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Addison Disease primary adrenocortical deficiency

Addisonian Anemia pernicious anemia
Aide?s tonic pupil LARGE pupil. rare, always benign. Fails to constrict to both accommodation & light. After a
prolonged attempt it eventually constricts but sluggishly. Pupil redilates slowly(tonic).
Albright Syndrome pseudohypoparathyroidism

Resistance to PTH. Hypocalemia & hyperphosphatemia + increased PTH (negative feedback).

Manifestations in the genetic type (Ia): Subcutaneous ossifications, brachydactyly, obesity,

round facies, and short stature.

Alport Syndrome X-linked hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness

hematuria, family history of males progressing to end stage renal disease. Details

Alzheimer progressive dementia. Details

Argyll-Robertson Pupil small pupil. Loss of light reflex. Mnemonic
Arnold-Chiari Malformation herniation of the cerebellar tonsils
Barrett esophagus columnar metaplasia of the esophagus due to chronic reflux esophagitis (precancerous)
Bartter Syndrome hyperreninemia
Becker Muscular Dystrophy more benign than Duchenne muscular dystrophy (pseudohypertrophy), appears in the 20s
and 30s, no skeletal or heart abnormalities (deficiency in dystrophin protein)
Bell Palsy (Facial palsy)

Inflammatory swelling of the facial nerve in the facial canal of the middle ear, leading in severe
cases to an acute compression neuropathy. Details

Berger Disease IgA nephropathy. Details

Berry Aneurysm aneurysm of the circle of Willis (common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage)
Broca Aphasia Motor Aphasia
Brown-Sequard hemisection of spinal cord
contralateral loss of pain & temperature

ipsilateral LMN lesion & loss of sensation at the level of the lesion. ispilateral

hemiplegia, deep sensory loss below the level of the lesion.

Bruton Disease X-linked agammaglobinemia

Budd-Chiari thrombosis of the hepatic veins. Details
Buerger Disease acute inflammation of small, arteries & veins with perivascular fibrosis which blends artery, vein &
nerve into one mass. Occurs in smokers 95% are males.

painful ischemia progressing to gangrene.

Burkitt Lymphoma High grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Common in children, rare in adults. Endemic in Africa.
Caisson Disease Gas emboli due rapid decompression (diving).
Chagas' Disease (American Trypansomiasis) infection with protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Leads to
heart affection progressing to heart failure, achlasia and megacolon. Details
Conn Syndrome primary hyperaldosteronism. Details
Creutzfeldt-Jakob prion disease (Mad Cow disease in cows) is a slow virus infection of the CNS leading to
cerebral degeneration (progressive dementia). Details
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome Congenital neonatal jaundice

Type I (Autosomal recessive - no glocuronyl transferase - leads to kernicterus) Type II

(Autosomal dominant - diminished glocuronyl transferase).

Unconjugated. Details

Crohn disease Inflammatory bowel disease: Deep

with lymphocytic infiltrate

Skip lesions hence cobble stone appearance

Most commonly found in the terminal ileum. Can affect any area from mouth to anus. Details

Curling Ulcer Stress gastritis - associated with major trauma, burns, sepsis, shock.
Cushing Syndrome Hypercorticism. Details
Cushing Ulcer acute gastritis associated with intracranial lesions
de Quervain Thyroiditis Subacute viral thyroiditis. Transient hyperthyroidism --> hypothyroidism --> normal.

Exquisitely tender and woody hard and moderately enlarged. Details

DiGeorge Syndrome dysmorphogenesis of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, leading to hypoplasia or
aplasia of the thymus and parathyroid glands --> T-cell deficiency & hypoparathyroidism
Down Syndrome Trisomy 21
Dressler Syndrome Autoimmune pericarditis following myocardial infarction. Rare.
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome congenital hyperbilirubinemia

Autosomal recessive appears at any age. Defect in bilirubin excretion (conjugated). Liver biopsy
shows melanin deposition.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (pseudohypertrophy), appears early, skeletal or heart abnormalities are common (deficiency in
dystrophin protein).
Edwards' Syndrome Trisomy 18
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome defective collagen. Details
Eisenmenger Complex reversing of left to right shunt in patients with ASD, VSD, patent ductus arteriosus resulting in
cyanosis. Details
Erb-Duchenne Palsy trauma to superior trunk of brachial plexus Waiter Tip
Ewing Sarcoma undifferentiated round cell tumor of bone.
Eyrthroplasia of Queyrat carcinoma in situ on glans penis
Fabry Disease Rare, inherited disease in which lack of alpha-galactosidase causes lipid deposition in the organs leading
to organ failure.
Fanconi Syndrome impaired proximal tubular reabsorption 2? to lead poisoning or Tetracycline (glycosuria,
hyperphosphaturia, aminoaciduria, systemic acidosis)

Felty Syndrome rheumatoid arthritis, neutropenia, splenomegaly

Gardner Syndrome adenomatous polyps of colon plus osteomas & soft tissue tumors
Gaucher Disease Lysosomal Storage Disease glucocerebrosidase deficiency

hepatosplenomegaly, femoral head & long bone erosion, anemia

Gilbert Syndrome congenital hyperbilirubinemia

defect in glocuronidation & hepatic uptake of bilirubin. Bilirubin increases by fasting &
phenobarbitone (unconjugated).

Appears in young adults, prognosis is excellent.

Glanzmann Thrombasthenia defective glycoproteins on platelets

Goodpasture autoimmune: ab to glomerular & alveolar basement membranes
Grave Disease autoimmune hyperthyroidism (TSI). Details
Guillain-Barre idiopathic polyneuritis (ascending muscle weakness & paralysis; usually self-limiting). Details
Hamman-Rich Syndrome idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Hand-Schuller-Christian chronic progressive histiocytosis
Hashimoto Thyroiditis autoimmune hypothyroidism. Details
Hashitoxicosis initial hyperthyroidism in Hashimoto Thyroiditis that precedes hypothyroidism. Details
Henoch-Schonlein purpura hypersensivity vasculitis

hemmorhagic urticaria (with fever, arthralgias, GI & renal involvement)

associated with upper respiratory infections

Hirschprung Disease aganglionic megacolon

Horner Syndrome ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis (lesion of cervical sympathetic nerves often 2? to a Pancoast tumor)
Huntington progressive degeneration of caudate nucleus, putamen & frontal cortex; AD
Jacksonian Seizures epileptic events originating in the primary motor cortex (area 4)
Job Syndrome immune deficiency: neutrophils fail to respond to chemotactic stimuli
Kaposi Sarcoma malignant vascular tumor (HHV8 in homosexual men)
Kartagener Syndrome Autosomal Recessive. Defect in dynein arms leading to immotile cilia this in turn leads to
sterility and is associated with situs inversus
Kawasaki Disease mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (lips, oral mucosa)
Klinefelter Syndrome 47, XXY
Kluver-Bucy bilateral lesions of amygdala (hypersexuality; oral behavior)
Krukenberg Tumor adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells (typically originating from the stomach) metastases to
the ovaries
Laennec Cirrhosis alcoholic cirrhosis
Lesch-Nyhan HGPRT deficiency

gout, retardation, self-mutilation

Letterer-Siwe acute disseminated Langerhans' cell histiocytosis

Levine sign Clenched fist over the sternum is a telling feature of cardiac pain.
Libman-Sacks endocarditis with small vegetations on valve leaflets

associated with SLE

Li-Fraumeni syndrome Autosomal dominant cancer predisposition syndrome, with multiple cancers in an individual
and their family. Details
Lou Gehrig Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis degeneration of upper & lower motor neurons. Details
Mallory-Weis Syndrome bleeding from esophagogastric lacerations 2? to wretching (alcoholics)
Marfan connective tissue defect
McArdle Disease glycogen storage disease (muscle phosphorylase deficiency)
Meckel Diverticulum rule of 2: 2 inches long, 2 feet from the ileocecum, in 2% of the population

embryonic duct origin; may contain ectopic tissue (gastric, pancreatic, etc.)

Meig Syndrome Triad: ovarian fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax

Menetrier Disease giant hypertrophic gastritis (enlarged rugae; plasma protein loss)
Monckeberg Arteriosclerosis calcification of the media (usually radial & ulnar aa.)
Munchausen Syndrome factitious disorder (consciously creates symptoms, but doesn't know why)
Nelson Syndrome 1? Adrenal Cushings ----> surgical removal of adrenals ----> loss of negative feedback to
pituitary ? Pituitary Adenoma
Niemann-Pick Lysosomal Storage Disease sphingomyelinase deficiency

"foamy histiocytes"

Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Paget Disease abnormal bone architecture (thickened, numerous fractures ----> pain)
Pancoast Tumor bronchogenic tumor with superior sulcus involvement ----> Horner Syndrome
Parinaud syndrome preauricular lymph node enlargement on the same side as conjunctivitis.
Parkinson dopamine depletion in nigrostriatal tracts
Peutz-Jegher Syndrome melanin pigmentation of lips, mouth, hand, genitalia plus hamartomatous polyps of small
Peyronie Disease subcutaneous fibrosis of dorsum of penis
Pick Disease progressive dementia similar to Alzheimer
Plummer Syndrome hyperthyroidism, nodular goiter, absence of eye signs (Plummer = Grave - eye signs)
Plummer-Vinson esophageal webs & iron-deficiency anemia, - SCCA of esophagus
Pompe Disease glycogen storage disease ----> cardiomegaly
Pott Disease tuberculous osteomyelitis of the vertebrae
Potter Complex renal agenesis ----> oligohydramnios ----> hypoplastic lungs, defects in extremities
Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome Varicella Zoster infection of the geniculate ganglion. This results in unilateral lower motor
neuron lesions of the facial nerve.
Raynaud Disease: recurrent vasospasm in extremities

Phenomenon: 2? to underlying disease (SLE or scleroderma)

Reiter Syndrome urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis non-infectious (but often follows infections), HLA-B27,
Reye Syndrome microvesicular fatty liver change & encephalopathy

2? to aspirin ingestion in children following viral illness

Riedel Thyroiditis idiopathic fibrous replacement of thyroid

Rotor Syndrome congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated)

similar to Dubin-Johnson, but no discoloration of the liver

Schatzki ring Lower esophageal ring at the junction between squamous and columnar epithelium causing
dysphagia to solids & liquids every 3-4 months after a bolus of meat or bread.
Sezary Syndrome leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides)
Shaver Disease aluminum inhalation ----> lung fibrosis
Sheehan Syndrome postpartum pituitary necrosis
Schilling test used to diagnose pernicious anemia
Shy-Drager parkinsonism with autonomic dysfunction & orthostatic hypotension
Simmond Disease pituitary cachexia
Sipple Syndrome MEN type IIa (pheochromocytoma, thyroid medulla, parathyroid)
Sjogren Syndrome triad: dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis - risk of B-cell lymphoma
Spitz Nevus juvenile melanoma (always benign)
Stein-Leventhal polycystic ovary
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome erythema multiforme, fever, malaise, mucosal ulceration (often 2? to infection or sulfa drugs)
Still Disease juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (absence of rheumatoid factor)
Takayasu arteritis aortic arch syndrome

loss of carotid, radial or ulnar pulses

Tay-Sachs gangliosidosis (hexosaminidase A deficiency ----> GM2 ganglioside)

Tetralogy of Fallot VSD, overriding aorta, pulmonary artery stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy
Tietze syndrome self limiting costochondritis characterized by chest pain associated with tenderness.
Tourette Syndrome involuntary actions, both motor and vocal
Turcot Syndrome adenomatous polyps of colon plus CNS tumors
Turner Syndrome 45, XO
Vincent Infection "trench mouth" - acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
von Gierke Disease glycogen storage disease (G6Pase deficiency)
von Hippel-Lindau hemangioma (or hemangioblastoma)

adenomas of the viscera, especially renal cell carcinoma

von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis & caf?au lait spots

von Recklinghausen Disease of osteitis fibrosa cystica ("brown tumor") 2? to hyperparathyroidism
von Willebrand Disease defect in platelet adhesion 2? to deficiency in vWF
Waldenstrom macroglobinemia proliferation of IgM-producing lymphoid cells
Wallenberg Syndrome Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA) thrombosis "Medullary Syndrome"

Ipsilateral: ataxia, facial pain & temp; Contralateral: body pain & temp

Waterhouse-Friderichsen catastrophic adrenal insufficiency 2? to hemorrhagic necrosis (eg, DIC)

often 2? to meningiococcemia

Weber Syndrome Paramedian Infarct of Midbrain

Ipsilateral: mydriasis; Contralateral: UMN paralysis (lower face & body)

Wegener Granulomatosis necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of paranasal sinuses, lungs, kidneys, etc.
Weil Disease leptospirosis
Wermer Syndrome MEN type I (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, pancreatic islets, pituitary)
Wernicke Aphasia Sensory Aphasia impaired comprehension
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome thiamine deficiency in alcoholics; bilateral mamillary bodies (confusion, ataxia,
Whipple Disease malabsorption syndrome (with bacteria-laden macrophages) & polyarthritis
Wilson Disease hepatolenticular degeneration (copper accumulation & decrease in ceruloplasmin)
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome immunodeficiency: combined B- &T-cell deficiency (thrombocytopenia & eczema)
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect high iodine level (--) thyroid hormone synthesis
Zenker Diverticulum esophageal; cricopharyngeal muscles above UES
Zollinger-Ellison gastrin-secreting tumor of pancreas (or intestine) ----> - acid ----> intractable ulcers


Albumino-Cytologic Dissociation Guillain-Barre (markedly increased protein in CSF with only modest increase in cell count)
Antiplatelet Antibodies idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Arachnodactyly Marfan
Aschoff Bodies rheumatic fever
Auer Rods acute myelocytic leukemia
Autosplenectomy sickle cell anemia
Babinski UMN lesion
Basophilic Stippling of RBCs lead poisoning
Bence Jones Protein multiple myeloma free light chains (either kappa or lambda)

Waldenstrom macroglobinemia

Birbeck Granules histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma)

Blue Bloater Chronic Bronchitis
Boot-Shaped Heart Tetralogy of Fallot
Bouchard Nodes osteoarthritis (PIP)
Boutonniere Deformity rheumatoid arthritis
Brown Tumor hyperparathyroidism
Brushfield Spots Down
Call-Exner Bodies granulosa cell tumor
Cardiomegaly with Apical Atrophy Chagas' Disease
Chancre 1? Syphilis
Chancroid Haemophilus ducreyi
Charcot Triad multiple sclerosis (nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech)
Charcot-Leyden Crystals bronchial asthma
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing cerebral lesion
Chocolate Cysts endometriosis
Chvostek Sign Hypocalcemia facial spasm in tetany
Clue Cells Gardnerella vaginitis
Codman Triangle osteosarcoma
Cold Agglutinins Mycoplasma pneumoniae

infectious mononucleosis

Condyloma Lata 2? Syphilis

Cotton Wool Spots HTN
Councilman Bodies dying hepatocytes
Crescents In Bowman Capsule rapidly progressive (crescentic glomerulonephritis)
Currant-Jelly Sputum Klebsiella
Curschmann Spirals bronchial asthma
Depigmentation Of Substantia Nigra Parkinson
Donovan Bodies granuloma inguinale (STD)
Eburnation osteoarthritis (polished, ivory-like appearance of bone)
Ectopia Lentis Marfan
Erythema Chronicum Migrans Lyme Disease
Fatty Liver Alcoholism and relatively normal with age and obesity
Ferruginous Bodies asbestosis
Ghon Focus / Complex Tuberculosis (1? & 2?, respectively)
Gower Maneuver Duchenne MD use of arms to stand
Heberden Nodes Osteoarthritis (DIP)
Heinz Bodies G6PDH Deficiency
Hemorrhagic Urticaria Henoch-Schonlein
Heterophil Antibodies infectious mononucleosis (EBV)
Hirano Bodies Alzheimer
Hypersegmented PMNs Megaloblastic anemia
Hypochromic Microcytic RBCs iron-deficiency anemia
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction Syphilis over-aggressive treatment of an asymptomatic pt. that causes symptoms 2? to rapid
Joint Mice osteoarthritis (fractured osteophytes)
Kaussmaul Breathing acidosis
Keratin Pearls SCCA
Keyser-Fleischer Ring Wilson
Kimmelstiel-Wilson Nodules diabetic nephropathy
Koilocytes HPV
Koplik Spots measles
Lewy Bodies Parkinson (eosinophilic inclusions in damaged substantia nigra cells)
Lines of Zahn arterial thrombus
Lisch Nodules neurofibromatosis (von Recklinhausen disease)
Lumpy-Bumpy IF Glomeruli poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
McBurney Sign appendicitis (McBurney Point is 2/3 of the way from the umbilicus to anterior superior iliac
Michealis-Gutmann Bodies Malakoplakia
Monoclonal Antibody Spike multiple myeloma this is called the M protein (usually IgG or IgA)


Myxedema hypothyroidism
Negri Bodies rabies
Neuritic Plaques Alzheimer
Neurofibrillary Tangles Alzheimer
Non-pitting Edema Myxedema

Anthrax Toxin
Nutmeg Liver CHF
Painless Jaundice pancreatic CA (head)
Pannus rheumatoid arthritis
Pautrier Microabscesses mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)
Philadelphia Chromosome CML ALL

Pick Bodies Pick Disease

Pink Puffer Emphysema Centroacinar ? smoking Panacinar - a1-antitrypsin deficiency
Podagra gout (MP joint of hallux)
Port-Wine Stain Hemangioma
Posterior Anterior Drawer Sign tearing of the ACL
Psammoma Bodies Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid

Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of

the ovary Meningioma


Pseudohypertrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Punched-Out Bone Lesions multiple myeloma
Rash on Palms & Soles 2? Syphilis


Red Morning Urine paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

Reed-Sternberg Cells Hodgkin Disease
Reid Index Increased chronic bronchitis
Reinke Crystals Leydig cell tumor
Rouleaux Formation multiple myeloma RBC stacked as poker chips
S4 Heart Sound Pulmonary Stenosis

Pulmonary HTN

Schwartzman Reaction Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with bugs

Simian Crease Down
Smith Antigen SLE (also anti-dsDNA)
Soap Bubble on X-Ray giant cell tumor of bone
Spike & Dome Glomeruli membranous glomerulonephritis
String Sign on X-ray Crohn bowel wall thickening
Target Cells Thalassemia
Tendinous Xanthomas Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Thyroidization of Kidney chronic pyelonephritis
Tophi gout
Tram-Track Glomeruli membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

Virchow Node supraclavicular node enlargement by metastatic carcinoma of the stomach

Warthin-Finkeldey Giant Cells Measles
WBC Casts pyelonephritis
Wire Loop Glomeruli lupus nephropathy, type IV
- AFP in amniotic fluid or mother serum Spina Bifida

- Uric Acid Gout

Lesch Nyhan Myeloproliferative

Disorders Diuretics (Loop &



1? Tumor arising from bone in adults Multiple Myeloma

Adrenal Medullary Tumor ? Adults Pheochromocytoma
Adrenal Medullary Tumor ? Children Neuroblastoma
Bacterial Meningitis ? adults Neisseria meningitidis
Bacterial Meningitis ? elderly Strep pneumoniae
Bacterial Meningitis ? newborns E. coli
Bacterial Meningitis ? toddlers Hib
Bone Tumors Metasteses from Breast & Prostate
Brain Tumor ? Child Medulloblastoma (cerebellum)
Brain Tumor ?Adult Astrocytoma (including Glioblastoma Multiforme) then: mets,
meningioma, Schwannoma
Breast Carcinoma Invasive Duct Carcinoma
Breast Mass Fibrocystic Change (Carcinoma is the most common is post-
menopausal women)
Bug in Acute Endocarditis Staph aureus
Bug in debilitated, hospitalized Klebsiella
pneumonia pt
Bug in Epiglottitis Hib
Bug in GI Tract Bacteroides (2nd ? E. coli)
Bug in IV drug user bacteremia / Staph aureus
Bug in PID N. Gonnorrhoeae
Bug in Subacute Endocarditis Strep Viridans
Cardiac 1? Tumor ? Adults Myxoma "Ball Valve"
Cardiac 1? Tumor ? Child Rhabdomyoma
Cardiac Tumor ? Adults Metasteses
Cardiomyopathy Dilated (Congestive) Cardiomyopathy
Cause of 2? HTN Renal Disease
Cause of Addison Autoimmune (2nd ? infection)
Cause of Cong.Adrenal Hyperplasia 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (then, 11-)
Cause of Cushings Exogenous Steroid Therapy (then, 1? - ACTH, Adrenal Adenoma,
Ectopic ACTH)
Cause of death in Alzheimer pts Pneumonia
Cause of death in Diabetics MI
Cause of Death in SLE pts. Lupus Nephropathy Type IV (Diffuse Proliferative)
Cause of Dementia Alzheimer
Multi-Infarct Dementia
Cause of Dementia (2nd most common)
Cause of food poisoning Staph aureus
Cause of mental retardation Down
Fragile X
Cause of mental retardation (2nd most
Cause of preventable blindness Chlamydia
Cause of Pulmonary HTN COPD
Cause of SIADH Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
Chromosomal disorder Down
Congenital cardiac anomaly VSD (membranous > muscular)
Congenital early cyanosis Tetralogy of Fallot
Coronary Artery thrombosis LAD
Demyelinating Disease Multiple Sclerosis
Dietary Deficiency Iron
Disseminated opportunistic infection in CMV (Pneumocystis carinii is most common overall)
Esophageal cancer SCCA
Fatal genetic defect in Caucasians Cystic Fibrosis
Female Tumor Leimyoma
Form of Amyloidosis Immunologic (Bence Jones protein in multiple myeloma is also
called the Amyloid Light Chain)
Form of Tularemia Ulceroglandular
Gynecologic malignancy Endometrial Carcinoma
Heart Murmur Mitral Valve Prolapse
Heart Valve in bacterial endocarditis Mitral
Heart Valve in bacterial endocarditis in Tricuspid
IV drug users
Heart Valve involved in Rheumatic Mitral then Aortic
Hereditary Bleeding Disorder Von Willebrand Disease
Liver 1? Tumor Hepatoma
Liver Disease Alcoholic Liver Disease
Location of Adult brain tumors Above Tentorium
Location of Childhood brain tumors Below Tentorium
Lysosomal Storage Disease Gaucher
Motor Neuron Disease ALS
Neoplasm ? Child Leukemia
Medulloblastoma of brain (cerebellum)
Neoplasm ? Child (2nd most common)
Nephrotic Syndrome Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Opportunistic infection in AIDS PCP
Ovarian Malignancy Serous Cystadenoma
Ovarian Tumor Hamartoma
Pancreatic Tumor Adeno (usually in the head)
Patient with ALL / CLL / AML / CML ALL - Child / CLL - Adult over 60 / AML - Adult over 60 / CML - Adult
Patient with Goodpasture Young male
Patient with Reiter Male
Pituitary Tumor Prolactinoma (2nd ? Somatotropic "Acidophilic" Adenoma)
Primary Hyperparathyroidism Adenomas (followed by: hyperplasia, then carcinoma)
Pt. With Hodgkin Young Male (except Nodular Sclerosis type ? Female)
Pt. With Minimal Change Disease Young Child
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Hypocalcemia of Chronic Renal Failure
Sexually transmitted disease Chlamydia
Site of Diverticula Sigmoid Colon
Site of metastasis Regional Lymph Nodes
Site of metastasis (2nd most common)
Sites of atherosclerosis Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid
Skin Cancer Basal Cell Carcinoma
Stomach cancer Adeno
Testicular Tumor Seminoma
Thyroid Cancer Papillary Carcinoma
Tracheoesophageal Fistula Lower esophagus joins trachea / upper esophagus ? blind pouch
Tumor of Infancy Hemangioma
Type of Hodkin Mixed Cellularity (versus: lymphocytic predominance, lymphocytic
depletion, nodular sclerosis)
Type of Non-Hodgkin Follicular, small cleaved
Vasculitis (of medium & small arteries) Temporal Arteritis
Viral Encephalitis HSV
Worm infection in US Pinworm (2nd ? Ascaris)

Glucose-6-Phosphate RBC X-Linked Recessive. Glucose-6- Susceptibility to oxidative damage to RBC, leading to hemolytic
Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Disease Phosphate Dehydrogenase anemia. Can be elicited by drugs (primaquine, sulfonamides,
Deficiency (G6PD) deficiency ------> no aspirin), fava beans (favism). More prevalent in blacks.
hexose monophosphate shunt ----
--> deficiency in NADPH ------>
inability to maintain glutathione in
reduced form, in RBC

Glycolytic enzyme RBC Autosomal Recessive. Defect Hemolytic anemia results from any defect in the glycolysis
deficiencies Disease in hexokinase, glucose- pathway, as RBC depend on glycolysis for energy.
phosphate isomerase,
aldolase, triose-phosphate
isomerase, phosphate-
glycerate kinase, or enolase.
Any enzyme in glycolysis
Autosomal Recessive Renal Autosomal Recessive. Numerous, diffuse bilateral cysts formed in the collecting ducts.
Polycystic Kidney Associated with hepatic fibrosis.
Disease (ARPKD)

Bartter Syndrome Renal Juxtaglomerular Cell Elevated renin and aldosterone, hypokalemic alkalosis. No
Hyperplasia, leading to hypertension.
primary hyper-reninemia.

Fanconi Syndrome Renal Autosomal Recessive. (1) Cystine deposition throughout body, cystinuria.
Type I Deficient resorption in (2) Defective tubular resorption leads to amino- aciduria,
proximal tubules. polyuria, glycosuria, chronic acidosis; Hypophosphatemia
(Child-onset cystinosis) and Vitamin-D-resistant Rickets.

Fanconi Syndrome II Renal Autosomal Recessive. Similar to Fanconi Syndrome Type I, but without the cystinosis.
Defective resorption in Adult onset osteomalacia, amino-aciduria, polyuria,
(Adult-onset) proximal tubules. glycosuria.
Autosomal Dominant Renal Autosomal Dominant. Numerous, disparate, heterogenous renal cysts occurring
Polycystic Kidney bilaterally. Onset in adult life. Associated with liver cysts.
Disease (ADPKD) AD



BROWN-SEQUARD SYNDROME: Damage (injury) to half of spinal cord ------> symptoms:

Loss of pain and temperature sensation on contralateral side of body.
Loss of proprioception and discriminatory touch on ipsilateral side of body.


ADAMS-STOKES SYNDROME: old age.Heart block, slow or absent pulse, often accompanied by convulsions .
EISENMENGER SYNDROME: Ventricular-Septal Defect ------> Pulmonary hypertension and cyanosis.
LERICHE SYNDROME: Occlusion of distal aorta ------> Hip,
thigh, and calf fatigue.
BEHCET SYNDROME: Vasculitis ------> secondary symptoms: Oral and
genital ulcers
Optic atrophy
SICK SINUS SYNDROME: Chaotic atrial activity; continual changes in P-Waves. Bradycardia, alternating with recurrent ectopic beats and
runs of tachycardia.
SUPERIOR VENA CAVA SYNDROME: Caused by a tumor. Obstruction of SVC ------> Edema
Engorgement of the vessels of face, neck, and arms.
Nonproductive cough, dyspnea.
TAKAYASU SYNDROME: Arteritis of the Aortic Arch, resulting in no pulse. Seen in young women.
WOLF-PARKINSON WHITE SYNDROME: ECG pattern of Paroxysmal Tachycardia.
Short PR interval

AFFERENT LOOP SYNDROME: Gastrojejunal loop obstruction, proximal to a gastrojejunostomy.

Ingestion of food produces nausea, pain, and duodenal distension.
ASHERMAN SYNDROME: Adhesions within the endometrial cavity, causing amenorrhea and infertility.
Adhesions probably were caused by surgery.


CARCINOID SYNDROME: Carcinoid tumor producing Bradykinin + Serotonin ------> secondary symptoms:
Cyanotic flushing
CRONKHITE-CANADA SYNDROME: GI-Polyps with diffuse alopecia and nail dystrophy.
May see protein-losing enteropathy and malabsorption.
GARDNER SYNDROME: Multiple inherited tumors, hereditary dominant trait.
Skull osteomas, Fibromas, Epidermoid cysts
Colonic polyposis (APC gene) ------> predisposition to colonic adenocarcinoma.
LAMBERT-EATON SYNDROME: Progressive proximal muscle weakness secondary to a carcinoma.
MEIGS' SYNDROME: Fibroma of ovary with ascites and hydrothorax
PANCOAST SYNDROME: Tumor near pulmonary apex ------>
Neuritic pain of chest and arm
Muscle atrophy of the arm
Horner Syndrome (impaired cervical sympathetics)
PEUTZ-JEGHERS SYNDROME: Polyposis (hamartomas) of small intestine
ass. w/ melanin pigmentation of buccal mucosa and skin around mouth and lips

CEREBELLAR SYNDROME: Congenital Cerebellar Ataxia
CERVICAL SYNDROME: Supernumerary C7 rib ------> Pressure on brachial plexus ------> pain radiating over shoulder, arm, and
forearm over C7 distribution.
DANDY-WALKER SYNDROME: Obstruction of Foramina of Magendie and Luschka in infants ------> Hydrocephalus.
DIGEORGE SYNDROME: Congenital absence of 3rd and 4th Branchial Arches (Thymus and Parathyroid Glands) ------> secondary
No cell-mediated immunity ------> Frequent viral and fungal infections
Characteristic facial deformities
DOWN SYNDROME: Trisomy 21. Mental retardation, characteristic facial features, Simeon crease in hand.
FANCONI SYNDROME Type I: Bone-marrow hypoplasia ------> refractory anemia, pancytopenia.
EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME: Congenital defect in collagen.
Hyper-elasticity and friability of the skin.
Hyperextensibility of the joints.
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME: Fetal malformations, growth deficiencies, craniofacial anomalies, limb defects. GOODPASTURE
SYNDROME: Autoantibodies against
basement membranes ------> Glomerulonephritis (kidney) and hemoptysis (lungs).Often, death by renal failure
KLINEFELTER SYNDROME: Trisomy XXY ------> testicular atrophy, increase in gonadotropins in urine.
KLIPPEL-FEIL SYNDROME:Cervical vertebrate fused..Congenital short neck, limited neck rotation,low hairline..abnormalities
brainstem and cerebellum.
LESCH-NYHAN SYNDROME: Deficiency of HGPRT (Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phospho-ribosyltransferase ------> Hyperuricemia, uric
acid kidney stones
Mental retardation, autism, spastic cerebral palsy X-
Linked recessive
MARFAN SYNDROME: Connective Tissue disorder ------>
Arachnodactyly: Abnormally long digits and extremities
Subluxation of lens
Dissecting aortic aneurism
POST-RUBELLA SYNDROME: Infantile defects resulting from maternal Rubella infection during first trimester.
Microphthalmos, cataracts
Mental retardation
Patent ductus arteriosis, Pulmonary arterial stenosis
PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME: Short stature, mental retardation, polyphagia with marked obesity, sexual infantilism.
RENDU-OSLER-WEBER SYNDROME: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME: Unexplained death in sleeping infants.
Webbed neck
Valgus of elbow.
WILSON SYNDROME: Congenital defect in Ceruloplasmin, leading to buildup of copper ------> mental retardation, cirrhosis, hepatolenticular


AMENNORRHEA-GALACTORRHEA SYNDROME: Non-physiologic lactation, resulting from endocrinologic causes or from a pituitary
CONN SYNDROME: Primary Hyperaldosteronism ------> muscular weakness, hypertension, hypokalemia, alkalosis.
CUSHING SYNDROME: Hypersecretion of cortisol ------> secondary symptoms and characteristics:
Fatness of face and trunk with wasting of extremities
Buffalo hump
Bone decalacification
Corticoid diabetes
PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME: Abnormal sensation in breasts, abdominal pain, thirst, headache, pelvic congestion, nervous
Ocassionally nausea and vomiting.
SHEEHAN SYNDROME: Post-partum pituitary necrosis ------> hypopituitarism.
STEIN-LEVENTHAL SYNDROME: Polycystic ovary ------> infertility, amenorrhea, hirsutism. Seen in obese women.
TESTICULAR FEMINIZATION SYNDROME: Insensitivity to Testosterone. Male Psuedohermaphroditism
Complete female external genatalia, incompletely
developed vagina, rudimentary uterus.

KARTAGENER SYNDROME: Situs Inversus (lateral transposition of lungs) resulting from chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis.
HAMMAN-RICH SYNDROME: Interstitial fibrosis of the lung.
MIDDLE-LOBE SYNDROME: Chronic pneumonitis and atalectasis of middle lobe of right lung.
CHURG-STRAUSS SYNDROME: Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis: Asthma, fever, eosinophilia.


FITZ-HUGH-CURTIS SYNDROME: Gonococcal Periphepatitis in woman, as a complication of Gonorrhea.

GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME: Infectious Polyneuritis of unknown cause.

HUNT SYNDROME: Herpe Zoster infection of Facial Nerve (CN VII) and Geniculate Ganglion ------> facial palsy.
Zoster of ear
PARINAUD SYNDROME: Preauricular lymph node enlargement on the same side as conjunctivitis. REYE
SYNDROME: Loss of consciousness and s
eizures in kids, after a viral infection treated by aspirin. REITER SYNDROME: Symptom cluster. Etiology is
thought to be Chlamydial or post-chlamydial.
Iridocyclitis (Conjunctivitis)
Skin lesions like karatoderma blenorrhagicum
Also can see fatty liver or liver necrosis.
SCALDED SKIN SYNDROME: S. Aureus toxic epidermal necrolysis.
STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME: Erythema Multiforme complication.
Large areas of skin slough, including mouth and anogenital membranes.
Mucous membranes: stomatitis, urethritis, conjunctivitis.
Headache, fever, malaise.
TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME: Caused by superabsorbent tampons. Infection with Staph Aureus and subsequent toxicity of exotoxin TSST ------
> systemic anaphylaxis.
Fever, vomiting, diarrhea
Red rash followed by desquamation
WATERHOUSE-FRIEDRICHSON SYNDROME: Meningeococcal Meningitis ------> DIC, hemorrhagic infarct of adrenal glands ------> fulminant
adrenal failure.
Vomiting, diarrhea. Shock
Extensive purpura, cyanosis, circulatory collapse.


KEMMELSTIEL-WILSON SYNDROME: Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis.

BARTTER SYNDROME: Juxtaglomerular Cell Hyperplasia ------> secondary symptoms:
Hyperaldosteronism, Hypokalemic Alkalosis, elevated renin and angiotensin
No hypertension.
Compare to Conn Syndrome
FANCONI SYNDROME Type II: Renal aminoaciduria, glycosuria, hypophosphaturia, cysteine deposition, rickets.
THORN SYNDROME: Salt-losing nephritis.


CARPAL-TUNNEL SYNDROME: Compression of Median Nerve through the Carpal Tunnel ------> pain and parasthesia over
distribution of Median N.
FROIN SYNDROME: Block in CSF flow ------> xanthochromia (yellow discoloration) of CSF.
ACUTE-BRAIN SYNDROME: Delirium, confusion, disorientation, developing suddenly in a person that was previously psychologically
GERSTMANN SYNDROME: Lesion between occipital area and angular gyrus ------> symptoms: Finger
agnosia, Agraphia, acalculia
Right-left disorientation
HORNER SYNDROME: Loss or lesion of cervical sympathetic ganglion ------>
Ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis
Enophthalmos (caved in eyes)
KORSAKOFF SYNDROME: Loss of short-term memory in chronic alcoholism, caused by degeneration of mamillary bodies.
RILEY-DAY SYNDROME: Familial dysautonomia.


MALLORY-WEISS SYNDROME: Laceration of lower end of esophagus from vomiting ------> hematemesis. Often seen in alcoholics.
SYNDROME: Impaired absorption of dietary substance ------> diarrhea, weakness, weight loss, or symptoms from specific deficiencies.
BARRETT SYNDROME: Chronic peptic ulcer of the lower esophagus, resulting in metaplasia of esophageal columnar epithelium ------
squamous epithelium.

ZOLLINGER-ELLISON SYNDROME: Gastrin-secreting tumor in pancreas ------> Severe peptic ulcers, gastric hyperacidity.
PLUMMER-VINSON SYNDROME: Esophageal Webs, leading to dysphagis and atrophy of papillae of tongue.
Also see hypochromic anemia, splenomegaly.


BANTI SYNDROME: Chronic Congestive Splenomegaly with anemia, caused by either Portal Hypertension or Splenic Vein Thrombosis.
ACUTE: Hepatic Vein Thrombosis ------> Massive ascites and dramatic death.
CHRONIC: Gradual hepatomegaly, portal hypertension, nausea, vomiting, edema, ulimately death.
DUBIN-JOHNSON SYNDROME: Defect in excretion of conjugated bilirubin ------> recurrent mild jaundice. Buildup of direct builirubin in blood.
CHIDIAK-HIGASHI SYNDROME: Abnormalities in leukocytes with large inclusions.


Liver cirrhosis
Caput Medussae
Venous hum and thrill
FELTY SYNDROME: Rheumatoid Arthritis with splenomegaly, leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia.
LOFFLER SYNDROME: Eosinophilia with transient infiltrates in lungs.
PARINAUD SYNDROME: Preauricular lymph node enlargement on the same side as conjunctivitis.


YELLOW-NAIL SYNDROME: Stop growth of nails ------> increased convexity, thickening, and yellowing of nails.
Found in Lymphedema, bronchitis, chronic bronchiectasis.
COSTOCHONDRAL SYNDROME: Pain in chest with tenderness over one or more costochondral junctions.
Similar to Tietze Syndrome but no specific inflammation.
TIETZE SYNDROME: Costochondritis. Swelling and tenderness of the costal cartilege.
MIKULICZ SYNDROME: Salivary and lacrimal enlargement as seen in several diseases:
MUNCHAUSEN SYNDROME: Malingering -- fabrication of a clinically convincing disease by an itinerant malingerer.
PICKWICKIAN SYNDROME: Symptom cluster Obesity
RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME: Need to stretch legs at night before going to sleep; twitch in legs causing insomnia.
STRAIGHT BACK SYNDROME: Loss of normal kyphosis of thoracic spine ------>
Straight spine
Ejection murmur
Widened cardiac silouhette on x-ray
SJ?REN SYNDROME: Autoimmune complex
Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca (dry eyes and mouth)
Dryness of Mucous membranes
Telangiectasias in face
Parotid enlargement

Adam – Stokes syndrome – Heart block with slow or absent pulse often accompanied by convulsions – Hint – Stoke is not related to
stroke but heart

Alport Syndrome – Heriditary nephritis characterized by Glomerulonephritis, ESRD and hearing loss – genetic disease – Hint – Remember Alport

Ashermans Syndrome – Endometrial adhesions leading to amenorrhea and infertility- Hint – Ashes in Uterus

Bantis Syndrome – Chronic congestive splenomegaly with anemia, probably due to Portal Hypertension or splenic vein thrombosis – Hint –
Remember Banomegaly

Barret Syndrome – Chronic Peptic ulcer of oesohagus resulting in metaplasia of oesophageal squamous and columnar epithelium – Hint –
Barrets Oesophagus

Brown Sequard Syndrome – Loss of pain and temperature sensation on one side and loss of proprioception and discriminatory touch on
ipsilateral side – Hint – Brown Touched Sequard

Barlow Syndrome – Mital valve prolapse with either late systolic murmor or systolic click or both – Hint – Bishop Barlow – Mitral valve is
also called Bishop valve because of its shap

Bud Chiari Syndrome – Hepatic vein thrombosis, Massive ascites and dramatic death – Hint – Liver Budd

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – Compression of Median nerve through carpal tunnel, pain and paresthesia over distribution of median nerve –
Hint –

Feel your Carpal – You will get median nerve

Conns Syndrome– Primary Hyperaldosteronism, muscular weakness, hypertension, hypokalemia and alkalosis – Hint – Conn
—– Corn—–Right adrenal gland is somewhat corn shaped —-got aldosterone
Cushings Syndrome – Hypersecretion of cortisol – moon face, wasting of limbs, buffallo hump, bone decalcification, corticoid diabetes,
Hypertension –

Hint – Cushi—–Qushi With Cortisol—-Hypersecretion of cortisol

Cervical Syndrome – Supernumary pressure on C7 rib causes widsperead pain over C7 distribution – Hint – No. of cervical vertebrae = 7….

got it C7

Dandie Walker Syndrome – Obstruction of Foramen of Luschka and Foramen of Magendie in infant – Hint – Foramen of Magendie——–
Foramen of Dandie…..

Down Syndrome – Trisomy 21 ie having a third copy of Chromosome 21 – features – mental retardation, Simeon creases, low set and
round ear, stunted growth

Edward Syndrome – Microcephaly , low set ears, vsd/pda/asd, overlapping of 3rd 4th and 5th finger of feet Hint – King Edward had

Eisenmenger Syndrome – VSD, Pulmonary hypertension and cayanosis

Ehlers – Danlos Syndrome – congenital defect of collagen. Hyper elasticity and friability of skin. Hyperextensability of joints – Hint – That
name itself shows some distortion in shape…..isn’t it?

Fanconis syndrome – Bone marrow hypoplasia refractory anemia and pancytopenia…..Hint – Remember Fanconis anemia

Gullain Barre Syndrome – Progressive nerve degeneration causing progressive loss of muscle function

Fisher Syndrome – Variant (OCCULAR) of GBS with opthalmoplegia, areflexia and ataxia – Hint – Remember Fish Eyes

Floppy valve syndrome – Mitral valve incompetence due to myxomatous degeneration of leaflets – Hint – Remember Bishop Floppy – Bishop
valve is mitral valve

Gardners syndrome – Multiple inherited tumours – skull osteomas, fibromas, epidermoid cysts, colonic polyposis etc….Hint….Remember
Tumour Garden —Slight change to Gardner

Goodpasteurs Syndrome – Autoantibodies are produced against basement membrane—-Hint —-Rembember a Basement Chappel——
Chappels always have Pasteurs

Goldenhar syndrome – Congenital birth defect usually affecting one side of the face. Also called occuloauricular dysplasia…..Hint —–
Remember Golden Facial —-done on face na….

Horner Syndrome – Impaired cervical sympathetics…Hint….Horns associated with vertebrae…..So Cervical horns are impaired

Hun Syndrome – Infection of Facial nerve (7) and geniculate ganglion, facial palsy and zoster of ear….Hint….Remember Ha Ha Ha
involves facial nerve na…..

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Functional bowel disorder characterised by abdominal discomfort, bloating, alteration of bowel habits in
absence of any detectable organic cause

Kartagners Syndrome – Situs Inversus – Lateral transposition of lungs caused by chronic sinusitis and brochiectiasis
…..Hint……Remember Kartagners Lungi…..Lung displacement

Korsakkoffs Syndrome – Loss of short term memory due to alcoholism (degeneration of mamilliary bodies)

Kilnefelters Syndrome – Due to additional x material in males. Also called 47XXY. Causes testicular atrophy and increased

gonadotropins in urine…..Hint…..Kill the x…..

Loefflers Syndrome – Eosinophilia with transient infiltrates in lungs…..Hint…..Loeffler…..Laughophilia……

Malabsorption Syndrome – Imapaired absorption of dietry substances, diarhoea, weakness, weight loss or symptoms of specific

deficiencies…..Hint….As the name implies Malabsorption itself

Marfan Syndrome – Connective tissue disorder ie Arachnodactylli – abnormally long digits and extremities, subluxation of lens

, dissecting aortic aneurysm……Hint…..Marfan……Baffoon…..Baffoons usually have extra long extremities, digits etc…na

Mallory Weiss Syndrome – Laceration of oesophagus due to excessive vomiting or haemetemesis. Seen in Alcoholics……

Hint……AL inside Mallory gives hint to alcoholism

Metabolic Syndrome – Obesity, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Dyslipidemia

Ochoa Syndrome – Hydronephrosis, Abnormal facial expressions, bladder and urinary tract problems…..Hint……the term ochoa itself
gives some unusual expression while pronouncing

Pancoast Syndrome – Tumour at the apex of Lung with pleuritic chest pain and muscular atrophy of right arm……..Hint….Remember Pancoast

Puppet Syndrome – or Angelman Syndrome – due to deletion of a part of chromosome 15 – MR, walking on toes, drooling of saliva,
continous laughting, seem to flop while walking……Hint…… most characteristics are like puppet only….

Reitters Syndrome – Cluster of symptoms – urethritis, iridocyclitis, arthritis, skin leisions, fatty liver

Restless Legs Syndrome – or Wittmaack-Ekbom syndrome, is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move one
body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations

Reyes Syndrome – Loss of consciusness and seizures in kids, after viral infection is treated with Aspirin

Scalded Skin Syndrome – Aureus toxic epidermal necrolysis

Sheehans Syndrome – Post partum pitituary necrosis leading to hypopitituarism……….Hint……Read it as She Has Syndrome.

SVC Syndrome – Obstuction of SVC by tumour causing engorgument of vessels of neck, face and arms. Nonproductive cough
dyspnea……Hint……If SVC is obstructed all the suppliers to SVC will bulge and hence the syndrome

Steven Johnson Syndrome – Serious allergic or hypersensitivity reaction. Symptoms include blistering and erosion of
skin…….Hint…..Steven…..Sticky Skin

Sjögren Syndrome – Autoimmune complex Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca (dry eyes and mouth) Dryness of Mucous membranes Telangiectasias in
face Parotid enlargement….Hint………Look at that ‘ö’ …. implies facial distortion

Serotonin syndrome – potentially life-threatening drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use, inadvertent interactions between
drugs, overdose of particular drugs, or the recreational use of certain drugs.

Sick Sinus Syndrome – Chaotic atrial activity, continuing changes in p wave, bradycardia, alternating with recurrent ectopic beats and run
of tachycardia

Thorn Syndrome – or Salt losing Nephritis occurs as a result of renal tubular damage of many aetologies, along with hyponatraemia,
azotaemia, acidosis, thirst and vascular malfunctioning. Salt-losing nephritis……..Hint……Assume a thorn causing damage to renal tubules

Turners Syndrome – 45X ie absence of one entire sex chromosome – only in girls – Dwarfism,Webbed neck,Valgus of elbow,Amenorrhea
….Read it as Turn Her Syndrome……then you got HER with 45X

Toxic Shock Syndrome – Caused by superabsorbent tampons. Infection with Staph Aureus and subsequent toxicity of exotoxin
TSST,systemic anaphylaxis. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea Red rash followed by desquamation…..Hint…..Toxic Tampons

Takayasu Syndrome – also known as “aortic arch syndrome”, “nonspecific aortoarteritis” and the “pulseless disease” is a form of large
vessel granulomatous vasculitis with massive intimal fibrosis and vascular narrowing, affecting often young or middle-aged women of Asian
descent…….Hint…….TAKA……Take away pulse..

Ulysses Syndrome – Ill effects from follow up diagnosing tests following a false positive screening test…..Hint…..Read Ulys as Ugly
Diagnosing test.

Wilson Syndrome – Congenital defect in Ceruloplasmin, leading to buildup of copper, mental retardation, cirrhosis, hepatolenticular
degeneration ….Hint…..Like Copper Nickus we have a Copper Wilson

Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome – ECG pattern of Paroxysmal Tachycardia. Short PR interval Delta wave = early QRS
complex…..Hint….Delta wave comes like a wolf and wolf hunts in night na…..

Yellow-Nail Syndrome – Stop growth of nails,increased convexity, thickening, and yellowing of nails. Found in Lymphedema, bronchitis, chronic

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome –-secreting tumor in pancreas, Severe peptic ulcers, gastric hyperacidy.

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