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WASTAGE Analysis
SCRAP Shereded Bundled
SCRAP Remaning Total shereded Remaning Total bundles
DATE lifted to SCRAP used lifted to shereded used lifted

Oct-16 F'ec area on F'ec area scrap F'ec area on F'ec area shereded to F'ec area
1 0 0 0 21,944 0 21,944 97,256
2 46,877 1,214 45,663 12,551 0 12,551 62,886
3 82,912 2,000 80,912 0 0 0 51,288
4 89,653 5,000 84,653 0 0 0 42,587
5 108,794 7,300 101,494 0 0 0 18,016
6 66,580 1,000 65,580 26,423 0 26,423 28,649
7 68,311 6,000 62,311 0 0 0 44,479
8 75,993 0 75,993 0 0 0 41,697
9 46,256 4,000 42,256 0 0 0 25,273
10 81,215 0 81,215 0 0 0 44,055
11 80,072 2,000 78,072 0 0 0 49,069
12 87,908 2,900 85,008 0 0 0 41,800
13 81,697 2,000 79,697 0 0 0 48,365
14 77,359 0 77,359 0 0 0 55,027
15 81,510 0 81,510 0 0 0 40,500
16 46,695 0 46,695 0 0 0 7,795
17 91,315 0 91,315 0 0 0 26,485
18 88,564 0 88,564 0 0 0 31,536
19 63,276 0 63,276 0 0 0 6,424
20 26,363 1,532 24,831 0 0 0 32,969
21 61,003 3,011 57,992 0 0 0 59,568
22 113,652 3,498 110,154 0 0 0 10,246
23 61,347 3,000 58,347 15,650 0 15,650 25,282
24 73,355 7,600 65,755 19,093 0 19,093 30,795
25 59,635 5,000 54,635 29,990 0 29,990 49,451
26 55,924 5,000 50,924 66,097 0 66,097 16,308
27 51,062 7,600 43,462 79,332 3,000 76,332 8,431
28 62,462 2,000 60,462 78,367 0 78,367 0
29 45,481 1,000 44,481 63,068 0 63,068 28,796
30 22,967 6,000 16,967 14,237 2,000 12,237 26,218
31 89,255 1,000 88,255 37,338 0 37,338 5,000
TOTAL 1,998,238 78,655 1,919,583 426,752 5,000 421,752 1,051,251
R ,2016

Remaning Total
on F'ec area bundles CHARGE PRODUCTION WEIGHT %
11,000 86,256 108,200 102,000 6,200 5.73%
4,000 58,886 117,100 110,550 6,550 5.59%
4,000 47,288 128,200 121,240 6,960 5.43%
800 41,787 126,440 119,700 6,740 5.33%
0 18,016 119,510 112,870 6,640 5.56%
0 28,649 120,652 114,250 6,402 5.31%
0 44,479 106,790 100,500 6,290 5.89%
0 41,697 117,690 111,290 6,400 5.44%
0 25,273 67,529 63,800 3,729 5.52%
0 44,055 125,270 118,390 6,880 5.49%
0 49,069 127,141 119,990 7,151 5.62%
0 41,800 126,808 120,100 6,708 5.29%
3,000 45,365 125,062 118,000 7,062 5.65%
0 55,027 132,386 125,150 7,236 5.47%
0 40,500 122,010 115,190 6,820 5.59%
0 7,795 54,490 51,600 2,890 5.30%
0 26,485 117,800 111,310 6,490 5.51%
0 31,536 120,100 113,120 6,980 5.81%
0 6,424 69,700 65,900 3,800 5.45%
2,000 30,969 55,800 52,700 3,100 5.56%
0 59,568 117,560 111,260 6,300 5.36%
0 10,246 120,400 113,960 6,440 5.35%
0 25,282 99,279 93,690 5,589 5.63%
4,000 26,795 111,643 105,540 6,103 5.47%
0 49,451 134,076 126,500 7,576 5.65%
0 16,308 133,329 125,850 7,479 5.61%
0 8,431 128,225 120,900 7,325 5.71%
0 0 138,829 133,000 5,829 4.20%
0 28,796 136,345 128,890 7,455 5.47%
5,412 20806 50,010 47,200 2,810 5.62%
0 5000 130,593 123,230 7,363 5.64%
34,212 1,017,039 3,488,967 3,297,670 191,297 5.48%
Engineer Danish Raza

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