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1. The positioning Statement for the hero category (if portfolio has many product lines):

1. Target Customer and Needs

The principal target are people between 15 and 35 years old that are in 4,5 or 6 stratum.
However, 85% of their customers are women between 17 and 40 years old. It is made for people
without fear of the colors, without fear of breaking styles. The brand tries to offer more than
just products but also to transmit emotions and create awareness towards social causes.
Therefore, they target those people who are invested in the society and who’d like to “change
the world”. The brand is made for the dreamers, those who like to let their mind wander and
love to try new things. They do not have boundaries regarding their taste and like change and

The target audience of Kupa are people between 15 and 35 years, of which 85% are
women and are also medium-high income because the prices offered by Kupa go according to
their inputs and materials are the best that can be get at the national level, also it is important
to highlight that your customers are looking for all your products to complement each other
and to create your "companion" to your liking.
Kupa looks for people who are not afraid of stereotypes because their brand offers
something more than products, seeks to convey emotions and raise awareness towards social
causes. Kupa customers through the color of handbags and the rupture of the styles of the bags,
express the change and that dream they have for the world, do not care to try new things and
have no limits on the change and diversity that exists.

2. Competitive Framework
The 2 principal competitors of KUPA are TOTTO and TUÁ E MUÁ.
Both of them have advantage in the market because of the years they have being
over there .
The three brands produce, distribute and sell their products ( backpacks, jackets and

Totto is a Colombian brand with 30 years of experience in the design and manufacture
of backpacks, clothing and accessories. Totto which differs by its quality, by combining fashion
and functionality to manufacture products that help its customers to bring their things from one
place to other while they're always in fashion. It also always looking to be at every moment of
the client , no matter where you go or what you do, t every step the customer has this totto.
Tuá e muá is a young brand dedicated to design that projects and develops new ideas
that lead to objects to use and give away, also make various products through the teamwork
of two designers. All of their products are handmade and manually in that way they take care
of every detail.
Kupa is different because it is a unique brand, because it goes beyond the stereotypes
of society, its designs focus on doing things with meaning, through its collections seek to
convey a message and raise awareness in matters of public interest. They are distinguished by
the color and shape they give to their products and because their confection is their own and
thanks to that they can personalize their products if the customer wants it and can see the
constant development of the products from the needs of the people.

3. The Brand Essence – it´s “Personality”: The essence of KUPA is that they offer of
products with unique/ no gender designs inspired in not known regions of Colombia.
They are recognized due to the fact that they are a brand that support colombian
industries by only using national materials and designers. And also for trying to
increase colombian patriotism through the name of their products inspired in
colombian traditional or less known places.

The brand archetype of KUPA is The creator. Indeed, they want to create something with
meaning and enduring value. If we had to describe the brand we could use the words:
creative, imaginative, non-conformist. They want to offer customers something out of the
box, and help them break stereotypes and prioritise self-expression through unique and
personalized products.

4. The Full Positioning Statement

1. For target consumer and needs: people between 15 and 35 years old that
are in 4,5 or 6 stratum and are not afraid of change and stand out with
colorful, extravagant designs.
2. Competitive Framework: Kupa is a brand recognized among the backpacks
market, over their competitors.
3. Benefit: Encourages people to express themselves without boundaries or
any trough useful backpacks and jackets.
4. Reason Why: Their products are made with high quality materials, have
unique designs, colors, and they try to personalize them according to what
each client wants.
5. Brand Personality: The essence of KUPA is that they offer of products with
unique/ no gender designs inspired in not known regions of Colombia.

2. Create an Experience Brand Management Iceberg for the hero category (if portfolio
has many product lines):

Proposition: from the design of the products through the touch points and the people they
decide to employ, KUPA puts importance into implementing its compelling idea at every
step. Of course the products are made for the customers, but everyone has to embrace it in
order to materialise this promise to the consumers. When it is time to buy something,
customer have the freedom to find something they like and in complete harmony with their
style, and the staff will actually help them to find their style rather than trying to sell them
anything in the shop that would not match their personalities. It is all about finding what they
like and what they believe in, which is also why every collection has a specific meaning
behind it.

People: this is also part of the process. Especially when you have a shop, it is important that
the persons who work time accompany the customers during the shopping process and
convey the same image as they brand: this is why with KUPA all employees understand the
brand essence and communicate it with the customers. In order to motivate the employees,
you have to make them embrace the culture, and to believe in the value proposition. If they
do not themselves are dreamer or believe in the unique proposition of the brand, they won’t
be able to sell it to someone else. They should be aware of how the products are made, and
most importantly why they are made.

Processes: the first touch point for the consumers, due to the fact that their target market are
between 15-40 is through social media. Nowadays, people tend to have a look at social
media first before going to the website. This is why it is important to keep the instagram and
facebook page updated and appealing for consumers. The second step is either to go to the
online shop or directly to the shop in Andino. This should portray the key proposition, which
is for dreamers, for people daring. Therefore, the shop and website should be colorful, and
showing the design processes as mentioned in products. It should portray the brand image
so that customers can directly identify with the brand.

Products: the firm focuses on the design of the products. It is not only about making nice and
unique stuff but is also about what emotion they will transmit to the customer. Behind every
collection, they try to communicate a meaning and make people conscious about a specific
cause. This reinforce their positioning which is to “ACOMPAÑAR A SOÑADORES DEL MUNDO

3. Enlist a set of additional recommendations for the manager, based on the results of
- In first instance KUPA needs to pay more attention to their social media, mostly to their
Facebook page since it has been kind of forgotten.
- Make a better design of the web page because as they told us in the interview they
have loose many sales due to the lack of pictures of the products, and for the customers
is hard to visualize them with all the colors.
- Introduce an intern evaluation method with which they can know if the team is
transmitting the brand promise as it should be. (mostly for the sales people in the store)
- Emphasize more in the idea that their names represent something important as
Colombian regions are.

In order to reach more customers and to be remembered, KUPA should try to come up
with a slogan or something that will right away differentiate them from the competition.
When customers recognize the slogan of a brand, it means that the brand equity is
relatively high and this could bring more consumers, and more loyal ones as well

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