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Let us assume mn > 1. Obviously n is odd. Let p > 3 be the smallest prime divisor of n. In this case (p — 1,n) = 1. Since 2" +1 | 27" - 1, we have that p | 2°" — 1. Thus it follows from Fermat's little theorem and elementary number theory that p | (2?" — 1,2?-!-1) = 2@mP-) — 1, Since (2n,p — 1) < 2, it follows that p | 3 and hence p= 3. Let us assume now that n is of the form n = 3*d, where 2,34 d. We first prove that k = 1. Lemma. If 2™ — 1 is divisible by 3", then m is divisible by 3°-1. Proof. This is the lemma from (SL97-14) with p = 3, a = 2”, k =m, a=l,and§=r. Since 3?* divides n? | 2?" — 1, we can apply the lemma to m = 2n and r = 2k to conclude that 3?*-! | n = 3*d. Hence k = 1. Finally, let us assume d > 1 and let g be the smallest prime factor of d. Obviously g is odd, g > 5, and (n,g—1) € {1,3}. We then have g | 2?"-1 and g | 27-1 — 1, Consequently, g | 2@™-) —1 = 22(™9-)) _ 1, which divides 2-1 = 63 = 37-7, so we must have g = 7. However, in that case we obtain 7| n | 2" +1, which is a contradiction, since powers of two can only be congruent to 1,2 and 4 modulo 7. It thus follows that d= 1 and n=3. Hencen > 1S>n=3. It is easily verified that n = 1 and n = 3 are indeed solutions. Hence these are the only solutions.

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