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Claudine Kyle T.


Every Package Counts: A Reflection Paper

As an engineering student, I’m quite a busy person. When I’m at school, I spend most of my time in the library
either studying or resting. When I have no class, I immediately go home just to do the same thing - rest or study.
The demand of my course is very heavy that sometimes I even forget to eat and take care of myself. Sounds
stressful, right? The reason why I’m pointing this out is because, one factor why I don’t generate a lot of
packaging garbage is because of the fact the I’m a busy person. I don’t usually go to cafeterias or vending
machines just to buy food because its either I’m busy or I already brought my food. However, the careful
collecting of waste packaging made me realize some points that I don’t usually appreciate even if I encounter it
everyday. I realized that the number of the garbage that generate everyday is no joke. I myself generates a lot of
garbage each week, what more when we talk about BILLIONS of people all throughout the globe. Its very scary
knowing that this is a very underrated case where everyone just talks lowly about. I myself─ despite of my
situation of being busy─, can generate a lot of garbage, what more the other people who is fond of using and
utilizing things that have packaging that can be thrown immediately after. Imagine the fast food chains where a
lot of people eat, and the papers and plastics that they use to serve their foods. The malls that use tons of paper
and plastics to give the customers their products. Places like Roxas Night Market, and Davao Food Bazaars, use a
lot of plastic that even our fingers can’t count. Look at what us humans give to our environment. We destroy it
just by using a “common” and “normal” packaging. This really serves as an eye opener for me. To be more
conscious of one’s garbage, that’s what we should do. Let’s not wait that the time will come, the garbage are
outnumbering us. If we won’t do anything to stop it, the effect will just come back to us. I hope that whatever I
realized out of this reflection, would also be realized by others. I understand that the packaging wastes are very
vital in every day of our lives, its how we live, and it really seems like normal especially its how we keep our
things. However, if living in a world full of garbage seems disgusting to you, then we should do something.

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