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A Detailed Lesson Plan In Baking


I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
1. Terminologies of cookies.
2. Share the Importance of identifying terminologies of cookies

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Terminologies of baking
b. Reference:
c. Materials: Laptop, whiteboard projector
d. Method: Discussion

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activit
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Good morning, “Good morning, Ma’am.
( One of the students will stand up and lead
: a prayer)
“Please stand up and
lead a prayer
The students will say present as they hear
their names.

“Say present as you

hear your name.”

Task 1: The teacher will
post a white cartolina with a
small black circle at the
center. The students will be
asked the following “It has somewhat a hole at the center,
questions: Ma’am.”

1. What can you

observe in the
2. What do you think
does the black circle “The black circle, Ma’am.”
mean? “The white space, Ma’am.”
3. How about the white
“Assumed that the
white space is the
good things that
people done to you
and the black circle is
the bad thing. What
did you notice first?
The black or the

B. Lesson Proper

1. “The teacher in the story S.T

2. “Twenty-five”
3. “He is a Teacher.”
a. “Sparsely populated is poor town,

b. “No, they don’t have cell phones

during those times.”
c. “The animals go in the town every

d. “They go to the town

To search for food to eat.”

5. “He stays in a short period of time

because he cannot contain the

6. “He left the town.”

7. “Summer season.”

8. “They don’t have jeepney, buses,

and even cars before.”

9. “A donkey cart”

a. “Donkey is a small horse.”

b. “Very seldom, Ma’am.”

10. “All the carts had left.”

11. “The boy from the


12. “At first he wants to, but he

hesitates when he saw who the
driver is.”

13. “Lin Ng”

1st part- The story goes that when he was

young, he had been a member of a gang.
They had all been wiped out by the law but
he escaped and returned to the town. He
had taken a job of being a transport driver.
Soon afterward there occurred an event
which seemed to confirm his reputation. He
was employed to drive local merchant who
carried a substantial sum of money.
2nd part- The day after the journey, the
merchant was found clubbed to death in a
ditch below a stretch of plateau some miles
from the town. Everyone was aware that
Lin Ng was the driver who had been
employed to drive the leather dealer home
and there seemed little doubt of his guilt.
He empathetically denied and this and
asserted to that at the halfway stage, the
merchant had transferred to another cart,
driven by Ngau Lo Tsun.

Physical Features Personality

1. Melancholic 1. Unsavory
2. Thick Reputation
3. Wide
4. Pinch of white
Lin Ng S.T Hwang
1. Robber 1. A teacher
2. Bad 2. Good
3. Killer person
4. Cannot be 3. Can be
trusted trusted
4. Innocent

1. “Yes”

2. “He was a bit nervous and scared.”

3. “No, because he was scared that Lin

Ng would attack him if he knows.”

4. “He began to compose himself in

believing Lin Ng.”

5. “No. Because all the accusations

about him were not evidently proven.
In fact, the leather dealer was
ambushed and killed by the three

1. “The teacher in the story is S.T

2. “To defend himself if ever Lin Ng will
attack him.”

3. “The driver of the donkey is Lin Ng.”

4. “If it is not true, I’ll be hurt and self-


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