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D: Hi Eduardo

E: Hi Diana
D: Eduardo, let´s buy a gift for our friend Maria. Today is her brithday. I want
to buy some clothes for her. May be a dress or a fitted blouse
E: I can´t go.
D: Why? What are you doing?
E: I'm wearing a formal clothes for a job interview. I feel nervous.
How should I dress to day?
D: Ok. I think you sholud puton black pants, a White shirt, a light blue tie and a
gray suit.
E: Good idea. Thanks
D: Sure , no problema. But, where is your job interview?
E: My job interview is in the building of Graña y Montero in Miraflores.
D: You are joking! My new house is front of that building.
E: Really? It´s nice, how many rooms are there in your new house?
D: There five rooms. There are a big living room, a kitchen, a bath room and
two bedrooms. It´s only 800 soles.
E: Are you serious? 800 soles? That´s cheap
D: Yeah. Also there are air conditioner and free wi-fi.
E: It´s very nice.
D: In my house I´m organizing Maria´s brithday.
Can you come after your job interview?
E: Yes, I can. See you later.
TOCA LA PUERTA EDUARDO………………………………………………….
D: Come in . what´s your full name?
E: Eduardo Francisco Briceño Casana.
D: Ok. We need a programer and a engineer.
What do you do?
E: I´m a electrical engineer.
D: Can you work in Los Olivos?
E: Yes, I can.
D: Can you speak portuguese?
E: Yes, I can.
D: Tell me about your work experience
E: I have already worked in many companies before. Now I´m a full time
teacher at Callao university.
D: Ok. What are your goals?
E: My goals in to work in this company and buy my dream house……
D: Ok. What are you like?
E: I think I´m a friendly person ……
D: When can you start?
E: In june // righy now.
D: Ok.
E: How much do they pay per month?
D: Two thousand dollars.
E: Ok. It´s perfect.
D: You are welcome.
E: Thanks you very much.
D: OK.

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