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Clinical Expert Series

Fetal Death
Robert M. Silver, MD

The death of a formed fetus is one of the most emotionally devastating events for parents and
clinicians. With improved care for conditions such as RhD alloimmunization, diabetes, and
preeclampsia, the rate of fetal death in the United States decreased substantially in the mid
twentieth century. However, the past several decades have seen much greater reductions in
neonatal death rates than in fetal death rates. As such, fetal death remains a significant and
understudied problem that now accounts for almost 50% of all perinatal deaths. The availability
of prostaglandins has greatly facilitated delivery options for patients with fetal death. Risk factors
for fetal death include African American race, advanced maternal age, obesity, smoking, prior
fetal death, maternal diseases, and fetal growth impairment. There are numerous causes of fetal
death, including genetic conditions, infections, placental abnormalities, and fetal–maternal
hemorrhage. Many cases of fetal death do not undergo adequate evaluation for possible causes.
Perinatal autopsy and placental examination are perhaps the most valuable tests for the
evaluation of fetal death. Antenatal surveillance and emotional support are the mainstays of
subsequent pregnancy management. Outcomes may be improved in women with diabetes,
hypertension, red cell alloimmunization, and antiphospholipid syndrome. However, there is
considerable room for further reduction in the fetal death rate.
(Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:153–67)

P regnancy loss is one of the most common obstetric

complications, affecting over 30% of conceptions.1
Most of these occur early in gestation, are due to
Nomenclature of Pregnancy Loss
The terminology of pregnancy loss is confusing and
problems with implantation and may not be clinically could potentially benefit from revision. Historically,
apparent. However, 12–15% of conceptions result in pregnancy losses before 20 weeks of gestation are
clinically recognized pregnancy loss. The majority of referred to as abortions, whereas those after 20 weeks
these are first trimester miscarriages and fewer than of gestation are termed fetal deaths or stillbirths.
five percent of pregnancies are lost after 10 weeks of These definitions are somewhat arbitrary, inconsistent
gestation. These later losses (fetal deaths) are particu- with advances in our understanding of reproductive
larly emotionally devastating for families and clini- biology, and not clinically helpful. Instead, it may be
cians, yet relatively little is known about second and more useful to classify pregnancy losses in terms of
third trimester pregnancy loss. This article will review stages of gestational development. Pregnancy losses
the epidemiology, causes, management and evalua- could be defined in terms of developmental biology,
tion of fetal death. as preembryonic (anembryonic), embryonic, or fetal.
The expression “blighted ovum” should be aban-
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Utah, Salt doned and replaced with anembryonic or preembry-
Lake City, Utah. onic pregnancy loss. The preembryonic period begins
Partially supported by HD-045944, National Institutes of Health, National from conception and lasts through 5 weeks of gesta-
Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
tion (based upon menstrual dating). The embryonic
The author thanks Janice L. B. Byrne, MD, for the provision of figures. period lasts from 6 through 9 weeks of gestation. At 10
Corresponding author: Robert M. Silver, MD, Department of Obstetrics and weeks of gestation, the fetal period begins, extending
Gynecology, University of Utah School of Medicine, 30 North 1900 East, Room
2B308, Salt Lake City, UT 84132; e-mail:
through delivery. Alternatively, losses less than 20
© 2006 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
weeks gestation could be described as early (eg, less
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. than 10 weeks gestation) compared with late (more
ISSN: 0029-7844/06 than 10 weeks gestation) abortions.


Increased specificity regarding the timing in ges- Epidemiology
tation of pregnancy loss has important clinical impli- The rate of stillbirth has decreased substantially from
cations. First, the causes of losses are different across the 1950s (20 per 1,000 births) through the 1980s with
gestational ages. For example, losses before the de- improved care for conditions such as diabetes, red cell
velopment of an embryo (anembryonic losses) are alloimmunization, and preeclampsia. However, still-
more likely to be associated with genetic problems birth rates have been relatively stable over the past 20
than those later in gestation.2 In contrast, losses after years, reaching a plateau in the United States of
10 weeks of gestation are more strongly associated approximately 6.4 per 1,000 births in 2002. In con-
with disorders that may affect placental blood flow trast, infant mortality has decreased by more than
such as antiphospholipid syndrome or heritable 30% in the last 20 years. In the United States in 2001,
thrombophilias, when compared with early preg- 26,373 fetal deaths were recorded as compared with
nancy losses.3,4 The timing in gestation of pregnancy 27,568 infant deaths. Thus, fetal death currently ac-
losses also has considerable influence on the recur- counts for close to 50% of all perinatal deaths. As with
rence risk and timing in gestation of subsequent other perinatal morbidity, there is considerable racial
losses.5 Too often, details regarding the timing in disparity in fetal death rates. In 2001, African Amer-
gestation of pregnancy losses are lacking, with pa- icans suffered a stillbirth rate of 12.1 per 1,000 births
tients and physicians simply reporting a “miscarriage” compared with 5.5 per 1,000 for whites.
based on the interval between menses and the onset
of vaginal bleeding. However, failure of growth or
death of the conceptus often precedes clinical symp-
Fetal death may be associated with a cessation of
toms of miscarriage, sometimes by several weeks.
previously perceived fetal movements or a decrease
Clinicians are strongly encouraged to document ul-
in pregnancy-related symptoms such as nausea. In
trasound findings, pathologic examination, and other
some cases, women will present with bleeding,
data pertinent to distinguishing among types of preg-
cramping, or labor. However, many patients with
nancy losses.
fetal death have no bleeding or contractions, and fetal
Nomenclature regarding stillbirth also is contro-
death may precede clinical symptoms by a variable
versial. The World Health Organization defines still-
and often extended period of time. A definitive
birth as pregnancy lost after 20 completed weeks of
diagnosis is made by real-time ultrasonography con-
gestation. If gestational age is unknown, a birth weight
firming the presence of a fetus and the absence of fetal
of 500 g or more is considered to be a stillbirth.6
heart pulsations. If the ultrasonographer is inexperi-
However, others advocate the use of 24 weeks or 28
enced, the diagnosis should be confirmed by someone
weeks of gestation to define stillbirth.7 The rationale
with appropriate expertise.
behind the use of these latter definitions is to focus on
fetal deaths after viability outside of the womb and is
limited in clinical relevance by changes in the limit of Classification of Fetal Death
viability over time and according to survival potential It is often difficult to determine a “certain” cause of
in different countries and regions. fetal death. First, many risk factors that are associated
A distinction also must be made between spo- with fetal death in epidemiologic studies are present
radic and recurrent early pregnancy loss and fetal in numerous apparently normal women with uncom-
death. Sporadic pregnancy loss is common in nor- plicated pregnancies. Second, most studies of fetal
mal couples and is usually due to de novo nondis- death do not include controls, making it difficult to
junctional events. Recurrent pregnancy loss is vari- ascertain the contribution of a potential abnormality
ably defined, most often as three or more losses to the stillbirth. For example, heritable thrombo-
with no more than one live birth. Up to one percent philias often are present in women delivering live
of couples suffer recurrent pregnancy loss. This is births. Accordingly, a positive test for thrombophilia
more common than would be expected by chance in a case of fetal death, especially without evidence of
alone, suggesting that some couples have underly- placental insufficiency, does not prove causality.
ing conditions increasing the probability of preg- Third, several conditions may be present simulta-
nancy loss. Both with early miscarriage and fetal neously. If a stillborn fetus with trisomy 13 has
death, recurrent cases substantially increase the evidence of group B streptococcal infection, is the
odds of an underlying predisposing medical or death due to infection or fetal aneuploidy? Sometimes
genetic condition. In turn, this influences the prog- fetal death may be due to the interaction or additive
nosis for subsequent pregnancies. effect of two or more disorders. Finally, even after an

154 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

extensive evaluation, it may not be possible to deter- Maternal Age
mine a cause of fetal death. Such unexplained losses Fretts and colleagues demonstrated that increasing
are common, especially in third trimester stillbirth. maternal age after 35 years is associated with an
There have been numerous attempts to catalog increased risk for fetal death.14 These findings have
causes of fetal death, typically greater than 20 weeks been confirmed in numerous studies, and the associ-
of gestation, using classification systems. None have ation persists when adjusting for potential confound-
been universally accepted, and all have advantages ing variables such as genetic problems, birth defects,
and disadvantages. Further confusion arises from the medical problems, and maternal weight. A large
use of different definitions of fetal death among inpatient-based study in the United States estimated
systems and the inclusion of neonatal deaths in some the odds ratio for stillbirth to be 1.28 (95% confidence
but not all classification schemes. Popular classifica- interval [CI], 1.24 –1.32) in women aged 35–39 years
tions schemes include the Aberdeen clinicopathologic and 1.72 (95% CI, 1.6 –1.81) in women aged 40 years
classification8 and the Wigglesworth classification9 or older compared with 20 –34-year-old women.15
scheme that is probably most commonly used today.
Recently, Gardosi and colleagues developed a new Obesity
system that substantially decreased the proportion of The rate of fetal death also is increased in obese
unexplained stillbirths compared with traditional clas- women. Numerous studies have shown a consistent
sification schemes.10 However, this system ascribed a doubling in the risk for fetal death in cases of maternal
very large proportion (43%) of deaths to fetal growth obesity (body mass index of 30 or more).16 Increased
restriction, which may be an association rather than a body mass index increases the risk for several condi-
cause of fetal death (see below). There is ongoing tions known to increase the risk of stillbirth, such as
dialogue among investigators throughout the world to diabetes, hypertensive disorders including pre-
agree on a uniform system to facilitate comparison of eclampsia, socioeconomic status, and smoking. None-
fetal death rates and research into causes and preven- theless, obesity remains associated with fetal death
tion of fetal death. after controlling for these confounders. The associa-
It is important to distinguish between conditions tion between obesity and fetal death is of particular
that clearly and unequivocally cause fetal death and concern given the dramatic and persistent increase in
those that are associated with the condition. These the rate of maternal obesity.
latter conditions are present in many cases of live
births and do not always cause the unavoidable death Medical Disorders
of the fetus. This distinction is not merely academic; it Several maternal medical disorders are associated with
has important implications for clinical practice and an increased risk for fetal death. It is debatable as to
counseling of couples with fetal death. whether these conditions are causal or risk factors
because most affected women deliver liveborn infants.
RISK FACTORS AND CAUSES Perinatal outcome is influenced by obstetric manage-
ment and decreased morbidity, and mortality from
Maternal Conditions
maternal diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are
Demographics responsible for much of the improvement in fetal death
Consistent demographic factors for fetal death in- rates over the past half century. It is estimated that
clude race, low socioeconomic status, inadequate maternal diseases play a role in 10% of fetal deaths.
prenatal care, less education, and advanced maternal Despite improved care, women with diabetes
age.11,12 African-American women have rates of fetal mellitus (type 1 and 2) have a 2.5-fold increase in the
death that are more than twice the rate for white risk for fetal death.17 Conversely, true gestational
mothers. In part, this may be due to secondary risk diabetes (type 2 diabetes may be first recognized
factors such as socioeconomic status and a lack of during pregnancy) is not associated with an increased
prenatal care. However, African Americans have risk for fetal death. In part, fetal death in diabetic
higher fetal death rates than whites even among women is due to increased fetal anomalies and co-
women receiving prenatal care.13 This may be due to morbid conditions such as high blood pressure and
higher rates of medical and obstetric complications in obesity. The increased risk of fetal death persists after
African Americans.13 It is unclear whether improved controlling for these factors. Maternal hyperglycemia
use of obstetric care would reduce the fetal death rate and disorders of fetal growth, metabolism, and possi-
in African-American women, but it seems likely. ble acidosis contribute to fetal death, and treating

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 155

diabetics with insulin during pregnancy decreases the Thrombophilias
risk.18 Fetal death also has been associated with heritable
Fetal death has been attributed to numerous other thrombophilias. These disorders typically involve de-
maternal diseases, including hypertension, thyroid ficiencies or abnormalities in anticoagulant proteins
disease, kidney disease, asthma, cardiovascular dis- or an increase in procoagulant proteins, and like
ease, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Pregnancy antiphospholipid syndrome, have been associated
loss in the setting of these conditions typically occurs with a risk for vascular thrombosis and pregnancy
in women with clinically apparent and severe disease. loss. Several case series and retrospective studies
Asymptomatic disease (such as mild glucose intoler- reported an association between the factor V Leiden
ance or abnormal thyroid function) has been pro- mutation (associated with abnormal factor V resis-
posed as a cause of fetal death. Although of interest, tance to the anticoagulant effects of protein C), the
the theory remains unproven. G20210A mutation in the promoter of the prothrom-
Antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune bin gene, deficiencies of the anticoagulant proteins
disorder characterized by the presence of specified antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S and fetal
levels of antiphospholipid antibodies and one or more death.19
clinical features, including pregnancy loss, thrombo- In most studies, thrombophilias are more strongly
sis, or autoimmune thrombocytopenia.19 The histo- associated with losses after 10 weeks of gestation as
logic findings of placental infarction, necrosis, and opposed to early pregnancy losses. A recent meta-
vascular thrombosis in some cases of pregnancy loss analysis indicated an odds ratio of 2 for “early” and
associated with antiphospholipid antibodies have led 7.8 for “late” recurrent pregnancy loss for women
to the hypothesis that thrombosis in the uteroplacen- with the factor V Leiden mutation, and an odds ratio
tal circulation may lead to placental infarction and of 2.6 for “early” recurrent fetal loss in those with the
ultimately, pregnancy loss (Fig. 1). Numerous retro- prothrombin gene mutation.4 Protein S deficiency,
spective and prospective studies have linked recur- but not the methylenetetrahydrofolate mutation asso-
rent pregnancy loss, especially fetal death, with an- ciated with hyperhomocysteinemia, protein C defi-
tiphospholipid syndrome.3 The two best ciency, or antithrombin III deficiency were associated
characterized antiphospholipid antibodies are lupus with pregnancy loss in this meta-analysis.4 Fetal
anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies. thrombophilias also have been associated with fetal

Fig. 1. Placenta demonstrating vil-

lous infarction (arrow) from a case
of second trimester fetal death in a
patent with antiphospholipid syn-
drome (A). B. Normal placenta is
shown for comparison. A. x 40,
original magnification. B. x 100,
original magnification.)
Silver. Fetal Death. Obstet Gynecol

156 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

death but data are inconsistent and should be consid- Systemic Maternal Infections
ered preliminary. Severe maternal infection with any type of organism
It is important to be careful when attributing fetal may result in fetal death. Examples include appendi-
death to thrombophilias in women testing positive. citis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, and viruses such as
These conditions are extremely common in normal influenza. The pathophysiology of fetal loss may
individuals,19 and prospective studies have failed to include hypoxia due to respiratory distress, poor
demonstrate an association between the factor V uterine perfusion related to factors such as sepsis and
Leiden mutation and fetal death (or any adverse dehydration, the metabolic effects of high fever, and
obstetric outcome).20 Most pregnancies in women the initiation of a cascade of toxic inflammatory
with heritable thrombophilias result in healthy in- mediators. Systemic infection (as well as intra-amni-
fants, and women with thrombophilias but no prior otic infection) also may lead to fetal death by initiating
obstetric complications should be reassured. preterm labor, resulting in intrapartum death, espe-
As with all potential causes, context is important. cially at previable gestations.
Thrombophilia is more likely to contribute to a fetal
death if there is objective evidence of placental insuf- Fetal Conditions
ficiency such as intrauterine growth restriction Genetic Conditions
(IUGR), placental infarction, or abnormal Doppler The best studied genetic cause of fetal death is
velocimetry. It is less plausible as a cause of death in chromosomal abnormalities (Fig. 2). These have been
a term fetal demise weighing 8.5 pounds with normal reported in 6 –12 % of stillbirths. The proportion is
amniotic fluid volume and a normal placenta. higher in first trimester losses and is likely intermedi-
ate for losses between 10 and 20 weeks of gestation.2
These numbers may underestimate the true percent-
Exposures age, because karyotype is not always assessed or
Smoking is the most common exposure that has been successfully obtained in all cases of fetal death. The
associated with fetal death. Although the vast majority chances of fetal aneuploidy are increased in the
of women who smoke deliver liveborn infants, nu- setting of fetal abnormalities noted on the antenatal
merous studies identify smoking as a risk factor for ultrasonogram or postmortem examination (up to
fetal death. The risk is typically 1.5-fold over non-
smokers; the risk decreases to background rate in
women who stop smoking after the first trimester. The
cause is uncertain but may involve an increase in fetal
carboxyhemoglobin and vascular resistance, causing
impaired growth and hypoxia. Smoking also in-
creases the risk for potentially catastrophic conditions
such as abruption.
Other recreational drugs have been associated
with fetal death, although substance abuse is associ-
ated with many other risk factors. Cocaine has con-
vincingly been associated with an increased risk for
fetal death as well as abruption and IUGR. Although
similar pathophysiology should apply to metham-
phetamines, it has not been linked to fetal death at
present. Data regarding alcohol and fetal death are
mixed; some studies show an association and some do
not.21,22 Marijuana has not been associated with fetal
death. Abrupt narcotic withdrawal (eg, heroin) is
another potential cause of fetal death.
Fetal exposure to medications and environmental
toxins such as pesticides or radiation has been pro-
Fig. 2. Second-trimester fetal death with cystic hygroma
posed as a risk for fetal death. This subject is of great (arrows) and nonimmune hydrops. The fetus had Turner’s
interest to communities but is very hard to study. Syndrome. Copyright 1994, J. L. B. Byrne. Used with
Exposures likely contribute to a very small proportion permission.
of fetal deaths. Silver. Fetal Death. Obstet Gynecol 2007.

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 157

25%) and if the fetus is small for gestational age Infection
(SGA). Conversely, karyotype is more likely to be Infections have been reported to account for 10 –25% of
normal in the absence of these findings. The most fetal deaths in developed countries.25 The proportion is
common abnormalities are monosomy X (23%), tri- higher in developing countries. In addition to the pop-
somy 21 (23%), trisomy 18 (21%), and trisomy 13 ulation studied, the percentage of losses due to infection
(8%).23 is influenced by gestational age and the thoroughness (or
Many fetal deaths have genetic abnormalities that lack) of investigation into infectious causes of fetal death.
are not detected by conventional cytogenetic analysis. For example, in developed countries, bacterial infec-
Malformations, deformations, syndromes, or dyspla- tions are more common in fetal deaths before 28 weeks
sias have been reported in up to 35% of fetal losses of gestation than later in pregnancy.
undergoing perinatal autopsy.23,24 Although up to 25% As with all causes of fetal death, it is important
of these fetuses are aneuploid, most will have normal to distinguish causality from association. One may
karyotypes. However, it is probable that many of be confident (although not 100% certain) that infec-
these fetuses have genetic abnormalities that are not tion is the cause of death in cases of positive
identified by traditional cytogenetic analysis. cultures and histologic evidence of inflammation
Genetic abnormalities may contribute to fetal and infection in fetal tissues. It is a different story
death in cases without obvious malformations. Single when there are positive placental or vaginal cul-
gene disorders such as autosomal recessive condi-
tures or maternal serology without histologic evi-
tions, including glycogen storage diseases, other met-
dence of fetal infection.
abolic disorders, and hemoglobinopathies, may cause
fetal death. X-linked conditions may cause death in
male fetuses. There are likely a host of other single Viral Infection
gene disorders that contribute to some cases of fetal The proportion of fetal deaths due to viruses is
death, especially early in gestation. Supporting evi- uncertain because of a lack of systematic evalua-
dence comes from experiments in transgenic mice tion. This is especially important for viral infections
wherein single gene mutations cause embryonic because they are often hard to culture. Perhaps the
death. Typically, mice with these mutations suffer most common viral infection associated with preg-
abnormal angiogenesis, placental, cardiac, or neuro- nancy loss is parvovirus B19 (Fig. 3). The virus is
logic development and die at mid gestation. thought to cause fetal death through fetal anemia
Other types of genetic abnormalities also con- leading to hydrops, direct myocardial toxicity, or
tribute to some cases of fetal death. Confined other mechanisms. This organism has been re-
placental mosaicism refers to the presence of ab- ported in 7.5% of fetal deaths in a Swedish study
normal chromosomes in some placental tissue in that used polymerase chain reaction to determine
the setting of normal fetal karyotype. This leads to infection.26 The proportion of fetal deaths associ-
abnormal placental development and function and ated with parvovirus has been reported to be as
has been associated with fetal death and other high as 15% when polymerase chain reaction is
obstetric abnormalities such as IUGR. Other fetal used to detect parvovirus B19, but is considerably
deaths may have very small deletions or additions lower (less than 1%) in studies that did not system-
of chromosomes that are too small to detect by atically assess for the virus.25 Parvovirus B19 is
conventional karyotype. This type of abnormality more likely to cause fetal death in the first or second
has been found in some cases of unexplained trimester; deaths late in gestation are rarely caused
mental retardation. Newer molecular genetic tech- by the virus.
niques such as comparative genomic hybridization The most common fetal or neonatal viral infec-
may allow detection of such “microdeletions.” tion is cytomegalovirus. Most fetal infections occur
The identification of genetic causes of fetal after primary maternal infection—which occurs in
death has been somewhat hampered by the fact that about 1% of women in the United States. Placental
there are few syndromes or mutations that account and fetal infection with cytomegalovirus is well doc-
for a large proportion of losses. Instead, many umented, as are adverse neonatal sequelae such as
different abnormalities each contribute to a small IUGR and damage to organ systems including the
proportion of cases. Recent developments in mo- brain. Fetal death is rare but has been described.
lecular genetic technology should greatly facilitate Coxsackie viruses (A and B) also have been
our ability to determine previously unrecognized reported to cause fetal death. The organism can cause
genetic conditions associated with fetal death. placental inflammation, myocarditis, and hydrops.

158 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

from the lower genital tract into the decidua and
chorion and occasionally the amniotic fluid. The fetus
may then swallow fluid, leading to fetal infection.
Examples include group B streptococcus, Escherichia
coli, Klebsiella, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma
hominis, and Bacteroides. Virulent organisms (eg, group
B streptococcus) may be associated with clinical evi-
dence of intra-amniotic infection, whereas those re-
sponsible for bacterial vaginosis (eg, Mycoplasma and
Ureaplasma) often do not cause clinically apparent
disease. Bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes may
reach the fetus by hematogenous transmission.

Other Infections
Spirochete, protozoal, and fungal infections may oc-
casionally cause fetal death. Treponema pallidum, the
organism responsible for syphilis, may cross the pla-
centa in the second and third trimesters and directly
infect the fetus. This risk increases with advancing
gestation. Fetal death may occur due to direct infec-
Fig. 3. Fetal spleen from a case of parvovirus B19 –associ-
ated fetal death in the second trimester. Erythroblasts show tion or due to placental vasculopathy associated with
marginated chromatin and typical amphophilic intra-nu- placental infection. Syphilis was a common cause of
clear inclusions (arrows). Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (x fetal death at the beginning of the twentieth century.
1,000, original magnification.) Copyright 1994, J. L. B. Although less common today, syphilis remains a rare
Byrne. Used with permission. cause of fetal death in developed countries and a
Silver. Fetal Death. Obstet Gynecol 2007.
common one in places with higher prevalence, such
as Africa. Other spirochetes that may cause fetal
Other viruses sporadically linked to fetal death in- death include Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme
clude echoviruses, enteroviruses, chickenpox, mea- disease, Leptospirosis, and African tick borne relaps-
sles, rubella, and mumps. For those viruses amenable ing fever.
to vaccine prevention, fetal death is rare in countries The parasite Toxoplasma gondii may cross the
with routine vaccination. Human immunodeficiency placenta in association with acute maternal infection.
virus (HIV) may cross the placenta and cause fetal The organism may directly infect the fetus and has
infection. Although fetal death has occasionally been been linked to sporadic fetal death, which may occur
attributed to HIV, HIV-positive women usually have in up to 5% of pregnancies after first trimester infec-
other risk factors for fetal death, making it difficult to tion. However, the rate of primary infection is about
document an independent association. Herpes sim- 1 per 1,000 in the United States, making it unlikely to
plex virus rarely causes fetal death because it is rarely cause a substantial proportion of fetal death in the
transmitted to the fetus in utero. United States.25 Other infectious diseases that have
been associated with sporadic fetal death include
Bacterial Infection malaria and Q fever. The relative importance of all of
Bacterial infections are generally accepted as a cause these infections is influenced by the local prevalence
of some cases of fetal death throughout gestation. In of the infectious agent.
developed countries, a higher proportion of losses in
the second trimester are due to infection compared Small for Gestational Age Fetus
with term fetal deaths.25 In contrast, fetal deaths due A major obstetric risk factor for fetal death is the
to bacterial infection persist through term in develop- presence of an SGA fetus. This is a complicated
ing countries. This may be due to increased burden of subject for several reasons. First, the risk factor of
exposure to infectious agents or a decreased immune interest is fetal IUGR rather than SGA. However,
response associated with low socioeconomic status in IUGR implies a downward deflection on a growth
developing nations.25 curve, requiring several measurements over time,
Most bacterial infections associated with fetal which is unavailable in many populations. In fact,
death are organisms that reach the fetus by ascending precise knowledge of gestational age is often missing.

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 159

Second, by definition, many SGA fetuses will be logic evaluation of the placenta and cord may confirm
entirely normal, often termed “constitutionally small.” the diagnosis.
Third, the use of population-based tables for weight
percentiles does not account for an individual’s inher- Multiple Gestation
ent growth potential. A 6-pound infant may be appro- The risk of fetal death is substantially increased in
priate for families with constitutionally small children multiple gestations. Although they account for about
but represent lagging fetal growth in families destined 3% of births in the United States, multiple gestations
to have larger infants. Recent investigations have contribute to 10% of fetal deaths. The proportion is
focused on developing methods for tracking individ- likely higher if second trimester losses are included.
ual growth potential for fetuses.27 Finally, SGA is not This is of concern given the continued increase in the
a diagnosis unto itself. Rather it is a sign or a clue for rate of multiple gestations due to increased use of
a variety of other conditions that may lead to fetal assisted reproductive technology. The potential
death. causes of fetal death in multiple gestations are numer-
Despite these concerns, it is increasingly apparent ous and include virtually every obstetric complica-
that the presence of an SGA fetus is strongly associ- tion, including placental insufficiency, abruption, pre-
ated with fetal death. Moreover, there seems to be a eclampsia, and preterm labor. Other problems are
“dose–response curve”; the more profound the SGA, unique to multiple gestation, especially in cases of
the greater the risk for fetal death. This observation monochorionic placentation, such as twin–twin trans-
strongly supports biologic plausibility. A population fusion syndrome (Fig. 4), cord entanglement with
based study from Sweden illustrates the use of cus- monoamniotic gestations, and twin-reverse arterial
tomized, rather than population-based growth curves. perfusion sequence.
The odds ratio for stillbirth was 6.1 (95% CI, 5.0 –7.5)
Placental Abnormalities
for SGA fetuses using customized growth charts,
compared with 1.2 (95% CI, 0.8 –1.9) for SGA fetuses Conditions specific to gestational tissues that may
determined by population-based curves.27 Antenatal cause fetal death include umbilical cord thrombosis,
surveillance including Doppler velocimetry may be velamentous cord insertion or vasa previa, and amni-
useful in distinguishing which SGA fetuses are at risk otic band syndrome (Fig. 5). Placental abnormalities
for fetal death. Absent end diastolic velocity or re-
verse flow in the umbilical artery is a particularly
worrisome sign and should prompt consideration of

Obstetric Conditions
Fetal–Maternal Hemorrhage
Fetal–maternal hemorrhage is one of the most com-
mon single disorders responsible for fetal death. The
condition has been reported in 5–14% of cases.28
Fetal-maternal hemorrhage may be associated with
vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain due to abruption
but also may occur in the absence of symptoms.
Because labor and delivery cause fetal–maternal hem-
orrhage, ideally assessment of fetal blood in the
maternal circulation should be done before delivery.
However, it is probably useful to assess for the
condition after delivery if not done previously. Small
amounts of fetal blood routinely enter the maternal
circulation. Accordingly, only large amounts of fetal–
maternal hemorrhage, ideally in association with au-
Fig. 4. Placenta demonstrating arterial-to-venous anastomo-
topsy confirmation of fetal anemia and hypoxia, ses after injection of milk (arrows) in a pregnancy compli-
should be considered causal for fetal death. In rare cated by twin–twin transfusion syndrome. Copyright 1994,
cases of vasa previa, fetal blood passes per vagina J. L. B. Byrne. Used with permission.
rather than entering the maternal circulation. Histo- Silver. Fetal Death. Obstet Gynecol 2007.

160 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Nonetheless, taken together they account for a mean-
ingful proportion of fetal deaths.

Other Conditions
A variety of other disorders such as red blood cell
alloimmunization may contribute to some cases of
fetal death. Although fetal death from this condition
has decreased dramatically due to the use of RhD
immune globulin and improved obstetric care, the
condition continues to be a cause of fetal death.
Uterine malformations have been associated with
fetal death and should be considered in cases of
recurrent losses and very early preterm labor or
preterm premature rupture of membranes. Maternal
trauma through motor vehicle accident or violence is
a rare but important cause of loss, especially in

In the majority of studies of fetal death, many cases
Fig. 5. Third-trimester fetal death with acalvarium. On
ultrasonography, there was suspicion of possible neural are unexplained, even after extensive evaluation. In
tube defect. However, autopsy demonstrated amniotic many cases this is due to inadequate attempts to
band syndrome (arrow points to amniotic band). Copyright determine a cause of death. The proportion of unex-
1994, J. L. B. Byrne. Used with permission. plained fetal deaths also are influenced by whether
Silver. Fetal Death. Obstet Gynecol 2007. conditions that are associated with, but may not be
directly causal, are accepted as a cause. Losses later in
also can provide clues regarding other mechanisms of gestation (third trimester) are more likely to be unex-
death, such as infection, thrombosis, inflammation, plained than losses earlier in gestation. Such losses are
and vascular abnormalities. strongly associated with IUGR as well as most of the
previously described risk factors for fetal death. Un-
Cord Accidents doubtedly, continued investigation will identify pre-
Many cases of fetal death, especially at term, are viously unrecognized causes of fetal death so that
attributed to umbilical cord accidents. This is thought fewer cases remain unexplained.
to occur due to cord occlusion in the presence of
nuchal or body cords and true knots in the cord. “Workup” of Fetal Death
However, because cord entanglement occurs in up to The value of an investigation into potential causes of
30% of uncomplicated pregnancies, and because fetal death cannot be overemphasized. First, deter-
these may be transient findings, caution should be mining a cause of death helps bring emotional closure
used in attributing fetal death to the presence of these to the event. Second, most families at least consider
findings. Similarly, true knots are usually associated trying to have another child. Invariably, they are quite
with live births. Thus, the presence of a true knot or interested in whether there is a chance for recurrence.
nuchal cord is insufficient evidence that cord accident Finally, in some cases, medical intervention may
is the cause of death. Ideally, the demonstration of reduce the risk of recurrence and improve outcome in
cord occlusion, fetal hypoxia, and the exclusion of subsequent pregnancies. Couples should be coun-
other causes is required to confirm the diagnosis. seled regarding these issues in a supportive manner
and encouraged to permit an evaluation of their
Other Obstetric Disorders pregnancy loss with sensitivity to their needs and
Numerous obstetric disorders may directly or indi- concerns.
rectly cause fetal death. Examples include abruption, The optimal evaluation for potential causes of
preeclampsia, cord prolapse, cervical insufficiency, fetal death is uncertain. It is necessary to balance cost
preterm labor, and preterm premature rupture of and yield when considering which testing to perform.
membranes. These conditions often lead to intrapar- Thus, it is appropriate to focus on the most common
tum, or early neonatal, rather than antepartum death. causes of fetal death. It also is desirable to emphasize

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 161

conditions with recurrence risk, especially those ame- (especially chorionic plate), fascia latta, tendons, and
nable to effective therapies. There is still value, how- skin from the nape of the neck. Blood is an excellent
ever, in the identification of sporadic conditions. This cell source if available. In cases of autopsy, tissue
may allow women to avoid unnecessary tests and should be sent to the cytogenetic laboratory by the
interventions in subsequent pregnancies and facilitate pathologist so that the gross examination is not com-
emotional healing from the loss. promised. If autopsy is not obtained, it is important
In the majority of cases, the most valuable test is for the clinician to avoid placing the placenta or fetal
perinatal autopsy because it provides information that tissues in formalin so that cells may be grown in
is pertinent to nearly every potential cause of fetal culture. If attempts to culture fetal cells are unsuccess-
death. Autopsy can identify intrinsic abnormalities ful, comparative genomic hybridization has been
such as malformations and metabolic abnormalities, used to successfully evaluate fetal chromosomes.31
as well as extrinsic problems including hypoxia and This technique is increasingly available in cytogenetic
infection. Importantly, perinatal autopsy provides laboratories.
new information that influences counseling and recur- Authorities uniformly agree that autopsy, placen-
rence risk in 26 –51% of cases.29,30 The rate of perina- tal evaluation, and karyotype are worthwhile for most
tal autopsy varies widely throughout the United States cases of fetal death. Additional testing is controversial
and the world, but in all but a few centers with and the cost/benefit ratio is uncertain. Screening for
dedicated programs is typically less than 50%. If fetal–maternal hemorrhage is advised, because the
patients are reluctant to proceed with autopsy, it is test is inexpensive and noninvasive, and the condition
worthwhile to ask about their reservations. It often is is common. This is typically done with a Kleihauer-
possible to work with individuals so that they are Betke test, although some laboratories are using alter-
comfortable with the procedure. If families are still native methods such as flow cytometry to screen for
uncomfortable with autopsy, partial autopsy, X-rays fetal cells in the maternal circulation.
or postmortem magnetic resonance imaging may Testing for infection is probably best accom-
provide valuable information. Other barriers to au- plished with autopsy and placental histology. Based
topsy are cost (although families are rarely charged), a on histologic findings, the pathologist may choose to
lack of adequately trained pathologists, and miscon- culture fetal tissues or to assess for bacterial or viral
ceptions on the part of clinicians about its value. nucleic acids. Placental cultures should be considered
After autopsy, placental evaluation is perhaps the experimental, because positive cultures are common
next most valuable test. Gross and histologic exami- in association with live births. Serologic testing for
nation of gestational tissues is pertinent to a wide syphilis is advised. In cases of negative first trimester
variety of conditions, including infection, anemia, testing, repeat testing in the third trimester likely can
hypoxia, and thrombophilias. Patients rarely object to be limited to high-risk populations. It is reasonable to
this procedure. Placental examination is considerably assess parvovirus serology because this organism ac-
more informative in the hands of a trained and counts for a substantial proportion of fetal deaths, and
interested pathologist. testing is reliable. Although traditionally recom-
Karyotype is recommended in all cases of fetal mended, the usefulness of “TORCH titers,” (serology
death. However, cost may be an issue, depending for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and her-
upon payor status. In such cases, careful external pes simplex) remains uncertain.
evaluation by a pathologist or geneticist is invaluable Routine testing for antiphospholipid syndrome
in deciding whether to obtain a karyotype. The risk of and heritable thrombophilias also is of questionable
chromosomal abnormalities in stillbirths with no dys- usefulness. Most authorities advise testing for lupus
morphic features (especially if no abnormalities were anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibodies in all
noted on antenatal ultrasonography) is probably less cases of fetal death. However, the condition is rare
than 2%. unless there is clear evidence of placental insuffi-
In some cases of fetal death it is not possible to ciency or other features of antiphospholipid syn-
successfully culture fetal cells to assess karyotype. drome such as thrombosis. Testing for heritable
This is particularly true if there was a long interval thrombophilias is controversial because positive re-
between death and the delivery of the fetus. One sults in healthy women are common. As with an-
strategy to obtain a reliable karyotype is to do an tiphospholipid syndrome, testing cases associated
amniocentesis before delivery. Other approaches are with placental insufficiency or recurrent cases seems
to attempt to culture cells that may survive after most indicated. Testing for antiphospholipid syn-
demise or under low oxygen tension, such as placenta drome and heritable thrombophilias is attractive be-

162 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

cause treatment may improve outcome in subsequent recurrent loss, preterm premature rupture of mem-
pregnancies (see below). branes, and preterm labor.
An antibody screen (indirect Coomb’s test) is A summary of recommended tests for the evalu-
helpful to exclude red cell alloimmunization. A toxi- ation of fetal death is shown in the box, “Recom-
cology screen should always be considered. This is mended Evaluation for Stillbirth.” It seems reason-
usually accomplished with maternal urine, but mea- able to limit testing for rare conditions to cases
surement of stable metabolites in fetal tissues such as wherein clinical history or other testing raises suspi-
hair or meconium is gaining popularity. Testing for cion for a particular disorder. Ideally, the clinician
thyroid disease or diabetes in asymptomatic women should discuss clinical details as well as physical and
has been suggested by many authorities, but subclin- laboratory findings with the pathologist so that the
workup is tailored for each individual loss. Ongoing
ical thyroid disease and diabetes have not been
population based studies such as that being conducted
proven to be associated with fetal death. Uterine
by the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network of
imaging studies should be considered in cases of
the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development ( may clarify the optimal
evaluation of fetal death.
Recommended Evaluation for Stillbirth
Recommended in most cases: Delivery of the Fetus
• Perinatal autopsy Most women prefer to proceed with delivery of the
• Placental evaluation fetus after diagnosis of fetal death. It is emotionally
• Karyotype stressful to carry a nonviable fetus, especially late in
• Antibody screen1 gestation. Nonetheless, there is no medical urgency to
• Serologic test for syphilis2 effect delivery and for some women a delay is emo-
• Screen for fetal–maternal hemorrhage tionally desirable. For example, some women prefer
(Kleihauer-Betke or other) to grieve with their families and do not feel “up to” a
• Urine toxicology screen medical procedure immediately after diagnosis.
• Parvovirus serology Other couples may even prefer prolonged expectant
Recommended if clinical suspicion: management, usually prompted by a desire to avoid
• Lupus anticoagulant screen3 induction of labor. It is important to offer both the
• Anticardiolipin antibodies3 options of delivery and expectant management to
• factor V Leiden mutation3 women experiencing fetal death.
• Prothrombin G20210A mutation3 Risks of expectant management include intrauter-
• Screen for protein C, protein S, and antithrom- ine infection and maternal coagulopathy. These risks
bin III deficiency4 are poorly characterized due to the relative infre-
• Uterine imaging study5 quency of expectant management. Older reports state
Not recommended at present: that 80 –90% of women will spontaneously labor
• Thyroid-stimulating hormone within two weeks of fetal death.32 However, this
• Glycohemoglobin “latency” period may be substantially longer. It seems
• TORCH titers6 prudent to perform surveillance for infection and
• Placental cultures coagulopathy in women undergoing expectant care.
• Testing for other thrombophilias Examples include serial assessment of maternal tem-
perature, abdominal pain, bleeding, and labor. Reg-
ular office visits (eg, weekly) may be useful for emo-
1. Negative first-trimester screen does not require repeat testing.
tional support and medical surveillance. Some
2. Repeat testing in cases of negative first trimester screen if
high-risk population. authorities advise serial (eg, weekly) determination of
3. Test in cases of thrombosis, placental insufficiency, and recur-
complete blood count, platelet count, and fibrinogen
rent fetal death. level. The usefulness of this is uncertain. A consump-
4. These thrombophilias are rare in the absence of personal or tive coagulopathy has been reported in 25% of pa-
family history of thrombosis. tients who retain a dead fetus for more than 4 weeks,33
5. Test in cases of unexplained recurrent loss, preterm premature but the condition is rare in clinical practice and is not
rupture of membranes, and preterm labor. usually associated with clinical sequelae. A fibrinogen
6. TORCH titers, serology for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomega- level of less than 100 mg/dL is considered evidence of
lovirus, and herpes simplex.
coagulopathy. Patients should be advised to immedi-

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 163

ately report symptoms such as fever, pain, bleeding, dose if the cervix is unfavorable). Risks of uterine
contractions, leaking fluid, or foul discharge. rupture must be weighed against the desire to avoid
Depending upon gestational age, evacuation of hysterotomy in women with fetal death. Although uter-
the uterus may be accomplished medically or surgi- ine rupture may occur, misoprostol has been used safely
cally. Ideally, the choice of delivery method should for second trimester induction of labor in women with
be made by the parents based on personal preference. prior cesarean delivery.35
Some women prefer surgical evacuation of the uterus In cases of fetal death in the second trimester,
because the procedure is rapid and they may receive especially at less than 20 weeks of gestation, there is
a general anesthetic. Others choose induction of labor an increased risk for retained placenta. Allowing the
so that they may experience labor and deliver an placenta to deliver spontaneously without “pulling on
intact fetus. the umbilical cord” can greatly reduce this risk.
In experienced hands, dilation and evacuation in Additional doses of misoprostol may be administered
the early second trimester is as safe as medical (at appropriate intervals) to promote uterine contrac-
induction of labor. This procedure becomes techni- tility between delivery of the fetus and placenta. In
cally more difficult in the later second and third my practice I do not use a “time limit” for the delivery
trimesters. At more advanced gestational ages, labor of the placenta in the absence of bleeding or emo-
induction is safer and dilation and evacuation should tional duress. Placental delivery rarely takes more
be reserved for physicians with more extensive expe- than 2 hours. The use of misoprostol may reduce the
rience and skills in this procedure. Induction of labor incidence of retained placenta to less than 5%, which
has been greatly aided by the availability of prosta- seems to be lower than seen with oxytocin or PGE2.34
glandin preparations. There is considerable experi-
ence with the use of prostaglandin E2␣ (PGE2␣) to Bereavement
induce labor in women with fetal demise. During the The facilitation of bereavement is an important op-
past decade, misoprostol has largely replaced PGE2 portunity for clinicians to help families. Many practi-
for induction of labor in cases of fetal death due to tioners, especially obstetric providers, are uncomfort-
similar efficacy with fewer side effects.34 Adverse able with death and avoid frank discussions with
effects of prostaglandins include fever, nausea, eme- patients. This is especially true in cases wherein the
sis, and diarrhea, particularly if a PGE2 preparation is clinician is worried about being at fault. It is important
used. Pretreatment with antiemetics, antipyretics, and to overcome these fears and to directly address all of
antidiarrheals may reduce symptoms. the patient’s questions. It is helpful to develop a
Misoprostol may be administered orally as a loz- standard bereavement protocol, particularly in units
enge or vaginally in the posterior fornix. Dosing of that rarely deliver fetal deaths. Patients should be
misoprostol is influenced by the size of the uterus and offered the opportunity to hold their infants and to
several approaches have been published. If the uterus is keep mementos such as pictures, foot and handprints,
less than 28 weeks size, our approach is to place 200 mg and plaster casts. Visits with clergy and support
of misoprostol in the posterior fornix every 4 hours until groups and psychological counseling should be of-
delivery of the fetus and placenta. The dose could be fered. Patients should be allowed to make as many
increased to 400 mg every 2 hours, but delivery is not choices as possible regarding their experience. Pro-
hastened compared with 200 mg every 4 hours. The longed hospitalizations are unnecessary and recovery
oral dose (taken as a lozenge) is 200 – 400 mg every 2– 4 on postpartum wards should be avoided.
hours. The interval to delivery is less when the drug is
administered vaginally compared with orally, but some Subsequent Pregnancy Management
women may prefer to take the drug by mouth. If the The risk for virtually all adverse pregnancy outcomes
uterus is greater than 28 weeks size, we administer an are influenced by prior obstetric history, and fetal death
initial dose of 25 mg of misoprostol in the posterior is no exception. The recurrence risk for fetal death is not
fornix, followed by 25–50 mg every 4 hours. Alterna- well studied and reliable numbers for individual patients
tively, it may be given orally at a dosage of 25 mg every are often unavailable. A recent population-based study
4 hours. Prostaglandin E2 should not be used in women from Missouri noted a stillbirth rate of 22.7 of 1,000 in
with active cardiac, pulmonary or renal disease, and women with prior stillbirth, representing an odds ratio
glaucoma. All prostaglandins for medical induction of of 4.7 (95% CI 1.2–5.7) compared with women without
labor should be avoided in cases of prior cesarean if prior stillbirth.36 Increased recurrence risks were noted
uterine size is greater than 26 weeks of gestation at the in African Americans (35.9/1,000) compared with
time of induction. In such cases we use oxytocin (low whites.36 Recurrence risk may be stratified by cause of

164 Silver Fetal Death OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

stillbirth. For example, losses associated with placental ing testing at 32 weeks of gestation likely works as
insufficiency, prematurity, or some genetic conditions well and may reduce the chance of false-positive
are more likely to recur, whereas those due to infection results.40 Alternatively, Doppler velocimetry, amni-
or abnormalities of twinning are less likely. Also, fetal otic fluid indexes, and serial ultrasonograms to
death earlier in gestation is more likely to recur than assess growth may be used to assess placental
losses at term. Finally, patients with recurrent fetal death function. Induction of labor is another common
are at much higher risk than those with sporadic loss.5 strategy used in women with prior fetal death. As
Strategies to prevent recurrence depend upon the with antenatal surveillance, many clinicians advise
cause of the prior loss(es). Families with identified delivery at a gestational age 2 weeks before the
genetic conditions may be counseled about reproduc- previous loss. This recommendation should be
tive options including antenatal and preimplantation viewed with caution because of unproven efficacy
genetic diagnosis. Improved medical care for mater- (with regard to stillbirth prevention) and the poten-
nal disorders such as diabetes and hypertension can tial for clinically relevant prematurity. However,
substantially improve outcome in subsequent preg- induction has tremendous emotional benefit for
nancies. The same is true for women with red cell many couples with prior fetal death. Accordingly,
alloimmunization. Although not universally accepted, elective induction in the setting of pulmonary ma-
there is evidence that treatment with thromboprophy- turity and a favorable cervix may be appropriate in
laxis can improve the live birth rate in women with well-selected cases. Indeed, a large component of
antiphospholipid syndrome.37,38 providing good care in subsequent pregnancies in
Data are less clear for heritable thrombophilias women with prior fetal death is to tend to the
because they are common in healthy women. One patient’s emotional needs. Frequent visits, docu-
well-designed prospective randomized trial com- mentation of fetal heart tones and well being and
pared low molecular weight heparin and low-dose lots of positive reinforcement are invaluable.
aspirin to low-dose aspirin alone in 160 women
with prior fetal death and thrombophilia.39 Preg- CONCLUSION
nancy outcome was dramatically improved in the Fetal death remains a common, traumatic and in
low molecular weight heparin group with a live some cases preventable complication of pregnancy.
birth rate of 71% compared with 14% for low-dose Delivery may be safely accomplished either medi-
aspirin alone.39 These data are promising but must cally or surgically and expectant management is a
be interpreted with caution. First, results have not safe alternative for interested patients. The stron-
been confirmed in other trials. Second, the rate of gest risk factors for fetal death are African-Ameri-
pregnancy loss in the control group was extremely can race, prior fetal death, obesity, small for gesta-
high (86%) and much higher than anticipated based tional age fetus, and advanced maternal age.
on risk factors. Thus, current data are insufficient to Common causes and risk factors for fetal death
recommend routine thromboprophylaxis for include chromosomal abnormalities, genetic syn-
women with thrombophilias. dromes, infections, placental abnormalities, fetal–
Counseling regarding smoking cessation, weight maternal hemorrhage, maternal diseases such as
loss in obese women and the proper use of seat belts diabetes and hypertension, antiphospholipid syn-
during pregnancy also may reduce the rate of stillbirth. drome, thrombophilias, and abnormalities of mul-
Although of unproven efficacy these public health mea- tiple gestation. Clinicians should encourage fami-
sures make good common sense for all women. lies to allow a thorough investigation of potential
Antenatal surveillance is widely recommended causes of fetal death to facilitate emotional closure,
in subsequent pregnancies for patients with prior to assess recurrence risk, and in some cases to
fetal death. Clinical usefulness has been suggested reduce recurrence risk. The optimal “workup” for
by older studies and the test is likely to benefit the fetal death is uncertain. Recommended tests in-
subset of pregnancies at risk for placental insuffi- clude perinatal autopsy, placental evaluation, fetal
ciency. It is noteworthy that in addition to recurrent karyotype, Kliehauer-Betke, antibody screen, and a
pregnancy loss, prior fetal death increases the risk serologic test for syphilis. Other tests to consider
for many obstetric complications, including IUGR, include anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagu-
abruption, and preterm birth. The most commonly lant screen, testing for heritable thrombophilias,
employed surveillance method is the nonstress test. urine toxicology screen, and parvovirus serology.
Although some authorities advise testing 2– 4 weeks Subsequent pregnancies may be at increased risk
before the gestational age of the fetal death, initiat- for fetal death and obstetric complications. Treat-

VOL. 109, NO. 1, JANUARY 2007 Silver Fetal Death 165

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