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Informed Consent Form

A. Personal Information

Age : ____

Gender: ________

Number of years as student worker: _________

B. Commitment for participation (please check inside the box)

Yes, I am willing and committed to provide my experienced and perception about the study
ʺ Fortune Favors the Bold ʺ.

No, I am not willing and committed to provide my experienced and perception about the study
ʺ Fortune Favors the Bold ʺ.

Informed Consent Form

A. Personal Information

Age : ______

Gender: ________

Number of years as student worker: _________

B. Commitment for participation (please check inside the box)

Yes, I am willing and committed to provide my experienced and perception about the study
ʺ Fortune Favors the Bold ʺ

No, I am not willing and committed to provide my experienced and perception about the study
ʺ Fortune Favors the Bold ʺ
One- on-One Interview Guide Question

For Research Question Number 1: What are the lived experience of the student workers?

a. What are the different experience as working student that you may share to us?

b . How do you find ways to communicate your family despite of working while studying alone?

c. How do you solve your problem?

For Research Question Number 2: How did they face the different challenges/struggles while
studying and working at the same time?

a. What are things you do to encourage your self to be strong and don’t give up on everything?

b. Why did you grab the opportunity?

c. How did you bold alone?

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