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Hello everyone today we present the best garbage bin in the world.

They end up being smelly and leaky most of the time. You have to clean the garbage can out
so many times that it gets annoying in the end. Plus, the smells can be ghastly.

the outrash is the newest and most stylish garbage bin,it is only 90 cm lenght and weighs only
2 spite of its size, its attractive and the most funcional of the market.

The outrash keeps the smell away from your house, because it the most hermetic garbage
container and It has all the practical functionality you would expect, including a unique
bag sealing system preventing odors.

one of the great benefits of our product is to avoid diseases associated with garbage and also you
you can take out the trash faster and cleaner because Taking out the trash is more
disgusting with common dustbin than our garbage bin.
We received the funding of clean beauty to make our products
*The purpose of our research was to find the most comfortable and cleanest way to take out the

*we wanted to find if our system would Keep Smells Away

Why did we choose to make the outrash? Because is more cheaper and more efficient than other
First we contacted with the university and we installed 5
Then we explain the use of our product to the cleaning people and students
Finally 2 weeks after we spoke with the cleaning people and they said that way to take out the
trash is more hygienic and easier.

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