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Listening Putih

Section 1:
1. A. The man should go to the museum by shuttle bus.
2. D. The man should have studied for the exam.
3. A. A new building.
4. B. Use computer in the lab.
5. A. She got her watch where his sister works.
6. A. Find out if classes are cancelled
7. B. She is spending a lot of time in the library.
8. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the computer.
9. B. She wants the man to choose quickly.
10. B. She can return the CD to Tom later.
11. B. Make an appointment at the clinic soon.
12. C. Look at other apartments before deciding.
13. D. He is not on the basketball team.
14. B. Buy the green shirt.
15. C. The woman is planning to start a new job.
16. D. See a play with her aunt.
17. C. She thinks she will not need financial aid.
18. B. The woman does not have to pay extra for it.
19. A. A small town can have negative qualities.
20. D. He will not able to coordinate the program again.
21. C. He is late for an appointment with the man and woman.
22. B. She can get the materials they gave out at the meeting.
23. A. He probably will not able to follow the professor’s advice.
24. B. He doubts that the theater group will perform a musical next year.
25. C. He wants an appartment near his work.
26. D. The elections would be held later.
27. A. He did not recommend the lecture.
28. D. She intends to go see the movie.
29. C. Ways should he found to use less water.
30. C. The new manual has not been completed yet.
31. C. The class reading list.
32. D. The main character gets into trouble.
33. A. Some British reviewers wrote favorably about it.
34. C. Phases of language development in young children.
35. C. They are among the first sounds babies make.
36. A. Their voice box is not positioned correctly yet.
37. D. When children lear to associate sounds with meaning.
38. B. How children are able to learn language.
39. B. Communication over long distances in North America.
40. C. The fees of several couriers were included in the charge.
41. D. A funeral.
42. C. Attracting birds.
43. B. They like to eat them.
44. D. They are baked in the oven.
45. A. It makes the clean and free of germs.
46. C. She collects birds nests.
47. A. How to prevent landslides in populated areas.
48. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for building.
49. B. It helps keep the soil in place.
50. D. A wall that stops water from draining.
Section 2:
Section 3:
-Alaska Pipeline
1. Construction
2. pipeline
3. day
4. support
5. local
6. attemp
7. eight
8. specifik
9. how much
10. 23

1. problem
2. played
3. he play better
4. comfortable
5. ... fell less nervous
6. basketball coach
7. they dont want bill

1. the origin jazz
2. new orleans
3. bound
4. improvisation
5. framework
6. ...formal mausical training
7. degrading
8. joe oliver
9. joe oliver...
10. earlier music
11. improvisation

1. What we know
2. huge
3. rubbish
4. primary cause
5. not uniform.
6. to show..atmosphare
7. obliterate
8. the surface
9. it has a wide
10. the moon...human life

-People hispanic
1. to summarize
2. english
3. origins
4. white citizens
5. a peak periods
6. 35million
7. thought
8. Effectively
9. during 1900
10. preserving a developing

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