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Answer the following questions:

1. Before I studied and interacted with philosophy, I define philosophy as a study of things.
I often heard philosophy in our Araling Panlipunan class and all I can picture about
philosophy is the study of things or how it started. Before I thought it was like the
theories. To be honest, I was confused about philosophy. I often heard about them but
didn’t have an idea about it.
1. Now that I have studied about philosophy, I define philosophy as how we
love our wisdom and how we accept our failures in life and make it a
lesson to make our lives much better. As for me, I’ve committed so many
mistakes in my life. Some left a scar in me. But you know? Those
mistakes left a scar that reminds me that no one is perfect. That it is
normal to make mistakes as long as you learned from them. There’s no
such thing as losing, it’s either you win, or you learn.
2. Comparing my definitions of philosophy before and after studying them,
there are differences. Before, I define philosophy as a study of things. But
now that I have studied about philosophy, I define philosophy as how we
love our wisdom.
2. Socrates was telling us that we should carefully analyze our actions. If we didn’t
carefully analyze our actions, we might end up hurting others. We might end up
being clueless about everything. We cannot learn from our previous experiences
if we didn’t analyze our actions.
1. For me, the word unexamined mean not investigated or examined. It
means, we didn’t pay attention in the happenings in our daily life.
2. The examination of life is the evaluation of events past and present. By
examining our lives, we learn from our mistakes. Although a person who
does not examine his life should still continue in existence, examining his
actions will make his life much more fulfilling. Without the thorough
examination of life, it is almost worthless.
3. I was curious about how the philosophers came out of the idea that the universe was
composed of fire, water or air? Where humanity really came from? Is it just like how the
bible stated that human was molded by God out of clay, or are humanity came from
apes and undergo evolution?

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