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Soft Roll

125g bread flour

1 tsp instant yeast

½ Tbsp Butter

1 Tbsp Sugar

¼ tsp salt

¼ cup fresh milk

1pc eggyolk

Oil for pan

1. Sift together flour and yeast in a bowl. Set aside.

2. In a bowl, mix butter, sugar, salt, fresh milk and

Swiss Roll
Swiss Buttercream Icing
Batter Mixture
1pc egg white
70g water
50g refined sugar
25g veg. oil
½ bar butter
3pcs. Egg yolk, large
½ tsp vanilla
½ tsp vanilla
1. Whisk egg white and warm it on a double boiler.
85g cake flour
Add sugar gradually.
50g sugar, refined 2. Remove the mixture from heat. Whisk.
3. Add in the cold butter (cut in cubes).
¾ tsp baking powder

Pinch salt


35g sugar, refined

3 pcs. Egg white large

Pinch cream of tartar

Veg. oil for greasing the pan

1. Mix salt, veg. oil, egg yolk, vanilla and water until
bubbly, add sugar until it dissolves.
2. Mix cake flour and baking powder in a separate
bowl and then add to the egg yolk mixture.
3. Beat egg white and cream of tartar until bubbles
are fine, add sugar gradually until stiff peak.
4. Cut and fold mixture with meringue mixture.

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