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LIBERTY 5-3000

We had listened to the rumors and squalor, they had asked us why we were so quiet, but we
never responded. We had decided keeping to ourselves was best if we were to ever find a way to
lave and find the unconquered. We decided that they are the ones who shall not be forgotten. We
decided tonight we shall find our love.

We had hidden away in our corridors saying ‘we are sick therefore we can not work, it’s best if
we do not infect the rest of the society as we are ill.’ What we had said and they had believed
was a lie. Once they left us to be for hours which seem as if they were days we ran out running
thinking about if this is what our unconquered felt when they were running to keep their life. We
slowed as we were out of breath and no sound was heard; a thicket was in front as the tall old
trees blended into the darkness making it look terrifying, and just as our unconquered was behind
his eyes, strange.

We saw footsteps, we followed them not caring for our wellbeing just waiting for the footsteps to
end and hoping a dead body was not waiting at the end. We kept our hands in fists as we
followed the trail taking the lashes and jolts of natures way, our knuckles white as we
approached, our unconquered, we were silent forcing to hold back emotions we dare not let
show. We knew that if they were the damned than we would be aswell. But none of it mattered
anyway we felt free but we were tired and frustrated, we couldn’t say what we wanted, we
wanted to say words that didn’t exist; they're on the tip of our tongue but nowhere close to
coming out. We just stood looking, watching, waiting as they asked, “how come you to be here,
golden one” we felt so much relief, they were real, they weren't illusions they were alive and
well, but this made us more afraid because what if it does not last long what if they disappear
again, we were afraid once more. We whispered, “we have found you.”

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