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An immense number of students nowadays tend to be engaged with online and

offline messaging. Teenagers at this era are more likely to be tech-savvy and exposed to
gadgets so they are the one’s whose vulnerable enough for it’s possible effects. One of
the major contribution of technology is communication. The aphorism of “one click
away’ became in trend as well because everything comes of quickly in a single snap of
fingers. One of the features every phone has is the messaging wherein sending messages
would be no sweat because by merely typing the message and couple of taps, the message
would be delivered as easy as that. In line with this, is the very popular facebook and
messenger that deals with the online messaging. According to statistics, a total of 1.1
billion people facebook messenger and as the time goes by, 2.9 billion are using it now.
The evolution of chat, personal messages and group chats are commonly used nowadays
and the fact that internet connection and free data services that is offered by different
cellular phone networks are generally used now.

According to Titanji (2017), the most important device of the media is the mobile
phones. It became the one of the most necessary things for every teenagers and even
adults. Truly, the rising number of people especially the teenagers having a smart phone
also strengthened the fact of the widespread usage of it. It is seldom to meet someone
who doesn’t have a cellular phone or hasn’t touched any. Computers and internet
connection also played a very great role in the field of online communication. Different
social media sites whose main objective is to socialize even in a distance did take part as
well. So sending a message online and offline is way too easy to do and quite convenient.

A study showed by Bleasdale (2016) that teenagers nowadays provide 2232 texts a
month and 203 calls which directly showed how sending messages became part of their
daily basis. It determines how extensive the number of people who are sending messages
and how often they do it.

Despite the advantages it gives to everyone, possible effects of it are present as well.
Too much usage of it can lead to some factors that may affect the literacy of an individual
specifically the teenagers.
According to Pradhan (2016), text messaging affected teenager’s literacy and
language that has a positive and negative effect. Some teenagers tend to write the same
way they do in text messages, even if it is formal. The teenagers cannot control if they
message for a long period of time. Psychology says that it takes 66 days to make a person
form a habit so an individual who consecutively sends messages and uses the shortcuts
and the likes, are more likely to adopt these new language. According to Goh (2016), the
writing style is stored in their brain permanently and they commit mistakes without their
knowledge. So basically, using the new language unintentionally for a long period of
time and make it a habit would somehow complicate things.

In the article “Short Messages: It’s Effect on Teenager’s Literacy and

Communication” written by Pradhan (2016), teenagers get lazy and use shortcut to the
words rather than use complete words which gets stocked in their minds that it’ll become
their habit and later on affect their literacy skills. But at the same time, text messages
benefits people because they can save their time, money and energy.

According to Alhosani (2016), text messaging have been popularized most especially
in youths. They usually used it anytime as they are free. It is also said that text messaging
may help to communicate easily by affecting people's verbal communication and
grammar. According to the article “Text Messaging Affect Teen Literacy”, text
messaging affects the mind and also affects the learning patterns. Students are being
interested in shortcuts due to which spelling errors are increasing with limited vocabulary

This study aims to know if there are effects being distributed when students commit
texting or using online application in order to communicate to their literacy or no effect at
all. This determines if there is a positive or negative effect to the literacy of students. This
explored the different experiences of students who tend to send messages online and
offline through their answer on the survey.

This aims to contribute to the enlargement of knowledge regarding online and offline
messaging and help other researchers searching the same topic. Researchers of this study
will share whatever answer they will get so that students who commit messaging through
online and offline will be aware of whatever effect they will get.
According to Campbell, many of those text messages that re often sent contain
textisms is starting to become more accepted. Media sources and educators has their
extincts that texting may have a negative effect in the literacy skills of students. Probably,
the major problem here is when the students need to write formally, they use textisms
unintentionally. He also stated that with more long term studies on same group of
individuals, it may be possible for researchers to determine if the use of textisms does
indeed have negative effects on literacy.

According to Goh (2017), time passes by and teenagers have been using cellular
phones and other gadgets day by day. Teenagers prefer texting on their cellular devices
over talking in personal. As long as teenagers used text messages, they are tend to be
careless about the basic spelling and grammars and unintentionally misspell some words
to appear “cool”. But this is not a good sign because this can cause a great harm to their
literacy skills because some teenagers tend to write the same way they text messages,
even if it is formal. The teenagers cannot control if they text message for a long period of
time. According to Goh, the writing style is stored in their brain permanently and they
commit mistakes without their knowledge.

According to Titanji (2017), the most important device of the media is the mobile
phones. As long as many students continue to use cellular phones, it is pertinent to
inquire their effect on the communication landscape. In the agreement with Titanji, he
stated that he set out to examine the implication of SMS text messaging in the language
skill of students at the University of Buea. Having examined the various schools of
thought and seen some of the ways in which students use short terms and impact they
have on their normal writings,it can be concluded that SMS text messaging has come to
stay. As every innovation, it has its good and bad sides and the user has to be able to
distinguish when it is appropriate to use short form and standard forms and even when to
use it on society.

According to Pradhan (2016), in today’s modern world, cellphones has become the
one of the necessary thing for every teenager and adult. Text messaging affects teenager’s
literacy and language that has positive and negative effect. Teenager get lazy and use
shortcut to the words rather than use complete words which gets stocked in their minds
that it’ll become their habit and later on affects their literacy skills. But at the same time,
text messages benefits people because they can save their time, money and energy.

According to Mansueto’s (2016) article, the character limitations of text messages

have caused students to form their own style of writing and terminologies. This style has
caused them to carry it over formal academic writing projects. Students writing are little
no depth, terrible grammar and are abbreviating almost every word they write, Texting
has negatively affects the way students write.

According to Bleasdale (2015), teenagers nowadays provides 2232 texts a month and
203 calls and create more texts coming from one person and only list number provide 0
message and teenagers is in the first spot of sending message each time probably a friend
or family. In the article ‘How is Text Messaging Affecting Teen Literacy?”, they have
shown positive effect of text messaging it might affect teens grammar and spelling. A
research is found that it can also help improve language skills and emotional relief. And
also, someone they interview said, “I believe students can write one way to the friends
and another way in class. They can keep two separate”.

In the article, ”Grammatical Understanding, Literacy a d Text Messaging in School

and Undergraduate Students: A concurrent analysis.” (Wood, 2014), it is stated that
texting slang in message does not give a negative effect in children and young person. It
can actually benefit the child’s spelling, but not the grammatical forms. In this study, they
just found that children text messaging has nothing to do with their spelling but it affect
their spoken, written grammatical understanding, orthographic processing and
conventional spelling ability.

According to Rajpaul (2015) in the article, “Pros of Texting: How does ‘Textism’
Affect Teen Literacy?”, many of the elderly agree that texting really affects teenagers
literacy in their socialization, grammatical understanding. Based on their survey which
they provide incorrect sentence then respondents need to rewrote it ended grammatically
correct and as of socialization teenagers have their own way in Academic Performance
and they also have Personal Work which like talking to their friends.
According to Brann (2012), most of the people nowadays used text messaging as
their past time and stated in the article “Using Texting to Promote Learning and
Literacy” that it can also help people to have foundational reading skills like recognition
and phonological awareness. Text messaging can help you recognition and phonological
awareness. Text messaging can also help you to differentiate formal and informal
language which very needed as a student.

Based on the article of Pondiscio (2014), “Step at a Time: The Effects of an Early
Literacy Text Messaging Program for Parents of Preschoolers.”, text messaging
wouldn't affect literacy of an teenager if parents may provide learning through their
children before a child engage to the messaging life, first though them what is right. Give
them some words with rhythm. In this article it just showed that we can remove
negativity when try to learn and avoid thing which is not good.

According to Scott (2016), text Messaging have negative effect students literacy in a
way of proper Capitalization the more the person texting the more they does not care for
words they typing same as punctuation, and it may also affect abbreviating the less more
they type the more it hard for them to communicate formally.

According to Loeb (2015), “Parenting Tips for Literacy Development: The Positive
Effects of a Text-Messaging Program for Preschool Parents.”, parents have plenty roles
over a children education and in order to sustain the children focus on the right way of
literacy they must put action of giving them of activities rather than any gadgets. They
willing to let them used mobile phone for text messaging but they need treatment that
phone should not always on the focus.

Based on the study in the article of Verhenijen (2013).“The Effects of Text

Messaging and Instant Messaging on Literacy.”, studies found a positive correlation
between texting and/or instant messaging and literacy a negative correlation may be
different correlations for reading, writing and spelling All this suggests that there is a
need for further research
Based on the article of Baggott (2006) “Literacy and Text Messaging”, many
teenagers adopted a new language in texting or communicating in other people. Teenager
also learned to shortcut messages.

According to Alhosani (2016), text messaging have been popularized most especially
in youths. They usually used it anytime as they are free. It is also said that text messaging
may help to communicate easily, by affecting people's verbal communication and
grammar. According to the article “Text Massaging Affect Teen Literacy”, text
messaging affects the mind and also affects the learning patterns. Students are being
interested in shortcuts due to which spelling errors are increasing with limited vocabulary

Based on the article of Taylor (2015),”How Texting Can Actually Improve Your
Writing Skills”, texting is widely used around the world. Even if they don't have smart
phone, a low cost phone can provide text messaging world wide. In this article to avoid
the hindrance of literacy they create programs to stop the negativity of Text Messaging.
First is the Ready4K which " Each weeks three texts build on a single concept, such as
helping kids recognize letters, then making letter recognition into a game. Following a
successful pilot program at 31 preschools in the San Francisco Unified School District

Based on the study conducted by McCausland (2014), they gathered an investigation

in 30 respondents they make them read English SMS messages with or without shortcuts
(like orthographic, phonological and abbreviation). And as the result "The results support
the view that sentences with texting shortcuts are harder to read than standard sentences
in English." which conclude that it is easily to read such a complete word rather than
those shortcuts and text messaging wasn't really affect literacy.

According to the article Zebroff (2017), "Youth texting: Help or hindrance to

literacy?” many of the researcher's have been performed about the effect of text
messaging on literacy and it was investigated in many ways." A comprehensive, semi-
systematic review of the literature into texting and literacy was conducted, with a
particular focus on quantitative empirical studies which they ended with no discovered
positive and negative effect.

This study is actually a Descriptive study and involves the use of survey questionnaires
that will be distributed to respondents specifically the students of HUMSS and GAS. In
order to get the sample, researchers used Slovin’s Formula. Results from survey
questionnaires were tallied and researchers formed graphs that served as a visual

This study aims to know if there are effects being distributed when students
commit texting or using online application in order to communicate to their literacy or no
effect at all. The sampling that has been used in the study is stratified sampling wherein
the respondents is categorized or grouped already.

A total of 316 of respondents who send messages online and offline is the subject
of the study. The researchers conducted the survey in La Consolacion University
Philippines Main Campus City of Malolos, Bulacan. The researcher’s used Quantitative
Research Approach which is the researcher organized the data with the help of statistics
and the numbers will yield unbiased result that can be generalized to some larger
population. The respondents which are the HUMMS and General Academics Strand
students are chosen as they are more likely exposed to interaction and socializing to other
people. The researchers come up to this notion as they taught that sending messages
online and offline has something to do with how they do with other people.

In order to gather sufficient and reliable information the researchers used the
Slovin’s formula to know the sample size that the researchers would be utilizing the
formula is n= N/1+N(𝑎)2, wherein α is the margin of error. The researchers used 95 %
level of confidence having α=0.05. This is the result when it is being used as the
sampling formula.
Wherein: n=sample size N=316 α=0.05

n= N/1+N(𝑎)2

n= 316/1+316(0.05)2

n= 316/1+316(0.0025)

n= 316/1+0.79

n= 316/1.79





1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 12

Figure 1. “Hours spend in Online and Offline Messaging of Students”

The researchers get how long their respondents spent hours in sending online and
offline messaging. By this the researchers would know if there would be an effect in how
long would they send messages to the student’s literacy. According to our data students
usually consumed 4 to 6 hours to online and offline messaging.

Question 1


12 15

Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 2. “I used messages through text (messages/chat).”
Based on the results, most of the students commit sending messages in order to
communicate through text or chat. 102 saying they always do it. 48 students say they
often do. 15 respondents answered Sometimes. 12 students said Seldom and No
respondent answered Never.

Question 2


26 26

Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 3. “I intentionally shortcut my words when writing something formal such as

school works and letters.”

Most of the respondents said that they often experience unintentionally writing
shortcut terms such as words when writing formal writings and letters at school;
garnering 58 answers often. On the other hand, 47 said that they sometimes experience it.
With a total answer of 26, students said that they experience it seldom and 26 students
said that they never experienced it. Lastly, 20 students answered always.
Question 3
54 47




Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 4. “I use abbreviations when chatting and texting”.

The largest number of answer said that students are always using abbrebriations
when chatting or texting with a total of 47. 54 students answered sometimes, 36 said they
experience it often, 28 people said they never experience it and 12 respondents answered

Question 4


28 28

Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 5. “When doing formal writings, I tend to misspell the words that I usually
use when sending messages.”
59 is the number of students who answered often on the statement "when doing formal
writings, I tend to misspelled words that I usually use when sending messages. 36
students answered always, 28 answered sometimes, 28 said they experience it seldom and
26 people said they never experience it.
Question 5


Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 6. “I intentionally use punctuation mark a lot or uncertainly.”

60 students claimed they always experience involuntary use punctuation mark a

lot or uncertainly. 44 said they sometimes experience that scenario, 31 answered often on
the survey form, 23 respondents claimed they experience it seldom and 19 said they
never encounter that situation.

Question 6


Never Seldome Sometimes Often Always

Figure 7. “I used my grammar incorrectly.”

Most of the students claimed that sometimes they commit using the grammar
incorrectly. 41 said they never, 48 claimed sometimes, 37 students answered seldom,
often gathered 28 answers and always garnered 23 claims.
Question 7
40 40 37



Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 8. “I use capitalization incorrectly.”

40 people answered they never experience using capitalization incorrectly and 40

also claimed they seldom experience it. 37 answered sometimes on the survey sheet, 33
claimed they often experience it and 27 believes they always experience it.

Question 8




Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 9. “I improved my reading prowess through chat and text messages.”
64 respondents claimed they always tend to improve grammar and reading
through chat and text. 48 said they often experience it, 40 answered sometimes, seldom
gathered 16 answers and 9 claimed never.

Question 9




Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 10. “I boost my vocabulary through chat and text messages.”

61 students agrees that they often boost their vocabulary through texting and
chatting. Always gathered 49 answers. Sometimes garnered 33 people. 19 claimed
seldom and 15 believes that they never experience it.

Question 10



Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always

Figure 11. “ I develop my writing and reading skills through chat and text

The most answers said they always develop their writing and reading skills
through chatting and texting garnering 64 answers. Sometimes gathered 33 answers. 44
said that they often experience it. 15 believes they never experience it and 21 claimed

After garnering and interpreting the data, the study which intent to distinguish
how sending messages online and offline found out the following concept. Based from
the results, the findings of the study include the following:

 The widespread usage of cellular phones for communicating through text

and chat became a routine in everyday lives of everyone and as well as
the rise of continuous advancement of technology which includes
 Sending messages online and offline is the new way of communicating
with other people specifically the students or the respondents of the study.
 Based on results, a large number of respondents claimed they spent 4 to 6
hours for texting or chatting.
 In terms of reading and vocabulary, texting and chatting has a positive
impact that it improves reading and vocabulary.
 People who tend committing the usage of shortcuts and abbreviations are
actually the people who are misspelling words when making formal
writings and letters.
 The more time allotted to texting and chatting, the more chances to
engagement and adaptation of things that the respondents do while texting
like the usage of shortcuts.
 In terms of spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuations, the usage
of cellular phones for texting and chatting has a negative effect like
misspelling words in formal writings, wrong grammar, punctuations and
capitalization when typing words.
 Affirmatively, the researchers came up with the results they needed and
contented with the results they get. The questions that have been inquired
before the study have been answered and the researchers were satisfied by
the outcome that they get.

After completing the study, the researchers recommended the following:

 To all the possible readers of this study, it is advised to lessen the hours of
spending time sending messages online and offline. Although it is proven that
there is a positive effect on reading and vocabulary, it is recommended to limit the
time on consuming sending message because of radiation from phones and the
negative effect to grammar, punctuations, spelling and capitalization is present as
 Never use shortcuts or abbreviations while typing words. Always keep in mind
that formal writings are way different to the informal one.
 Be mindful of the aspects of literacy that is affected by sending messages online
and offline for its possible outcome as the extensive usage will be present as the
time goes by.
 For the next researcher of this study, may the possible outcome of the study be
successful and prosperous as well.

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