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1. Where was Nicola Tesla born?

He was born in Australia
2. When Nicola Tesla born?
He was born in July, 1856.
3. When did he has a great inventive?
When nikola tesla was child, he had a great inventive.
He was interested in eolic mills.

4. Which age was he experience with a turbine?

When nikola was 5 years old, he experimenced with a turbine.

5. What did the 28 years?

When he was 28 years old, he arrived at u.s

6. When did nikola make a great invent?

When nikola was 28 years old, he had already created an ac motor
7. Who did nikola start working when he was 29 yeras old?
When nikola was 29 years old, he started working for edison.
8. Who did nikola start working when he was 32 yeras old?
When nikola was 32 years old, he started working for westinghouse.
9. What inventions did nikola do?
When nikola was 43 years old, he created large coils.
10. Why did hi die?
Nikola died when he was 86 years old.

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