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North Korean Trade

Development is when a country advances its technology and living environments while trade
is when two parties converse and exchange objects for an equivalent amount for the
exchanged objects. The importance of trade is too boost the development of a great country. Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
We should re-ee-establish foreign relations with other countries which also need resources Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
which we have. Countries such as India, Pakistan and Thailand seem perfect for an increased Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
spectrum of trading. All these countries need to development as fast as possible and so do Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
we. So, if we export our resources to these countries we can increase the GDP of our country Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
through increased production of specialized items. Although China is a prominent trading Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
partner of our country we cannot rely on China all the time to trade with us as they have Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
already halted imports from us which means our GDP will decrease soon unless we establish Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
newer and better foreign relations with other third-world countries. First, In the first section Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
I will be expanding upon the point whether trade is necessary for North Korea. ThenIn the
Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
second section of this ,report I will be specifying what should be traded with these countries
and how much should be traded. After that, I will suggest an Inadvantageous plan which will
boost the economy of the country and will strengthen and increase foreign relations of our
country. Finally, in the the fourththird section I will be explaining how the economy of North Formatted: English (United Kingdom)
Korea will be effected by the plan which has been suggested.

Trade is necessary for our country because it can boost the economy of this country which
leads to faster development. In this sentence, the meaning of development which is conveyed
here is not only development of weapons of mass destruction but development of technology
which can lead to improved living environments. Although Pyongyang seems like a dream
area there are a few issues which need to be dealt with and those issues can only be dealt
with technology. We can obtain technology through trade because through trade we can find
out about new technologies which exist in other countries and use it for our benefit. Issues
such as less tourism and less tourist attractions are problems which need to be gotten rid of.
If we succeed in doing so we can increase tourism and make more money. With this money,
we can develop better trade routes and better relations by increasing speed of production of
particular items which brings me to my next section. If we take Cuba as an example their
currency is as strong as the USD which means that if we
follow their footsteps we can become like them and our
economy would be booming. Although there is a problem.
Many countries have stopped trading with us because of
the USA is saying that they will stop trading with anyone
who continues to trade with us which is bad for trading

Now what should be traded with other countries with which we wish to unite with through
trade? Items which are easily available and can be easily produced, those are items we should
export from our countries. Items such as food (fish and fruits), wood products and knit or non-
knit clothing should be exported as they match the description which is given above. Later as
our foreign relations begin to strengthen and we can’t keep up with the demand we can sell
more valuable items such as silver and coal briquettes which will please our allies and we will
still be able to keep up with the demand. The amount of basic supplies such as fish and
wooden products, should be maximum 40% of production and for more valuable items such
as coal and silver, the maximum should be 30% of production.

The supreme plan which fits our current situation best is very complicated but if we are
dedicated enough to execute this plan we can go from a whole world enemy to a nuclear
superpower. The plan begins with having to first sending representatives of our country to
the countries we already trade with (not including China). Our representatives will convince
the other countries to continue trading with us and to make sure they are able to do so until
our leader, Kim Jong-Un passes away. If the countries agree to do so and our representatives
come back safely with the signed documents we can continue our plan. The next step is to
start sending in extra materials such as coal and silver to these countries as extra bonuses for
this elongated business plan. Once the countries receive the valuable items they will gives us
bonuses in return. This is where the plan comes into full action. Using the valuable resources
which we will receive from the other countries we can resell them to the public and use the
money we receive for development or we could use it for development of government
services and use the money we get for better resources and faster development. The whole
process would take about 1 year to 3 years, it would really depend on the state of the other
countries with which we wish to trade with. Now with this plan you may be thinking what
would happen to the countries who say no to us because they wish to continue business with
them. Well we’ll tell them that if they join us then other countries will and in the end, we’ll
have more allies then America, China and Russia combined. All of them are global
superpowers and we will have more allies than them. In the end, our we’ll have the strongest
currency in the world.

Our economy will boost from this plan because we’ll have better relations and the technology
we might receive can help us develop our current technology. We can use our new technology
to advance our weapons and get rid of the Americans who are nearing our border by the
minute. Once we back them off we can unite with the nations with which we traded with and
we can defend our country from harmful activity. With the continued activity with the
countries with which we have relations we continue safe trading. Although USA has officially
declared that if countries who are trading with North Korea don’t stop USA will stop trading
with those countries. I’m sure that the US has not thought this through and they know that if
the countries say no, USA’s economy will drastically decrease and they won’t have anyone to
do business with.

Given these points it is safe to say that trade would be beneficial for any country may it be
first world or third world. North Korea is doing wrong by blocking out foreign aid from other
countries. There has never been a time in the world where we have stopped developing (not
including the Dark Ages), we kept on moving on with the resources we had. These days,
knowledge is so easily accessible by humans it can’t be pushed aside and trade is the reason
why accessibility to anything is so easy.

4. http://gem.sciences-
6. David Volodzko

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