authority
project – are sometimes individuals, of regulations. The urban planner that
and at other times institutions or wide MSM undeniably was became an
segments of the population. It would be architect, and this is evident in projects
a mistake to say that the methodological like Maquinista, Terrassa, and the
significance of these isolated Sant Andreu Barracks in Barcelona.
interventions on the city are devoid of Or in the ambitious Montigalá project
ideological content. in Badalona, where he proposed the
outskirts be absorbed and incorporated
into the center through a sophisticated
MSM, who had suggested that specific
and respectful process that would lead
urban problems were very often solved
us to speak of ‘realism’, and of how
with the help of architecture, had the
much MSM believed that the city’s
chance to verify this when he took on
urban problems could be solved when
the obligations of an architect, putting
we accepted its immanence, its own
his feet on the ground and taking on
capacity for development.
the challenge of contributing to the
city’s development as an architect.
This was a grand gesture and proof That MSM in his mature years came to
of courage: the autoritas of the urban think that the solution to many urban
planner giving way to the risks that an problems fully rested in the field of
architect’s intervention always involves. urban design or isolated architectural
In projects like L’Illa in Barcelona or operations, is evident in his contribution,
La Sang in Alcoy, MSM showed how as curator, to the 2005 exhibition
isolated actions – which must still be Corners. By treating the notion of
seen to be strictly architectural – can the corner as a category in itself – as
contribute to city-building as much as something able to bear all the aesthetic/
Manuel de Solà-Morales

ideological load of an urban proposal –, enable you to understand cities in all their
MSM alluded directly to the role of critical complexity. Also be aware – and this is
point that any crossroads plays in the where MSM’s human and professional
larger scheme of things. It is at the critical greatness resides – that someone who
point where a corner is that the meeting knows a lot about cities can be asked to
of opposites is formally or architecturally act upon them, with the attendant risks
resolved. The corner notion has that practicing as an architect involves.
metaphorical value, and it reminds us This is what happened to MSM, and I
that cities are always willing to change, can vouch for the sense of responsibility
swerve, and grow with inevitable and with which MSM accepted this
welcome unpredictability. And the same challenge. I would even say that MSM
thing could be said of infrastructural sometimes practiced the profession
elements in the city. “Infrastructure? dramatically, given the demands with
Architecture?: Two Examples” was the which he worked and the critical
title of the last text of his that I read while discernment with which he regarded
he was still alive; I was still able to let everything he did. MSM devoted himself
him know how much I’d enjoyed it. The to his profession, first as an urban
Ramps of Algiers and the Cliff of Tajo planner and later as an architect, with
are the two examples he gives to tell full passion and admirable integrity.
us, regarding the Ramps, that having This is of course nothing new to those
“command of the slope is not only an of us who knew him and were witness
act of infrastructural service, but also a to the earnest ethical commitment
choice of good architecture, an urban with which he lived his life. For MSM,
project,” and that the Cliff of Ronda is contributing to the development of the
“an achievement of infrastructure and city – using the knowledge he had as
an architectural proposal.” The happy an urban planner, and accepting the
ending of the infrastructure is that it risks that came with operating as an
becomes architecture, and ultimately city. architect – was something that went
By discussing Ronda and Algiers in these beyond personal satisfaction, in order
terms, MSM was telling us what his to achieve the greatest accomplishment
professional ambitions were, what kinds in our discipline, that of seeing our work
of projects he liked working on. become useful to society. In MSM,
theory and practice were so closely
connected that they appear inseparable.
Coming to the end of my talk, I feel I
And as such a testimony of how an
should make it clear that everything
architect in today´s cities should be,
I’ve said comes from my own personal
something I hope that I have conveyed
interpretation of MSM’s thinking. This is
to you today in revisiting the work of
how my comments should be taken, and
I would like to encourage you to look at
MSM’s writings and works yourselves,
as I do not want to distort his ideas in RM
any way. To close, if there is a message
to be gleaned from MSM’s career, it’s
Translated by Gina Cariño
that if you want to be an urban planner,
you have try to have a broad training,
with no set limits, of the kind that will
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Manuel de Solà-Morales and Rafael Moneo

debating Illa’s project in Artà (Mallorca), 1986.

Manuel de Solà-Morales

Manuel de Solà-Morales, building an Urban Theory for the LUB,

Joan Busquets

It is interesting to note that much of 1. From the functional city to the city as
the theoretical framework of present- process: the form of urban growth
day urbanism is rooted in the dynamic A basic element is understanding the
period of the seventies and eighties. city in terms of the relation between
The phenomena of urbanization in the space and time, rather than seeing it as a
21st century may be different, but what finished design: this involves interpreting
truly is new are the ways we perceive the specific processes of its physical
and relate with them. The point is that production: the forms of urban growth.
we are working in an increasingly prolific The city is therefore explained in terms of:
theoretical framework that has its roots old town, new town extension, suburban
in a new way of understanding the city growth, garden cities, housing estates,
and with new ways of combining our self-built areas, etc.
academic and professional work to
In these forms, the order of the actions
improve the processes of urbanization
or projects on the site, urbanization and
that are massively—and often
construction, is especially significant to
dramatically—influencing the lives of an
the production of urban forms but also
ever larger sector of the population.
to the way the various agents intervene.
It is this possible continuity in the This is where the urban designer comes
ongoing body of theoretical thinking that in as mediator and part of the process
suggests the relevance of discussing in general, but it is also important to
the conceptual contributions of Manuel highlight the relative autonomy of their
de Solà-Morales (MSM) and his work contribution within the creation of the
in creating the LUB, the Laboratorio de urban form, that is the space of the
Urbanismo de Barcelona, starting in project, which may take very different
1969. forms.
The personal influence of Josep
Lluis Sert, Dean at Harvard, and
2. The struggle for urban space as a
his multifaceted approach, and the
structural cause of the city
inspiring City Planning Programme with
its multidisciplinary focus, along with Another element to note is an
collaboration at Ludovico Quaroni’s understanding of the structural causes
studio in Rome, enabled MSM to see the of growth and urban transformation,
full scope of the field of urbanism and the as a way of guiding the involvement of
urban project, and the potential of the other disciplines that also study urban
wealth of theory of the time. phenomena, such as economics,
politics, ecology and so on, and
MSM’s contribution to creating a new
enhancing project discipline. Urbanism
urban theory for the LUB could be
has to prioritise the material production
summarised by some singular landmarks
of the city rather than its physical
in this methodological trajectory:
appearance, however important this
is, which means giving the project’s
parts and their interrelations a specific
content that makes it an instrument of
the social process. Here, the influence of
Manuel de Solà-Morales

dialectic materialism as an interpretative that probably paved the way for a whole
basis of society comes to the fore: new look at the waterfront, today the
the influence of Althusser, Harvey, most emblematic project in the new,
Preteceille and particularly Lefebvre democratic Barcelona.
has an added value in research into the
struggle for domination of space and
3. The method as synthesis of research
design strategies to control them. The
and theoretical practice
La Ribera counter-plan for Barcelona’s
seafront was a singular test in the early In urbanism and urban architecture,
seventies, reinterpreting the city to see methodological innovation became a
the intent of that speculative project common and highly productive approach
and generate possible alternatives. since the sixties. MSM inspired the
The social conflict involved in a political LUB not to add them just because
project that aimed to eradicate local they were in vogue, but not to let them
residents from the coastline produced pass without reflective investigation
guidelines for thorough investigation that may allow integrating part of them.
Methodology is inseparable from the
research that interprets and reconstructs
other experiences in the process, without
incorporating them as independent parts.
By way of example, in the contributions
Barcelona and its forms of urban growth. The of Aymonino and Rossi, morphological
city is explained in terms of: self-built areas, and typological components were
garden cities, old town, suburban growth, new seen as powerful descriptive sources,
town extension, housing estates, etc.
but they were not applied directly
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Past, project and present views

from The La Ribera counter-plan
for Barcelona’s seafront.

with a propositive aim and had to be 4. The autonomy of the urbanistic project
rechanneled. is key to defining the discipline
At the same time, the interest in making When considering forms of growth, it is
urbanism a scientific subject led to the important to highlight the value of model
development by Stuart Chapin and projects from which we can learn and
Batty, among others, of modelling to generate new projects. This calls for
enhance functional diagrams, and the ideas for the urbanistic project that are
development of the forms of computer capable of producing an improved city
graphics represented at the time by and recognises the need for innovation
Negroponte or Steinitz were enticing as a transformative value. An outstanding
steps that have achieved a prominence example is the research promoted by
in the discipline that is now irreversible. the LUB to re-examine Cerdà’s project
They have been followed by many for Barcelona and present it as a
others, bringing us to the proliferation paradigm project: without this project,
and richness of different methodologies it is impossible to understand the city’s
in recent decades. evolution. It is also a clear example of the
Ideological discussion plays an important relative autonomy of the project and its
part in urbanism. Rather than adopting innovative contribution to 19th-century
the imposition of functionalism, a European urbanism.
progressive approach means trying to But the autonomy of the project is not
ensure that the human dimension serves independent of the need to address
to develop the advances offered by key disciplinary questions, such as the
technology. brief, topography, ownership and the
environment, or understanding how

Manuel de Solà-Morales

The representation of the city and the urban

territory as an element of reflective knowledge
is capable of combining scales and producing
new bases for investigation.
The concept of palimpsest is accordingly used
to understand how history and urban projects
in the city can pave the way to innovative new

time operates in the development of the form, which is added to the ones that
project. In this respect, the responsible already exist in the city. The concept
project must respond correctly to the of palimpsest is accordingly used to
specific circumstances of its setting. understand this deliberate superposition.

5. The project in urban history: a 6. The “design” as abstraction of the city

particular source of knowledge and a powerful innovative reading
History is a vital and convincing tool for The representation of the city and the
understanding the city. MSM showed us urban territory as an element of reflective
the repercussion and the role of certain knowledge is capable of combining
proposals and previous projects in scales and producing new bases for
urban history. They can provide another investigation: Urban designer must do a
reading of it and, above all, help us to great effort on it.
understand the correct scale and the An interpretation of the territory at the
necessary orientation to move the city larger scale was tabled on the occasion
and it territory forwards. The past does of the Congress of Catalan Culture
not define the future but it helps to cast in the 1970s, at the dawn of Spain’s
light on it. He showed us how history new democracy. It gave way to new
and urban projects in the city can pave cartographies, in which intentioned
the way to innovative new ideas. Projects representation introduced a design of the
establish “moments where urbanism map, seeking the architectural expression
introduces its own forms”. of the territory to define its identity.
The project is like a text, a narrative The Atlas of Catalonia, selecting 15
Manuel de Solà-Morales

regional units drawn at a scale of 7. Spreading urbanistic knowledge is

1:10,000, transformed a map into a central to consolidating the disciplinary
design. It showed how geography field
becomes topography, the forms of land The importance of conveying urbanistic
registry are agricultural layouts, and the knowledge was a pillar of the theory
city becomes plot division, monuments framework of the LUB, based at the
and public spaces; economic activity UPC’s School of Architecture. Young
converted into urban territory. architects were well trained in forward-
The shift from geographical map thinking projective designing, concerned
to “design,” calls for a personal with observing and evaluating forms,
interpretation that is impossible using and capable of relating image and
conventional information. These days, function, but they had little training in
we’re used to Google, which is an understanding the real city.
extremely powerful tool that brings the The spreading of knowledge began with
city closer all over the world, facilitating selective translations of seminal texts to
its reading, and it is this spreading of make them easily available in the cultural
information that brings us back to the environment of urbanism that was
personal—and, if you like, diverse— developing. The event with the largest
synthesis that allows us to move beyond scope was the publication by Gustavo
the oversimplification or mistakes of Gili of two collections: the 21-volume
generic and banal interventions in our “Urbanistic Science” and “Materials of
territories. The praxis of the LUB reminds the City”, in 7 volumes, about the city
us of the need for specific interpretations with explanations of cases of planning
and interventions that are rooted in reality. and relevant analysis. They constituted a
Manuel de Solà-Morales

library of new classics of urbanism.

Then, in the eighties, UR magazine with
10 issues in an A3 format to reproduce
plans of the city and its parts was a
platform for publicising the work carried
out by the LUB and key issues of
contemporary discussion.

8. Barcelona as a space of knowledge

and application
Barcelona for MSM and the LUB was a
space for experimentation and the point
of reference for the comparative study of
other examples. The city became a great
real-life workshop and testing ground to
experiment with these glimpses of new
urban theory. The principles were the
combination of multiple scales, recourse
The 21-volume “Urbanistic Science”, to both prospective and history, and the
“Materials of the City”, in 7 volumes and UR combination of instruments to rehabilitate
magazine with 10 issues in an A3 format
and enhance with tools to transform

Moll de la Fusta in the Barcelona ’92 Olympics where MSM rework the overall face of the city with his
proposal for rescaling its heavy road infrastructures.
Manuel de Solà-Morales

and create, turning these exercises into and urbanity in the most varied contexts.
applied research projects. For example, Once again, the creative or “projective”
MSM’s intuition when reconstituting the hypothesis was to study cities and model
seafront informed his project for the Moll cases of urban planning with a view to
de la Fusta wharf in Barcelona, as well as formulating a framework. The exhibition
the capacity to rework the overall face of showed how urbanism has a cultural
the city with his proposal for rescaling its dimension that goes beyond technology
heavy road infrastructures. and invades the media, and is reflected in
The personal work of MSM in Ten paradigm scenes created by the cinema,
Lessons of Barcelona, published in 2008, painting and other arts. This exhibition
involved a reworking of the academic looked at the global city, presenting
brief of explaining the city and its corners as a condition of urbanity that
evolution from ten specific viewpoints. transcends the individual culture and
It represented a far-reaching body of interests all cultures. In cities, corners
reflection that goes beyond an erudite induce the “coincidence” of different
interpretation of the past to introduce persons: the physical intersection is
a highly topical diagnosis of pressing as present as the social exchange. It
issues for our territory. opposes the corner as a generic, multiple
event to the square or street as a social
condenser, capable of explaining the new
9. The global city requires us to think forms of urbanity in the 21st century.
about the new conditions of urbanity
In 2004, “Cities, Corners” put forward “Cities, corners” exhibition put forward the
theme of the corner as a key for addressing
the theme of the corner as a key for discussion of urban quality and urbanity in the
addressing discussion of urban quality most varied contexts.
Manuel de Solà-Morales

10. The urbanistic project as a productive new communication technologies and

research method the new demands of the economy,
In February 2007, the exhibition and among others, define a scenario
the discussion of the “X Lines” research that is sometimes disconcerting and
project brought MSM back to the GSD. related to a weak, changing theoretical
His presentation was a preview of his system, and the redefinition of the
work A Matter of Things, published in discipline is both ambiguous and lacking
2008, explaining his reasonings and in structure. In the methodological
projects, giving us an insight into the trajectory proposed by MSM these
evolution of his ideas and experiences, current issues must be able to enrich the
over and above specific project urbanistic scope –like other disciplines
attributes. The book is an excellent did before- to get stronger working field.
compendium of his professional projects, The search for a new rationality that is
which illustrate his commitment to more than simply a response on the
introducing new “looks”—strategic, part of individual intuition is required,
compulsive or anxious, as he defined and the scientific stability provided by
them—to create urbanity in different urban architecture and the discipline of
fragments of European cities. It is a urban design that give it epistemological
proverbial effort to introduce a new legitimacy is always desirable. In this
language into the interpretation of the context, these reflections on an urban
city—he speaks of “urban things” and theory for the LUB, inspired by MSM,
the distances between objects—to hope to contribute to an updating of the
explain in new ways the strategies of disciplinary field that is as urgent as it is
each project and the instruments used in vital.
their respective execution. They include
the principle of achieving the greatest JB
effect using minimum intervention; his
masterly efforts to rescale infrastructures
and his search for new forms of urban
organization that are not simple replicas Bibliography:
of the past are prime examples. Solà-Morales, Manuel de, et alter.: «Barcelona:
-- Remodelación capitalista o desarrollo
urbano». Ed. G. Gili, Barcelona, 1973.
Manuel’s greatest contribution was Solà-Morales, Manuel de: “Les formes del
probably his work to find a “different creixement” LUB, Editions UPC Barcelona,
methodological way” and to construct it 1993. (Updated version of the 1971 Course
sequentially by means of his theoretical
work in the world of academia and Laboratori d’Urbanisme de Barcelona: UR-
Urbanismo Revista. Issues 1 to 10. Barcelona
practical simulations in the form of UPC, 1995-2002.
projects, researches and competitions, Zardini, Mirko: «Manuel de Solà :Designing
bringing the most rigorous self-criticism Cities» Lotus, Mlano, 1999.
to the endeavour. Solà-Morales, Manuel de, et alter: «Cities
Corners». Lunwerg, Barcelona, 2004.
Solà-Morales, Manuel de: «Matter of things».
The cultural renovation of urbanism NAI, Rotterdam, 2008.
in the 21st century is leading to a Solà-Morales, Manuel de: «Ten lessons on
thorough reformulation of its principles; Barcelona».ED. COAC-LUB, Barcelona, 2008.
new issues related to sustainability,
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Insights I gained from Manuel,

Marcel Smets

In search of a dialogue interventions of manageable size.

In the introduction to the book NAi- Urbanism should therefore stop with
Publishers brought out in 2008 with adopting grand or lengthy schemes
the compilation of his work, Manuel that exceed the client’s capacity of
de Solà-Morales characterized his implementation. Too many uncompleted
projects as “true interpretations of plans have been abandoned due to
the cities and sincere proposals for changing societal priorities or a shifting
their transformation” . He added: “The economic context. They only gather
issues they undertake to address are the flaws of an overstretched idea.
singular, and demonstrate an attention Solà’s projects on the contrary, address
to questions beyond the realm of usual identifiable interventions that can be
professional practice; questions that, for realized in a time concordant with the
their engagement with practice, are also local decision-making and building
alien to the purely verbal discourses of so process. They tackle an “intermediate
many critics and architects.” scale”, a notion clearly linked to
feasibility: their size is big enough to
The hint contained in this passage made aggregate the interrelated components
me change the original intention of this and give way to a coherent urban
contribution, to give an overview of the fragment, yet small enough to get
many layers in Manuel’s built oeuvre. achieved in a foreseeable time period. A
Given the 20 minute deadline, I wanted scale also that enables the intervention
to prevent myself of entering into an to transform the meaning of the city as a
elaborate interpretation which risked whole, while remaining recognizable as
turning into “a purely verbal discourse”. an addition of its own.
Instead, I preferred honoring Manuel by
concentrating on his two projects I was In the Antwerp Islet project clearly
closely associated with. This choice, I identifiable urban actions (the Falcon-
hoped, would allow me to escape from Nassau axis, the Montevideo district
telling my own story. By concentrating on and the Cadix square) form the building
the essential insights that the discussion stones of gradual redevelopment.
over the making of these projects had left They are not consecutive phases of a
me with, I believed I would integrate my comprehensive scheme, but appear
friend and master in a sort of dialogue like incremental mosaics improving the
transferred to you. My original idea of existent built fabric. Each operation
conveying the multifaceted meaning of is an urban project in itself, grafted on
Manuel’s architecture and urban design prevailing characteristics and adding
would keep on standing, but while only to their potential urbanity. The same
referring to the Antwerp Islet (1990-93) observation is valid for the Leuven
and Leuven Station Square (1996-2002) Stationsplein project, a crucial central
projects, my interpretation would be piece in a wide-ranging redevelopment
sustained by his words. scheme. Manuel’s intervention radically
changes the quality -in terms of flows,
connections, public space- of the
Choose the right site for a feasible interchanging traffic modes around the
intervention station. But in doing so, it strategically
The city is made by successive uplifts the development potential of the
Manuel de Solà-Morales

adjacent areas and articulates a new qualitative energy that accumulates

linkage between the historic city and its collective character on certain spaces,
early 20th century expansion. charging them with complex significance
and cultural references and making them
semantic material, social constructions of
Think the project of the piece as a means intersubjective memory.”
of transforming neighboring areas
By specifying different pedestrian
linkages between Leuven and Kessel Create specific environments by
Lo (the suburb separated by the broad transforming the present
bundle of railway tracks), but also by According to Manuel de Solà-Morales,
positioning the head station platforms the urban project should derive its
as a generous footpath leading towards specificity and its innovative force from
the intended seat of the Flemish scrutinizing the multifold aspects that
Administration, and already announcing form the character of the existing site.
the rectilinear park along the future This –intuitive- investigation to assess
development on the Southern side in the meaning of what he entitles as “the
the lay out of the Station Square; the syntagmata of the language of urban
Leuven Stationsplein project really space”, need not lead to morphological
reveals Manuel’s comprehension of reproduction. It should rather become
“urban acupuncture”. “To act with the outset for incorporating these
punctures, pressures, injections is to multi-facetted characteristics into a
distribute energy through the skin. It personalized transformation of the
is the epidermis of the urban fabrics available urban material, in order to
that enables us to transform internal produce a new and original setting. The
metabolisms of its organism” singular character of the intervention
However, the effect exerted by the thus stems from a dialogue with the site:
strategic intervention on the attraction it reveals a reaction provoked by the
of the surroundings is not only of a sounds and signs the site expresses.
programmatic nature. Undeniably, the Speaking about his work, Manuel
provision of parking spaces, the easy writes: “This assiduous gaze becomes
access to and fro the railway platforms the starting point for resolutions, which
and the many destinations they log though distinct in every case are always
on to, the dynamic organization of bound up with the city that lies beyond”
the bus station and its improvement In the Islet project, the incidental
on the fluidity of local transportation, addition of towers maintains the
the expansion of meeting and leisure overpowering impact of the huge water
facilities; served to elevate the surfaces that the assortment of docks
programmatic appeal of the initially produces in this location. The irregular
rather gloomy station surroundings. But placement of the buildings refuses the
beyond that, it was really the extreme habitual domestication that water front
care with which these programmatic revitalization projects too often seem
intentions were converted into a clearly to ambition. Instead, Manuel’s distant
articulated setting that made investors towers grafted on the existent texture
and people believe in the prospect of of the urban blocks, emphasize the
overall change in the Leuven Station area prevailing emptiness. On the scale of
. As Manuel says: “It is the urban matter the harbor, they create urban density
that transmits to us, at its most sensitive while embracing the vastness of the
points and its most neutral zones, the open spaces. On the scale of the block,
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Stationplein Leuven, Square and new intermodal station, 1999

Manuel de Solà-Morales

they combine the variety of uses along building activity into architecture. But
the street with a drastic intensification it also withers away the distinction
of activity on the inside. The same between monument and daily practice,
combination of old and new is achieved between common substance and
in the layout of public spaces, where the special objects. Without preeminent
red carpet pavement indicates a path conception, all constituent pieces of
among the timeworn cobblestones, the urban setting can thus be adapted
providing fluid passage through the to the conditions of site and function,
originally rough and spacious delivery and in that sense become a truly urban
roads. architecture. An architecture that is not
In the Leuven case, Manuel’s close considered as individualized edifice, but
reading of the larger site leads him to neither meant to become trivialized or
review the implantation and volumetric disappear. A gesture that but stems from
arrangement of the fragment. He carefully addressing the multi-facetted
prompts to endorse the direction of the requirements of the urbanity it ought to
tracks as prevailing alignment for all serve.
present and future buildings, and turns The design proposal for the towers in
the original position of the bus station the Islet project illustrates this attitude.
in order to establish the corner edifice For climatic reasons, their facades are
that would strengthen this vision. The fairly closed to the South and opened up
careful implantation of the latter not only to the North. This dichotomy voluntarily
determines the overruling rectangular produces another perception, depending
form of the station square, it also on the standpoint of the observer.
identifies the asymmetrical position of The towers look like office buildings
the station in the overall longitude of the -emblematizing the city- when viewed
railway site; and distinguishes the civic from the harbor; but appear like silos –
quality of the station square from the emblematizing the port- when perceived
dynamic nature of the bus movements in from the city. In the Leuven project,
the arm-pit of the corner building. infrastructure and architecture not only
merge seamlessly, their conception
also pairs at marvel with the site. The
Produce urban architecture by longitudinal profile of the tunnel e.g.
exhausting the conditions of the site works closely together with the inclining
It has been Manuel Solà’s great strength terrain. Its variable vertical position is
to do away with the difference between reflected in the single and double levels
architecture and urban design. Whether of the adjoining parking. The pitched roof
we are talking of flower markets, office of the administrative building emphasizes
buildings, concert halls or sports its paramount perception of “corner”,
amenities, road curves, parking’s, whereas the big “window” in its south
tunnels, underpasses, dikes, quays or façade makes it look as if the trains arrive
river fronts; they are all ‘materials’ of into the square. The precast awnings set
the urban landscape and constituents the frame for continuing the alignment
of city life. As such, they do not only of bars and terraces on the square
deserve equal care and attention from surroundings.
the designer; their intricate relationship Here and there, Manuel is even turning
also governs the complexity that the inherent difficulties of the site into
makes our daily environment. This his favor. Instead of repositioning the
dissolving division between edifice war memorial and offering himself more
and infrastructure transforms all
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Stationplein Leuven, 1999. Fragments

Manuel de Solà-Morales

freedom for organizing the parking

underneath, he chooses to reinforce the
global silhouette of the remembrance
column by locating two of the entries to
the parking on either side of its triangular

Accentuate existing and potential

movement to generate a dynamic of flow
In many of the present-day situations
where Manuel de Solà-Morales was
asked to intervene, movement (of
different user categories) played an
important role. Instead of separating
these flows and simplifying the brief
by conceiving spaces for particular
categories, he always searched for
spatial solutions where the combination
of flows would contribute to the sense
of urbanity he sought. More often such
endeavor resulted in the development of
unaccustomed spatial typologies which
permitted him to eliminate the dangers of
conflicting traffic flows without breaking

Antwerpen, Stad aan de Stroom, 1993

Manuel de Solà-Morales

up their spatial continuity. After the placed stairways unite parking and city
Mol de la Fusta, inventing overlapping and transform the underground into an
and interpenetrating traffic patterns alternative walkway. In their interrelated
became one of his trademarks. In many conception, light-wells, peep-trough’s,
cases, his intervention lead to doubling duplex and balconies, widening ceilings,
the use of the same –often central sloping floors, changing viewpoints
area- by providing spatial continuity and surprising perspectives appear
unto the vertical stacking of conflicting abundantly. They create an itinerary of
movements. architectural promenades that elevates
In Antwerp, the sequence of conference the stroll through this traffic exchange to
and market hall on the peninsula a splendid urban experience.
between Napoleon and Willem docks,
followed by the cluster of towers and Enhance the public realm to establish
the elongated new structures parallel to meaning for the urban project
the Kattendijk dock, initiates a privileged
itinerary between the old town and All of Manuel Solà’s projects are
the new district. The flow is generated ultimately geared towards the
by means of successive visual and enrichment of the public realm. In his
functional attractions that interrelate mind , such objective clearly exceeds
without being part of a single spatial the refurbishment of public space. It
device. also involves collective spaces –even
if they are privately run- , and beyond
In Leuven, all elements of the multimodal those, even the public predisposition
program spatially interconnect: the that buildings should ensure in order to
parking extends over and becomes part have urban quality. Hence, concept and
of the tunnel, the pedestrian underpass integration of public amenities are amply
runs through and flows over in the present in Manuel’s work, but also his
parking, the parking opens up to the careful attention to the publicly oriented
overlying square, the underpass directly ground floors of his buildings is rather
links bus and train platforms, judiciously
Manuel de Solà-Morales

manifest. They substantiate Manuel’s from designing infrastructure. He often

vision of the city as a place founded by stressed the importance of combining
the disparate activities of miscellaneous “kilometers” with “centimeters”, and
individuals, aggregating for purpose and spoke of the great effects that minute
for pleasure. In his mind, city dwellers are consideration of precise dimensions
not to be considered as customers, or enabled to achieve. The Leuven project
as a figures producing animation in the is one of the many examples where this
urban space, but as citizens worthy of lesson was magnificently put to practice.
consideration and respect. By prolonging the gentle natural north-
As they are basically occupied with south inclination of the adjoining area
configuring public space and creating over the originally horizontal surface in
places of collective use, both the front of the station, Solà reached many
Leuven and Antwerp projects evidently objectives at once. For one, he was
demonstrate Manuel’s emphasis on the able to shorten the northern ramp of the
public realm. In an even more subtle tunnel which authorized him to combine
manner, this concern comes also to the crossing of the buses above with an
the fore in many of the choices made intersection at grade for residential traffic
for the internal organization of the further up. With regard to the underpass,
structures. In the Leuven bus station, it smoothed out the vertical connection
the spaciousness created by the high with the bus station. For the horizontal
canopies not only confers a sense of platform of the dead end train track
dignity to the platforms, but opens up a on the other hand, it accentuated an
visual relationship between the common increasing difference with the floor of the
parts of the administrative building and bus station, and created the impression
the waiting passengers beneath. The of panoramic dike. On the “stationsplein”
balcony initiating the staircase from the finally, it enabled to construct an urban
underpass into the parking on the other plinth prolonging the station into the
hand, works as an overhanging public square, just by playing out the horizontal
landing, a space of sudden wonder, plane against the slope.
inciting passers-by to admire the In the underground however, stacking
generous dimensions of the Piranesian the parking entrance and exit above each
parking hall. In the Antwerp Cadiz other in such a minimal vertical section
district, the former logic of the 19th block required real vision and mastership.
is resumed into a modular structure, in “Can you imagine how difficult it must
order to complete the remaining housing have been to accommodate the beam
grid. The typology enables ground floor and its linkage to the overhanging floor
workshops and stores to extend deep with the necessary height of this parking
into the block, and creates the conditions entrance?”, an unknown bystander
to combine a high-ranking dwelling once rhetorically asked. “And can
quality on the upper floors with an you envisage, how incredibly hard it
intense public life on the pavement. must have been to think out such a
Manipulate slight slopes to bridge challenging solution..?”. When I told him
substantial level differences afterwards about this encounter, Manuel
proudly smiled. He had every right to do
Bridging levels with slopes and ramps so…
is a recurrent practice in Manuel’s
work. Most likely, his extreme ability to
assess the important impact of minimal MS
grades on the larger city scale stems
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Manuel de Solà-Morales,
Life’s Work
Academic Profile
• Architect. ETSA Barcelona – Universitat de Arquitectos de España, 1995.
Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC (1963). • FAD 1st prize for Architecture. Foment
• Master of City Planning. GSD Harvard de les Arts Decoratives, 1999.
University (1965). • Narcis Monturiol scientific merit prize for
• Ph.D. in Architecture. Universitat contributions to research. Gener-alitat de
Politècnica de Catalunya (1965). Catalunya, Barcelona, 2000.
• Degree in Economic Science. Universitat • Grand Prix Européen de l’Urbanisme.
de Barcelona (1966). Special Jury prize. Ministère de
• Full Professor of Urban Planning. ETSAB l’Equipement, des Transports et du
- UPC (since 1969). Logement. Paris, 2000.
• Founder and Director of Laboratorio de • Vlaamse Ruimtelijke Plannings
Urbanismo de Barcelona (since 1969). Prijs (National Prize in Urbanism of
• Director of Departmento de Urbanismo y Flandes), Ministerie Van de Vlaamse
Ordenación del Territorio (DUOT) (1983- Gemeenschap, Brussels, 2001.
1993). • Premi Catalunya d’Urbanisme. Societat
• Director of ETS Arquitectura de Catalana d’Ordenació del Territori,
Barcelona ETSAB. (1994 -1997). Barcelona, 2005.
• Visiting Professor at the University of • Rey Jaime I prize. Generalitat Valenciana.
Lisboa, Cambridge (UK), Central de Fundación de Estudios Avanzados,
Venezuela, Rotterdam, Católica de Chile, 2008.
Harvard Graduate School of Design, • Creu de Sant Jordi. Generalitat de
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Aarhus, Catalunya, 2009.
Ferrara, Roma, Milan, Coimbra, Delft,
Naples, Sao Paolo, Nanjing, Melbourne,
• Over 200 lectures to Schools of Steering Committee
Architecture, Universities, Congresses,
• Ciencia Urbanística collection, Editorial
• Symposiums, Government Institutions
Gustavo Gili (1967-1980). 21 vols.
and Architects’ Associations.
Spanish translations of some of the most
• Académicien de l’Académie
important international texts on urbanism.
d’Architecture de la France, (2002).
• Materiales de la Ciudad collection,
• Doctor Honoris Causa. Katholieke
Editorial Gustavo Gili (1974-76). 7 vols.
Universiteit Leuven (2004).
Monograph studies of major cities.
• Laboratori d’Urbanisme collection.
Collecció d’Arquitectura, Edicions UPC
(since 1993). 8 vols. Editions of doctoral
theses supervised by the professor.
• Research prize. Fundación March, 1970. • UR – Urbanismo Revista. Founder and
• Puig i Cadafalch prize. Collegi Oficial editor of the magazine. LUB. (1985-
d’Arquitectes, 1980. 1992). 10 issues. A publication on current
• National Urbanism Prize. Ministerio de urbanism in Spain and internationally,
Obras Públicas y Transportes, 1983. large format, with high-quality content,
• Ciutat de Barcelona prize. Barcelona City design and finish. Texts in English,
Council, 1986. Spanish, French and Italian.
• FAD 1st prize for Architecture. Foment de • Arquitecturas Bis. Editor (1974-85), 52
les Arts Decoratives, 1994. issues.
• Award for European Architecture. • Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
• Mies Van der Rohe Fundation, 1995. Editor (since 2004), 12 issues.
• 1st prize, III Bienal de Arquitectura • Monografias académicas. Editor. ETSAB
Española. Consejo Superior de Colegios – UPC (1968-1985)
Manuel de Solà-Morales

• Member of Editorial Boards

Environmental + Planning (London,
1974-83), Diseño Urbano (México).
• Lotus Internacional (Milano). Editor
• Cities, Corners. Curator of the exhibition
and catalogue (Forum de las Culturas,
Barcelona 2004). Major thematic
exhibition occupying an area of more
than 2,500 m2, expressing the values of
diversity, peace and sustainability.
• Joan Rubió i Bellver. Arquitecte
modernista, Curator of the exhibition
and catalogue (Collegi Ramon Llull,
Barcelona 2008). Exhibition on the work
of Modernist architect.

• Founder of Laboratorio de Urbanismo de
Barcelona (1969)
• Director of Laboratorio de Urbanismo de
Barcelona (since 1969)
• Director of lines of research Modelística,
La enseñanza del urbanismo, La
Urbanización Marginal, Los Ensanches,
Barcelona, Territorio y comarcas,
Las Formas de Crecimiento Urbano,
Proyecto y Ordenanza, El Urbanismo
de las ciudades, Teoría del Proyecto
Urbano, Periferia and Intersecciones.
• Director of more than twenty Ph. D.

Manuel de Solà-Morales as student at Harvard

University, 1966.

Manuel de Solà-Morales

Projects Planning
• Member of the Commission responsi-ble
for the Master Plan for the Metro-politan
Area of Barcelona (1965-67).
• Coordinator of the General Metro-politan
Plan (PGM) for Barcelona (1968-70).
• Consultant on General Plans for major
Spanish cities: Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Málaga (Premio Nacional de
Urbansimo 1985), Madrid, La Coruña
and Córdoba.
• Director of General Plans for various
Catalan and Spanish towns: Terrassa Moll de la Fusta, Barcelona. 1981-86
• (Premi Catalunya d’Urbanisme prize
2003), Manlleu, Torelló, Banyoles, Tolosa.
• Director of urban development plans in
Barcelona (Les Casernes-Sant Andreu,
La Sagrera, 22@-Poblenou, Plan de
la Barceloneta–National Urbanism
prize,1983), Badalona, Santa Coloma,
Olot, Aranjuez, San Sebastián, Reus (El
Carme), Terrassa (Torressana).
• Poble Nou-La Ribera sector. 1stprize,
• Terminal in El Prat. Mention.
• Renovation of the historic centre Coso 2,
Zaragoza. 2nd prize,1970.
• Renovation of the central area of San
Matias, Granada. 2nd prize,1975.
• New residential district, Lakua, Vitoria.
1st prize, 1977.
• Plaza de la Marina, Málaga, project
1981, construction 1985-89.
• Renewal of the Moll de la Fusta, New Civic Port, Badalona. 1988
Barcelona, p. 1981-82, c.1982-86.
• Plan for the harbour front of Thessaloniki,
• Renewal of Bahnhofplatz, Salzburg,
• Reuse of underground galleries.
• Sottonapoli, Napoli, 1988.
• New Civic Port, Badalona, Barcelona,
1st prize, 1988.
• Multifunctional project L’Illa Diagonal,
Barcelona, 1st prize, 1988.
• L’Illa Diagonal building, Barcelona,
c.1989- 93.
• Transformation of the quays in the port
of Antwerp, Stadt aan de Stroom, 1st
prize, 1990.
• Redefinition of the harbour front of
Kaaien, Antwerp,1st prize, 1990.
• Proposals for the transformation of Illa Diagonal, Barcelona. 1988-93

Manuel de Solà-Morales

Alexanderplatz. Berlín. Berlin Morgen. By

invitation, 1991.
• Alexanderpolder neighbourhood,
Rotterdam, 1993.
• Renewal of La Sang neighbourhood,
Alcoi, c.1993-02.
• Winschoterkade, Gröningen, .1994,
• Construction of the Ville-port area,
• Transformation and renovation of the
• seafront of Thessaloniki, Waterfront-
• Cityfront,1st prize, 1996.
• Sottocorso. Renewal of the Cantieri
Navale, Genoa, p.1996-97.
• Plan for Public Spaces in the central
La Sang, Alcoi. 1993-02 sector of Almere, p.1996-98.
• Urbanization of the Ville-port area, Saint-
Nazaire, Nantes, p.1996-02.
• Square and new intermodal station in
Leuven, p.1996-99, c.1998-02.
• Plan for the transformation of Porto
Vecchio, Trieste, p.1998-99.
• Plan of the Rijnboog Arnhem sector,
Arnhem, p.2000-04.
• Passeio Atlântico in Porto, p. 1999- 01,
• 22@ mixed activities sector, Poblenou,
Barcelona, p.2001.
• Urban frontage of La Maquinista,
Barcelona, p.2001-03.
• Ciberdistrito Herrera technological area,
Santo Domingo, 2002.
• Petit Maroc renewal of the port of Saint-
Winschoterkade, Gröningen. 1994-95 Nazaire, Nantes, 2002.
• Special Plan for the Almaden mining
complex, Huelva, 2002.
• Scheveningen seafront, The Hague, p.
• Renewal of the Vallbuena sector,
Bajomuralla, Logroño, 2003.
• Laying out of the Torressana social
housing district, Terrassa, p.2003- .
• Transformation of the central Operaplein-
Rooseveltplein area, Antwerp, 1st prize,
Ville Port, Saint Nazaire. 1995 • Laying out of Les Casernes-Sant Andreu,
p.2005- .
• Renewal of the Barri del Carme
neigbourhood, Reus, 2006- .
• Prat Nord 6+6, El Prat de Llobregat,
• Residential project in Lleida (Are SUR
8-9-24), p. 2008-2009.
• Residential project in Montesa factory’s

Manuel de Solà-Morales

site, Esplugues de Llobregat, 2008-

• Urban transformation of Gravendijkwall
avenue, Rotterdam, 2009.
• Urban Center Renewal in Antwerpen,
Operaplein, Anvers, c.2004- .
• Porte des Gaves, Pau, c.2010- .

Projects - Architecture
• Muntaner-Avenir Building, Barcelona
(1964-67, with M. de Solà-Morales i
Rosselló). Stationplein Leuven. 1996-02
• Rico-Camps House, Sant Cugat del
Vallès, Barcelona (1970).
• La Miranda House, Sant Hilari de Sacalm
• Pericot-Cosp House, Sa Tuna (1990).
• Illa Diagonal, Barcelona (1993).
• Residential buildings in Alcoi (1998).
• De Lijn Bus Station, Leuven (2002).
• Estufa Building, Porto (2002).
• Social Housing U03 Casernes, Barcelona
• Agulles Residential buildings, Torresana,
Terrassa (2010).
• El Carme Facilities Building, Reus (2011).

Projects - Architecture
• Cala Ratjada Deck Chair(1974). Passeio Atlântico, Porto. 1999-02
• Urbatas (1993).

Scheveningen, The Hague. 2002-12

Manuel de Solà-Morales

• Barcelona: remodelación capitalista o 1994 / El Projecte Urbà: una experiència
desarrollo urbano en la Ribera Oriental, docent, 1999.
Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1974. • More than 50 chapters in books
• Les traces dels carrilets gironins. published in various countries on a wide
Propostes d’aprofitament, LUB, COAC, range of urban themes, and translated
Girona, 1982. into various languages.
• Manuel Solà. Proyectos Urbanos 1986- • Monograph publications about his
1991, Revista Geometría n.14, Málaga, architectural and urban projects like
1992. Melding town and track, the railway
• Les formes de creixement urbà, project at Leuven, Marcel Smets ed.
Edicions UPC-LUB, Barcelona, 1993. 2002, Passeio Atlantico, Polis ed.
/ Las formas de crecimiento urbano, Lisboa, Marzo 2002. Formas Urbanas,
Edicions UPC-LUB, Barcelona, 1997. Concreta ed. Lisboa 2003, Urbanidad
Hiri-hazkuntzaren ereduak, Editorial Capilar, la transformación urbanística
Universidad País Vasco, Bilbao, 2008. de los Cuarteles de Sant Andreu,
• Manuel de Solà: Progettare Città / Lunwerg, Barcelona 2009, and recently
Designing cities, Lotus, Electa, 1999. Saint-Nazaire, ville port: L’histoire
• Ciudades, esquinas / Cities, Corners, d’une reconquête, Place Publique,
Fòrum Barcelona 2004-Lunwerg Nantes, 2010 y Prat Nord, Edicions de
Editores, 2004. / Ciutats, cantonades / Cantonada, Barcelona, 2010.
Villes, carrefours, Fòrum Barcelona 2004 • Exhibitions devoted to his work
/ Lunwerg Editores, 2004. Fundazione Angelo Masieri, Venecia,
• Joan Rubió i Bellver, arquitecte moderista 1987; The Eijlande, Amberes, The Singel,
(editor), COAC, Barcelona, 2007. 1990; Berlin Morgen, Berlin, 1991;
• Deu lliçons sobre Barcelona / Ten Alexanderpolder, new urban frontiers,
Lessons on Barcelona, COAC, AIR Rotterdam, 1993.
Barcelona, 2008. / Diez lecciones sobre
Barcelona / Ten Lessons on Barcelona,
COAC, Barcelona, 2008.
• The city. A matter of things, NAI,
Rotterdam, 2008 / De cosas urbanas,
Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2008.
• Prat Nord, Edicions de Cantonada,
Barcelona, 2009.
• Urbanitat Capil.lar (editor), Lunwerg
Editores, Barcelona, 2009.
• Cerdà / Eixample. Manuel de Solà-
Morales, Edicions UPC, Barcelona,
• Monograph studies: Sobre metodología
urbanística, 1968 / La ciudad y los
juegos, 1968; Análisis factorial de las
características urbanas del área del
Besòs, 1969 / El Área Metropolitana de
Barcelona, Monográfico Cuadernos de
Arquitectura, 1972 / La enseñanza del
Urbanismo, 1973-4 / Los Ensanches,
1976 / La identitat del territori català.
Les comarques, Atles Laboratori
d’Urbanisme, 1977 i Quaderns
d’Arquitectura i Urbansime, Monogràfic
2 vol., 1981 / L’art de ben establir, 1984 Manuel de Solà-Morales at the “Harvard GSD
/ Ciutat funcional i morfología urbana, Cities X Lines Exhibition”, 2005.
Manuel de Solà-Morales

Manuel de Solà-Morales


Dean Mohsen Mostafavi and Rahul Mehrotra, Chair of the Department

of Urban Planning and Design, have been instrumental in the
organization of this symposium. The symposium is coordinated by Joan
Busquets, Martin Bucksbaum Professor with the invaluable assistance
of Felipe Correa, Associate Professor.
Thanks to the team of Laboratori d’Urbanisme de Barcelona for its
assistance in the preparation of much of the graphic material, to the
Studio of MSM for loaning archive material, and to Rosa Feliu for her
photographs and slides show.
Special thanks to the Loeb Library for its organization of the display
tables presenting MSM’s materials, and to Dan Borelli for helping in the
video with images of MSM’s projects in the same library.
Santiago Orbea and Miguel López Meléndez, MAUD’2014 students,
brought their enthusiastic collaboration to the production of this
brochure; Francesc Baqué, architect from BAU, contributed in
formatting it, and Nick Rock from NY designed the symposium poster
and image.
Thanks to Ben Prosky and Shantel Blakely for their helpful and efficient
organizational support.

Manuel de Solà-Morales

“The urbanistic form can at times be that of the whole urban fabric,
that of the major morphological orders or that of the primary structure
of the city. Sometimes, too, it is the areas of growth, the extensions
and suburbs that have served to create urban forms of their own; in
other instances, however, it is the smaller-scale civic elements that,
due to their location or form, assume certain urban transcendence.
But whatever their size, moment or function, urbanistic forms
endow the city with that wealth of signification that human thought
is capable of producing in its endeavor to master an economic and
social process –urbanization- and give it a chosen form and image.”
(MSM from “Ten lessons on Barcelona”, page 20.)

“At times cities are analyzed as territories of purely dynamic abstract

flows and relations, without significant material or position, as a
pure phenomenon of mutation, transit and ephemeral frontier. It is
said that contemporary city is virtually independent of both physical
support and political life. However this technocratic illusion ignores
the fact that, precisely to the extent that relations and flows configure
themselves as collective spaces, it is the position and form of these
spaces that allow many people to enjoy certain margins of freedom
within the system, and enable our cities to be places of maximum
opportunity for individual autonomy, difference, acceptance, and the
vindication of rights of justice.”
“At the corner diverse façades and people coincide, producing
agreement, innovation and stimulus: The corner is thus a metaphor
for the city as a whole, in that it is a synthesis constituted on the
basis of diversity. Contrary to the thinking of a misguided urbanism, it
is not the idea of order that shapes the city, but the idea of difference:
difference plus coincidence defies the corner, and that is also a
definition of the city”
(MSM from “Cities, Corners”. Page 13)


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