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July 28

1 Peter 1:23
For you have been born again,not of perishable seed,but of imperishable, through the living

and enduring word of God.The seed of the word the need to be planted in our heart.Thatevery

seed carries life and potential. They have 4 kinds of heart 1st the Road Heart we hear the word

of God but we just hear it and passing out through the other ear.We can't really accept the word

of God in our life just why the word can't grow from us.2nd the Rocky Heart we hear the word

but come from the trials in life we are easily to give up.3rd the Thorny Heart the word is grow

up but not totally apply in our life because we just confused and they have no trust to the

Lord.4th the Good Heart we hear the word and he grow up to our heart and mind.They have

changes in our life and we show our true faith in our God despite of many challenges in life.
August 4

Hebrew 3:13

But encourage one another daily,as long as it is called "Today", so that

none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. It is all about how we

living in sin because our heart now a days is called hard heart.Because of

what could our see to our world full of sin through doing a wrong things like

killing ,and other can cause a sin.Because now the world is lost of word of

God to think what is right and wrong.We need God in our life to make us be a

good heart and be the one of the encourager and not the deceiver.Because

our world need to those people willing to change in their life for not be alway

the sin deceitfulness be the one to overtake in our life.If we continue to be

hard heart we can experience the ignoring our conscience and spiritual

convection and we always keeping disappointment and hurt that is not part

of our to be experience but we are the one to make it happen to us.Just be

the God be the center for everything and not ourself.

We are excited because for the first time we are manage of an

business.But behind of that we need first to experience difficult toward

planning your business to make it success without failure .As a group

we need really the cooperation to each other to fulfill of what the group

decision not only that you are Top Manager your the one to decide but

wrong we need the opinion of your member because they also an idea

to share.Before the day of business we decide the total of contribution

of each member but the problem is when the ingredients are brought

the money was lock because of over price of other ingredients so that

we not totally fulfill of what we have plan by the group.July 26 in the

morning we are busy for preparing the products that we are going to

sold in the school campus that we are not attended the school parade

because of lock of time to prepare.When the time come for the

business first we enjoy it because many costumer encourage to buy to

your product and we can see that they are satisfy and have a good

feedback to your product but despite of this you experience tired and

lock of authority to manage properly your business because you are the
one only to handle it and lost of cooperation to your member.I think to

my self that I lost of confidence to speak to them or to manage them

properly .But I realize that if not be good enough but soon if I handle

once a again of a business I will do my best to manage my employee or

member properly.I enjoy that we gain a profit that our business not be

failure and we know we made our best to make it success.

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