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Nisreen Faraj

HIST 134

1 August 2019

The Etruscan Society

Hello, my name is Larcia and I am a nineteen year old from the Etruscan city of

Populonia, which I love very dearly. I wake up and look around my house; my house here is

made up of daub walls and a thatch roof. I start off my day by getting up and getting ready as I

think about my plans for the course of the afternoon. My first responsibility is to go to my

important job, for the work that I do plays and important role in the significance of my city


As I set out on my daily path for work I encounter several different men and women. I

speak to different people that I pass by while I am walking to work. Some people look at me and

it makes me slightly uncomfortable because they obviously feel like they are superior to me. My

friend who is married is walking with me and she is receiving more respect; because of her

marital status, others treat her like an equal rather than someone who is inferior. I wait for the

day that I earn that kind of treatment as well, but I do not let it bother me too much in the

meantime. I do not like the feeling of other people thinking they are better than me for any


As I continue walking, I try and think of different things that make me feel better in order

to improve my mood. While there are several different restrictions and limitations placed on

women, I am reminded of some of the freedoms that come with womanhood in my culture. I

pass by some of the property that is currently in the possession of my family and I smile happily.
I remember that am going to inherit it quite soon, and I feel blessed that I have the right to inherit

my property.

I continue my walk to work and think of the warfare of Etruscan is influenced somewhat

by the Greek and their principles in regards to war. I wonder what is in store for Populonia’s

future as history is currently in the making. Will my people, the Etruscan people, become well

known? Will it be Rome that becomes successful and better known by people? I think about

people from here and from other place often and feel upset that civilians even have to put up with

the warfare their homes go through. I do not like the Roman society because they have been

taking over our city. I am at work now, it is nice to do something purposeful and get my mind off

of everything else.

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