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Julius Caesar is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, composed at some time around 1599.

It is one of a few plays composed by Shakespeare on a genuine event from Roman history.

The authentic occurrence encompassing the stratagem against the former Roman pioneer Julius Caesar
(c.100-44B.C.) and the civil war that followed his death.

Shakespeare depicts Caesar’s death on the Ides of (March 15) by a gathering of backstabbers who
dreaded the aspiring leader would transform the Roman Republic into a dictatorial empire.

jealous conspirators convince Caesar's friend Brutus to join their assassination plot against Caesar. To
stop Caesar from gaining too much power, Brutus and the conspirators kill him on the Ides of March.
Mark Antony drives the conspirators out of Rome and fights them in a battle. Brutus and his friend
Cassius lose and kill themselves, leaving Antony to rule in Rome.

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