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þOÌñæ l 3 l 2019 11

B Ð]lÊ-yýl$ MýSÍ-íÜ G糚-yýl$ Ððl*VýS$-™é-Ƈ¬?

Ð]l*¨-Ç {ç³Ô¶æ²-Ë$ ⇒ MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. = 2×2×2×3×5=120 çÜ…QÅ-Ë-¯]l$ Ð]lÆý‡$-çÜ-V> a, b, c, d
∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ A¯]l$MýS$…sôæ.. 150
⇒ 6k 2 = 150 ⇒ k 2 = = 25
1. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë Ð]l$«§ýlÅ °çÙµ-†¢ 5:7, -Ðé-sìæ - 4. Ð]lÊ-yýl$ VýS…r-Ë$ 12, 15, 18 °Ñ$-Úë-Ë-MýS$ A-糚-yýl$ §ýl™é¢…Ô¶æ… {ç³-M>-Æý‡….. 6
MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. 350 AƇ¬™ól B Æð‡…yìl…sìæ-ÌZ MýS°-çÙt
G) 50 ¼) 60 Üí ) 70 yìl) 75
f. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë-¯]l$ 5K, 7K A-¯]l$-MýS$…sôæ..
JMýS-Ýë-Ç Ððl*-VýS$-™é-Ƈ¬. AÑ Ð]lÊyýl* JMóS-ÝëÇ
8 am MìS Ððl*W-™ól, Ð]l$-äÏ B Ð]lÊ-yýl$ MýSÍ-íÜ G糚-
yýl$ Ððl*VýS$-™é-Ƈ¬?
G) 9 am ¼) 10 am
BÆŠæBÆŠæ½ a × b × c = 385,
D Æð‡…yìl…sìæ VýSÝ- ë-¿ê =
b× c×d=1001.
= 385, 1001 Ë VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. = 77.
-¯é-ÍY…sìæ-ÌZ VýSÇ-çÙt çÜ…QÅ =
∴ ´÷yýlÐ- l] # = 3×5 = 15 òÜ….Ò$.,
Ððly- lý Ë- $µ = 2×5 = 10 òÜ….-Ò$.
⇒ ^èl$r$t-Mö-Ë-™èl = 2×(15 + 10)
(K - H-O§ðl¯é JMýS ^èlÆý‡-Æ>-Õ-). Üí ) 11 am yìl) 12 pm b × c × d 1001 = 50 òÜ….Ò$. ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: yìl
5K, 7K Ë MýS.Ýë.-VSý $. = 5×7×K = 35K. f. 12, 15, 18Ë MýS.Ýë.-VSý $. = 180 °Ñ$-Úë-Ë$.
Ð]l*Å£ýlÐðl$sìæMŠæÞ d=
= 13
12. JMýS çÜÐ]l$-¨Ó-»ê-çßæ$ Ë…º-Mø-×æ -{†-¿¶æ$-f… MýSÆý‡~…
M>± §ýl™é¢…Ô¶æ… {ç³M>--Æý‡….. A…sôæ AÑ Ð]lÊyýl*- MýS-Í-íÜ -J-MýS-Ýë-Ç Ððl*W-¯]l ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ ´÷yýl-Ð]l# 8√2 -òÜ….-Ò$. AƇ¬™ól §é° OÐðlÔ>-ËÅ…
35K = 350 ™èlÆ>Ó-™èl Ð]l$äÏ Ððl…r-¯ól MýSÍ-íÜ Ððl*VýS-yé-°-MìS ç³sôæt {ç³™ólÅMýS… 10. JMýS -©-Æý‡ƒ-^èl-™èl$-Æý‡-{Ýë-M>-Æý‡ ´÷Ë… -^èl$-r$t-Mö-Ë-™èl 80 G…™èl?
⇒ M- Sý °
- Ùç- t Üç …QÅ = 5K = 5 × 10 = 50 çÜÐ]l$-Ķæ$… = 180 °Ñ$-Úë-Ë$ Ò$. §é° -´÷-yýl-Ð]l#, Ððlyýl-Ë$µ-Ë Ð]l$«§ýlÅ ¿ôæ§ýl… 10 G) 8 òÜ….Ò$2 ¼- )- 16 òÜ….Ò$2
∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: G = 3 VýS…r-Ë$ Ò$. AƇ¬™ól §é° OÐðlÔ>-ËÅ… G…™èl? Üí ) 32 òÜ….Ò$2 -yìl-) 64 òÜ….Ò$2
2. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë MýS.Ýë.-VýS$., -Ðé-sìæ VýS.Ýë.-¿ê-MýS$ ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l… = 8 am + 3 VýS…r-Ë$ Ðésìæ MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. = 300 G) 375 Ò$2 ¼) 750 Ò$2 f. çÜÐ]l$-¨Ó--»ê-çßæ$ Ë…º-Mø- C
28 Æð‡r$Ï. Ðésìæ MýS.Ýë.-VýS$., VýS.Ýë.-¿ê.-Ë = 11 am ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ M>º-sæì t 7° ÔóæÙç …V> C^óla MýS°-çÙt Üç …QÅ = Üí ) 537 Ò$ 2 yìl) 357 Ò$ 2 ×æ {†¿¶æ$-f… ³ç MýSP ³ç - 45o
Ððl¬™èl¢… 1740. Ðésìæ-ÌZ Ððl¬§ýl-sìæ-¨ 240 5. Ð]lÊyýl…MðS-Ë çÜ…QÅ-Ë$ Æð‡…yìl…sìæ VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. 300 + 7 = 307 ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ f. ©--Æý‡ƒ-^èl-™èl$--Æý‡-{çÜ ^èl$r$t-Mö-Ë-™èl = r…Ìê E…-r$…¨.
AƇ¬™ól Æð‡…yø¨ G…™èl? 29, MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. 4147 AƇ¬™ól B Æð‡…yìl…sìæ 7. H MýS°-çÙt çÜ…QÅ-MýS$ 5° MýSÍ-í³-™ól A¨ 4, 5, 6, 2(l+b) = 80 AB = AC = a 45o
G) 390 ¼) 400 Ððl¬™èl¢…? 7Ë™ø °ÔóæØ-çÙ…V> ¿êW-™èl-Ð]l$-Ð]l#-™èl$…¨? §ýl™é¢…Ô¶æ… ¯]l$…_... A-¯]l$-MýS$…sôæ..
Üí ) 410 yìl) 420 G) 576 ¼) 669 Üí ) 696 yìl) 741 G) 415 ¼) 425 Üí ) 420 yìl) 845 ⇒ l + b = 40 A糚-yýl$ Oò³£é-VýS-Æý‡‹Ü íܧ鮅™èl… {ç³M>-Æý‡…...
f. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. = x A¯]l$-MýS$…sôæ.. f. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. 29 M>º-sìæt, B f. Ððl¬§ýlr - 4, 5, 6, 7Ë™ø °ÔóæØ-çÙ…V> ¿êW™èl- ⇒ l – b = 10 BC2 = AB2 + AC2 = a2 + a2
MýS.Ýë.-VSý $. = 28x AÐ]l#-™èl$…¨. Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë-¯]l$ 29x, 29y A¯]l$-MýS$…sôæ.. Ð]l$-Äôæ$Å MýS°-çÙt çÜ…QÅ = –––––––––– ⇒ BC2 = 2a2 ⇒ BC = √2a
§ýl-™é¢…Ô¶æ… {ç³M>-Æý‡….. (x, y Ë$ ^èlÆý‡-Æ>-Ô¶æ$-Ë$-) Ðésìæ MýS.Ýë.-VSý $. = 4×5×3×7=420 ⇒ 2l = 50 ⇒ l = 25, b = 15 A…sôæ MýSÆý‡…~ = √2a = 8√2 ⇒ a
28x + x = 1740 ⇒ x = 1740 = 60 C糚-yýl$ Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë Ë-º®… = ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l… = 420 – 5 = 415 -M>-º-sìæt ©Æý‡ƒ-^èl-™èl$-Æý‡-{çÜ OÐðlÔ>-ËÅ… = = 8 òÜ….Ò$. {†-¿æ¶ $-f ÐO lð Ô>-ËÅ… =
⇒ 29x = 1740 29 MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. × VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: G lb = 25 × 15 1/2 × ¿¶æ*Ñ$ × G™èl$¢ =1/2×AB×AC
A…sôæ VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. = x = 60, ⇒ 29x × 29y = 4147 × 29 8. 132, 77 ˯]l$ ¿êW…_¯]l-糚-yýl$ 2¯]l$ ÔóæçÙ…V> = 375 Ò$2 = 1/2 × 8 × 8 = 32 òÜ….Ò$.2
MýS.Ýë.-VSý $. = 28 × 60 = 1680 4147 × 29 C^óla VýSÇçÙt çÜ…QÅ? ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: G ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ
⇒ x× y = = 143 = 11 ×13
C糚-yýl$ 240 × Æð‡…yø çÜ…QÅ 29 × 29 G) 5 ¼) 11 Üí- )- 22 yìl) 25 11. ¿¶æ$gê-Ë$ 2:3 °çÙµ-†¢-ÌZ E¯]l² ©Æý‡ƒ-^èl-™èl$-Æý‡-{çÜ 13. JMýS {-†-¿¶æ$-f…ÌZ-° Ð]lÊyýl$ Mø×ê-Ë$ 3:4:5
= 1680 × 60 1680 × 60
= 420 A…-sæô x = 11, y = 13 f. 132–2 = 130, 77–2 = 75. OÐðlÔ>-ËÅ… 150 òÜ….Ò$2. -I-™ól §é° ^èl$r$t-Mö- °çÙµ-†¢-ÌZ E¯é²-Ƈ¬. AƇ¬™ól B {†¿¶æ$-f…ÌZ-
⇒ Æð‡…yø Ü ç …QÅ = 240 ⇒ Æð‡…yýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë -Ððl¬-™èl¢… A…sôæ Ð]l$¯]l… 130, 75Ë VýS.Ýë.-¿ê. MýS-¯]l$-MøP- Ë-™èl? ° MýS°-çÙt Mø×æ-…?
∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: yìl = 29x + 29y Ðé-Í. 130, 75 Ë VýSÝë¿ê = 5 G-) 25 òÜ….Ò$. ¼- )- 35 òÜ….Ò$. G) 15° ¼) 30° Üí ) 45° yìl) 60°
3. 24, 8, 10 Ë™ø ¿êW-™èl-Ð]l$-Äôæ$Å MýS°-çÙt = 29 (11 + 13) = 29 × 24 = 696 ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: G Üí ) 40 òÜ….Ò$. y- lì ) 50 òÜ….Ò$. f. §ýl™é¢…Ô¶æ… {ç³M>-Æý‡….. {†¿¶æ$-f…ÌZ-°- Ð]lÊyýl$
çÜ…QÅ? ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ 9. ¯é-Ë$-VýS$ {糫§é-¯]l çÜ…QÅ-Ë$ BÆø-çßæ×æ f. §ýl™é¢…Ô¶æ… {ç³M>-Æý‡… ©Æý‡ƒ-^èl-™èl$Æý‡{çÜ Ððlyýl-Ë$µ Mø×ê-Ë-¯]l$ 3k, 4k, 5k A¯]l$-MýS$…sôæ..
G) 12 ¼) 240 Üí ) 120 yìl) 48 6. 12, 15, 20, 25 Ë™ø ¿êW…_-¯]l-糚-yýl$ ÔóæçÙ… {MýSÐ]l$…ÌZ E-¯é²-Ƈ¬. Ððl¬§ýl-sìæ Ð]lÊyýl$ çÜ…QÅ- = 2k, 3k + 4k + 5k = 180°
f. 24, 8, 10 Ë-™ø ¿êW™èlÐ- ]l$-Äôæ$Å MýS°-çÙt Üç …QÅ "7'¯]l$ C^óla MýS°-çÙt çÜ…QÅ? Ë Ë-º®… 385. _Ð]l-Ç Ð]lÊyýl$ çÜ…QÅ-Ë Ëº®… ´÷yýlÐ- l] # = 3k A--¯]l$-MýS$…--sôæ.. 180°
⇒ 12k = 180° ⇒ k = = 15°
A…sôæ Ðésìæ MýS.Ýë.-VýS$. A° AÆý‡¦…. G) 300 ¼) 293 Üí ) 307 yìl) 600 1001. AƇ¬™ól B ¯éÍY-…sìæ-ÌZ VýSÇ-çÙt çÜ…QÅ? (k-H-O§ðl-¯]l JMýS ^èlÆý‡-Æ>-Õ-) 12
24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3, f. Ððl¬§ýlr - 12, 15, 20, 25 Ë™ø °ÔóæØ-Ùç …V> G) 7 ¼) 11 Üí ) 13 yìl) 17 A-糚-yýl$ ÐO ðlÔ>-ËÅ… = 3k × 2k = 150 MýS°-Ùç t Mø×æ… = 3 × 15° = 45°
8 = 2 × 2 × 2, 10 = 2 × 5 ¿ê-W-™èl-Ð]l$-Äôæ$Å MýS°--çÙt çÜ…QÅ = f. BÆø-çßæ-×æ {MýSÐ]l$…ÌZ E¯]l² -¯é-Ë$-VýS$ {糫§é-¯]l ∴ çÜÐ]l*-«§é-¯]l…: íÜ

What will come in place of question mark

Model Questions d) 29 e) None of these 4. 40 3
× ? × = 78 Ans: c
8. 8, 9, 20, 63, 256, 1285, ? 100 10 9. 1015 ÷ 2 + 0.5 = 507.5 + 0.5
Directions (Q. No. 1-5): What a) 6430 b) 7450 c) 7716 78 × 100 × 10 = 508
?= = 650 Ans: a
will come in place of question mark d) 7746 e) None of these 40 × 3 508 ÷ 2 + 1 = 254 + 1 = 255
(?) in the following questions?
1. (8792 – 4136) ÷ ? = 145.5
9. 1015, 508, 255, 129, 66.5, ?,
BANKS 5. 125% of 3060 − 85% of ? = 408
× 3060 −
× ? = 408
255 ÷ 2 + 1.5 = 127.5 +1.5 = 129
129 ÷ 2 + 2 = 64.5 + 2 = 66.5
a) 38 b) 32 c) 42 d) 36 a) 34.50 b) 35 c) 35.30 Quantitative Aptitude 100 100 66.5 ÷ 2 + 2.5 = 35.75
e) None of these d) 35.75 e) None of these 85 35.75 ÷ 2 + 3 = 20.875 Ans: d
2. 6561 ÷ (10.8×2.5) ÷ 3 = ? 10. 12, 12, 18, 36, 90, 270, ? Special ?×
= 3825 − 408 = 3417
10. 12 × 1 = 12 ⇒ 12 × 1.5 = 18
Also useful for
a) 27 b) 54 c) 72 d) 81 a) 945 b) 810 c) 1080 3417 ×100 18 × 2 = 36 ⇒ 36 × 2.5 = 90
Other Competitive Exams ?= = 4020 Ans: c
e) None of these d) 1215 e) None of these 85 90 × 3 = 270
3. 7365 + (5.4)2 + √(?) = 7437.16 11. Seema, Meena, Reena start jogg- 6. 9 × 2 + 1 = 18 + 1 = 19 270 × 3.5 = 945 Ans: a
a) 1894 b) 1681 ing around a circular stadium and 19 × 2 + 2 = 38 + 2 = 40
c) 1764 d) 2025 complete one round in 54s, 42s d) 45 min e) None of these 40 × 2 + 3 = 80 + 3 = 83 11. LCM of 54, 42, 63 = 378
e) None of these and 63s respectively. Approxim- 83 × 2 + 4 = 166 + 4 = 170 378
3 ately, after how many minutes
Key& Explanations 170 × 2 + 5 = 340 + 5 = 345 60
= 6.3 ≈ 6 min
Ans: d
4. 40% of ? × = 78
10 they will meet again at the star- 1. (8792 – 4136) ÷ ? = 145.5 345 × 2 + 6 = 690 + 6 = 696. 12. Distance = 30 × 6 = 180 km
a) 650 b) 720 c) 680 ting point? 4656 4656 Ans: b Speed of Hema
= 145.5 ⇒ ? = = 32
d) 620 e) None of these a) 8 min b) 10 min c) 3 min ? 14 5.5 7. 980 ÷ 2 – 6 = 484 180
= = 45km / h
5. 125% of 3060 – 85% of ? = 408 d) 6 min e) 12 min Ans: b 484 ÷ 2 – 6 = 236 4
a) 3890 b) 3940 c) 4020 12. Deepa drives a bike at an average 2. 6561 ÷ (10.8 × 2.5) ÷ 3 = ? 236 ÷ 2 – 6 = 112 Speed of Deepa after increasing
d) 4015 e) None of these speed of 30 kmph and reach her 6561 ÷ 27 ÷ 3 = ? 112 ÷ 2 – 6 = 50 average speed
Directions (Q. No. 6-10): What destination in 6 h. Hema covers 6561 50 ÷ 2 – 6 = 19 180 1
? = = 81 Ans: d = = 4 h = 4 h 30 min
should come in place of question mark that distance in 4 h. If Deepa in- 27 × 3 19 ÷ 2 – 6 = 3.5 Ans: e 30 + 10 2
(?) in the following number series? crease her average speed by 10 3. 7365 + (5.4)2 + √(?) = 7437.16 8. 8 × 1 + 1 = 8 + 1 = 9 Speed of Hema after increasing
6. 9, 19, 40, 83, ?, 345, 696 kmph and Hema increase her 7365 + 29.16 + √(?) = 7437.16 9 × 2 + 2 = 18 + 2 = 20 average speed
a) 162 b) 170 c) 175 speed by 5 kmph, then what will √(?) = 7437.16 – 7365 – 29.16 20 × 3 + 3 = 60 + 3 = 63 =
180 3
= 3 h = 3 h 36 min
d) 166 e) None of these be the difference in time taken by √(?) = 43 63 × 4 + 4 = 252 + 4 = 256 45 + 5 5
7. 980, 484, 236, 112, 50, ?, 3.5 them to reach their destination? ? = (43)2 = 1849. 256 × 5 + 5 = 1280 + 5 = 1285 Difference = 4 h 30 min – 3 h 36
a) 25 b) 17 c) 21 a) 54 min b) 1 h c) 40 min Ans: e 1285 × 6 + 6 = 7710 + 6 = 7716 min = 54 min. Ans: a
8 Á‹tyÓ˛ ∑ ∫$´ßÊ˛–ÈΔÊˇÖ 3 lÃÒ˝O 2019 www.andhrajyothy com .

How is BREAD written in that code?

1. How many such pairs of letters are
there in the word 'CHILDREN' each of
which has as many letters between
Reasoning for all competitive exams
them in the word as there are between Á≥ÖyÏ˛sÏ˝ “$ØÈÑϸ Á≥–ö˛Øå˛
them in the English alphabet?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 4 d) 2 e) None of these Ô‹∞ƒÊ˝$Δäˇ ∏Î≈MʸŒt
2. If a meaningful word beginning with B
can be formed from 'HACEV', then
the fourth letter of that word is your
answer. If no such word can be formed e) All follow
then your answer is '5' i.e, 'None of 25. Statements:
these'. Some windows are doors.
a) A b) C c) E d) H e) None of these All doors are walls.
3. If in the word FLOURISH, all the vow- No wall or roof.
els are first arranged alphabetically All roofs are shelter.
and then all the consonants are Conclusions:
arranged alphabetically and then all I : Some windows are walls.
the vowels are replaced by the previous II : No wall or shelter.
letter and all the consonants are III : Some doors are shelter.
replaced by the next letter from a) None follows b) Only II &III follows
English alphabet, which letter will be c) Only I & III follows d) Only I follows
third from the right end? e) None of these
a) I b) S c) M d) V e) None of these second to the right of B and F is third to form a group. Whoch is the one that 26. Statements:
4. How many such digits are there in the the right of B. G is not an immediate does not belong to the group? All bottles are jars.
number 5231698 each of which is as far neighbour of F. a) KL3 b) FJ c) R61 d) I$ e) @MA Some jars are pots.
away from the beginning of the num- 11. How many of them are there between 21. In a class, two-third of the of the stu- All pots are taps.
ber as when the digits are rearranged H and C? dents play football, half of the reman- No taps are tank.
in ascending order? a) Two b) Three c) Two and Three ing play both football and cricket and Conclusions:
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three d) Data inadequate e) None of these the remaning ten students play only I : No pots are tank.
e) More then three 12. Who is to the immediate left of A ? cricket. How many students play both II : Some jars are tanks.
5. In a certain code CREAM is written as a) H b) E c) G d) Data inadequate football and cricket? III : Some bottles are pots.
NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in e) None of these a) 30 b) 10 c) 40 d) 20 a) Only I & III follows
that code? 13. In which of the following pairs is the e) Cannot be determined b) Only I &II follows
a) EBFAQ b) EBDAQ c) BEDQA first person sitting to the immediate 22. Prabir started walking towards South. c) Only II & III follows d) All follows
d) BEFQA e) None of these left of the second person? He took a right turn after walking 10 e) None of these
6. If in a certain code, 'O' is written as a) CD b) BG c) HA d) FC metres. He again took a left turn after 27. Statements:
'E','A' as 'C','M' as 'I','S' as 'O','N' as e) None of these walking 20 metres. Which direction is Some fish are crocodiles.
'P','E' as 'M','I' as 'A','P' as 'N' and 'C' 14. Who is fourth to the right of B? he facing now? Some crocodiles are snakes.
as 'S', then how will 'COMPANIES' be a) E b) C c) A d) Data inadequate a) South b) North c) West d) East No snkke is tortoise.
written in that code? e) None of these e) Cannot be determined All totoises are frogs.
a) SEIACPAMO b) SMINCPAMO 15. What is E's position with respect to G? (23-27): In each of the questions below are Conclusions:
c) SEINCPAMO d) SEINCPMIO a) Second to the right b) Third to the left given four statements followed by three I : No snake is frog..
e) None of these c) Third to the right d) Second to the left conclusions numbered I, II and III. You II : Some snakes are fish.
7. If 'A x B' means 'B' is father of 'A', 'A e) None of these have to take the given statements to be true III : Some fish are frogs.
+ B' means 'A is wife of B' and 'A ÷ B' (16-20): These question are based on the even if they seem to be at vatiance from a) None follows b) Only II &II follows
means 'A is brother of B', then what is following arrangement: commonly known facts. Read all the c) Only II & III follows
the relation of J with L 'J + H ÷ R x L'? D54IH$KE3LB@ARM16F% conalusions and then decide which of the d) Only I & III follows e) None of these
a) Daughter b) Daughter-in-law J27CG9 given conclusions logically follows from
c) sister-in-law d) Cannot be determined 16. If all the digits are dropped from the the given statewments disregarding com- Answers
e) None of these above arrangement, which of the fol- monly known facts?
8. In a row of children facing North, lowing will be fourth to the left of sev- 23. Statements: 1) c 7) b 13) d 19) b 25) d
Ritesh is twenlfth from the left end. enth from the right end? All chillies are garlics. 2) b 8) c 14) a 20) e 26) e
Sudhir who is twenty-second from the 3) c 9) a 15) b 21) b 27) a
a) B b) @ c) L d) A e) None of these Some garlics are onions.
right end is fourth to the right of 4) d 10) d 16) a 22) a
17. How many such symbols are there in All onions ar potatoes.
Ritesh. Total how many children are 5) b 11) b 17) e 23) c
the above arranged each of which is No potato is ginger. 6) c 12) b 18) c 24) e
there in the row? either immediately followed immedi- Conclusions:
a) 35 b) 36 c) 37 d) 34 e) None of these ately preceded be a consonant but not I : No onion is ginger
9. Four of the following five are alike in a both? II :Some garlice are onions.
certain way on the basis of their posi-
tions in English alphabet and so form a
a) None b) One c) Two d) Three
e) More than three
III : Some chillies are potetoes.
a) Only I follows b) Only II follows
…Ï˛Œœ sÒ˝Mʸ≤-ÃÍ-h-MʸÃå˝ ƒÊ˝$*∞-–ö˛-«fi-sÓ˝
group. Which is the one that does not 18. If the position of ten elements from the c) Only I & II follows Ø˲*≈…Ï˛-Œœ-ÃZ∞ …Ï˛Œœ sÒ˝Mʸ≤-ÃÍ-h-MʸÃå˝ ƒÊ˝$*∞-–ö˛-«fi-sÓ˝Mϸ
belong to that group? right end is reversed which of the fol- d) Only I &III follows e) All follow ^˛Ö®Ø˲ ƒÊ˝$*∞-–ö˛-«fisÓ˝ Á‹*PÃå˝ Bãú –Û˛$ØÛ˛-gå˝-–˛$Öså˝
a) HJG b) PQN c) DEB d) TUR e) KLI lowing will be fifth to the right of thi- 24. Statements: AÖyä˛ GÖ{r{Ú≥-Ø˲*≈--Δäˇ-ÌŸã≥, ØÛ˛ôÈi Á‹$øÍãŸ
10. Four of the following five are alike in a eteenth from the right? Some keys are locks. ƒÊ˝$*∞-–ö˛-«fisÓ˝ Bãú sÒ˝M>≤-À-i-ÀÃZ 2019&22
certain way and so form a group. a) % b) F c)C d) G e) None of these Some locks are numbers. -—ßë≈ Á‹Ö–ö˛-ô˲fi-Δ>-∞Mϸ Mϸ֮ M¯ΔÊˇ$fi-ÃZœ {Á≥–Û˛-‘È-

Which is the one that does not belong 19. How many such consonants are there All numbers are letters. ∞Mϸ ßÊ˛ΔÊˇ-RÍ-Á‹$¢À$ M¯ΔÊˇ$-ô¯Ö-®.
to that group? in the above arrangement each of All letters are words.
a) 50 b) 65 c) 170 d) 255 e) 290
M¯ΔÊˇ$fiÀ$: ººH, ΩH(BØ˲-Δäˇfi)CØå˛
which is immediately preceded by a Conclusions: GMʸØÈ-—$-Mä¸fi
(11-15): Study the following information vowel and also immediately followed I : Some locks are letters.
carefully and answer the question given by another consonant? II :Some words are letters.
Ô‹rœ Á‹ÖQ≈: ººH&120, ΩH(BØ˲-Δäˇfi)&120
below: a) None b) One c) Two d) Three III : All numbers are words.
AΔÊˇ·ô˲: Mʸ±Á‹Ö 50 ‘ÈôË˛Ö –ö˛*ΔÊˇ$P-Àô¯
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sittin- e) More than three a) Only I &II follows
CÖr»√-yÏ˛-ƒÊ˝$så˝ E°¢ΔÊˇ-~ô˲.
garound a circle facing at the centre. D is 20. Four of the following five are alike in a b) Only II & III follows
GÖÌ≥Mʸ: {Á≥ÜøÊ˝ B´ßëΔÊˇÖ-V>
second to the left of F and third to the certain way on the basis of their posi- c) Only II & III follows ßÊ˛ΔÊˇ-RÍÁ‹$¢ —´ßëØ˲Ö: BØå˛ÃÒ˝O-Øå˛
right of H. A is second to the right of F tions in the above arrangement and so d) Only I & either II or II I follows _–ö˛« ôÛ˛©: lÃÒ˝O 7
and on immediate neighbour of H. C is –˛ªå˝-Ú‹Oså˝:
www.andhrajyothy com . ∑ ∫$´ßÊ˛–ÈΔÊˇÖ 3 lÃÒ˝O 2019 Á‹tyÓ˛ 9

National Income in India is the..

except in the case of fruits and vegetable 11. Select the incorrect type of the mutual below:
Indian Economy trading fund scheme available in India List I List II
d) Its slogan is 'funding the unfunded' a) Open-ended schemes A. Boom 1.Business activity at
1. Select the correct statements related to 7. Select the correct one/ones from the fol- b) Closed-ended schemes high level with increasing income, output
a limited liability firm, using the code lowing list about 'coach mitra' which c) Exchange - traded funds and employment
given below: was recently in new: d) None of the above B. Recession 2.Gradual fall of income
1. Nominal Capital of a company is the limit 1. Asingle window interface launched by 12. Select the incorrect statement about an output and employment with business
up to which a company can issue shares. the Indian Railways to register all coach 'open -ended' mutual fund in India activity in low gear
2. Registered Capital and Authorised related complaints and needs. a) It is available on an ongoing basis, that C. Depression 3.Unprecedented level of
Capital of company are synonyms. 2. A self-service window for buying rail is an investor can buy or sell at an NAV- under-employment and unemployment.
3. Paid-up Capital of a company can and platform tickets. based price drastic fall in income, output and employ-
never be more than its issued Capital Code: b) The number of units issued changes ment
4. Upper limit of Paid-up Capital of a a) Only 1 b) Only 2 every day in it so changes the schemes's D. Recovery 4.Steady rise in the gener-
company is its Authorised Capital. c) 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 portfolio and its net asset value al level of prices income, output, and
Code: 8. Due to their higher prices, the pulses c) In India, fund houses can sell any num- employment
a) 1, 2 and 2 b) 2, 3 and 4 have been in news recently - select the ber of units of a particular scheme Codes:
c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct statements related to the pulses, d) Fund house can not stop sale of the A B C D
2. Select the correct one/ones about the using the code given below: units of such mutual funds at any cost a) 1 2 3 4
'debt service ratio' of external debts, 1. Social returns to pulse production is 13. Select the correct one/ones regarding a b) 1 2 4 3
using the code given below: higher than the private returns 'closed-ended' mutual fund in india c) 2 1 4 3
1. This is measured by the proportion of d) 2 1 3 4
total debt service payments to current
receipts of the BoP. FOR ALL COMPETITIVE EXAMS 18. National Income in India is the..
a) Net National Product at market price
2. It is a measure of strain on BoP due to b) Net National Product at factor cost
debt service obligations. using the code given below: c) Net Domestic Product at market price
Code: 1. Such mutual funds, usually, issue units d) Net Domestic Product at factor cost
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 to investors only once, when they launch 19. The basic difference between impera-
c) 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 an offer, called New Fund Offer(NFO) in tive and indicative planning is that..
3. Select the correct one/ones about the india a) In the case of imperative planning mar-
'Design Clinic Scheme' using the code 2.These units are listed on the stock ket mechanism is entirely replaced by a
given below: exchanges where they are traded on a command hierarchy, while in cas of indica-
1. Is a scheme by the National Institute of daily basis. As these units are listed, any tive planning, it is looked upon as a way to
Design(NID) for easy percolation of investor can buy and sell these units improve the functioning of market system.
design thinking, philosophy and applica- through the exchange. b) In the case of indicative planning there
tion among MSMEs. 3. As the name suggests, such schemes are is no need to nationalise any industry.
2. Its objective is to bring MSME clusters managed for a limited number of years c) In the case of imperative planning all
and design expertise to a common plat- Code: economic activities belong to public sec-
form for solutions on real time design a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3 tor, while in the other type they belong to
problems c) 1 and 3 d) 1, 2 and 3 the private sector.
Code: 14. What is incorrect about 'exhange - d) It is easier to achieve targets in imper-
a) Only 1 b) Only 2 traded' mutual fund schemes in Inida? ative type of planning
c) 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 a) They are a mix of open-ended and 20. Which of the following is correct about
4. Consider the following statements close-ended schemes the 'committed expenditures' of the
related to the Angel Investors and b) They, like close-ended schemes, are government?
select the correct ones, using the code 2. Pulses need less water and fertiliser listed and traded on a stock exchange on a 1. Expenditures on interest payments due
given below: 3. They fix atmospheric nitrogen into the daily basis to internal and external borrowing
1. Such investors are focused on helping soil, naturally c) Their price is usually very close to its 2. Expenses in the name of the 'charged
the business succeed rather than reaping a 4. Because of their deep and extensive NAV or the underlying assets expenditure'
huge profit from their investment root systems, they keep soil porous and d) They are unlike gold exchange - traded 3. Expenditures due to pensions and prov-
2. Conceptually, in profit motive, they are well aerated funds ident fund liabilities
exact opposite of a 'venture capitalist' Code: 15. What is correct about the term 'growth Code:
3. They usually invest in 'person' rather a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3 and 4 recession' which was recently in news? a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) 1 and 3 d) 1, 2 and 3
than in the viability of the business c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 a) A situation when economies grow at 21. Which of the following is correct about
4. In India, they are classified as a 'ven- 9. Select the incorrect statement about a such a slow pace that more jobs are lost the 'S4A' which was in news, recently?
ture capital funds' Mutual Fund in India than added a) A new scheme for the restructuring of
Code: a) They are compulsorily registered with b) When recessionary traits in economies the public sector banks with high NPAs.
a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 2, 3 and 4 the SEBI, which also acts as the first wall become dominant b) A new scheme for debt restructuring of
c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 of defence for all investers in these funds. c) A situation for economies when there is the corporate sector
5. Sustained supply of fodder for the live- b) Each mutual fund is run by a group of sudden rise in unemployment c) The new policy of strategic disinvest-
stock population of India has recently qualified people who form a company d) That stage of growth when recession ment under the financially unviable PSUs
emerged as a major challenge for the called an Asset Management Company becomes an obligation for the economies are to be closed down.
agriculture sector. (AMC) 16. Match List I with List II and select the d) A policy related to restructuring of the
Select the correct one/ones related to the c) The operations of the AMC are under correct answer using the codes given state-owned power distribution companies.
issue using the code given below: the guidance of another group of people, below: 22. In india the growth rate of per capita
1. Accelerated Fodder Development called trustees. List I List II income at current prices is higher than
Programme is being run under the d) Though the AMC and the Trustees own A.WTO 1.provides loans to that of per capita income at constant
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana no responsibility for the investors money address balance of payment problems prices, because the later_____
2. With 20 percent of the livestock popula- in a mutual fund. B.IDA 2.multilateral trade nego- a) Deducts the impact of population rise
tion of the world only 4 percent of total crop- 10. Select the correct one/ones about the tiation body b) Includes the weight of inflation
ping area is under fodder cultivation in India Mutual Funds in India from the follow- C.IMF 3. forwarding soft loans c) Forgoes the rate of money supply
Code: ing list of statements using the code D.IBRD 4. facilitating lending for- d) Excludes the rate of wage increase
a) Only1 b) Only 2 given below: reconstruction and development
c) 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 1. 'Units' of mutual funds are allotted to Codes:
6. Which of the following is not correct the investors at a price fixed through a A B C D
about the Mudra Bank: process approved by the SEBI a) 2 3 4 1 Answers 17) a
a) Aims to provide funds to the unorgan- 2. Prices of 'Units' is based on the net b) 2 3 1 4 18) a
ised sector in the country. asset value(NAV) c) 3 2 4 1 1) d 5) c 9) d 13) d 19) a
b) It provides concessional loans to the Code: d) 3 2 1 4 2) c 6) b 10) c 14) c 20) c
beneficiaries a) Only 1 b) Only 2 17. Match List I with List II and select the 3) c 7) a 11) d 15) b 21) b
c) Farm sector cannot be its beneficiary c) 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2 correct answer using the codes given 4) d 8) d 12) d 16) b 22) b  3,  2019 -  7

Which is the ‘correct’ plane?

3) Hierarchy 4) Non Hierarchy d. Micro soft reader 4. .RTF
LIBRARY 16. A dictionary catalogue may be 1) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
& Divided into 2) a-3, b-1, c-2, d-4
INFORMATION SCIENCE 1) Two parts 2) Four parts 3) a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
3) Five parts 4) Six parts 4) a-1, b-2, c-4, d-3
17. How many steps does POPSI have 33. DVD capacity storage?
1. Indian Library association (ILA)
1) 6 2) 7 3) 8 4) 9 1) 6.2 GB 2) 5.4 GB
celebrated its Golden Jubilee in the
18. Memory capacity of PCAT (AMD 3) 4.7 GB 4) 3.2 GB
duron) is 34. Universities libraries receive their
1) 1988 2) 1983
1) 128 MB+ 2) 138 MB+ funds from?
3) 1973 4) 1968
3) 148 MB+ 4) 158 MB+ 1) state government 2) parent body
2. The National Library of India was
19. DSS standa for 3) private company funds 4) UGC
declared to open to public on 1st
February 1953 by..
1) Direct Software Support 35. Which is the largest centre for P. Yadagiri
2) Decision Support System information storage in the world? Librarian
1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
3) Data Support Software 1) British library
2) Dr. Rajendra Krishnan Alpha Junior College
4) Database Support System 2) Library congress
3) Jawharlal Nehru
20. The DDC divides human knowledge 3) Imperial library Nalgonda
4) Moulana Abul Kalam Azad
into 4) Delhi public library 96036 35893
3. ‘World of Learning’ is a which source
1) 10 Basic categories 36. Which of the following journals is
1) Secondary source
2) 100 Basic categories available only in electronic form?
2) Primary source
3) 1000 Basic categories 1) D.Lib magazine
3) Tertiary source 47. Which satellite used ‘SWAYAM
4) 10000 Basic categories 2) Journal of documentation
4) Not a source PRABHA’?
3) Library quarterly
4. Which is the world first National 1) G-SAT 10 2) G-SAT 15
4) Library trends
Bibliographic database service for 3) G-SAT 20 4) G-SAT 5
Higher Education TS-SET 37. Who has introduced advancement of
48. E-Patashala launched?
librarian ship programme?
1) Plexus 2) SPSS
3) BIDS 4) CODEN MODEL 1) UNESCO 2) FID 1) 2005 2) 2015 3) 2008 4) 2018
3) NISCAIR 4) IFLA 49. INFLIBNET centre took the initiative
instituted by..
PAPER 38. National libraries Established match called?
the following. 1) e-kalpa 2) e-acharya
1) ALA 2) SLA 3) e-shodh sindhu 4) e-vidwan
a. national library of India 1. 1972
3) ILA 4) ABGILA 50. Loksabha secratariate, Parliament
20. The DDC divides human knowledge b. national science library (New Delhi)
6. Tha first computerised rural library service is called?
into? 2. 1964
information centre was launched at 1) LARRDIS 2) LARRDIE
1) 10 basic categories c. national library of Germany 3. 1948
Kallara Gram Panchayat Library in.. 3) IFLA 4) UNESCO
2) 100 basic categories d. British library 4. 1942
1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Uttarakhand 51. LARRDIS full form?
3) 1000 basic categories 1) a-1, b-3, c-4, d-2
3) Karnataka 1) Library and Reference, Resource,
4) 10,000 basic categories 2) a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4
4) Kerala (Trivendram) Documentation and Information
21. Binary system of numbers use only? 3) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
7. Schools of Library and Information Service
1) 4 2) 5 3) 2 4) 1 4) a-3, b-2, c-4, d-1
Science Networks (SLISNEI) was 2) Library and Reference, Research,
22. Scrutiny of financial transaction’s is 39. Mark the odd on out?
started by.. Documentation and Information
called? 1) CAS 2) NIC
1) UNESCO 2) IFLA Service
1) budgeting 2) programming 3) NISCAIR 4) AGRIS
3) NISCAIR 4) ILA 3) Library and Reference, Research,
3) accounting 4) auditing 40. ASK (Approach, Skill, Knowledge)
8. Unit used to Measure Noise Level is Digital and Information Service
23. ..... has prescribed certain standards principle is related to?
1) Jovle 2) PPM 3) Bit 4) db 4) None of the above
for library binding? 1) classification
9. Match the Following 52. In LIC, Banking, Railway’s which
1) ALA 2) ILA 3) BLA 4) LA 2) management
a. 14 steps i. Edward Dening computer are used?
24. Library literature which sources? 3) ICT 4) standards
b. 14 points ii. Philip B crosBy 1) super computers
1) primary 2) secondary 41. IIA founded in USA in 1968 stands
c. 14 principles iii. RC. Davis 2) mini computers
3) tertiary 4) none of the above for?
d. POC iv. H. Fayol 3) personal computers
25. Which is the ‘correct’ plane? 1) Integrated industry association
1) a-iv, b-i, c-ii, d-iii 4) main frame computers
1) idea planes (15) 2) Institute of information association
2) a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii 53. In binary number system digit 23 is
2) verbal planes (4) 3) Information industry association
3) a-iii, b-i, c-ii, d-iv represented by?
3) notational planes (24) 4) none of the above
4) a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv 1) 10111 2) 10000
4) All 42. Among the following which has not
10. Authority of structure 3) 110011 4) 10011
26. Catalogue subject code 320 is? been considered as library of National
1) F.W. Taylor 2) Rensis tickert 54. How many book’s per thousand is an
1) political science 2) economics Importance?
3) Max weber 4) Eltan mayo accepted practice to write off the last
3) social service 4) english 1) Saraswati Mahal library
11. Match the following book’s in a library?
27. Encyclopedia Universalise is 2) Delhi public library
1. POSDCORB i. H. Fayol 1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 7
published from? 3) Kudha Baksh oriental library
2. POCCC ii. R. Davis 55. Author of GRANDHALAYA JYOTI
1) London 2) Paris 4) Rampur Raja library
3. POCL is?
3) France 4) Brussels 43. Librarian of congress (2019) present
iii. Luther Gullick & L. Urwick 1) Chilakamarti Laxminarsimham
28. Dublin core data how many elements? director?
4. POC iv. Newmann & Summer 2) I. Venkata Ramanayya
1) 12 2) 14 3) 13 4) 15 1) Carla Hayden
12. SYSTEM THEORY is Developed By 3) Raavichettu Rangarao
29. INSDOC + NISCOM= ? 2) David S Mayo
1) Robert owen 2) Dicson 4) Suravaram Prathapa Reddy
1) NISSAT 2) NISCAIR 3) James H Billington
3) Simon 4) Wan Bertallenfy
3) NIC 4) 1, 2 4) Michelle Light
13. Grapevine concern with
1) Resourcess
30. World book day? 44. World digital library (WDL) is an ANSWERS
1) April 23rd 2) March 23rd international digital digital library
2) Information resourcess 1-2, 2-4, 3-1, 4-3, 5-2,
3) November 23rd 4) December 23rd operated by?
3) Management 6-4, 7-1, 8-4, 9-2, 10-3,
31. Library movement is the first 1) UNESCO
4) Non ot the above 11-1, 12-4, 13-3, 14-1, 15-2,
movement in Telangana started with 2) Library of congress
14. Kardex system concerned with (or) 16-1, 17-3, 18-1, 19-2, 20-1,
whom? 3) 1, 2 4) IFLA
Adopted ()
1) Recording for serials
1) Unnava Lakshminarayana 45. World digital library launched? 21-3, 22-4, 23-1, 24-2, 25-4,
2) Chilakamarti Laxminarasimham 1) April 21st 2009 26-1, 27-2, 28-3, 29-2, 30-1,
2) Recording for periodicals
3) Suravaram Prathapa Reddy 2) April 21st 2019 31-3, 32-1, 33-3, 34-4, 35-2,
3) 1 & 2
4) Raavichettu Rangarao 3) April 21st 2018 4) April 21st 2008 36-1, 37-4, 38-1, 39-1, 40-2,
4) None of the above
32. Match the following. 46. ‘SWAYAM’ programme launched by
15. In National plan’s ‘Decimal Fraction 41-3, 42-4, 43-4, 44-3, 45-1,
a. internal files 1. .WPD (2017)?
Device’ contribution to which canon 46-3, 47-2, 48-2, 49-4, 50-1,
b. Universal file format 2. .OCB 1) Ramnadh Kovindh 2) Abdul Kalam
1) Uniforming 2) Relativity 51-2, 52-4, 53-1, 54-3, 55-2.
c. Corel’s word perfect 3. .HTML 3) Pranab mukarji 4) Narendra Modi
10  3,  2019 - 

Who did not love reading?

Model Paper
the same meaning as expressed in the five options which give the sequence of
statement sentences. the rearranged parts. You must choose
9. We see ourselves repeating our the option which gives the correct
Directions (1-8): In the questions given ordinary routine. We realize how much sequence of the parts. If the sentence is
below, there is a sentence in which one wealth surrounds our life. already arranged or the correct
part is given in bold. The part given in i) When we see ourselves …………… sequence doesn't match any of the
bold may or may not be grammatically ii) Our ordinary routine………. given sequence, mark (e).i.e. "None of
correct. Choose the best alternative iii) Realizing how much wealth………… the above" as your answer.
among the four given which can replace a) Only (i) b) Both (ii) and (iii) 14. The apex court had ordered that the/
the part in bold to make the sentence c) Only (iii) d) Only (ii) of the biometric scheme and the enabling
grammatically correct. If the part given in e) None of these law(A)/ deadline be extended till the
bold is already correct and does not five-judge constitution(B)/ on petitions 7. Ans. (b)
require any replacement, choose option challenging the validity(C)/ bench Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace
(e), i.e. “No replacement required” as delivers its judgment(D) the phrase given in bold is “who did not
your answer. Bank Exams a) ACDB b) BCAD love”. It is to be noted that after ‘did’ we
1. Nobody can deny the fact that Indian Special c) BDCA d) CADB always use the first form of the verb i.e.
economy is very different than e) None of the above V1. Since option (b) is in the precise
American economy. grammatical syntax, it becomes the most
a) are very different than
b) is so much different than 10. (1) There is a growing influence of the Answers suitable answer choice.
8. Ans. (d)
c) are very different from Indian Diaspora on Capitol Hill. Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace
d) is very different from (2) Trump will certainly see the 1. Ans. (d) the phrase given in bold is “is
e) No replacement required advantages of doing business with Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace exceptionally”. It is to be noted that
2. Accurate statistics with regards to the India. the phrase given in bold is “is very ‘good’ is an adjective, so ‘exceptional’
area occupied in different forms of i) As there is a growing influence of… different from”. In the given sentence, should be replaced by ‘exceptionally’.
cultivation are difficult to obtain. ii)The growing influence of the Indian… ‘than’ should be replaced with ‘from’ ‘Exceptional’ is itself an adjective and we
a) statistic with regards to iii)With the growing influence of the because ‘different’ is followed by ‘from’. all know that an adjective never defines
b) statistics with regard to Indian.. Also keep in mind that, ‘than’ is used another adjective, but an adverb does.
c) statistic with regard to a) Only (i) is correct after ‘different’, but only in the cases Since option (d) is in the precise
d) statistics in regards to b) Only (iii) is correct where ‘different’ is followed by a noun. grammatical syntax, it becomes the most
e) No replacement required c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct For example, I read a different novel than suitable answer choice.
3. Seldom if ever was there any training or d) Both (i) and (iii) are correct this. Since option (d) is in the precise 9. Ans.(a)
instructions in such tactics for either the e) All are correct grammatical syntax, it becomes the most Sol. (i) When we see ourselves repeating our
tank crews or the infantry formations. 11. (1) There was no democracy in British suitable answer choice. ordinary routine, we realize how much
a) Seldom or never b) Seldom if never India. 2. Ans. (b) wealth surrounds our life.
c) Seldom or ever d) Seldom has ever (2) The rulers could take bold Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace 10. Ans. (e)
e) No replacement required decisions fearlessly without bothering the phrase given in bold is “statistics with Sol. (i) As there is a growing influence of
4. As soon as I opened the front door of my about repercussions. regard to”. It is to be noted that the Indian Diaspora on Capitol Hill,
house, than I smelled the distinctive i) As there was no democracy in British ‘Statistics’, when used as a subject, Trump will certainly see the advantages
aroma of fresh coffee. India… always takes a singular verb. For of doing business with India.
a) then I smelled b) that I smelled ii) Since there was no democracy in example, Statistics is not an easy subject. (ii) The growing influence of the Indian
c) I smelled d) I smell British… But, whenever ‘statistics’ denotes some Diaspora on Capitol Hill will certainly
e) No replacement required iii) With the rulers taking bold statistical facts or data, the very allow Trump to see the advantages of
5. Although he had fewer supporters among decisions… following it is always plural, which is the doing business with India.
the governing class, but he was able to a) Only (i) is correct case here. Since option (b) is in the (iii) With the growing influence of the
get the popular vote. b) Only (ii) is correct precise grammatical syntax, it becomes Indian Diaspora on Capitol Hill, Trump
a) he was able c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct the most suitable answer choice. will certainly see the advantages of doing
b) and he was able d) Both (ii) and (iii) are correct 3. Ans. (e) business with India.
c) else he was able e) All are correct Sol. The phrase given in sentence is 11. Ans. (c)
d) or he was able 12. Twelve million youth enter the Indian grammatically correct and does not Sol. (i) As there was no democracy in
e) No replacement required work force every year. Eighty per cent require any replacement. Hence, option British India, the rulers could take bold
6. The party explicitly denies that they are of these youth are unskilled. (e) i.e. “No replacement required” is the decisions fearlessly without bothering
not involved in mainstream politics. A) While eighty per cent ……… correct answer. about repercussions.
a) denied that they are not B) Since twelve million ………. 4. Ans. (c) (ii)Since there was no democracy in
b) denies that they were C) Of the twelve million ………. Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace British India, the rulers could take bold
c) denied that they are a) Only (A) the phrase given in bold is “I smelled”. It decisions fearlessly without bothering
d) deny that they are not b) Only (C) is to be noted that after ‘As soon as, As about repercussions.
e) No replacement required c) Only (A) and (C) long as, So long as’, we don’t use 12. Ans.(b)
7. I would rather be a poor man in a garret d) All (A), (B) and (C) ‘than/then’. Since option (c) is in the Sol. Option (b) is correct because while
with plenty of good books to read than a e) None of these precise grammatical syntax, it becomes indicates a contrast and because of the
king who did not loved reading. 13. (1) Scientists build climate models— the most suitable answer choice. given requirement of the statement it
a) who do not loved computer simulations of the 5. Ans. (a) cannot start the sentence.
b) who did not love climate system. Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace 13. Ans. (d)
c) whom did not loved (2) They are doing this to further the phrase given in bold is “he was able”. Sol. Both (i) and (ii) are correct (i)To further
d) whom did not love explore the causes and effects of It is to be noted that ‘Although/Though’ explore the causes and effects of global
e) No replacement required global warming is followed by ‘yet’ and not ‘but/ and/ or/ warming, scientists build climate
8. The relatively static lattice in a diamond i) To further explore… else’. And in writing, many a times, ‘yet’ models— computer simulations of the
ensures that the scattering is at a ii) Scientists are building… is replaced by a ‘comma’, which is the climate system.
minimum and the thermal conductivity is iii) Predicting effects of global case here. Since option (a) is in the (ii)Scientists are building climate
exceptional good. warming… precise grammatical syntax, it becomes models— computer simulations of the
a) are exceptional a) Only (i) is correct the most suitable answer choice. climate system to further explore the
b) was exceptional b) Only (ii) is correct 6. Ans. (c) causes and effects of global warming and
c) are exceptionally c) Only (iii) is correct Sol. The most appropriate phrase to replace to predict future warming.
d) is exceptionally d) Both (i) and (ii) are correct the phrase given in bold is “denied that 14. Ans.(c)
e) No replacement required e) All are correct they are”. It is to be noted that ‘not’ will Sol. BDCA; (The apex court had ordered
Directions (9-13): Select the phrase/ Directions (14 ): Given below the not be used after ‘deny’ because deny that the deadline be extended till the five-
connector (it must be at the start) from sentences each of which has been already means refuse to admit. Since judge constitution bench delivers its
the given three options which can be divided into five parts out of which the option (c) is in the precise grammatical judgment on petitions challenging the
used to form a single sentence from the first part has been marked bold. Each syntax, it becomes the most suitable validity of the biometric scheme and the
two sentences given below, implying of the questions is then followed by the answer choice. enabling law)
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12 ãT<Ûäyês¡+ 3.7.2019

The probability that be two white roses come together is

7) A coin whose faces are marked 3 and
5 is tossed 4 times. The odds against Competitive putting all correct Mr. K. Kumar
the sum of the numbers thrown being Exams Special 1
P (E ) = ∴ Now the required
Senior Faculty
less than 15 is Hyderabad
1) 11 : 5 2) 5 : 11 Arithmetic probability =1 =
n! ph:9492956214
3) 11 : 16 4) 5 : 16 (∵ It is a circular arrangement 15) If A and B are two events such that 0.7 = 0.4 + (1 − 0.4 ) P (B )
Sol : n (S ) = 24 = 16 having one direction) P ( A ∪ B ) = 0.65, P (A ∩ B ) = 0.15 0.3 1
n (E ) = 1 + 4 (∵ 3,3,3,3 and 3335,3353 ⇒ P (B ) = = = 0.5
n (E ) = x 7 P () ()
Then P A + P B = 0.6 2
3533, 5333) 2 4 19) The probability that „A. can solve a
6! Sol : P (A )+ P (B )= 1- P (A ) + 1 − P (B ) problem is 2/3 and that „B. can solve
P (E ) =
⇒P E =
() ∴ P (E ) = 2
× 7 ×5× 4
1 = 2 − P ( A ) + P (B ) it is 3/4. If both attempt the problem.
10! What is the probability that the prob-
∴ Odds against the event are 11 : 5 6 = 2 − (P ( A ∪ B ) + P ( A ∩ B )) lem gets solved?
8) The probability that leap year will 2 11 7 5 9
12) Fire digit numbers can be formed- = 2 − 0.8 = 1.2 1) 2) 3) 4)
have exactly 52 Tuesday is from the digits 0,2,4,5,7. One num- 16) If A and B are two mutually exclu 12 12 12 12
1 2 5 6 ber is selected at random the proba- Sol: Solving of a problem by students are
1) 2) 3) 4) 2
7 7 7 7 − sive events such that P(A) = , P(B) independent events and the problem
bility that it is divisible by ‘5’ is 3
Sol : In a leap year, there are 366 days is solved it atleast one can solve
3 5 7 9 = then P (A ∪ B ) = ∴Required probability = 1 – (None can solve)
i.e. 52 weeks + 2 days 1) 2) 8)3) 4
16 1616 16  2  3 1 1 11
∴ Here in the remaining 2 days, we 11 3 7 5 = 1 − 1 −  1 −  = 1 − × =
1) 2) 3) 4)  3  4 3 4 12
 0 
should not expect Tuesday Sol : n (S ) = 5! = 4! ∵ − − −  12 4 8 6 20) In a leap year the probability of hav-
2 5  x  Sol : Since A, B are mutually exclusive ing 52 Sundays and 53 Mondays is
∴ The required probability is 1- = ∵ − − − 0 
7 7 evens, we have P ( A ∩ B ) = 0 ⇒ 1)
9) The probability that a non leap year n (E ) = 4!+ (4!− 3!) x  7 7 7 7
 − − − 5  2 1 11
P ( A ∪ B ) = p ( A ) + P (B ) =
+ =
will have 53 Mondays is 0  Sol: In a leap year there are 366 days =
3 4 12
1 2 5 6 17) A card is drawn at random from a 52 weeks + 2 days
1) 2) 3) 4) 42 7
7 7 7 7 ∴ P (K ) = = normal pack of cards. The probability The remaining two days have the change
96 16 ((Sun, Mon), (Mon, Tue), (Tue, Wed), (Wed,
sol : In a nonleap year, there are 365
Thu), (Thu, Fri), (Fri, Sat), (Sat, Sun))
days ∴The required probability is having
i.e. 52 weeks + 1 day a Monday and not having s Sunday in
∵ The remaining one day must be the the above list.
Monday ∴ Probability =1/7
∴ Required probability is
10) 6 boys and 4 girls sit in a row at ran-
dom. The probability that all the
girls come together is b˛düTº\T
1 1 2 1 uÛ≤s¡‘· Ä]úø£ eT+Á‹‘·« XÊK≈£î #Ó+~q ôd≈£L´]{°
1) 2) 3) 4)
21 105 105 30 Á|æ+{Ï+>¥ n+&é $T+{Ï+>¥ ø±s=ŒπswüHé Ä|òt Ç+&çj·÷
sol : Consider all the 4 girls as a single *$Tf…&é (mdt|”m+d”◊m˝Ÿ).. $$<Ûä $uÛ≤>±˝À¢ U≤∞>±
object. ñqï 23 f…øÏïø£˝Ÿ Ä|ò”düsY b˛düTº\ uÛÑØÔøÏ <äs¡U≤düTÔ\T
Now arrange 6 boys + 4 girls as a
$uÛ≤>±\ yêØ U≤∞\T: f…øÏïø£˝Ÿ Ä|üπswüHé‡-18,
single object = 7 object in a row 13) The probability of getting a number- f…øÏïø£˝Ÿ düb˛sYº-1, f…øÏïø£˝Ÿ ø£+Á{À˝Ÿ-4.
that it is either a spade or a queen is
This is in 7! . 4! between “1 and 100” which is divis- ns¡Ω‘·: dü+ã+~Û‘· Áu≤+#·T˝À¢ ;á/;f…ø˘ ñrÔs¡í‘·.
ible by one and itself only is 1 4 1 13 ej·TdüT: 2019, E˝…’ 31 Hê{ÏøÏ 30 @fi¯¢≈£î $T+#·
∴ n (E ) = 7! 4! 1) 2) 3) 4)
13 13 4 51 ≈£L&É<äT. z;d”\≈£î eT÷&˚fi¯ó¢, md”‡, md”º\≈£î nsTT<˚fi¯ó¢
27 23 25 25
n (S ) = 10! 1) 2) 3) 8) Sol : n (S ) =52 C1 >∑]wüº ejÓ÷ |ü]$T‹˝À dü&É*+|ü⁄ ñ+≥T+~.
185 97 98 98
7!4! 1 m+|æø£: ÄHé˝…’Hé f…dtº, Ç+≥s¡÷«´ Ä<Ûës¡+>± m+|æø£
∴ P (E ) = = Sol : n (S ) = 98 P 1 = 98 n (S ) =52 C1 #˚kÕÔs¡T.
10! 30
n (E ) = 25 P = 25 n (E1 ) =13 C1 ; n (E2 ) = 4 C1 and <äs¡U≤düTÔ $<Ûëq+: ÄHé˝…’Hé˝À <äs¡U≤düTÔ #˚düTø√yê*.
11) 7 red roses and 4 white roses of dif- 1
<äs¡U≤düTÔ |ò”E: »qs¡˝Ÿ, z;d” nuÛÑ´s¡Tú
ferent sizes be strung in the form of P (E ) = n (E1 ∩ E2 ) =1 C1 \≈£î s¡÷.400, $T–*q yê]øÏ
a garland at random. The probabili- 98 s¡÷.100. ñ<√´>∑
ty that be two white roses come By addition theorem on probability,
14) There are ‘a’. letters and ‘n’. <äs¡U≤düTÔ\T ÁbÕs¡+uÛÑ+: p˝…’ 2, neø±XÊ\T
together is addresses envelopes. If the letters P (E1 ∪ E2 ) = P (E1 ) + P (E 2 ) − 2019.
1 R1 are put at random in the envelopes.
1) 13 + 4 − 1 16 4 <äs¡U≤düTÔ≈£î ∫e]‘˚B: p˝…’ 31,
The probability that atleast one letter P (E1 ∩ E2 ) = = = 2019.
1 R2 52 52 13
2) may be placed in wrongly addressed |üP]Ô $esê\≈£î yÓuŸôd’{Ÿ:
3 R6 envelope is 18) If P (A ) = 0.4, P (A ∪ B )= 0.7 and
1 1 1 1 1 A, B are independent then P (B )=
6 R3 R5 1) 2) 3)1 − 8)1 − B|æø£ ù|J\ô|’ MT n_ÛÁbÕj·÷\qT,
n! n n n! 1) 0.2 2) 0.3 3) 0.5 4) 0.6
1 R4 Sol : n (S ) = n !,Out of these is only Sol : Since ' A 'and ' B ' are independent dü\Vü‰\qT
12 e÷≈£î ‘Ó*j·TCÒj·T+&ç.
10! one arrangement is all correct placement s events , P (A ∩ B ) = P (A ).P (B )
Sol : n(S) = ⇒ P ( A ∪ B ) = P ( A ) + P (B ) − P (A ).P (B )
2 ∴ n(E) = 1 where 'E'is the event of
ãT<Ûäyês¡+ 3.7.2019 13

dü>∑≥T ñ‘êŒ<äø£ πsKqT, ñbÕ+‘· ñ‘êŒ<äø£ πsK mø£ÿ&É K+&çdüTÔ+~?

dæ) |ü]$T‘· kÕ«eT´+ &ç) ~Û«kÕ«eT´+ &Üø£ºsY.n¬øÿq|ü*¢ MTqj·T´
9. düVü≤ø±s¡+, dü+|òüTs¡¸D ¬s+&ÉT yÓ’s¡T<Ûë´\T ø£*dæ q\¢>=+&É mø£Hê$Tø˘‡ bò˛s¡+
e⁄+&˚ e÷¬sÿ{Ÿ @~? n<Ûä´≈£åî\T, q\¢>=+&É
m) |ü]$T‘· kÕ«eT´+ _) @ø£kÕ«eT´ b˛{° ]f…ÆsY¶ (m#Y.z.&ç) mø£Hê$Tø˘‡
dæ) ~Û«kÕ«eT´+ &ç) yÓ÷H√|ü‡˙ Hê>±s¡Tºq Á|üuÛÑT‘·« ø£fi≤XÊ\
10. me] ìs¡«#·q+ kÕs¡«»˙q‘·qT ø£*–e⁄+&ç $X‚¢wü bò˛Hé:9490138118
Hê‘·àø£yÓTÆq~>± ù|s=ÿ+{≤s¡T?
m) Ä&ÉyéT dæà‘Y _) Ä˝ŸÁô|ò&é e÷s¡¸˝Ÿ. 4)uÛ≤≥ø£+ \_+#˚ uÛÑ÷eTT\qT ñbÕ+‘· uÛÑ÷eTT\T
dæ) XÊeT÷´˝Ÿ düHé &ç) ˝…’q˝Ÿ sê_Hé‡ >± ù|s=ÿHêï&ÉT.
11. dü]jÓÆTq »‘· @~? 5) uÛÑ÷kÕs¡+˝Àì ‘˚&Ü\e˝Ò¢ uÛ≤≥ø£+ \_ÛdüTÔ+~.
1) F.Y Edge worth - m) 1, 2, 3, 4 _) 2, 3, 4, 5
1. Mathematical Physics. 1881 dæ) 1, 3, 4, 5 &ç) 1, 2, 3, 5
2) John Richard Hicks - 16. qeø£\Œq\qT Á|üy˚X¯ô|{Ϻq+<äT≈£î ñ<ä´eT<ës¡T&ÉT
2. Value and Capital. 1939. bı+<˚ Á|ü‹|òü\y˚T ˝≤uÛ≤\T nqï<Óes¡T?
3) Ms Joan Robison - 3. Economics of m) ø±sY¢ e÷sYÿ‡ _) C…._ ø±¢sYÿ
Imperfect Competition. 1933. dæ) m|òt ._ Vü‰˝Ò &ç) wüß+|”≥sY
4) Edward Chamberlin 17. X¯ó<äΔ b˛{°˝À dü+düú &çe÷+&ÉT πsK m{≤¢ e⁄+≥T+~?
- 4. Theory of Monopolistic m) dü+|üPs¡í yê´ø√#·+
1. @ø£kÕ«eT´<ës¡Tì edüTÔe⁄≈£î &çe÷+&ÉT yê´ø√#·‘·«+ dæ &É+|æ+>¥ competition. 1927 _) dü+|üPs¡í nyê´ø√#·+
m≈£îÿe>± e⁄+&ç, e �~ΔÁ|ü‹ |òü˝≤\T e⁄qïf…Æ¢‘˚ &ç) ÁuÒø˘ áyÓHé bÕsTT+{Ÿ. m) 1,2,3 _) 2,3,4 dæ) s¡TD≤‘·àø£ yê\T
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kÕÿ\sYwæ|t‡ L'Oreal Ind ia, The Scholarship Cell, Eligibility: Indian students pursuing cation. Based on the combined merit
C/O Buddy 4Study, Stellar IT Park, C- Ph.D. programs at recognized institu- and financial need of students they will
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Young Women In Science Ground floor, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar exchange program at a recognised and additional support for higher stud-
Pradesh 201301 India
Scholarship Prizes & Rewards: Selected women
French University/Institute may apply ies.
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scholars will be provided up to INR 2,
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ation in any field of science from a rec- in/nava/LIF9 back, health insurance expenses, semi- income is below INR 3 Lakhs per
ognized institute in India. The aim of
nar participation cost and visa applica- annum.
this scholarship is to encou rage young Raman-Charpak tion financial assistance. Prizes & Rewards: 100 selected schol-
women to pursue their education and
career in science and empower them
Fellowship Last Date to Apply: July 15, 2019 ars will be provided with INR50,000 per
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pas sed class 12 with 85% in PCB/ Fellowship 2019 ShortURL: nava/RCF3 in the first year of college
PCM/P CMB in the academic year Description: Department of Science Last Date to Apply: July 15, 2019
(2018-19) are eligible to apply. Annual and Technology (DST) and French G. P. Birla Scholarship Application: Submit offline applica-
family income of the applicant should Institute in India (IFI)invite Indian stu- Category: Merit cum Means based tions
be less than INR 4 Lakhs and she must dents pursuing doctoral studies in sci- Scholarship: G. P. Birla Scholarship 2019 Short URL: http://www.b4s.
not be more than 19 years of age when ence to participate in the exchange pro- Description: G. P. Birla Educational in/nava/GPB1
applying for this scholarship gram and avail fellowships to cover Foundation offers scholarships to stu-
Application: Applications are accepted research expenses including living
onl ine or student can send by post at dents of West bengal who wish to pur- Courtesy: /
expenses to work in France. sue higher education in any field of edu- Call: 08448709545, 08527484563

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