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Science and

Technology Quiz
 2 rounds clockwise
 2 rounds anti clockwise
 All rounds follow infinite bounce
 Round 1 and 2 have 12 questions.
 Round 3 has 6 questions.
 Round 4 has 8 questions.
Round 1
Question 1
 A person X, rushed into the Eagle Pub on an
uneventful day in February 1953 and remarked,
“We have discovered the secret of life”. What
was X referring to and Identify him.
Question 2

Identify these creatures and

how are they related to
the field of technology.
Question 3
 In 1946, 20 people met in a burned-out store in
Tokyo to form a company – the Tokyo
Telecommunication Engineering Corporation.
One of its founders, Masaru Ibuka, wanted to
create a product that would be useful to the
general public. What is the company known as
Question 4

 Identify the product.

Question 5
 Which famous item in South Indian hotel menus
often gets abbreviated on the computerized bill
to spell a famous operating system?
Question 6
 The Field’s medal for outstanding achievement
in mathematics carries a portrait of which
scientist along with his famous proof concerning
the volume of the sphere and the cylinder?
Question 7
 The 2004 edition of
Guinness Records lists
this bird as the most
dangerous one.
 ID it.
Question 8
 What did Willard Libby, an American Physical
Chemist develop in 1949 that revolutionized
Question 9
 This tree’s biological
name is Araucaria
araucana. The most
common name for this
tree originated from a
remark made by an
observer, “It would
puzzle a _____ to climb
 What is the tree’s
common name?
Question 10
 When it launched the artificial satellite Alouette
1 on September 29, 1962, which country became
the first non-superpower to enter the space race?
Question 11
 What is calculated using the following formula:

 100 * ( Mental age/ Chronological age)

Question 12
 Though it is most abundant metallic element in
the Earth’s Crust, which element, which is rare
in its free form once prompted Napoleon to
give a banquet where the most honored guests
were given utensils made of this element.
 Identify the element.
Round 2
Question 1
 Luciferins are a class of biological pigments
found in organisms which make them capable of
Question 2
 When early astronomers discovered it in 1600’s, and
when Donati Creti painted it shortly afterward in the
Vatican’s picture gallery, there was not much to explain
– it was just a curious blemish. But astronomers
eventually got a better look, and the last 80 years have
produced a succession of theories. Among them in
rough historical order, have been these: The Lava Flow
theory, The New Moon theory, The Egg theory, and
the Column-of-gas theory.
 What am I talking about?
Question 3
 These comprise 20% of all mammal species
(about 1100 species). Most are insectivores, and
most of the remainder feed on fruits. Their
order is Chiroptera, which is Greek for , “Hand
 ID these creatures.
Question 4
 In the mid-19th century, British Paleontologist,
Richard Owen coined a word. This word was a
combination of 2 Greek words. One meant
‘terrible’ and the other ‘lizard’.
 What is the good word?
Question 5
 The French researcher Charles Nicolle was
awarded 1928 medicine Nobel for figuring out
that lice were the vectors responsible for the
spreading of this killer disease. This disease was
responsible for more deaths in World War I
than the actual fighting.
 ID this disease.
Question 6
 Ficus elastica, a member of the same family as
the Banyan and the Peepal, was the original
source. It was supplanted by the species Hevea
 What am I talking about?
Question 7
 What did Edwin Land invent because of his
daughter’s wish for instant and ‘snappy’ results?
Question 8
 This is a famous country
western singer, _____
Parton. Her name
became famous in the
field of science in the
year 1996. Why and what
is her famous first name?
Question 9

 Identify this famous experiment.

Question 10

 Who is the author of this

Question 11
 This is a NASA
unmanned spacecraft
designed to fly by
Pluto and its moons
(including Charon) and
transmit images and
data back to Earth.
 Identify it.
Question 12
 This is a theory of geology which was developed
to explain the observed evidence for large scale
motions within the Earth's crust. The theory
encompassed and superseded the older theory of
continental drift from the first half of the 20th
century and the concept of sea floor spreading
developed during the 1960s. This derives its
name from Greek for, ‘Builder’.
 Identify this theory.
Round 3
Question 1
Question 2
π(x) − π(x / 2) ≥ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... for all x ≥ 2, 11, 17, 29, 41, ...
Question 3
Question 4

Question 5
Question 6


Round 4
Question 1
 Originally named “BackRub” which started off
as a research project at Stanford University, X is
perhaps the best of the lot today. What is X?
Question 2
 While small test programs existed since the
development of programmable computers, the tradition
of using the phrase X as a test message was influenced
by an example program in the seminal book The C
Programming Language. What is the phrase X better
known as?
Question 3
 "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide
Web" eventually became what?
Question 4
 Deep Thought, Deep Fritz, Deep Blue, Deep
Junior are all computers to do what?
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
 Various trees are claimed to be "the" __X__ tree which
__Y__ describes. The King's School, Grantham, claims
that the tree was purchased by the school, uprooted and
transported to the headmaster's garden some years
later. The staff of the [now] National Trust-owned
Woolsthorpe Manor dispute this, and claim that a tree
present in their gardens is the one described by __Y__.
A descendant of the original tree can be seen growing
outside the main gate of Trinity College, Cambridge,
below the room __Y__ lived in when he studied there.
The National Fruit Collection at Brogdale can supply
grafts from their tree, which appears identical to Flower
of Kent, a coarse-fleshed cooking variety.
Question 8

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