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Time To Do

06.00 Wake the hell up, get your ass on something

06.15 Sholat

06.30 Make a coffe and sarapan

07.15 Get ready for college

07.30 Go to your fuckin classes

08.00 College things

12.00 Lunch and sholat

12.30 College things again

15.00 Go home, sholat, and get sleep

17.00 Wake up and take a bath

18.00 Sholat and late dinner and play on your phone

19.00 Sholat and maybe open to your notes up to see is

that interest or something
21.00 Rest, phone up

21.30 Do plan
22.00 Study pre test or do some laprak ?

23.00 Fuck your ass on sleep asshole!

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