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Biological control usually brings to mind the ium) also possess this property. All of these
introduction of natural enemies, but another genera are in the order Chlorococcales (Phili­
form of biological control, based on biological pose 1967) and are closely related to one an­
introductions that eliminate a pest's food sup­ other. There are other genera in the Chlorococ­
ply, may also be of use for controlling disease cales (e.g., Chlorella, Ankistrodesmus, Pedias­
vectors. In the case of mosquitoes, phytoplank­ trum, Micractinium, Gloenkinia and Tetraedron)
ton deserve particular attention since phyto­ that can be abundant where mosquitoes breed
plankton are the principal food for larvae of and appear to have no significant detrimental
many species. Mosquito larvae can digest most effect on mosquito larvae. These genera are not
kinds of phytoplankton, but a recent study fully digestible to the larvae, but they are diges­
(Marten 1986) suggests there are at least 200 tible enough to satisfy the larva's nutritional
species of planktonic green algae that can kill needs.
Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex larvae because the The significance of mosquito-indigestible al­
larvae are unable to digest them. The cell walls gae has not generally been recognized because,
of these algae contain a thin layer of sporopol­ even when these algae are abundant, their oc­
lenin, a carotenoid that protects them from currence in nature is usually in combination
digestive enzymes (Atkinson et al. 1972). These with other kinds of algae that provide sufficient
algae are digestible to animals that can break nutrition. However, they sometimes do have an
their cell walls mechanically, but mosquito lar­ impact in nature. Culex quinquefasciatus Say
vae are unable to do so. Since mosquito larvae larvae starved to death in water dominated by
do not discriminate between these algae and Kirchneriella that I collected in Hawaii from a
other phytoplankton, wherever these algae are sewage treatment pond and from an aquaculture
more abundant than other phytoplankton the pond, and the same happened with water domi­
larvae simply feed upon the indigestible algae nated by Scenedesmus that I collected from a
until they starve to death. roadside ditch. Barr (1985) observed that Culi­
I first became aware of the significance of seta incidens (Thomson) larvae failed to develop
mosquito-indigestible phytoplankton when I no­ in a rain barrel where Scenedesmus dominated
ticed that Aedes albopictus (Skuse) larvae in the phytoplankton.
Hawaii were dying of starvation in container­ A number of species of Scenedesrnus lire
breeding habitats where the green algae Kirch­ known to thrive in sewage treatments ponds
neriella irregularis had taken over the phyto­ (Gloyna et al. 1976). It might be feasible to
plankton (Marten 1984). Moreover, if I intro­ reduce mosquito problems by managing the
duced a small quantity of K. irregularis to a ponds to encourage Scenedesmus instead of
container habitat where it was not already pres­ other algae (e.g., Chlorella, Chlamydomonas and
ent, it often took over and rendered the water Euglena) that often prevail.
unsuitable for Ae. albopictus larvae. These ob­ A key question for mosquito control is how to
servations stimulated me to screen a broad tax­ assist mosquito-indigestible algae to take over
0nomic range of algae in laboratory tests to see in situations where that does not happen natu­
if other species have the same effect (Marten rally. The algae need not be highly abundant to
1986). kill mosquito larvae; they only need to be more
The results showed that most species of algae abundant than other phytoplankton so the lar­
are good food for mosquito larvae, but many vae consume them to the exclusion of other food.
species of Kirchneriella, Scenedesmus, Coelas­ It will not work to dump massive quantities of
trum, Selenastrum, Dactylococcus, Elakotothrix, algae indiscriminately into the water wherever
Tetrallantos and Tetradesmus are virtually in­ mosquitoes are breeding. If ecological conditions
digestible for mosquito larvae. At least some are not suitable, the introduced algae will
species in additional genera (e.g., Dictyosphaer­ quickly diminish in numbers or even disappear.
Nonetheless, experiments in Hawaii (Marten
1986) have shown that mosquito-indigestible al­
1 Acknowledgement is due to the Hawaii Institute
of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii and to Mir
gae can take over the phytoplankton and main­
Mulla and Robert Washino at the University of Cali­ tain that position even when introduced in very
fornia for use of their laboratory facilities. small quantities-provided the algae are local
2 Environment and Policy Institute, East- West strains highly competitive in the particular hab­
Center, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848. itat to which they are introduced. Such intro­

ductions are greatly facilitated by the simulta­ mosquitoes, this can actually be the case. Nor
neous introduction of filter-feeding zooplank­ do we know how long these phytoplankton, once
ton. The grazing pressure of zooplankton on established, will in fact maintain themselves
digestible algae gives indigestible algae a com­ under various field conditions, though they
petitive advantage. Best results come from in­ sometimes have persisted for as much as a year
troducing a mixture of several promising algae after introductions in small-scale field experi­
species and several promising zooplankton spe­ ments in Hawaii.
cies. When I introduced a mixture of several The next logical step is to culture local strains
specis of Kirchneriella and Scenedesmus in com­ of these phytoplankton, introduce them in co­
bination with Daphnia to water from a pig farm ordination with mutually reinforcing organisms
stabilization pond, one or two of the introduced to a variety of mosquito breeding habitats, and
algae species consistently displaced Chlorella al­ observe the consequences. Only in this way can
ready in the water and rendered the water un­ we realistically evaluate the potential of indiges­
suitable for Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. Cer­ tible phytoplankton for mosquito control.
iodaphnia, Diaphanosoma, Sida, Bosmina and
Diaptomus are examples of zooplankton that
could also be useful in this regard. REFERENCES CITED
Mosquito-indigestible phytoplankton do not Atkinson, A. W., B. E. S. Gunning and P. C. L. John.
appear to have undesirable environmental side 1972. Sporopollenin in the cell wall of Chlorella and
effects. They are not toxic to fish or any other other algae: ultrastructure, chemistry, and incorpo­
animals, nor are they particularly associated ration of 14C·acetate, studied in synchronous cuI·
with the kinds of algae blooms that lead to tures. Planta (Berl.) 107:1-32.
oxygen depletion or fish kills. Numerous kinds Barr, A. R. 1985. Population regulation of immature
Culiseta incidens, pp. 147-154. In: L. P. Lounibos,
of aquatic animals are associated with these J. R. Rey and J. H. Frank (eds.). Ecology of mos·
phytoplankton in nature, even when mosquito quitoes. Florida Medical Entomological Laboratory,
larvae cannot survive. Vero Beach, Florida.
We do not know whether mosquito-indigesti­ Gloyna, E. F., J. F. Malina and E. M. Davis. 1976.
ble phytoplankton will prove practical for large­ Ponds as a Wastewater Treatment Alternative.
scale mosquito control, but they are worth ex­ Center for Research in Water Resources, University
ploring further. A significant advantage of in­ of Texas, Austin, Texas. 447 pp.
digestible phytoplankton is that mosquitoes Marten, G. G. 1984. Impact of the copepod Mesocy­
should not be able to evolve a resistance to them. clops leuckarti pilosa and the green alga Kirchneriella
irregularis upon larval Aedes albopictus (Diptera:
However, indigestible phytoplankton can be ef­
Culicidae). Bull. Soc. Vector Eco1. 9:1-5.
fective only for mosquito species that are pri­ Marten, G. G. 1986. Phytoplankton management for
marily filter-feeders, and only where they can mosquito control: the potential of indigestible green
predominate over other food in the water. We algae. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 89:213-222.
do not know for how many different kinds of Philipose, M. T. 1967. Chlorococcales. Indian Council
breeding habitats, or for how many species of of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India. 365 pp.

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