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Supply List:

Students should report to school with the basic supplies to be successful in their general education
courses. Suggested basic supplies include:
Notebook paper
Black or blue ink pens
Pencils with erasers
Note cards
Binders and/or folders for organization
Composition books
Agenda/calendar/notebook for keeping track of assignments, practices, events, and deadlines

Teachers have also requested donations of tissues (for students with colds) and baby wipes (for cleaning
the boards) – any donations of these items would be much appreciated!

In addition, some classes have listed specific items they would recommend for their courses. Individual
class lists are as follows:

Spanish II: Spanish dictionary, a composition book, a folder with pockets, loose-leaf paper, pencil and/or
blue or black pens

Speech: a composition book, a folder with pockets, loose-leaf paper, pencil and/or blue or black pens

Contemporary Issues: a composition book, a folder with pockets, loose-leaf paper, pencil and/or blue or
black pens

Honors Biology: paper towels (1 roll), tissues (1 box), latex or non-latex disposable gloves ( 1 box of the
size specific to that student)

Anatomy: 1 ream/pack colored copy paper, Kleenex type tissues (1 box), dry erase markers (4 pack)

AP Psychology: 1 ream/package of white copy paper, highlighters, sticky notes, Kleenex type tissues (1

AP Language: Classic Composition Book (Marble cover w/stitched in pages), 1" binder with dividers for
handouts, graded papers, etc., black or blue pens, wide-ruled notebook paper

Math: The school has class sets of calculators, but it is helpful for students to purchase their own graphing
calculator: preferably a TI-83 or TI-84 model

Visual Arts:
8 1/2 inch by 11 inch hard cover bound sketch book - we recommend the Plaza brand from Plaza Art
adhesive of choice (white glue, rubber cement, or high quality glue stick like the UHU brand - Elmers
glue sticks are not very good quality)
a small metal pencil sharpener
a white and/or kneaded rubber eraser
a range of drawing pencils
at least one fine point waterproof black marker like Sharpie
set of multipurpose (acrylic and watercolor - we will not be using oil paint in class) paintbrushes (3-5)
include 1 detail brush in the set

Theatre: 1 composition book, 1 - 1" Binder with a Plastic Sleeve cover, 5 Dividers, 1 Highlighter, 1 pkg
of Plastic Sheet Protectors, Notebook Paper

Chemistry: 1-scientific calculator, 12” ruler (preferably transparent), 1- pack of tooth picks, one 16 oz
play-doh tub of: Black, blue, red, yellow, two 2-inch 3-ring binders

Music Theory II and AP Music Theory:

At least a one inch 3 ring binder
Wirebound manuscript paper (good option from amazon:
2&keywords=staff+paper+notebook )

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