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Missions like traveling mars to other galaxies are futuristic thoughts that are not yet possible to

happen. This will require advance technology that we don’t have today.

Stok, G. (2017, March 29). Can Humans Travel to and Inhabit Other Planets Besides Mars?
Retrieved August 18, 2019, from

The possibilities of a visit from or to other solar systems are very small, because when we cannot
even agree here on earth, how could we then agree with another civilization? The only way to
visit another star is advanced robots there can reproduce themselves because before you ever get
a signal back from them visiting another star system many thousands of years will have past.

Johnsen, K. (2018, May 12). How do we travel to another planet? Retrieved August 18, 2019,

According to “The Urantia Book”, it discloses answers to the question of how we, as human
beings, can and will travel into space—and it won't be in material rocket ships. Our only means
of acquiring this ability will come through the death of these material bodies, which have no
capacity as life vehicles to other worlds.

Truthbook. (n.d.). How do we travel to other planets? Retrieved August 18, 2019, from

Crewed missions to any of the outer planets would be extremely challenging. The planets
themselves are known as gas giants because they are extremely big and have no solid surface.
Humans would therefore not be able to land on them as there is nothing to land on. Flying in the
upper atmosphere might be technically possible with a specially designed craft, but I think that it
is safe to say that that is many years in our future. Using current technology it would take several
years for a space craft to reach the outer planets.

Masters, K. (n.d.). Could we send a crewed mission to the outer planets? (Intermediate).
Retrieved August 18, 2019, from

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