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OPTHALMOLOGY : End Posting Exam – 5TH JANUARY 2018

Year 4 Batch 4

MCQ (True or false)

3. The following is/are true statement regarding extraocular eye movements :

A. Action of medial rectus muscle is for abduction
B. Patient with orbital cellulitis can have limited extraocular eye movements
C. Diplopia in downward gaze is one of the signs for blow out fracture
D. Patient with lateral rectus palsy can present with exotropia
E. Bilateral 6th nerve palsy can be sign of raised intracranial pressure

7. Complications of ECCE :
A. Cystoid macula edema
B. Wound breakdown
C. Post op increased IOP
D. High astigmatism
E. Hyphema

8. Regarding glaucoma:
A. PACG is more common in male than in female
B. Gonoidoscopy is the examination to look for angle structure
C. Laser iridioplasty is a procedure to reduce IOP in POAG
D. Neovascular glaucoma can be a late complication of central retina vein occlusion

9. Management of diabetic retinopathy (DRN)

A. Focal laser indicated in all patient with proliferative DRN
B. Intravitreal injection of anti VEGF may help reduce macula edema
C. All gestational DM patient need to refer to ophtalmologist for screening DRN
D. Patient with no DRN should have repeat fundus examination every 6 months
E. All patient DM type II should have fundus examination at diagnosis
10. Regarding tears :
A. Tears are important for optic clarity
B. Dry eyes is a predisposing factor for corneal ulcer
C. Dry eyes can be associated with connective tissue disease
D. Schirmer’s test is usually done to confirm dry eyes
E. Patient with blocked nasolacrimal duct usually present with dry eyes

11. True statement regarding optic disc swelling (ODS)

A. Raised ICP usually cause unilateral ODS
B. Patient with malignant hypertension can have bilateral ODS
C. ODS is a sign of primary open angle glaucoma
D. ODS can be caused by retrobulbar optic neuritis
E. HIV patient can present with bilateral ODS.


1. A 50 y.o female postop for cataract. Vision improved to 6/9. Few weeks later, she
developed pain & injected conjunctiva, 1/60 vision, hypopyon at anterior chamber.

I) Possible diagnosis?
II ) 2 common surgery techniques for cataract.
III) 2 complications of cataract surgery.

I) Label the structures. (12 structures)

II) What are the causes of chronic watering of eye in 2 y.o children?


I) Diagnosis?
II) Exotropia + inability to adduct, what is the cause?
III) 3 other causes of ptosis?


I) Abnormality
II) Possible diagnosis
III) 3 examination/investigations to confirm

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