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San Cristóbal, Junio del 2019

The environmental impact is defined as modification of the environment caused by
the action of man or nature. In civil engineering, every human action entails an impact on
the environment and all works of infrastructure and human action. Unfortunately civil
engineering infers a lot in the destruction of the environment over the years.
In another case the design, planning, construction and maintenance are
responsible for the correct application of environmental standards and the minimization
of the negative environmental impact of each of the works or works carried out through
buildings, for example a built drainage with elements of poor quality will soon deteriorate
and contaminate its surroundings, a drain that does not have a wastewater treatment
plant, is not suitable as it deteriorates its function depending on the site.

In this purpose, the civil engineer, parallel to his commitment to create the
necessary infrastructure for human activity, has a responsibility to the environment,
evaluating, preventing, minimizing and / or mitigating the environmental impacts that his
works produce. The consumption of resources for human activity in cities generates a
large amount of waste that nature can not digest. Thus, the management of solid waste
involves engineering actions for its control, use and final disposal.

The management of Urban Solid Waste is the set of operations that are carried out
with them since they are generated in homes and services until the last phase of their
treatment and disposal. These operations are oriented to consider waste not as waste but
as materials with a useful life according to their characteristics, volume, origin,
possibilities of recovery and use. A post-consumption approach to the management of the
RSU, implies that from a given amount and composition, the set of procedures and
engineering actions for its control, use and disposal is determined.

A more comprehensive view is the so-called pre-consumption that includes the

phases of production and marketing of consumer goods as they are essential to determine
the quantity and composition of waste and therefore are determinants in the following
stages of management properly said. The various definitions of sustainable development
are summarized in the non-compromise of the biophysical substrate that makes it
possible, so that future generations will be able to share a stock of capital (ecological,
economic, human) equal to or greater than what has been available the current
The relationship between technology, engineering, the environment and the
concept of sustainability is indisputable. While it is accepted that technology and
engineering have caused imbalances in the environment, it must be equally acceptable
that they, with an adequate consideration of the social political factor, be able to correct
them in order to recover and guarantee acceptable levels of welfare in the future,
eliminating the risk of falling into an irreparable environmental crisis and this will depend
in large part on what is done in the present and the next generation.

Cities with limited incomes require, in addition to infrastructure, adequate services

that, due to the attention to other emergencies, present an unacceptable backlog,
although they are related not only to environmental issues but also to health. Although
issues such as the cost of living and safety are the main demands of the population are not
less important as a whole the aspects related to the quality of the environment, the
quality and coverage of infrastructure, the quality of air and water and the cleaning of

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